Short term sugar hit

When even the experts disagree, it’s not surprising that the electorate are divided on privatisation. The only say that Australians get in the sale of the assets we jointly own is at election time but I sometimes wonder if voters fully consider the ramifications of privatisation and asset recycling.

Joe Hockey and Tony Abbott are both determined to use their time on the Treasury benches selling every Commonwealth asset they can and, by making funding dependent on it, they are forcing state premiers to do the same.

Joe wants to follow the Costello fire sale approach to fixing his budget while Tony wants roads, roads, and more roads to be his legacy.

Last year the Productivity Commission released a report into the provision of public infrastructure which concluded that there is “an urgent need to improve how public infrastructure projects are selected, funded, financed and delivered.”

“There are many examples of inadequate project selection that have led to costly outcomes for users and taxpayers. …poorly chosen infrastructure projects can reduce productivity and financially burden the community for decades with infrastructure that is unnecessary and expensive to maintain… The costs of poor project selection and delivery will be exacerbated if governments decide to increase their infrastructure investment programs without reforming their governance regimes…

To sum up, governments are sometimes weak at determining what, where and when infrastructure projects should be scoped and constructed. This stems from deficiencies in using coherent decision-making frameworks to assess the portfolio of potential projects.”

The PC argues that it is critical that governments build a “credible and efficient governance and institutional framework for project selection”, since “selecting the right projects is the most important aspect of achieving good outcomes for the community”.

“Properly conducted cost–benefit studies of large projects, and their disclosure to the public” is seen as key to guide project selection and improve the transparency of decision making and they recommend public disclosure of CBAs for any project over $50 million.

The report mentions the ACT Light Rail Project as an example of poor decision making.

“The ACT Government’s decision to proceed with a light rail project appears to be an example of where the results of cost–benefit analysis have been ignored without a valid explanation…

In a submission to Infrastructure Australia in 2012, the ACT Government analysed a number of options including bus rapid transit (BRT) and light rail rapid transit (LRT). The analysis estimated that the upfront capital costs for the BRT and LRT would be $276 million and $614 million respectively (on an undiscounted basis) (ACT Government 2012).

In its economic appraisal (which is essentially a cost–benefit analysis), the ACT Government found net present values of $243.3 million for BRT and $10.8 million for LRT. The benefit–cost ratio for BRT was estimated at 1.98, with 1.02 for LRT. In the assessment, the benefits of BRT and LRT were similar ($491.8 million against $534.9 million respectively), but the cost of BRT was less than half that of LRT ($248.5 million against $524.1 million, when discounted by 7 per cent). The cost–benefit analysis took into account a range of factors including journey times, and avoided environmental impacts and accidents (ACT Government 2012)…

In summary, a cost–benefit analysis showed BRT to be a greatly superior option than LRT…”

It also warns against the view that private sector provision is necessarily best, noting instead that it brings “additional risks and costs, which need to be weighed against the benefits”, and “only if well-designed and executed does a PPP agreement offer the potential for efficiency gains compared with traditional public procurement”.

– Private financing is not a ‘magic pudding’ — ultimately users and/or taxpayers must foot the bill.

– Government guarantees and tax concessions are not costless and often involve poorly understood risks.

The “poles and wires” are a prime example of this.

Every five years, the federal energy regulator grants the distribution and transmission network companies an allowance to spend on capital and operating costs. In 2009, the networks claimed to need billions to build new infrastructure to meet soaring demand and the Australian Energy Regulator approved a staggering $45 billion of spending.

Not only that, they ruled that the NSW distribution networks could claim an astonishingly high cost of capital of 10.02% per annum, which it said was equal to the borrowing costs of a private company at that time. In fact, they borrow from a triple A–rated state treasury at rates of around 4–5%.

This meant that, for every billion dollars they borrowed to spend on infrastructure, the NSW networks were now able to charge their customers an extra $100 million every year (decreasing over time as the loan was paid off). Gerard Brody, an advocate from the Consumer Action Law Centre, said “This was just pure profit coming from consumers’ hip pockets. There’s no rational, economic reason for consumers paying that sort of money.”

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the electricity industry’s profits rose by 67% between 2007–08 and 2010–11. In this same period, electricity bills rose 40%. With tacit approval from the federal government, they carried on spending billions of dollars on new infrastructure we didn’t need, based on projections that were obviously wrong. According to the federal treasury, 51% of your electricity bill goes towards “network charges”.

The PC report also warns that Abbott’s bribes to the states, otherwise known as asset or capital recycling,

“could act to encourage privatisation in circumstances that are not fully justified and encourage the selection of new projects that do not have demonstrable net benefits. Already, examples of promises to reinvest have emerged in regions where assets are being sold. Tying funds to particular regions is no assurance that the highest net benefit investments are being considered.”

