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The Holy Creed of Carbonus Rex

By Roger Chao

In the land of Terra Firma, where the sun doth brightly shine,
There arose a curious sect, with a doctrine most divine.
No robes of white, nor beads of prayer, nor incense filled the air,
But suits of grey and tongues of gold preached salvation without care.

Their temple was a boardroom, with a table long and grand,
There they gathered, devout disciples, to make their final stand.
“Lo and behold!” cried the high priests, with fervour deep andwide,
“The gospel of endless profit, we shall never set aside!”

For they worshipped Carbonus Rex, the god of oil and coal,
His breath the smoky chimneys, his heart a blackened hole.
“In Carbon we trust,” their motto, inscribed in marble bold,
“The earth is here to serve us, to be mined and bought and sold.”

The prophets, in their hallowed books, spoke of ice caps thawing in vain,
But the faithful of Carbonus Rex, saw only financial gain.
“Climate change is a myth,” they chanted, “a heresy of the weak,
Those who believe in melting poles are lost, madmen who speak.”

They sang their hymns of consumption, with choirs of CEOs,
“We drill and frack, for Carbonus’s love, as the holy profits grow!”
And if the seas did rise, well, they’d build their walls of gold,
To keep the waves from touching the land their money could enfold.

With holy charts and sacred graphs, they cast out every doubt,
“Look here,” they’d say, with righteous zeal, “the numbers bear us out!
The Earth is fine, the Earth is good, we’ve dominion o’er the beast,
So let us dine and drink our fill, at this unending feast.”

The monks of science, in their robes of white, dared to speak their mind,
But the priests of Carbonus Rex declared, “These monks are most unkind!
They seek to strip our freedoms, and to bind us with their fears,
But we shall strive to keep the faith, and we shall plug our ears.”

For reason is a serpent, a tempter in disguise,
Whispering of futures bleak, of oceans where icebergs lie.
But the faithful have their scripture, their quarterly reports,
Which speak of dividends to come, of profits from all ports.

And so they knelt, in reverence deep, before their sacred wells,
Their altars of extraction, where they cast their magic spells.
For in the end, it was not truth, nor fact, nor reasoned plea,
But the sweet hymn of profit that would set their spirits free.

“Fear not the warming earth,” they cried, “nor the cyclones that rage,
For Carbonus Rex shall shield us all, from nature’s fiery stage.
The world may burn, the skies may fall, but our faith shall not wane,
For the dollar is our deity, and endless growth our gain.”

So let the glaciers melt away, and let the forests burn,
For in the house of Carbonus Rex, there’s no need for concern.
They hold their masses daily, with offerings of shares,
And the faithful leave with wallets full, but minds absent of cares.

Thus, the creed of Carbonus Rex goes forth across the land,
A dogma of denial, with a firm and steady hand.
And though the earth may warm, and the seas may rise in pain,
The faithful chant their liturgy: “All hail the holy gain!”


Roger Chao is a writer based in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges, where the forest and local community inspire his writings. Passionate about social justice, Roger strives to use his writing to engage audiences to think critically about the role they can play in making a difference.



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1 comment

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  1. New Bruce

    Nice one, Centurion.
    Very nice.

    Something in the Water
    Music by Lee Kernahan

    Fossil Fuel behemoths are all ripping out Australia’s heart,
    Spreading words of poison round the countryside like it’s an art.
    Digging holes that are so deep and wide
    We can’t even see the other side.
    They are pouring filth into our Water,
    They are poisoning the Earth and all the Atmosphere
    Spoiling life for all of us, our Sons and our Daughters,
    They are pouring filth into the Water
    They have all got great big plans to go and drill the oceans deep.
    Or scarring hard the Earth in search of all the treasures that they seek.
    Blasting whales, killing streams,
    All to make more cash than we could ever dream.
    They are pouring filth into our Water,
    They are poisoning the Rivers and the Atmosphere
    Wrecking life for all of us, our Sons and our Daughters,
    When they pour their filth into the Water
    Hear the CEO’s make all the claims
    ‘Bout how it’s safe for all.
    Money is the only thought that’s in their brains
    It’s Planet Earth will be the one, to take the final fall
    Time to stop them poisoning the water
    Time to stop them filling up the Atmosphere
    Time to think about our Sons and our Daughters.
    Got to stop them Poisoning the Water
    Time to stop them poisoning the water
    Time to stop them filling up the Atmosphere
    Time to think about our Sons and our Daughters.
    Got to stop them Poisoning the Water……..

    The original song.

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