Absolute crap

June 5, 2015 Kaye Lee 24

One thing that has become increasingly apparent about Tony Abbott is that he gears his words to his audience. If that meant explaining policies at […]

The real stitch-up

February 28, 2015 Kaye Lee 52

Tony Abbott has been sneeringly yelling at anyone who will listen, if there are any of those left, that the government has no confidence in […]

Never-ending story

September 4, 2014 Kaye Lee 9

In April I wrote an article about the Coalition’s history on superannuation. This is an updated version. Keeping up with their ever-changing promises is turning […]

Who writes this stuff?

March 30, 2014 Kaye Lee 73

It is becoming increasingly obvious that Tony Abbott’s plan for governing is to work his way through the IPA’s wish list of 75 (+25) “radical […]