Trying to find a consistent pattern to the Liberals has been difficult over the years, but I’d have to say that Dutton has raised it to a whole new level.
Let’s take their position on the repeal of 18C. Georgie Brandis asserted that people had a right to be bigots and the general position of the Coalition was that if anyone got offended by anything then that was the price of free speech in a robust democracy and we should all stop being snowflakes and just accept that people could say whatever and, as long as you weren’t saying that Andrew Bolt or Sam Newman was racist then you were allowed to say whatever you liked.
Ok, they didn’t get around to repealing 18C but the position has pretty much remained the same. Political correctness has gone mad and we’ve got to stop all these woke people from policing everything we do and say…
However when some protesters started chanting some anti-semitic things and generally being offensive, Peter Dutton suggested that they should have their visas cancelled and be deported.
Don’t get me wrong here: I’m part of those politically correct woke folk who think that people are responsible for what they say. I just find it strange that a person can go from dismissing that to deportation rather than education and/or fines for offensive racist behaviour.
Still consistency has never been Dutton’s strong point. We’re very tough on borders unless it involves au pairs or Liberal Party donors who may have had a colourful past where nothing was ever proven.
When it comes to the Voice, Dutton was against inserting race into the Constitution. Although he also said that he would have backed inserting race into the Constitution if it had just involved recognition and not the Voice. So it’s ok to have race there so long as it’s only an acknowledgment that First Nations people existed here before us, but it’s not ok if it says that we have to listen to what they say… unless they’re Jacinta or Warren in which case we should listen to everything they say.
Of course, we were told that this was Albanese’s Voice and that it was his referendum and that it was a Canberra Voice and whole lot of other things that were wrong with it. We were told that it would be a terrible thing because it was causing division and that it was all Albo that was causing that division and that he wasn’t giving us the detail and that if only he’d done this or that then Dutton and friends could have supported it because they’re not racists no matter how many apologies they walk out on or how many times they tell us that the solution to closing the gap is to send in the army.
So if – as looks likely – it’s defeated, then I’m sure we’ll hear from Mr Dutton that it was because of Labor and that Albanese should step down because…
Because the Voice was defeated?
But wasn’t the Voice a bad thing?
And if it’s Albanese’s fault then shouldn’t all those people who voted against it be giving him three cheers?
Or was Dutton’s stance against the Voice just a cheap attempt to gain a win against Labor by taking the low hanging fruit of ensuring that a Constitutional Referendum is defeated?
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My thoughts exactly!
Dutton has one aim – to be the next PM.
It doesn’t matter to him how he gets there, what he says or how inconsistent or incoherent his utterings are.
I’d put money on him blaming Albanese if/when the Voice fails today.
How do you keep doing it Rossleigh ? — great stuff.
I seem to remember that R v Mungo Jack (1820?) Tas held that Aboriginals were British citizens. Then later declarations confirmed that position.
So, it appears that the Aboriginal Sovereign Movement supported by coconuts Price & Mundine may have to discuss their complaints with the former British Colonial Office that administered the distribution of native lands to foreign colonists during the 18th &19th century, rather than the Australian government that is only responsible for those decisions after 1901.
Does anybody have the National Times 081023 article detailing the about $7.1 MILLION paid by the COALition to Mundine for Aboriginal training services?
A Dutton, a variation of a brown sty dropping, is simply not good enough for public life, whether as a police officer, (he left that) or as a representaive making decisions based on knowledge and experience, and for other people, which is a great responsibility. He is totally unfit. A large number of well trained, qualified, experienced, senior people support conservative parties, and they are betrayed by a no-one who knows nothing, does little, cannot comprehend, acts in uncivilised abrupt stupidity and has the charm of a well used nappy.
Both Labor and Liberal, in my opinion, have committed political suicide. Labor’s AUKUS deal will send many Labor voters to the Greens, Teals and Independents. Simarly the Liberals will suffer the same fate as Labor as conservative voters will turn away from the Liberals for backing the NO vote.
The most egregious example of elder abuse was the Liberal Party wheeling out John Howard who called on us all to maintain the rage : sadly he thought this was about marriage equality.
