The nation heaves a sigh of relief as Hawaiian Airlines HA451, an Airbus carrying a Daggy Dad from Central Casting, Trump fan-boy and fellow crypto-fascist, Scott Morrison, finally touches down at 8pm after being delayed by thick clouds of acrid, catastrophic, bushfire smoke which choke Sydney Airport, limiting visibility.
“Where the bloody hell were you?” Effortlessly, the PM side-steps questions. It’s his signature move. Makes hokey, blokey, emotive excuses. He’d promised the girls a holiday. His office had to lie about where he was?
Security. Poor timing? Booked seven weeks ago. Bushfires were raging, then? Yeah. Nah. Who could tell how bad things would get? But he gets it how we’ve missed him. Need him. How good are empathy consultants?
“I get it that people would have been upset to know that I was holidaying with my family while their families were under great stress,” Morrison tells press at the NSW Rural Fire Service HQ in Sydney, Sunday. Great stress? Two volunteer fire-fighters are killed overnight. Two more are put in induced comas.
Seventy-two homes are destroyed in South Australia while little is left of Balmoral in the Southern Highlands, southwest of Sydney. NSW Rural Fire Service Commissioner, Shane Fitzsimmons estimates that at least one hundred homes have been lost in the ferocious fires which hit the small town over the weekend.
The body language in the HQ control room is hostile. Tone deaf, Morrison is clueless about his chilly reception. Pity. His minders have him in RM Williams kit for bush credibility. His hands low on hips bolster his need to bulk up his personal authority but end up a tad on the aggressive side, creating a bullshit macho swagger.
“Stress” insults their families’ loss and grief; their trauma. But all spin-doctor props are in place. Images of Morrison, pointing at maps, head Sunday morning news; propaganda to be replayed throughout the day.
“Upset?” Morrison seeks to deflect anger by wilfully misreading others’ feelings. He diminishes. Invalidates. In fact, Australia is furious with the PM’s dereliction of duty. His cavalier attitude. His arrogance. Angry doesn’t begin to describe the nation’s outrage. Yet he’s not remotely contrite. And it’s all about him. Always.
Under pressure, Morrison’s malignant narcissism morphs into messiah-complex. His people need him.
“But I’m comforted by the fact that Australians would like me to be here, just simply so I can be here, alongside them as they’re going through this terrible time … and I apologise for that.”
Incredibly, Morrison’s monster ego lets him believe he now can draw a line under his deserting his post as PM; his epic lack of judgement in sneaking a secret holiday to Waikiki while instructing staff to keep schtum. They did better than that, ABC’s Andrew Probyn reports. Morrison’s staff were extraordinarily secretive.
No official public note was issued of the PM’s absence. Nor would the Deputy Prime Minister’s office confirm Michael McCormack was Acting PM. A journalist was referred back to the PM’s Office (PMO). Yet when asked, to confirm Morrison was in Hawaii, reporters were misled; told this was incorrect. But we have to move on.
“The time for that discussion is over”, Morrison declares, unilaterally. Or would – if he could seize control of the situation. Of course, it is not over. Nor will he ever move on. His monstrous lack of empathy; his staggering lack of political judgement will forever hang over his head, like the sword of Damocles.
The PM who skived off is denounced up and down the land. His own party room feels the heat. There’s talk of “moderate” Liberal climate rebellion. Even our Tory mainstream media attempts to hold the PM to account.
Reporter: “Are you sorry you abandoned Australia and secretly went to Hawaii on holiday while Australia burned?”
Morrison: “I already said that”
Reporter: “Are you sorry?”
Morrison: “I already addressed that.”
Also “addressed” is Morrison’s determination to defy reason and science and to deny the climate science of global heating. “I do not accept the suggestion that Australia is not carrying its weight,” he says. He doubles down; reverting to a climate science denialism which rules any MP who aspires to be Coalition PM.
Carrying its weight? Morrison is gaslighting; pretending that Australia is not blocking climate action – as it did recently, along with other hard-core chauvinists, USA, Brazil and Saudi Arabia at the twenty-fifth Conference of the Parties (‘COP25’) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (‘UNFCCC’).
Yet our Kyoto carry-over scam makes us one of a kind. The Climate Council confirms, even according to the Department of Environment and Energy, Australia, alone, of all other nations, seeks to use its supposed overperformance against previous goals as an offset for future targets. ‘Over-performance’? Australia over-reached its previous goals solely because they are among the weakest in the whole world.
In Copenhagen in 2009, Australia was proud to lead the world on applying climate science to fight our global heating crisis. A decade later, we are disgraced by our government’s switch to coal lobby spin and sophistry instead. Protect corporations. Look after banks, big investors and party donors. Bugger the planet.
“In Madrid Australia was “… potentially destructive… just really a self-interested righteous way of doing less,” frets The Australia Institute’s climate change specialist Richie Merzian who found it hard to watch.
“Your country is literally on fire because of climate change and your representatives are at the COP trying to water down the provisions for climate action,” Merzian says. “It’s kind of other-worldly.” Or barking mad.
