No, he didn’t really say that. Although he did declare that he would have won the next election. Not could have or might have. Would have!
But it’s been that sort of day. I also read of Joe Hockey taking on the role of US Ambassador. Say what you like about Joe (I mean it, after the 2014 Budget, I don’t care what anyone says about Joe), but here’s a man who sticks to what he says. He told us all about the need to “have a go” and the great virtues of free enterprise and the end to the age of entitlement, and now he’s having a go at being US Ambassador. The United States is, of course, the world leader when it comes to free enterprise so nobody could suggest that there’s any inconsistency in taking on a public service role there!
But I suspect that Tony and Joe suffer from a condition known as “Coalition Abuttiris” – a condition which enables the sufferer to hold seemingly contradictory positions simultaneously. You know the sort of thing: We need to make cutbacks, but there’s no way I’m flying economy when there’s a perfectly good VIP jet just waiting around. Or the Budget emergency that has no revenue problem and may even allow us to offer tax cuts. This condition is found in all sides of politics, but it’s most frequently discovered in Liberal or National politicians. In layman’s terms, it’s called having your head so far up your arse you have no idea what’s going on.
So Tony asserts that he would have won the next election and he won’t “shy away” from defending his government’s record when it’s deliberately falsified by his enemies. He’s even prepared to defend it from the Labor Party. He’s told us all that he led one of the most successful parties in the history of Canberra and even though a table did break, he’s offered to pay for it.
Another person suffering from this condition, is the renowned Lord Monckton who holds more qualifications than you can imagine, but not as many as he can imagine, and is a hall of famer in both the FIGJAM and Baron Munchausen categories.
Monckton’s latest effort is to suggest that Tony Abbott was brought down by the UN because of his views on climate change, because in their attempt to establish a “totalitarian government” they couldn’t possibly tolerate one dissenting leader. How this plays with Tony’s idea that he could have won the next election I can’t imagine, but I’d love someone to put this to both Monckton and Abbott.
Monckton also suggested that police were investigating climate scientists and the meteorologists for falsifying data before adding:
“This is a quiet process. It’s not something which we do very much to publicise, because you can damage the chance of a prosecution if you play this for some kind of public relations stunt.”
Now it seems strange that one would reveal that this was happening at the same time as telling people that you won’t say much about it because you don’t want to publicise it. That’s about as credible as a national magazine when it advertises that Petunia’s “secret” is revealed on page five. Not much a secret any more, I would have thought.
Yep, watch out for ““Coalition Abuttiris” – it may be contagious! Certainly, many of Murdoch’s minions seemed to have picked it up!