In this country we may deny first nations people a voice, and we call this democracy.
In Israel they deny the first nations people the right to live, and continue with the process of extermination.
If you suggest thats because its apartheid, you are socially outcasted and forced to sit by quietly whilst blue and white lights tell you what to think.
This is 2023, and my country really has not found its feet yet.
First Nations people have no way, to speak. The Eleven odd Government Representatives and the 100 odd self-proclaimed Activists, when hearing of a Sad Plight, a wrong Situation, do not listen.
When we maigrants, ask our Government for help, they ignore us.
We all need a voice.
They have to let him out his jar of formaldahyde occasionally because he gets lonely in the darkened Liberal Party Closet of Ancient Blunderers.
Dutton, inconsequential clod, skewered on his own inconsistencies will be in a difficult position whichever way the vote goes. Yes, and he’s royally screwed by Labor and everyone who saw his opposition for the naked political play it was; No and he will have to defend himself and all the other naysayers from the charges of being racists and liars responsible for leading the bigots and fools to an historic crushing of Indigenous hopes. He has no defence. And if people think there is an Aboriginal youth crime problem now I dread to think what the future might look like. Of course the elders who have supported the yes case with dignity, forbearance and fortitude will be sad but stoical but there is a cohort of young Indigenous, mostly men, who generally face hopeless futures and – if they thought about it at all – might have thought a successful referendum would offer some hope. Condemned to the same hopeless future, any hopes of some light at the end of the tunnel dashed, I will not be surprised if we see a response such as we have never seen before and more widespread. We are not as bad as the Israelis but we might be getting there in what will be seen as our nation’s lack of empathy for those whose land we occupy.
Regarding poor old John Howard, I think he thinks he’s still defending our role in the Iraq war.
Oz is a country I share. I was born here. My mother was born in Scotland, but continued her 93 years of life here from the age of 1 year and 4 months. My father was born here, the first of his line came here 5 generations before, mainly they were merchants, all were ‘humanists’.
I was born and grew up in the outer suburban bush, in a beautiful riparian environment, an environment that was my playground and the seat of my development and learning. I retain a deep and essential ‘connection to country.’ Despite my years of wandering for interest’s sake and work, I have ‘owned’ land, in the locale of my birth. When people said, “You’re so lucky to own this property.” I truthfully replied, “I hate fences, and I don’t like the concept of ‘ownership of land’, for in reality, the land and its living things own me, and I maintain a debt to it in return. I just wanted somewhere to live.” I have never forsaken those views.
I dreamed of country, and wondered about it before my existence. By my teens, I had heard ‘whiteman’s’ history of Oz, and the attempted inculcations of the christian church. I was having nothing of those mostly brutal, revisionist, exclusionist, reconstructed stories of convenience, nor the self-aggrandizing theories behind them. From the 1970s onward, I pursued a better understanding of the proper unalloyed history of Oz, the history of ‘whiteman’s’ arrival, the history of ‘whiteman’s’ colonial law and the history of ‘whiteman’s’ royalty and their quests aided by christianity. The whole shebang was and remains a teetering tower of babel, a stack of lies and deceptions embedded in writs, and founded in lies about gods, civilization and otherness. It continues today in our Constitution and much legislation.
I began to understand why, until my mid-teens I had not seen or met an Aborigine. I have never ceased my research and reading on the subject. I have travelled widely in Oz, and met many FNP both city and remote. I lived in Redfern for about 6 years in the 80s, and met many FNP from there (incl. Gary Foley) and La Perouse and Kurnell – what a time and education. And in Melbourne, David Gulpilil with the filmies, many in Fitzroy and surrounds, Archie and mates, and at Christmas Hills Bobby Bunungurr from Ramingining (Arnhem Land) and at Corandirrk, Jack Charles and others, and the Wandins. And when I say met, I mean yarned with. All fine, smart, straightforward and interesting folk.