Is anyone in the world fooled by Morrison’s specious 1.3% fig-leaf argument? Australia adds to global greenhouse gases, not only in the export of fossil fuels to be burnt overseas, but in a swag of other ways.
Other nations can see at once how Australian companies are today busily expanding their coal, oil and gas operations in some of the poorest areas in the world, reports ActionAid Australia. Mostly, it is women who pay the price. Australia has more mining companies operating in Africa than any other nation.
Above, all, ActionAid Australia reports, Australia’s growing global fossil fuel footprint shows that while the total number of projects is down, ASX-listed companies are increasing their reach in the furthest parts of the globe – with total carbon emissions potential up by 13% compared to last year.
These projects are likely to cause 2.8 billion tonnes of emissions — five times Australia’s annual greenhouse gas emissions. Whilst thirty-four projects, currently operating are owned either wholly or partially by ASX-listed companies, their annual reports reveal plans for an additional ninety-nine.
It’s insulting to other nations genuinely seeking climate action to insist Australia’s carbon emissions amount to only 1.3% of the global total, when our nation has one of the largest mining footprints in the world. Hypocritical, too. Our government’s failure on climate action is shameful; its denialism, reprehensible.
In brief, looking beyond our borders and even past our embarrassing performance at this year’s UN climate talks, our beggar-thy-neighbour role in global heating is far greater than Morrison’s government claims.
“Morrison’s touting of the 1.3% figure is his idea of a clever political tactic – it allows him to deflect responsibility. But the effects of climate change know no bounds. Women, poor communities, and other marginalised groups will of course be hit the hardest, but ultimately we all suffer the consequences,” writes ActionAid Australia’s Head of Policy and Campaigns, Katharine Tu.
Yet Morrison can’t wait to trot out his clapped-out rhetoric. The spin. The stale talking points. The lies. As Lenore Taylor writes in The Guardian Australia, Sunday, the nation urgently needs a credible climate policy. Stop pretending, she begs. It’s dangerous. Vast tracts of NSW are burning in a fire unlike any other.
Emergency-level fires also consume parts of South Australia and Victoria; fires so vast and so intense they create their own weather. Time to admit that global heating is fuelling our own catastrophic bushfire.
Opposition Leader, Anthony Albanese, sees a government paralysed by complacency. “This government is complacent when it comes to climate change and energy. They do not have an energy policy and they sent [Energy Minister] Angus Taylor overseas to help to undermine international action on climate change, by arguing for accounting tricks rather than lowering emissions,” Albo tells reporters in Sydney on Saturday.
Morrison slinks back home to a bushfire and Liberal leadership crisis Saturday after cutting short – by a whole day – his surprise Waikiki family holiday. But there’s time to claim it was a working holiday. Regular bushfire briefings punctuate his QAnon conspiracy updates from close family friend, Tim Stewart, aka Burn Notice @BurnedSpy34 whose wife, Lynelle, works for bestie, Jenny Morrison, at Kirribilli House.
Mrs Stewart’s security clearance is a work in progress. But Jen and Lynelle were each other’s bridesmaids.
Former Fruit Loop proprietor, a failed online health food venture and former bankrupt, Tim’s a mate of Scott’s from way back. QAnon put him on to the secret cabal of paedophile-Satan-worshippers which rules the world.
Politics has its fair share of nutters but Tim’s clearly not without influence. Witness Morrison’s reference to ritualistic child sexual abuse in the PM’s national formal apology to survivors of institutional sexual abuse.
“The crimes of ritual sexual abuse happened in schools, churches, youth groups, scout troops, orphanages, foster homes, sporting clubs, group homes, charities, and in family homes as well,” Morrison told the politicians, supporters and survivors who packed the house.
The phrase was Tim’s idea, – or at least that’s what Tim claims. The word “ritual” introduced the idea of secret ceremonies with Satan’s involvement, which aligns with QAnon’s theory of global threats.
Perhaps his poorly-judged Hawaiian break attests to Scott’s loyalty to his mates. Or is it their power over him? If so, there must be a ray of hope. If only the nation could tap into Tim’s influence on his old pal Scott; gain some of the avid attention Morrison extends to his friend – then perhaps we could put the PM on to a real conspiracy, the mining lobby and its bizarre plan to dig us into extinction.
Extinction is also on the mind of a few Liberal MPs who are “becoming frustrated with the Federal Government’s inability to sell its climate change policies and believe the chief salesman, Angus Taylor, is part of the problem,” reports ABC’s Jane Norman.
It pays to have a scapegoat but Norman’s scuttlebutt draws attention to the glacial pace of the NSW Police Task Force investigation of Taylor over his alleged involvement in the publication of a doctored document in The Daily Telegraph which denigrated Clover Moore, Lord Mayor of Sydney’s green credentials.
“I think the biggest problem we face is not so much our suite of policy measures, it’s our credibility and sincerity and spokespeople,” says one Liberal.
Suite of policy measures? A set of trite slogans and a hyper-partisan party stalled in continuous campaign mode is a suite of policies? And it’s back to the old “selling the message”, regardless of how meaningless, or morally bankrupt. “Angus doesn’t have the ability to sell a positive climate change message.”
