The AIM Network

Tony Abbott And The Dangers Of Allowing Two People To Marry…

Image from Twitter (@actualfredsmith)

I guess most of you heard about Tony Abbott’s performance on the Ray Hardly Show. You know, the one where he talked about the dangers of two people marrying…

Yes, yes, I know, his parents got married and had him. Ha ha, very funny. That’s just typical of you lefties. Attack the man when you don’t have any arguments to counter what he’s saying.

For those of you who don’t listen to Sydney radio or following Tony on Twitter, Mr Abbott tweeted the following:


“A bill that legalises marriage between “any two persons” raises issues beyond marriage.. .E.g. would it be possible to exclude gender fluidity discussions from schools if gender fluidity is contemplated by the Marriage Act?”


He was also concerned that it could help the agenda those pushing for Safe Schools, and if there’s one thing that Tony opposes, it’s safe schools. After all, if it was good enough for schools not to be safe when he went to one, then why should we start pandering to a few inner-city types who don’t understand the beauty of a lump of coal.

Anyway, Mr Abbott is, of course, totally correct. This proposed survey that the Liberals are holding because they promised a plebiscite and to have a vote without a plebiscite would be breaking a promise – but it’s ok to do it without a plebiscite if you have a survey run by the ABS because that’s almost the same thing – will have implications beyond marriage. Or rather it will if the survey results – after tweaking and manipulating the results to ensure that those who don’t vote will also get a say because we can assume that anyone who didn’t vote would think exactly the same way that someone in the same demographic group would vote – show a “yes” then the government proposes to allow Parliament to consider the matter and, if Parliament votes in the affirmative for some legislation to do with marriage which we’re yet to see, then this will have some implications way beyond marriage.

For a start, it will enable schools to start talking about things like gender fluidity and as Tony keeps reminding us, it takes a man to run the country and not just any man, but a strong man. If people start to consider gender as fluid, then we could allow a female PM with the expectation that she’ll turn into a man once she gets the job. But more importantly, it will just confuse kids and they’ll all want sex change operations because everybody knows that the opposite sex always has it better.

Then schools might start doing things like advocating tolerance of difference and before you know where you are Australia will be full of people who aren’t like everybody else. You will note, that like Andrew Bolt, I’m prevented by political correctness from saying “foreigners”. Of course, I’m not against people like that but I just like to say that we only want people who accept Australian values in this country… although you can seek asylum in Federal Parliament if you have dual citizenship by declaring allegiance to the Coalition.

But it’s not just for schools that this has implications. Think of the implications for jobs. Archbishop Hart was quick to point out that if anyone employed by the Catholic Church were to marry their same-sex partner, then they’d be sacked. At a time when we’re trying to encourage jobs and growth, that’s not exactly the sort of thing that helps the government.

And the government needs all the help it can get, what with wages growing at the pace they said would be good for jobs. What they didn’t take into account was that the workers were also sometimes also consumers and when wages weren’t growing people don’t spend which doesn’t encourage employers to put on more people. Of course, the Liberals can’t be blamed for this because they didn’t realise that a person could consider themselves a worker one moment, and a consumer the next. This is even harder for the current government to come to terms with than gender fluidity. As far as the Liberals are concerned, everybody should stay exactly as they are forever. A worker should always be a worker and never go home. As for Bill Shorten, well, remember how cross Malcolm got with him. Bill wasn’t content to stay in his place, he was a “social climber” and a “sycophant”. He was meant to stay in his place. Although I’m not sure how Bill starting class warfare fits with this…

Anyway, as Tony reminded us the other week: If you don’t support same-sex marriage, vote No. If you’re against political correctness, vote No. If you’re against marriage generally vote No. If you don’t like Malcolm Turnbull, vote No. If you want a job, vote No. If you think climate change is a myth, vote No. In fact, whatever you’re stand on anything, vote No.

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