Dutton and his cohort, Mundine and Price and those, corporate or otherwise, in their shadows do not live honestly, rather by guile and misdirection, by rote and hyperbole. They are lazy, exploitative and duplicitous, seeking only their own pecuniary interests. They are traitors to Oz history and traitors to all Australians. They have duped the uninformed and unlearned, and the fearful, and have enfranchised the destroyers, the blamers and the hateful. Their stupidity, blind and ignorant ambition causing serious undermining of proper respectful political discourse, and seriously jeopardizing the Oz democratic project.
And worst of all creating a ‘culture war’ that’s major detriment is yet again upon our First Nations folk.
They know it, but they don’t care. They are a continuation and a modern enhancement of the whole shebang of lies, deception and exploitation and theft. Whatever the outcome, they are to blame for their trespasses.
I find it odd, but completely consistent, that those who love to boast about what a successful multicultural society Australia is seem to sideline and deny the one culture that has been here longer than any other including the boasters themselves.
For dutton, i have a couple of lines i penned for an antiwar song.
The dirty deeds we do are our reward.
As uncletimrob said, duttton has only one aim, to be pm. Dutton simply doesn’t care a fig about anything or anyone, has no moral compass, and will say anything to divide, create fear, misrepresent, and outright lie in o,rder to serve his goal. It started with non-core-promise howard, who also got rid of Atsic rather than fix, was refined by abbott and now we have dutton et al as a worse incarnation – I guess it’s in the lnp dna. Utterly reprehensible, as is the level to which it seems the majority of Australians have sunk. Just as the USA is heading towards a precipice, we seem intent on following. Thank heavens I’m old enough that I may die before the worst sets in and I won’t have to see the country I love and hoped to pass on to my children in a better condition, simply disappear to be replaced by another form of those political movements we thought gone after the second ww.
Sad days for oz to be lumbered with a git like Dutton anywhere near Parliament. Robert De Niro’s
latest crack at Trump sums up Dutton IMHO.
Actor Robert De Niro has launched another broadside at Donald Trump, calling the former president and likely Republican nominee for the 2024 election “evil” and “a wannabe tough guy with no morals or ethics”.
And to top off more dumbo oz politics SA Opposition Leader David Speirs says if there’s a resounding No vote, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese should resign.
oldwombat, do not despair. It always was and always will be…….We just loved to parady the americans without really looking at ourselves. The same core stupidity that they have, we have too.
Its a problem that democracy has thrown up. It has enabled the narcisists in our midst to govern over us. These very people that we have followed blindly since WW2. Look all around you to see what rewards we have collected.
Our one saviour against the odds has been technology. Forget human enveavours as a means to solve the worlds problems. Every good idea has been met with an equally stupid one. NBN……stuck with copper. Renewables…..we want nuclear because we dont have enough sun and renewables are too cheap. etc etc etc Referendums? ding ding ding, round ten goes to the idiot.
Terence, yea, wheel out the uncle with dementia and watch him go….Howard to a Tee. Pretty much like Trump now, clearly demented.
Ajogrady, your wrong. Neither has commited political suicide. The no vote is proof enough that us aussies are a conservative bunch of dicks. AUKUS is well received in nutter land and no vote got 60%. It appears we are in the minority. Labor siding with AUKUS is a political ploy to not scare the horses. Dutton will be “enabled” by the no vote.
Suck it up, thats what we have to deal with.
“… this was Albanese’s … referendum and … a Canberra Voice …”
Every state and the NT said NO. The ACT said YES.
Can’t you hear Dutton gloating: “See! I told you it would be a Canberra Voice!”
Three cheers for the ACT and a big thank you to my inner city neighbours who voted over 70% Yes. We can all walk down the street and look one another in the eye and smile. Well done Sydney and the Inner West.
The ACT voted a resounding YES, therefore, what changes will the gov make in terms of recognition, truth-telling and possibly treaty in the ACT? If the WA gov in 2016 could work with the Noongar tribal people to have them surrender their native title rights in exchange for resources and recognition, then will the ACT gov do the same or similar? Although there isn’t much in the way of mineral resources in the ACT, there’s a lot of agricultural resources that could be tapped.