On Tuesday, the head of the NSW state government’s infrastructure advisory criticised the Abbott government’s refusal to fund public transport projects.

“I can’t really understand the logic of saying we will only invest in a transport project if it involves bitumen as opposed to one that involves steel rails,” said Jim Betts, the chief executive of Infrastructure NSW.

“It seems to be arbitrary,” he said of Mr Abbott’s stance. “I can’t understand how public transport is somehow beyond the pale. It’s a shame because particularly I would like to see bodies like Infrastructure Australia able to give modally agnostic advice.”

As a short term budget fix, Hockey is also considering selling six government-owned buildings in Canberra, including one that houses the Treasury Department.

The scoping study will look at options for the John Gorton and Treasury buildings, as well as East and West block and Anzac Park East and West, which are in Canberra’s Parliamentary Triangle.

As Peter Martin points out

“Once sold, they would be leased back to the departments of Treasury and Finance and whoever needed to use them. For the next four years (as far out as the budget’s detailed forecasts go), Hockey’s accounts would look good. He would have raised serious money. Beyond that, his successors would be paying out serious rent.

The Howard government sold the purpose-built Foreign Affairs headquarters to the to the Motor Traders’ Association super fund for $217 million in 1998. By 2017 it will have paid out $311 million in rent. Foreign Affairs can’t move out, and what dressed up the budget nicely in 1998 will cost $20 million or more per year in rent forevermore.”

Medibank Private has already been sold, raising $5.679 billion which will be invested in roads.

In the four years after the Rudd ­government converted Medibank Private into a profit-making insurer, the Commonwealth collected $1.366 billion in dividends and taxes. This amounts to a 16-fold return on the $85 million it put into Medibank.

The federal government is studying whether to sell the Royal Australian Mint, hearing-aid provider Australian Hearing, Defence Housing Australia and the Australian Securities & Investment Commission’s corporate register, according to its budget papers.

The national commission of audit also recommended selling assets including Australia Post, power generator Snowy Hydro Ltd. and Australia Rail Track Corp., the main interstate rail network.

Not to be left out, Christopher Pyne has refused to rule out selling the HECS debt.

The Commonwealth would sell the rights to its $30 billion stream of long-term debt repayments at a reduced price of, say, $15-$20 billion today. While the Government would receive some funds up-front, it would lose the ongoing cash flow as loans are repaid – in effect substituting a future income stream for a much smaller lump-sum.

To make Hockey’s budget look better temporarily, and to pay for Tony’s road fetish, we are selling off assets that would provide a future revenue stream. What will our children do with less revenue, no assets to sell, and increased costs to pay the private sector for what used to be ours?

About Kaye Lee 1328 Articles
Kaye describes herself as a middle-aged woman in jammies. She knew Tony Abbott when they both attended Sydney University where she studied for a Bachelor of Science. After 20 years teaching mathematics, with the introduction of the GST in 2000, she became a ‘feral accountant’ for the small business that she and her husband own. Kaye uses her research skills “to pass on information, to join the dots, to remember what has been said and done and to remind others, and to do the maths.”


  1. Somehow the myth that the conservatives are the better economic manager must be exposed for the lie that it is. The major media companies are all owned by powerful corporations,and it is in their interest to keep this myth alive which suits their greedy corporate agenda.”’

  2. In the ACT the report says “The cost–benefit analysis took into account a range of factors including journey times, and avoided environmental impacts and accidents (ACT Government 2012)…”
    How can it be a legitimate cost benefit analysis if it ignores the environment and the cost of accidents?

  3. I think they meant that the cba included environmental impacts and accidents that would be avoided (hopefully)

  4. Here in SA we have had almost all government utilities “privatised” (sic), & what a bloody disaster & farce we now have! Now “they” want to “privatise” our water supply, the bastards! We “enjoy” the highest utility bills in Australia, & in a good part of the free world too. I am afraid that ANY government utility or department being “privatised” is just a (very) short term financial boost to the government. After that, “we” all have to pay hugely inflated bills, because all these “poor” private companies have to satisfy their hungry shareholders & ALWAYS make a profit! To hell with the long suffering constituents!

  5. Abbott’s road fetish is understandable – the big road transport mobs like Lyndsay Tanner and Fox et al will have been filling the LNP coffers and demanding returns on their political investment, and equally so the fossil fuel mobs who fund the LNP and profit from asphalt and concrete, along with the big road construction companies. Then there’s the NRMA and the Victorian and other state road lobby equivalents all lobbying for roads and backing the LNP all the way. Public transport simply does not make any sense to the conservative radical self-centred mindset i.e If you can’t afford a car, then friggin’ well walk, loser!

