Gina Rinehart…
We’re often asked to believe that she’s an intelligent woman, but I do have to ask has she not heard of the Streisand effect…
Which is – to quote Wikipedia – “The Streisand effect is an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead increases public awareness of the information.” When Barb tried to suppress a photo of her clifftop mansion it only led to more exposure than if she’d simply ignored the photo… significantly more exposure… so much exposure that the wikipedia entry I quoted actually has the photo.
So, while I haven’t been to the gallery where this portrait is hung, I have seen about thirty memes reproducing the portrait in themes such as Grant Wood’s “American Gothic” and Munch’s “The Scream”… And if it weren’t for the complaints from Gina and the swimming team she sponsors who I assume all did it voluntarily and not because they thought that she’d remove sponsorship because Gina ain’t the sort of person who behaves in a vindictive way… she has politicians and newspaper editors who do that for her.
Given that Ms. Rinehart has managed to accumulate wealth due to her canny knack of investing well and having a rich parent who gave her the wealth to invest… two things her children seem to lack, we must assume that she knows what she’s doing…
Therefore I must conclude that she’s heard of the Streisand effect and that her complaints about the painting are just her way of ensuring that it’s shared far and wide.
Of course, we shouldn’t be mocking Gina because of her appearance… We should be mocking Peter Dutton because of his. Not what he looks like. Because of his appearance at her party even though he spent more time travelling than actually being there!
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And let’s not forget her legal trickery to diddle her children out of the inheritance her father left them.
She is lucky Vincent didn’t channel Francisco De Goya for his portrait.
“Gina Rinehart Portrait So Lifelike, Barnaby Expected It to Slip Him a $40,000 Cheque….
….Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce says Vincent Namatjira’s portrait of mining magnate Gina Rinehart is so realistic, he sat next to it all afternoon waiting for it to give him a cash prize for services to agriculture….
….I was sitting there talking to Gina about how much she does for this country, and she was saying similar things about me – we were having a bloody great conversation. It was only three or four hours in that I realised it was a painting,” Joyce explained.’
[ https://theshovel.com.au/2024/05/20/gina-rinehart-portrait-so-lifelike-barnaby-expectsed-cheque/ ]
@Kerri: LOL
She got off lightly considering.
I thought the paintings were far more palatable than the model.
Ladyardarse whines and we snigger, for the flattering portrait is too good for a worn out old conniving gouger, grabber, manipulator, funder of social filth, and general negative against Australia’s real interests; beyond surgery or shrinks…
I think it is ill mannered to comment about a persons’ physical appearance when it is something they can do little about.
Comment about their character, actions and other aspects of their presentation may be fair game-their appearance isn’t.
Beauty, Rossleigh, I like the picture, it certainly grows clearer at each view.
So maybe she likes it too???
It’s all in the language we use, innit ?
As a portrait (defined as ‘a painting, drawing, photograph, or engraving of a person, especially one depicting only the face or head and shoulders’) or as a likeness it’s not very competent .
As a caricature (defined as ‘a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.’ ) it’s not flattering but then it’s not supposed to be.
I found a portait of Der Spud, in all places a game called Raid: Shadow Legends and (the name in English is Lumberer) it suits P Duddy down to the ground –
As for Ginormous Ego, all she has to do is flash the cash and her preferred stable of sycophants will fall over themselves to bleat and bark and tear their hair out in their adoration of her while stroking the moolah.
Barry, what does one make of the Mona Lisa then? Maybe, just maybe what Gina fears is that the painting portrays her true self.
Just as one starts to resemble one’s dog, she is starting to resemble an ugly personality.
Instead of being gracious that she has been immortalized, she gets all egotistical. Sorry gina, from the grave, you wont be remembered as you so desperately desire.
Because she is a rich bitch that wants us all to be her surfs, i think she is F@#$%^&g ugly in so many ways. I want that painting to use as a dart board. I don’t care she is wealthy. But when wealthy people start thinking they are superior and don’t give a shit about anyone else, i would be inclined to do a guillotine job. Tax rates for billionaires should be 95%. should be grateful i don’t take it all.
