By Ad astra
First, let’s examine the meaning of the suffix: ‘ism’. Wikipedia says it means “taking side with” or “imitation of”, and is often used in association with philosophies, theories, religions, social and artistic movements, and behaviours.
So let’s use that suffix with Trump: Trumpism, although he hardly deserves the use of a suffix so commonly attached to movements of significance.
We have often asserted that Donald Trump is mad. We still do, even more emphatically since the US elections. Those of you who are Trump fans who feel that this is impertinent, will not be pleased with what follows. You may wish to stop reading now. Alternatively, you may care to review your attitude after re-examining his behaviour during and following the recent US Election.
His continuing insistence that he won the election despite the incontrovertible evidence that he lost it, evidence accepted by observers around the world, should cause you to revise your opinion. His refusal to concede is based on fantasy, not facts. The only facts he accepts are his own, those he creates to suit his purpose… Nothing will change that because he suffers from advanced narcissistic personality disorder.
Eventually he will be removed from the White House. At the time of writing, Trump is still holed up there, still claiming he won, and refusing to hand on important documents of state to his successor.
Some believe he will be removed with great difficulty and that he will attempt, figuratively, to wreck the place on the way out.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020
It is expected that his behaviour will continue, without power, so we may now be subject to what has attracted the label: ‘Trumpism’. So what is it? What do you think of this?
First, take a look at this extract from The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5, 2013) which indicates that a person with narcissistic personality disorder possesses at least five of the following nine criteria, typically without possessing the commensurate personal qualities or accomplishments for which they demand respect and status:
- Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g. exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognised as superior without commensurate achievements)
- Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
- Believes that they are “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
- Requires excessive admiration
- Has a sense of entitlement (i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favourable treatment or automatic compliance with their expectations)
- Is interpersonally exploitative (i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve their own ends)
- Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognise or identify with the feelings and needs of others
- Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of them
- Shows arrogant, haughty behaviours or attitudes.
So in brief, Trumpism could be described as including the following:
- A grandiose sense of self-importance
- A belief of being special, unique, brilliant and successful
- A profound sense of rightness
- A fantasy that preferred ‘facts’ are true
- A need for excessive admiration
- A sense of entitlement
- Exploitative behaviour
- Lack of empathy
- Envy of others
- Arrogant, haughty behaviours and attitudes.
What do you think?
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What do I think?
Donald Trump has been assessed by a psychologist who probably knows him better than most – his own niece!
And I concur, based on his actions and public rantings.
He is a very fragile narcissistic, paranoid, sociopathic psychopath.
A very dangerous combination.
DrakeN, in my stepdaughter’s final year of medicine Donald Trump was the case study in her psychiatric class. The lecturer, I am thinking, couldn’t have picked a better person.
Trumpery, n & a. 1. worthless finery; rubbish; nonsense. 2. a. showy but worthless; shallow. Concise Oxford Dictionary.
IMHO any one or all of the above descriptors are accurate.
I think Trump needs to be jailed.
For the safety and security of US citizens and the world in general.
Putting aside his mental disorder let’s consider the more practical problems Trump presents post eviction?
Trump is vastly in debt.
No bank in America is going to loan him money as they know they will not get it back and post COVID money lending is going to be in great demand from more reliable customers.
Trump has worked assiduously at maintaining friendships with those world leader peers who appear very wealthy and very much in control of their respective countries.
Trump now knows most of America’s deep political and security secrets.
Are you getting the picture?
Worst case scenario, and given his looseness with state secrets displayed by his meeting with Sergei Lavrov and Sergey Kislyak (Russian Foreign Minister and Russian US Ambassador) whom he met with in private without any Whitehouse staffers, he is not fully aware of the dangers of sharing confidential matters with US adversaries, and his thorough vindictiveness when he finds that he is the loser, Trump could well choose to share what he knows with friendly foreign powers, that’s friendly to him personally, for a loan to pay off his debts or enough cash to sneak away somewhere. (I wish)
The only safe place, for the entire USA and most of the western world, for Donald Trump is in jail.
Preferably in the same cell as was his mate Jeffrey Epstein.
That’s what I think. Rob him of oxygen. Make him pay for his failures. In time as he has no money.
How dare you pick on The Donald because you believe he has –
A grandiose sense of self-importance
A belief of being special, unique, brilliant and successful
A profound sense of rightness
A fantasy that preferred ‘facts’ are true
A need for excessive admiration
A sense of entitlement
Exploitative behaviour
Lack of empathy
Envy of others
Arrogant, haughty behaviours and attitudes.
Just because he has a pathological fear of being labelled a “loser” does not mean he has good qualities like –
A grandiose sense of self-importance
A belief of being special, unique, brilliant and successful
A profound sense of rightness
A fantasy that preferred ‘facts’ are true
A need for excessive admiration
A sense of entitlement
Exploitative behaviour
Lack of empathy
Envy of others
Arrogant, haughty behaviours and attitudes.
Some believe he will be removed with great difficulty and that he will attempt, figuratively, to wreck the place on the way out.
what do I think?
you should replace figuratively with literally for starters.
He has sown discord and division throughout his tenure as POTUS – the T and the U are extraneous to his actual acronym.
He is threatening the very fabric of democracy with his continued denial of the fact that he lost.