“This is not normal” says New South Wales Liberal Minister Matt Kean who is vilified The Australian for breaking ranks; noticing that Australia might be in the grip of record drought, heat and catastrophic bushfire.
Kean’s on to something. Voters may, indeed, be expecting the Federal government to do more than send its PM on top secret holidays with his pal Tim. But credibility and sincerity? Morrison’s got no show.
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Too little, Too late, from a PM who is not leadership material- who has ”aways believed in miracles” (vapourware) in this day and age. His whole team are on the nose, his deputy is clueless and how he is deputy beggers belief. It is time this goverment stepped aside, their total contributions to this country moving on from the dark ages are hopelessly inadequate. The short number of sitting days in Parliament have been wasted on bluff and Canberra Buble nonsense-with a huge amount of time spent on religious freedoms rather than freedom from religion and all its negative conotations. Attemping to destroy the Union movement across th board, includes nursed firemen police servces etc. He acheived this Top role purely as a ‘miracle’, we are seeing what happends when religion is mixed with politics.Time to go Mr Morrison-the community was anxious about the bush-fires raging out of control-not that you were missing from the country.
The most confusing part of all of this is who was actually the Acting Prime Minister. In Scott Morrison’s Media Release he names Minister Littleproud and Minister Proud.
I assumed it would’ve been Minister McCormack from the Nationals as this article in the SBS assumes also.
So here’s the thing – when the PMO denied Smoko was in Hawaii perhaps they were in fact telling the truth. Rumours abound that either he (A) left Jen and the kids in Hawaii and headed of to New York to do something for his cult leader; or (B) remained in Hawaii but did cult business while there. Perhaps this was why there was a need for so much secrecy. If the rumours are true, he will be crucified on the altar of public opinion.
If the press ever has the guts to to tell truths that need to be told about this and many other things.
I hope you are capable of overcoming your anxiety whilst I was on holiday,
but now I am back, “how good are our Firies?”
is that empathetic or what?
The SMH is blaming the bushfires for abysmal retail activity this Christmas season.
Welcome to the “Recession we had to have” because low wages, fiscal restraint and general austerity is actual Government policy.
Scotty mentions his wife and kids every time he “apologises” for his Hawaiian islands holiday. “Blame the women” while trying to appear contrite and duly admonished.
Let’s face it: He abandoned his post and tried to keep it from us.
No matter what the reason for secrecy, it shows total lack of appreciation of the circumstances.
Did he not care enough to seek advice?
What can we do as part of the few people in Australia who have woken up to all of this? I don’t want to make another comment here about how appalling our PM / Government are, instead let’s discuss how we can wake up the others before it’s too late? Ideas?
How good is Australia for a holiday?
It’s shit according to Scott.
On the subject of a PM’s holiday. Who was the PM who ran the country while holidaying in his caravan at a beachside NSW park many many years ago? The PMG had to run a single telephone line to the van at vast expense to the public, there was no close security detail to provide protection and no SPF 50+ sunscreen for protection then either. How good were the good old days?
I think it was Doug Anthony but I’m not 100% sure and it was done while Fraser(?) was overseas.
Look, Scotty loves a good beef burger, so no way will he connect the dots. It would mean he would have to eat less beef burgers and more plant based burgers.
Didn’t Australia actually feel lighter in the Head Moron’s absence?? Could you not feel the lifting of a great weight of odious and pungent excrement from the immediate media filth and fraudery?? Mc madshit from the Riverina makes a wonderful understudy, just as loud, stupid, primitive, defiant insolent and fresh colonic flavoured and fragrant as the head receptacle for former food. Yukko, it’s lower than wormshit having the conservatives back; let’s have even more of water thieving and abuse, ruination of soil and groundwater, introduced pests, stupidity of practice, rapacious one crop craziness, excess water guzzling cheap fibre, weeds, plagues, erosion, etc, all from the old country party turds to the new lying national frauds who bend over, touchy toes, for foreign corporate inserters.
Mr Morrison is not normal
Goverment warned in May by itself
The department’s incoming government brief to the home affairs minister, Peter Dutton, warned of “disasters” exacerbated by climate change.
“‘coordinated national action’ was needed to ward off increasing disruptions”
I really wonder about who his advisers are and how much we are paying them.
To suggest that Scummo is ‘entitled ‘ to a holiday with (cue the ockerism)th’ miszuss en kidzz.
Did any of his flunkies think that more than 50% of Australian workers aren’t entitled to holidays because they are casuals.
None? …Or is scummo so full of shit that he doesn’t have a bullshit filter?
Speaking of not normal, Barnyard looks as if he got started a little early today: https://twitter.com/i/status/1209372444726743046
Honestly, how can that young woman STAND being married to him?
For those who think we will get away with dodgy accounting on climate change:
Trade rules emerge as weapon to fight climate change in Europe.
And our esteemed Deputy Prime Minister from Wagga Wagga assures us that these fires are started by “self-combusting manure”. How good is that idiot? With leaders like that we deserve to be doomed.