
Send a peace-keeping team where it’s needed most, ScoMo
“Em şîv in hûn jî paşîv in,” or, “if we are dinner you are supper,” Armenians warn Kurds before Turkish massacres – a recurrent motif in […]

They are not economic refugees, Mr Abbott
Liberated from his stand-in job as Prime Minister, Tony Abbott is now free to impart his wisdom on the world stage. Last night his ‘wisdom’ […]

Against radicalisation
By Barry Hindess My title might seem to suggest an hostility to radicalisation, that is, to the thing itself – and thus as endorsing the […]

Talking up Australia’s Middle Power Diplomacy
By Denis Bright What are the implications for Australian sovereignty of the broadening and strengthening of commitment to the Australia US military alliance in The […]

Hypothetical: What would you do if . . . ? (Part One)
Geoffrey Robertson’s recent appearance on Q and A reminded me of the value of considering a situation through the eyes of another via a hypothetical situation… Here’s […]

Staring into the Syrian Abyss
By Allan Patience The insanity of the proposal that Australia should commence bombing raids inside Syrian territory is beyond belief. Our belligerent prime minister insists that […]

Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat
If there was ever any doubt, it has now been undeniably shown. The ultimate aim of conservative government is to acquire ultimate power unrestricted by […]

A Perfect Storm
The implications of peak oil and global warming for world security “The modern global economy has been built on cheap oil and its abundant availability.” – http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2011/02/11/opinion/Peak-oil-will-have-an-adverse-effect-on-all-econom-30148420.html […]