The old man laughed indulgently, holding in check a deeper, more explosive delight. His goading remained gentle. “Rome was destroyed, Greece was destroyed, Persia was destroyed, Spain was destroyed. All great countries are destroyed. Why not yours? How much longer do you really think your own country will last? Forever? Keep in mind that the earth itself is destined to be destroyed by the sun in twenty-five million years or so.
Nately squirmed uncomfortably. “Well, forever is a long time, I guess.”
“A million years?” persisted the old man with keen, sadistic zest. “A half million? The frog is almost five hundred million years old. Could you really say with much certainty that America, with all its strength and prosperity, with it’s fighting man that is second to none, and with its standard of living that is the highest in the world, will last as long as the… frog?”
Joseph Heller ‘Catch-22’
There was a meme about whether Liz Truss could last as PM as long as the lettuce in the photo. There is no actual photo of the lettuce on the day that Liz resigned/was pushed/gave up, so we don’t have verification but the general consensus is that the lettuce lasted longer…
I hope it doesn’t sound sexist when I refer to that failure of Prime Minister as “Liz” when I don’t refer to other male leaders by their first names. For example, I don’t call Trump “Donald”… I usually just refer to him as that pathetic piece of shit…
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not because these people have conservative views that upsets me. I respect their right to hold whatever opinion they choose because isn’t that what freedom is all about? It’s their total inability to stick to anything that could be considered an opinion.
If I sound a little bit harsh it’s because I can’t understand the rhetoric from the media…
For example:
- Kamala Harris has to battle precedent because the US has never elected a female, let alone a black one… (I presume that PPOS will allow me to refer to her as black ever if she’s not allowed to call herself that!)
- On the other hand, nobody points out that Trump has to defy precedent because no convicted felon has ever been elected… no person of his age… no person who “allegedly” tried to mount an insurrection… no person who’s been caught on tape taking about sexually assaulting women (yes, it was just “locker talk” even though there wasn’t a locker in sight)…
I could go on, but I may find myself getting distracted from my original point about taking the long view.
There are many times when we get distracted about how events affect us personally. The result of the US election will undoubtedly cause a lot of grief for people, but will it be good for other people in the long run? After all, if Marie Antoinette had actually let the people eat cake, maybe the French would still be oppressed by unelected rulers and if the British hadn’t beheaded Charles the First then maybe Charles the Third (say that with an Irish accent) would still be in charge and they’d be doing more about climate change… We don’t know about the long term.
Whatever happens in this coming election, it’s pretty clear that the orderly transfer of power where everyone accepts the result because the United States isn’t one of those countries where dictators rig elections is now gone…and once you no longer believe in the idea that elections are free and fair, well, you don’t know what to believe and you’re victim of whichever demagogue can convince you to die for them so that they can rule you in a fairer way than the guy who didn’t care whether you lived or died, so die for me because I’m the one who will mourn you!
While I’m pretty sure that the USA won’t last longer than the frog, I suspect that it will last longer than a lettuce. However, Trump is possibly taking the proverbial lettuce out of the fridge and that means that it may not last as long as it could have.
Perhaps, I should have called this: “TRUMP AIN’T KISSING NO FROG BECAUSE HE DON’T NEED NO PRINCE”!
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The brontosaurus dropped a delayed, aggravating, congested, putrid, nosekiller brown deluge of reeking faecality, a huge TRUMP. (Wakes in fear, sweat, revulsion. )
All politics is rigged – the lettuce had an unfair advantage, it was refrigerated !
There, is no doubt that Trump is a criminal, politically perverted, socially disgustng, an economics idiot. Yet an Australian commenter, a skinful of stale excrement named Hockey, parasitic and maggoty and egofixated in self adoration (I’ve heard him up close in action) tells us Trump’s re-election would be good for us. Good?? That would be true if you contract a fatal disease, marry a bride off Darlinghurst road, enter a buggered horse in the Cup that you bought from the knacker’s yard, drive a car from old John L., Back Liz Truss with your last quid, expect Hitler’s return any minute now, and invest in Tsarist bonds and Confederate shares, going cheap. Parasites like Hockey have careers in this infesting…
Cigar “I love Donald” Joe spews bullshit –
Lest we forget; ‘Fatso’ Joe Hockey, the heartless delusional fuck who as Treasurer sank the Australian car industry is also the LNP apparatchik who wanted to cut pensions in the disastrous budget of 2014… and celebrate the fact with the Minister for Finance Matthias Corman by sucking down on a pair of fat Cuban cigars.
To attack the poorest in society while subtly reconfiguring the economy to further privilege wealthy capitalists is one thing; to make yourself look like a fat cat George Grosz caricature whilst you’re doing it really shouldn’t look so deliberate.
[some words supplied by the Guardian’s Van Badham]
Joe Hokey was only ever a self satisfied dickhead on a good day, and he perfectly illustrates the quality of fuckwits that characterised the previous, corrupt and incompetent charade of a government.What’s more , some of the worst detritus of that shameless pack of tossers still slouch on the opposition benches,Lance constable Dutton,Sports rorts McKenzie,flannel mouth SSussan ,Jamlands Taylor, Special envoy for drunkards,Barnacle Juice,bordello madam,Harpy Cash…the list is endless, and they behave like NO ONE has any memory.
The biggest disappointment has been Albanese, who when handed a lay down misere to kick the joint into shape ,has reverted to the archetypical politician that thinking people wanted to be shot of.
His political electioneering today in Adelaide is further proof of his misjudgement.Fuck me,I despair.
Of course it’s, “It’s not even close.” because the Dumpster never ever ever loses.
Donald’s new brain fart is that should be one-day voting with paper ballots with the polls closing at 9pm and the the results announced half an hour later.
It appears Rossleigh that your opinion of Don-Old is as low as my own. I struggle to comprehend how anyone who is not a bigoted racist/rapist could even consider supporting him, especially after the chaos of his last effort. The world has had enough of wannabe dictators/deal leaders who think they deserve worship and praise just because they have higher opinions of themselves than anybody else does.
I’d suggest, that despite some things about our voting and parliamentary system which concern me, and some elected members whose behaviour is quite off, our democracy is much more robust than that of the US.
At least here, someone with Trump’s reputation, court cases and proved insurrection would not even get to stand on a street corner with a corflute, let alone be considered for the highest office, and have a significant fraction of the voting public who consider him to be “the one”.
Yeah, you tell ’em Dumpster. How dare the other side try to cheat, only the rabid repugs and Dumpster sycophants are allowed to cheat.
Loved the opening quote from Catch 22.
And how we lose sight of the very idea that today’s power brokers are on a limited time frams, all com to an ends, whether with a bang or a fizzle.
Who ever wins the election will rule over an empire struggling to pay its way yet managing to con the rest of the world how rich and powerful they are.
Is the end nigh? It will come, and come soon enough, only to be replaced by another empire of sorts, perhaps China, perhaps a resurgent Russia, perhaps a unified Europe, perhaps a coming together of the world’s Billionaires as they assert their power through their ill-gotten riches. Perhaps a world wide Islamic empire, much like the Christian one which colonised the new world enslaving the powerless to enrich the colonisers, perhaps an atheistic conglomerate ruling without bending the knee to the great unseen spirit in the sky.
But the power achieved is for such a short time, as it is passed from one generation to the next, from one power bloc to another, but for the great unwashed, the ordinary people, the pawns in the game, the you and me’s, we should really concern ourselves with the things we can control, the health and well being of those nearest and dearest to us.