Just to be clear here, I didn’t get it at the polling booths. I voted on the first day in the first hour that voting opened.
“Have you voted anywhere else before?” asked the guy crossing me off. Gee, I thought, I’d have had to have been quick, but I guess it’s like when they ask you at the airport if you’re planning a terrorist attack. I mean, I don’t know how many people they’ve caught like that but I guess it doesn’t hurt to ask.
Anyway, I picked up Covid somewhere and let me say I’ve felt better in my life. On the other hand, I can see how some people might be saying that locking down over something this mild was a massive over-reaction. Not the ones who died of course.
Which brings me to one of the great inconsistencies of some of the anti-Dan rhetoric we’ve all heard over the last few years. Apparently he was to blame for the 801 deaths which were a result of Covid leaking out of hotel quarantine, but locking down elsewhere wasn’t necessary because so what if a few people die. I found it hard to reconcile the idea that Covid needed the army – which we later learnt wouldn’t have been able to provide security – because it was so dangerous and needed to be contained but not for everyday citizens who should have been allowed to spread it because Freedom.
Whatever, Andrews has been re-elected and the media is talking about the swings against it as though the only thing that matters is the primary vote. Rather like saying Australia won the cricket test by 298 runs but their score in the first innings wasn’t as high as it was last time so they must be really, really concerned about that. As I wrote the other day, I have no idea if the opinion polls will prove correct but it seems as though some in the media are just ignoring them in order to feed a narrative that the election will be close. Yes, it’s always hard to work out exactly what will happen but if you’re just going to presume that the polls mean nothing it’s just as dangerous as presuming a single poll is 100% accurate.
There are all sorts of different factors at play in any election and it helps to create a single story around what happened such as this leader lost the left when he made all those homophobic and racist comments or that leader lost the educated vote with his policy to abolish universities. It’s far too hard to think that this person may have voted for the Liberals because he didn’t like people picking on some Liberals just because they’d been looking at inappropriate images, while the other person may have voted for Labor because he met the local member at the football and he bought him a drink. Similarly, I may have lost the female vote by talking about nothing but men in my examples there.
But the thing is that the narrative, while comforting for analysts, is rarely the actual thing that decides people’s vote. While protesters were complaining about Dictator Dan for trying to make them get vaccinated, many more people were complying and feeling relieved that they were vaccinated when they got Covid.
And getting back to my point about getting my first bout of Covid on Election Day. Yes, that’s thanks to the Premier because I’m sure that if it wasn’t for the lockdowns and the mask mandates and all the other measures then I’d have undoubtedly had Covid before now.
Like I said, everything is a matter of interpretation and all the reasons why people vote a certain way can’t be reduced to a simple narrative.
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Equally, all those various reasons why people vote don’t add up to a mandate, only a to a general thrust in the direction of the winner’s aims and history, ie some notion of priorities and values.
Still hoping for a teal win in Kooyong but looking a bit grim, as I write.
Hope the Covid isn’t too severe, Rossleigh, or too long-lasting.
Thankfully Rossleigh appears to have survived the Danicide projected by the LIARBRAL Nazional$ COALition ring-mastered by Mutt Guy for the Lapdogs. The good news is that the Crone of Ten almost wept when the results were announced ….. but the mist sprayer failed.
The ”landslide swing” predicted in the unreliable mainstream media-ocrity has mainly occurred against the LIARBRALS because the regional Independents were overturned for bringing the 21st century to their respective country electorates while the about 16% swing AGAINST THE LIARBRALS in city electorates went almost exclusively to ”Other”. Nothing to be seen in LIARBRAL empty election promises.
Now it is up to NSW voters to sweep Opus Dei out of the NSW Parliament re-establishing separation between church & state by returning a vigorous Chris Minns NSW LABOR government in 2023.
Devastating call – the day after the night before ??
“OPINIONAndrew Bolt
Wounded Andrews should quit
Daniel Andrews will treat this victory as vindication of his dictatorial style but in his heart he’ll know he should go before it all catches up with him.”
Herald Sun Sunday 27 November2022
I hear that Blot has been calling Lifeline,but they keep hanging up on him.
well done Daniel Andrews, stick the knife in deep. The liberals are a rabble. Lets see where they got support this time around.