  6. “Natural monopolies” such as energy utilities, water supplies and transport infrastructure rightly belong in the public domain. The nature of such monopolies means that genuine segregation and competition are impossible and merely drive a race to the bottom, with reduced government revenues, no public benefits and rising prices. Once they are privatised government regulation is never effective in controlling prices driven by the imperatives of private profit.

    It’s simple, and our governments do get it. The fault lies in the corruption of today’s politics by corporate power.

  7. “To make Hockey’s budget look better temporarily, and to pay for Tony’s road fetish, we are selling off assets that would provide a future revenue stream. What will our children do with less revenue, no assets to sell, and increased costs to pay the private sector for what used to be ours?”
    Exactly. Who benefits from privatisation? Overseas companies, overseas call centres, shareholders and advertisers.
    Privatisation is theft and an invitation to rort to chase bigger and bigger profits at the expense of the consumer and the tax payer.

    Some examples of rorts and dishonesty by privatised companies.

    Origin Energy was fined a record $2 million

    AGL ‘misled’ customers on discounts, SA court told it will pay $785k compensation

    Energy Australia fined $1m in Federal Court over door-to-door sales practices

    EnergyAustralia fined $1.5m for duping consumers

    The Jobs Game
    By Linton Besser and Ali Russell

    VET FEE-HELP loan scheme: Millions lost in training courses
    Date February 17, 2015
    Victorian students who drop out of costly training courses are wasting more than $40 million in fees and government funding every year.
    Serious doubts have been raised about the integrity of government-subsidised vocational program following revelations that job applicants are being targeted and pressured to sign up for courses by private colleges.
    Yet while enrolments and course fees have increased, state government figures show that only four in 10 students who started these short courses in 2013 have completed them.
    Average fees for diploma and advanced diploma students in the VET FEE-HELP loan scheme rose by 84 per cent between 2011 and 2014.
    Fees charged to these students increased from $2.4 million in 2009 to $79.6 million last year.\
    Australasian College Broadway accused of claiming federal training loans for under-skilled graduates; college rejects allegations
    By Claire Aird and Alison Branley
    Here’s one example of a dodgy private college.
    Enrol now for your chance to WIN!
    See a sample of their courses, costs and admission criteria
    Online, 9 months cost $15,350
    To be accepted, applicants must meet one of the following criteria:
    a Certificate IV; OR
    Possess relevant skills through work experience; OR
    Australian Year 12 or equivalent; OR
    Demonstrate through a phone or in-person consultation that they have appropriate skills to undertake the

  8. If only these politicians were so poor at managing their own finances they would be bankrupt and we wouldn’t have to put up with their inability to perform the jobs they have been elected to do.

  9. How is it that we manage to elect people who do so much harm and so little good as far as the vast majority of the population are concerned?
    What will it take to persuade the rusted on “battlers” who support the LNP that they are creating a rod for their own backs?

  10. The government should forgive students of their HECS debt. I hope the ALP adopt this as part of their policy platform. The forgiveness meme may appeal to the religious folk.

  11. The stupidity of “battlers” voting for the LNP has shown its “bogan head” in NSW. Privatization is not a difficult issue to follow. NSW is currently paying for the cost of production of their electricity, soon they will be paying for the cost of production plus an investors profit margain, which could be “anything.” The battlers will be the worst affected but for some incomprehensible reason they vote to make themselves poorer, it beats the hell out of me.

  12. Thanks again Kaye Lee for another well researched article.
    Is anyone asking Joe about this Intergenerational Theft???
    How unfair to saddle future generations with leasing?
    Anyone who can, would rather own their home than continue to pay rent forever more.
    The ability to EVER regain ownership of these enormous assets is beyond this country.
    The Abbott Government is a lying, theiving, private profit driven cabal that needs to be ousted before much more damage can be done.
    There was an article this morning explaining how the parrot (Jones) is advising Abbott to remove Rudd and Gillard’s entitlements in retirement!
    If he takes this advice there will be blood on the streets.

  13. if labor was dumb enough to let abbutt tell the electorate that 20% debt to gdp was a crisis and england’s 100% wasn’t a worry and then to stay silent when the greens/hockey coalition doubled labor’s debt, how would you expect any laborite to understand this article?
    ps silkworm women and the poor get their forgiveness and their reward in heaven. Only the rich and the powerful get theirs here on earth!

  14. I sent on to a dozen lab pollies the adverts for up to $96000 beginning 15 months ago complaining about these labor uni twits worrying about the academic able 10% being dudded for $100000 degrees whilst the 90% were being tricked into debt NOW (january 2014) even twits like xenophon are sounding reasonable and if the greens can shut luddlum and hansonyoung up they will bolt in the senate.

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