Liberated from his stand-in job as Prime Minister, Tony Abbott is now free to impart his wisdom on the world stage.
Last night his ‘wisdom’ was on display as he embarrassed both himself and this nation in delivering the annual Margaret Thatcher Lecture in London to an audience of ‘British Conservative Party leaders and members’.
His speech left me cold.
The crux of his speech was to tell the European leaders how they should be dealing with the influx of Middle Eastern refugees. Naturally, his own views are the polar opposite to what is happening in the real world and how the Europeans are actually dealing with the human misery.
I only want to focus on one aspect of his speech, where he classed most of the millions of people fleeing the Middle East as ‘economic migrants’.
He said most of the millions pouring into Europe were not “genuine refugees”, rather “economic migrants.”
I can’t believe he said that. I can’t believe he believes it, either. If he does, then one must wonder how disconnected from reality he is.
For two years we have listened to him talk about death cults.
I’d say that most of these people are fleeing these death cults.
We know that most of these refugees are fleeing from Syria.
Shortly before his prime ministership came to an abrupt (and thankfull) end he had made the decision to bomb Syria. This is the country where families are being dragged from their homes and butchered in the streets. This is the country where you’re lucky to still even have a home. This is the country where people are randomly plucked off the streets and beheaded (before the video of their mindless murder is humiliatingly posted on YouTube).
This is the country where young girls are being raped before their lifeless bodies are dumped in some alley.
The young, the old, men and women are being mutilated.
This is the country that has turned into both rubble and a rabble.
This is the country where the super powers are possibly to soon engage in some seriously frightening engagements.
And some idiot who used to be our Prime Minister hops onto the world stage to implore the leaders of Europe to treat these miserable souls as economic refugees.
Maybe Syria is an economic mess. But there are other problems that Tony Abbott seems to forget about.
When you’re fleeing bombs and ‘death cults’ the economic stability of the country you are fleeing would be the least of your concerns.
Someone please take the microphone away from Tony Abbott.