I have a few friends who are conspiracy nuts and they have been going ballistic calling for Dan’s resignation. Even walking past a shopping strip with a voting booth, you could hear them calling out “sack dan”. Big mistake in australia because that really goes against the aussie grain.
Policies, privatise sewerage. WHAT A STUPID policy. We have all learnt to our bitter experience that privatisation of essential government services is more expensive.
They hammered voters on lock down yet the majority of people agreed that lockdowns was essential to save lives.
So they tried all the counter rational policies that weren’t labor policies and it fell like shit.
What people need to be educated on is that money needs to be spent. Like power and transport. Not spending creates a bigger black hole for everyone. Am I concerned about spending more, yes and no. I am more concerned about spending it where its needed. Putting stuff off to the never never means we “starve” ourselves for the future. Or as seems likely , we have sacrificed the future, ie climate change.
Lawriejay, is that true, about the filthpot Bolt? What a bowel full of obstructed naziness is that turd, a scribbling scrotal scab.
I hope nobody mixes up Bolt the Dolt with BLOT. THE BLOT REPORT is Brilliant.
MSM has created itself into a comotosed, mutual verbal and written, wanking echo chamber
I noted that all those people yelling for freedom have been allowed to be as free and dumb as they like
Warren, I hope so too.Rumour has it that Dan Andrews has sent both Bolt the dolt and the New York morgue bait candidate, a personal thankyou note for their efforts in getting him re elected.Like all Murdoch trash,the Herald Sun is only fit for dogshit wrapper.
The Herald Sun is good for budgie cage lining. However I’ve heard that some smart budgies have learnt to read and the Herald Sun makes them throw up and gives them the shits.
I’ve just gone in and it is still there Dee Madigan has tweeted it since
Dee Madigan
OPINIONAndrew Bolt
Wounded Andrews should quit
Daniel Andrews will treat this victory as vindication of his dictatorial style but in his heart he’ll know he should go before it all catches up with him.
The fiberals seem to be under the impression this country is the same as the USA. I got news for them, it fekkin well aint!
Just to spoil your day :
Documents released by the Department of Finance under Freedom of Information show taxpayers paid out $31 million in severance packages to political staffers after the federal election – most of which, $24 million, went to departing Liberal Party staffers.
Theses are not public servants, they are political appointees who we end up paying for.This averages between $40,000 for a regular staffer and $60,000 for a media adviser for a minister.
Its Time. Time for the crinkled old bastard and his protege and the whole bunch of overpaid suckers to quit and get lost to where they have a more receptive dumb audience, 10000kms from here. Their bullshit doesn’t work here and Dan showed them how and why.
The dolt will just never learn, that’s why he is such a dolt.
On the bright side :
Melbourne named ‘World’s Most Liveable Dictatorship
Terence: we need to include the following extra, important, information (courtesy of The Shovel) :
Melbourne has maintained its position as the best place to live under a totalitarian regime, edging out North Korea’s P’yŏngyang and Equatorial Guinea’s Malaba for the top gong.
Judges said Melbourne’s mix of great food, coffee and nightlife, coupled with well-located torture chambers and a thriving arts scene, made it a desirable place for those looking to be repressed under a tyrannical regime.
Lawriejay: “in his heart” Andrew Dolt knows that his desperate propaganda pieces are less and less listened to by the voting masses. He can see himself sinking into irrelevance as he flails about trying to land a blow on a target that has long ago moved on. His past has indeed caught up up with him. Poor sap! No sympathy from me and from the many he tried to bamboozle with bullshit.
The simple fact is that the LP is unfit to govern
Covid is like the flu:
some people die
some people get sick
some people cough, splutter and feel crook
some people, I suspect there are millions of these, are unaware and have a sneeze or two to spread the virus.
“all the reasons why people vote a certain way can’t be reduced to a simple narrative.”
A tiny minority are first preference ‘swingers’
The vast majority are simple and straight forward in their first preference and blindly follow one of the how to vote cards thrust into their hands. These are well used by minority parties especially in the senate voting.
Here we have the second level swingers who ignore the HTV cards. These rogue numberers behaviour can upset the expected result.
However we have an individual seat system and last minute local events can affect the vote and the overall result.
In 2010 and 2016 ‘polled safe’ labor seats were lost in the last few days when a labor man insulted a disabled kid at a labor rally, the clp released an inflammatory accusation on the thursday and ????.