GL. Living here in Thailand , the Bar girls have my admiration. They do it tough to make money. And they are upfront, unlike
“all she has to do is flash the cash and her preferred stable of sycophants…” $250,000 salary and cant make ends meet…fuck you.
Yeah Albo, stop taking money off Gina that rightly belongs in her offshore bank accounts. You’re a meanie.
If Der Spud was in charge he would quickly remove his lips from her arse to do what Gina wants then go straight back to kissing the royal ring.
@Barry: Rinehart was the one who complained first (thus the ‘Streisand Effect’).
It’s not Rinehart’s looks that merited her inclusion in Vincent Namatjira’s portrait installation ‘Australia in Colour’ – which she is so miffed by she’d prefer the entire work removed along with everyone else’s portraits, or vandalised by its extraction from the remainder (Juukan Gorge anyone?) – but her own attitudes and actions that line her up for public satire.
She comes off better than QEII in the installation so it’s hard to fathom her ire really. As to manners we have the impeccable form demonstrated by a racist NT in removing Vincent Namatjira and his sister to foster homes far away in Perth after their mother, Jillian, died in 1991(Namatjira is the proud great-grandson of famed indigenous painter, Albert Namatjira, but no reprieve there); then we have the exemplary manners of Rinehart, who cancelled her $15m sponsorship of Netball Australia in 2022 because an indigenous team member conscientiously objected to her failure to apologise for her father’s casual racist and genocidal views, among other things.
Well now, how’s this for good manners: https://theaimn.com/hancock-prospecting-in-ecuador-seven-years-of-reported-violations/
Mr Namatjira was far too kind, as most Aboriginal people I’ve had the pleasure to know tend to be.
You’d have to be kindness itself to bring to a coloniser nation the ‘Statement from the Heart’ and a referendum on a constitutional Voice, and respond with dignity to the extended insult given in return.
Frances, my point still stands.
Sometimes the inner ugliness of a person seeps through to the surface.
@ Barry: I agree totally with your point because it holds for me too.
But it’s also my belief that good manners and being kind are differ from other important values like free speech and speaking truth to power. One can still hold to both, and do the latter without sacrificing the former.
While it is essential that we be kind we should also be able to see unkindness and cruelty and call it out – the very things you more or less say are fair game. The dark side of the Streisand effect is that power not only corrupts but leads to self-deception.
Most comments below Rossleigh’s send-up are expressing opinions not about a face but about a ruthless person, a very ugly thing.
For example, Andyfiftysix’s reference to Rinehart’s portrait’s “ugliness” surely refers not to the portrait but to the person behind the face revealed (arguably) by the artist’s caricature of it. His suggestion that Rinehart is reacting to the truth of the portrait is probably pretty close to the mark. This is what the artist in his half-baked way (in)tends to do. There’s no telling who’ll be his subject and how the portrait will come out. It’s cleverly neutral in its context and Rinehart fell for it.
It seems Rinehart is not one to take much responsibility for her actions or those of her company, apart from ensuring that profits increase by gobbling up resources wherever she can shovel a foot in the door. Undaunted, however, she likes to be seen in no lesser light than that of a benevolent philanthropist and do-gooder, so the portrait has made her so cranky she’d have the artist blacklisted with every gallery and museum if there was any way of doing this without adding to the Streisand effect.
And this is the less comical side of it, the delusional personality shaped by inherited entitlement, power, and sycophancy that leads to the idea that one can erase the evidence of one’s greed, wash the blood off the grand vestibule, without the valet noticing. But the more one scrubs, as in Grimm’s tale of Bluebeard, the bigger and darker grows the stain.
Rinehart is not an innocent person who was mocked in the schoolyard or missed out on a crap job because she is not pretty enough – her looks were always fine, the little iron ore princess married twice, had children, and is now as rich as Croesus. But she wants more, much more (rumour has it her own father called her greedy), and so long as she doesn’t get her own hands dirty, it matters not that tribal communities are displaced in Ecuador or poisoned in New Guinea to fatten up the company profits – most of which go directly into her piggy bank – or that the environment is degraded and exhausted by mining.
