Scott Morrison’s leadership is a mirage

If Scott Morrison was leading the Coalition, he would have announced that a referendum on constitutional recognition will be held during this term. He seems to want to do it with Labor’s help. He even sent the well-meaning but ineffectual Ken Wyatt out to gently test the waters, suggesting a Voice could be legislated.

But Craig Kelly said no and the threats were followed by a hasty retreat.

If Scott Morrison was leading the Coalition, he would repeat to them what he said in April last year – that electricity from new coal-fired power plants would cost twice as much as power from existing coal power stations.

Or what he said about the NEG and subsidies for coal and gas energy:

“The days of subsidies in energy are over, whether it is for coal, wind, solar, any of them. That is the way I think you get the best functioning energy market with the lowest possible price for businesses and for households and that is what the national energy guarantee and our energy policies are designed to achieve.”

But Craig Kelly said no to the NEG, we want coal. Angus to the rescue with a fund to subsidise coal and gas with a few renewable projects thrown in for cover. And here’s a feasibility study for a new coal-fired power station to tide you over. And a great big new coal mine to boot.

If Scott Morrison was leading the Coalition, he would distance himself from the climate change deniers in his party. He would state that the views expressed by backbenchers Barnaby Joyce and Craig Kelly are ill-informed and not consistent with the government’s commitment to meet its Paris targets.

But this weed is allowed to flourish.

If Scott Morrison was leading the Coalition, Jim Molan would not be running a personal campaign against the wishes of the party. Twice the Liberal preselectors rejected him, presumably for good reasons. His public job application for a Senate spot that is not yet vacant is inappropriate. It will be a party decision. A leader would tell him that.

When the NSW Liberal Party state executive tried to dump Craig Kelly, he threatened to go to the crossbench if he wasn’t chosen as the candidate. Scott Morrison pleaded with the executive to endorse Kelly so he wouldn’t embarrass the PM. That is not how a leader responds to threats.

If Scott Morrison was competent enough to lead this government, we wouldn’t have to rely on prayers and miracles.

But sadly, that may be all we’ve got for the next three years.

How good is ScoMo?

Not even good enough to stand up to a failed furniture salesman lobbing bombs from the backbench.

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About Kaye Lee 1328 Articles
Kaye describes herself as a middle-aged woman in jammies. She knew Tony Abbott when they both attended Sydney University where she studied for a Bachelor of Science. After 20 years teaching mathematics, with the introduction of the GST in 2000, she became a ‘feral accountant’ for the small business that she and her husband own. Kaye uses her research skills “to pass on information, to join the dots, to remember what has been said and done and to remind others, and to do the maths.”


  1. Excellent article, Kaye!… Yes, ScuMo is not leading, he is under the control of the Hard Conservatives (from everywhere, but especially from Queensland). He must obey, just as his predecessor Turnbull did, or be crashed. Dutton is still there, he tried once to finally provide the state that has determined a Coalition Federal Government for many elections now (i.e. Qld), with their first Coalition PM (Sir Joh being a well-know failure)… and Dutton is ready to try for a second time, and this time he is likely to succeed. The stronghold of NSW on the Coalition Prime Ministership (Fraser, Howard, Abbott, Turnbull, ScuMo) may be coming to an end….

    The Liberal party Civil War rages on (what did the Morons who voted this mob back in expect?), the ALP is calmly watching…. and the dark clouds of a GFC-2 are approaching…..

  2. How good is Scummo? By golly, pretty good, especially when it comes to picking team mates. Look at Kelly, re-elected thanks to a Scummo intervention, then biting the hand… oh we’re in for a great three years. But Alpo, surely not Dutton?

  3. The rumours are flying fast that there will be a challenge to Morrison. Dutton as P.M?

    Where can Australians immigrate too with out a lot of stress.?

  4. Re;

    But Craig Kelly said no and the threats were followed by a hasty retreat.

    Perhaps. But I thought the ‘hasty retreat’ was driven more by Dutton who came out so very soon after Wyatt made his statements. Then again maybe Dutton was first to my ears because he’s from Queensland and dominates the local media. Dutton is very conscious how Hanson would react and needless to say she’s been across the media as well echoing outrage.

    Must admit I was surprised when Wyatt made his speech and ‘promised’ constitutional changes. I would’ve bet he would have cleared that with Morrison – and been promised ‘back-up’ not a ‘hasty retreat’

    Then again Morrison has a new best friend in Trump – being buttered up for something – and it’s not for a game of golf. Another worry. Iran – here we come? At least at the level of ‘moral support’.

  5. Good article as usual Kaye Lee, but it assumes that Morrison believes in any of these things.

    Morrison has made a career of lobbing grenades and standing well out of the way of the results of their explosion while not appearing to have been a part of the lobbing.

    The only thing that Morrison fully and totally believes in is climbing up the ladder and stepping on as many people as he has to to get to where he wants to.

    As a party leader who believes in absolutely nothing but the verbal diarrhoea that emanates from him, it is not only difficult to listen to his non message but if one is strong enough to do so, to decipher what he is actually talking about.

    Morrison leads from the bleachers and sends in the troops, his colleagues, to take the flack, just like most war leaders. He sees the attrition of the troops as collateral damage for him getting to where he wants to be.

    If Morrison was a leader, he wouldn’t be Morrison.

  6. Im with Patricia! Agree entirely. I notice he’s getting bolder and bolder about religion, and thats a worry. Good article in The Saturday Paper by Tanya Levin (who was in and out of Hillsong herself, eventualy escaped, wrote good book Glass Houses) Read the article, its a very clear explanation of what Pentecostals actually believe, and what Morrison himself will be believing. Very scary actually.
    All the air is taken up with religious freedom and now flip flopping about Aboriginal recognition. Theyre descending into a shambles.
    He had to let Craig Kelly out eventually.

  7. Great article, as usual Kaye! Sadly, I think the only thing Slo Mo would be good for would be leading a horse to water, but then he probably would not be able to get it to drink. I supposed one could also say Slo Mo is “good” (sic) for his religion too, but who effing cares about that? The trouble with this happy clapper, flat earth, right wing, lying, climate-change denying buffoon is that he seems to think that everyone else agrees with him–yet any one with any real understanding of the last election results would know that in reality, the Liberal party did not get enough votes on their own to have a mandate or even to form Governmnet. He was just lucky that the Palmerston, the inept bloody Nationals & the Hansonite, all collaborated to enable his mob to just get the over line! Bastards the lot of them! And as for the whole lot of his bloody inept liberal mob, the les said the better!

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