His continued insistence that he has been defrauded of his presidency is undermining the legitimacy of the election.
He is now actively encouraging civil disobedience and fomenting riotous behaviour.
It is a sad fact that the republican party are not even attempting to bridle him, never mind condemn his behaviour.
and all of the above
pierre wilkinson
I hope you’re wrong, although nothing is beyond Donald Trump, except decent behaviour of course!
“Just because he has a pathological fear of being labelled a “loser” does not mean he has good qualities like –”
Darn, I just realised that I could have worded that sentence better.
Just because he has a pathological fear of being labelled a “loser” does not mean that his good qualities should be ignored –
A grandiose sense of self-importance
A belief of being special, unique, brilliant and successful
A profound sense of rightness
A fantasy that preferred ‘facts’ are true
A need for excessive admiration
A sense of entitlement
Exploitative behaviour
Lack of empathy
Envy of others
Arrogant, haughty behaviours and attitudes.
Yes America is far from safe – that’s why there is a felt need to be well armed and have reverence for the Second Amendment. Or is this a bit like the chicken or egg argument about which came first?
Definitive evidence that each individual constructs their own reality. And that construction has consequences.
Of course Trump is right about the election being rigged. 75 million ungrateful Americans illegally voted for Biden instead of the greatest president the USA has had in all it’s history. Abe Lincoln was just a pussy compared to the Donald.
And what about American leadership? The USA is far and away the best at Covid, just look at the numbers.
Did any of the useless doctors come up with the idea of drinking and injecting bleach? No! It took the great stable genius to come up with idea.
I really hope that this donkey ends up jailed sooner, rather than later.
The myth of American democracy has finally been exposed for what it is, government by the billionaires, the, shonks, the sleaze, the conmen. The 70m who voted for continuation of the past 4 years of dirty deals, criminal behavior, immorality, is all the proof one needs to assess the state of affairs in the good ole USA. These 70m voters who are prepared to come out on the streets with assault rifles and signs proclaiming their livelong allegiance to a criminal, beggars ridicule and contempt. As Barak Obama said in his interview aired on Ch 10 last night, democracy cannot thrive when half the people believe in an alternate set of facts. And that’s where the crazy conspiracy theorists and the rat bag right wing media have proved that you can indeed fool all the people all the time. Thanks Rupert !!!
I will always, from now on, think of the GOP as the Grand Ole National Socialist party of America.
“President Trump claimed at a recent news conference that the new successful vaccine was a result of the White House’s Operation Warp Speed. He added that Pfizer’s prior statement countering the claim was “an unfortunate misrepresentation.” The facts are that Germany funded the Pfizer research and USA has paid for a large priority supply ie. Germany funded the Pfizer vaccine not US.”
Looks like trump doesn’t want fauci to advise his 7th president but his version of Henry 11’s ‘who will rid me of this troublesome doctor’ had bannon heading for his axe is bizarre?
Perhaps Trump is hoping Biden supporting protesters can be provoked into violence so a state of emergency can be declared to put down the Democrat “insurrection”?
I don’t know that Trump is causal – more like symptomatic of NewsCorp (and others) lowering the bar for media “informing” through it’s hyper-partisanship and deliberate encouragement (and lucrative employment) of partisan conspiracy theorists; Fox News just worked better at exacerbating division and tapping into popular, unthinking resentments in the service of partisan politics than even Rupert could have imagined. Trump just got in on the act earlier than politicians with lingering notions of service to the nation rather than no holds barred self interest.
I think his niece summed him up best when she said, “ This is far beyond garden – variety narcissism. Donald is not simply weak, his ego is a fragile thing that must be bolstered every moment because he knows deep down that he is nothing of what he claims to be.”
Karen, I saw that clip on Twitter.
Gobsmacking that people deny it is life-threatening because their president said that like flu it will go away.
PS: I still don’t believe that Trump had COVID-19.
Karen Kyle, Michael Taylor…… Remember Jim Jones and the Kool Aid ? 900 people suspended their commonsense and logic, even as they saw their friends and family being poisoned right before their eyes. There is something about cults and the power that cult leaders have on their ‘family’ that makes this possible.
Almost like the people who vote for the coalition even though the coalition treats them like dirt.
I remember that, Henry. I also remember that they gunned down a US senator a day or two before.
I saw a CNN clip last night. The reporter was interviewing Trump supporters at a pro-Trump rally and was surprised at how hateful many of them now are towards Fox News, purely because they prematurely called Arizona to Biden. They too are “the enemy of the people.”
One not-so-bright young chap was asked where he now gets his news from. “Alex Jones,” came the reply.
The USA is in serious trouble.
It’s like the dumping on Fox, he adores any network that grovels at his feet until he perceives that they have turned on him and hurting his ego. The Odorous and Nasty Network not only grovels at his feet but kneel down and part their cheeks so he switches his “loyalty” to them and attacks Fox for being mean to “The Golden Goose.”
His sanity is teetering on the edge of his monster ego and it won’t take much more to for him to go over the edge into derangement.
So much here about the tRump phenomenon. Let’s not forget that Australia has put itself in the hands of one showing many traits similar to tRumps.
Also like tRump, he is in the grip of both the lunatic extreme right and a bunch of power seeking religious extremists.