Corporate Australia – as headed up by the likes of ruthless ‘denialists’ such as Gina Rinehart – does not care about you or me or welfare or education or health or social housing or inequality or the environment because, pitiful as they are, it is anathema to them that corporate taxes are not reabsorbed by the big miners but returned to the community, a prospect regarded as nothing less than the slippery slide to regulation and their terrifying bogey, socialism. So Rinehart, for whom a social conscience is bad business will, if necessary, bribe politicians (as alluded to by JulianP and GL) to maintain the fossil fuel free-for-all neoliberal status quo.
So for me it’s apples and oranges. I believe kindness makes us truly good humans, but I also hold that we have both a right and a responsibility to make a satirical object out of people who are prepared to sacrifice others to benefit themselves.
A caricature is a signpost to the real person. Here it is not a mere face that is the satirical focus but what lies within that is revealed in the face – two completely separate things.
So I’m hoping my point also still stands.
Yes, moral ugliness usually has little to do with what a person actually looks like.
I think the art of caricature has found a way of uniting the two.
Please do not click on this or follow the link to get the image up in Times Square for a few days, because Gina would absolutely hate it if you do.
I clicked on the link. 😀😀
Gina No-heart or Blackheart as she is called far and wide across our big country. The ugliness inside her has well and truly seeped to the surface in ever increasing dimesions.
The only person? (debatable) I have seen have anything good to say about her is Australia’s biggest embarrassment, the horrid Spudhead, and his pathetic bunch of whiny libtards that will crawl through their own feaces to lick his shoes to agree with him. What has our once great country become?
Gina Swineheartless has all the compassion of a starving crocodile, all the integrity of Donald Trump (with his fingers crossed behind his back) and all the foresight of Mr Magoo. If there was ever a self-promoting, mean-spirited, avaricious psychopath who truly represented the callously inhumane and racist attitudes of the diabolical, thoroughly entitled parasites in the extreme right-wing, Meanie Genie would be their Poster Girl!
There’s nothing good one can find to say about this self-entitled, spoiled daughter of the repugnant, racist sociopath: the infamous, deeply unpopular Lang Hancock – who made his obscene fortune off the backs of his underpaid, overworked employees – except to say that she is, most definitely, a vile “chip off the old block “! Meanie Genie has, indeed, cemented her notoriety as being a grotesque mirror image of her despised father whose inherent greed, outmoded racist attitudes and malignant self-indulgence knew no barrier! Even her own children could not escape her bottomless avarice for limitless greed and ruthless power which is why she provides endless support (and funding) to the heartless, like-minded psychopaths in the LNP! History has proven that Swineheartless, Dutton and the LNP have SO MUCH in common, eh? There can be no doubt her “pet rodent”, Barnyard Joyce, will stoop to any low level of sycophantic arse-licking to ensure that this depraved, racist, tax-avoiding harridan will continue to support the thoroughly corrupt, like-minded elitists and political psychopaths in the LNP – proven to be the worst, most corrupt, totally inept, undemocratic and inhumane political party in our nation’s history!
When you have a good, long look at the type of callously inhumane, greedy, self-serving, misogynistic and racist type of elitists who openly support the LNP, it should give Australians a good indication of just how truly depraved the LNP really are! Wake up, Australia and keep the corrupt wealth-obsessed non-taxpaying elitists, vile racists, rusted-on misogynists and environmental vandals – who occupy every seat in the LNP – in Opposition INDEFINITELY!
John C,
The same thing about inner ugliness, this time bursting from every pore, can be said of Der Spud.
I see Gina of the Punctured Ego has made an apearance on Techdirt in the US –
Some of the comments are worth looking at.
The following is the “realist” (with not a sign of her blotchy, puffy, saggy face and dyed hair) portrait that Gina wants everyone to see in the National Gallery. Talk about industrial strength rose coloured glasses.