So our Immigration Minister, Peter Mutton, is considering denying a visa to Daryush “Roosh” Valizadeh and planning to send some babies to Nauru or Manus. Excellent, I say and not just because this Daryush guy has a funny, foreign-sounding name.
Valizadeh, or “Roosh” as he prefers to be called, is the figurehead of the controversial group, Return of the Kings. (This is not to be confused with the third book of “Lord of The Rings” series, Return of The King) And by controversial, I mean that, thanks to the media reporting, people have started talking about a group that was so insignificant that nobody in Australia had ever heard of it. This is a group which has an even smaller grip on reality than a Kim Jong-un fan club. It advocates for such things as rape being legal on private property and denying the vote to women. And although he said that transgender women who sleep with heterosexual men were guilty of rape, his views on whether it was still rape if it took place on private property haven’t been made clear. Today, they’re suggesting that Microsoft committed voter fraud in Iowa. So when I say that it’s a controversial group, I mean that in the sense that nearly everybody is in agreement that they’re a ridiculous group of pathetic men who must have some inability to form worthwhile relationships and probably aren’t worth talking about, so I don’t know why we’re giving them so much free publicity.
Of course, some will wonder why after making all that fuss the media giving them free publicity that I’m writing about them myself.
While that’s a worthwhile point, the best way to answer it is by changing the subject and telling you that some are also wondering why the government that made all the fuss about freedom of speech, Andrew Bolt and 18C and allowed Geert Wilders in the country, have since denied so many other people that same right. It’s simple really – most of the party agree with Bolt and Wilders, whereas there are votes to be had by barring people like rapper Chris Brown, and drawing attention to someone with even less concern for women’s rights than the Liberal Party’s conservative faction – sorry, not faction, there are no factions in the Liberal Party.
So naturally I support our government in denying this man a visa, and not just because we already have Mark Latham to make idiotic statements. However, he’s said that he’ll come anyway.
Our borders are weak??? Hasn’t he heard about Tony Abbott and our strong borders? If he hasn’t heard about the dangers of coming by boat, then how do we expect people fleeing war zones to be informed about how impenetrable our borders are? Doesn’t he realise that he’ll be towed all the way back to the US?
Ah, I guess he just thinks that Turnbull is softer when it comes to border protection…
Which brings me to the return of the babies…
We’re having our heart strings pulled by photos of them looking all babyish and innocent, but let me just remind you that they chose to come here. Well, they chose to be born here. Or rather their parents chose to leave Manus or Nauru just because the government decided that having people die in childbirth was inhumane, so they flew them back here and now, having been given such a great start in life, people want these babies not to have to face punishment. If you allow these babies to go unpunished, what sort of a signal does that send to people like Roosh about our weak borders? No, it’s only by punishing those who seek to come here seeking asylum that you make it clear to people like Chris Brown that violence against women will not be tolerated unless it’s done by a Liberal politician and the media don’t run with the story.
We even have advertising campaigns advising women that it’s better that they get out of an abusive relationship even if it means sleeping in the streets. Although it doesn’t actually say that, because that might suggest to people that it might have been better to actually spend the money on support services than white ribbons, but hey, the PM can’t wear a support service on his lapel, now can he?
Dutton bans ‘Roosh’ while calling a woman “a mad f*cking witch”.
Only in Bizarro World.
Wonderful piece, yet again, Rossleigh.
Rossleigh. I don’t want to seem picky, but my surname is Mutton and I object to the name being used in reference to our so-called Immigration Minister, whose surname is Dutton!
Now, using Mutton when referring to Dutton is either:
a] A mistake; or
b] An attempt to take the p–s out of Peter Dutton [which I don’t mind in the slightest, but please don’t use my family name to do it]
I’ve seen the usage of Mutton when referring to Dutton on the AIMN before and have just ignored it, but the practice seems to becoming more regular and I object most strongly.
I read the AIMN website every day and appreciate the fact that we have at least one news & opinion provider in this country who tells it how it is. I realise that there is more than one independent news service in Australia and I support may of those as well as the AIMN.
Please! stop using my family name to to ridicule one of the most inept federal ministers we have ever had the displeasure to have come across, but keep up the good work of telling the people of Australia how it is!
Excellent article Rossleigh!
Yep we will refuse you entry to Australia only if it looks good in the papers.
I apologise, Mallee Man, I’m sure that there’s nothing you – or anyone in your family – could have done to deserve such a comparison. In future, I shall refer to him as Peter Plod!
Though that may upset Noddy fans!
It would be ok to call him peter brainless f..kwit! That would be accurate and wouldn’t upset anyone with one.
It’s easy.
Don’t say anything to anyone, let the bastard in through normal channels as if he (debatable) is a human, and then detain him and lock him up without charge like any of the other foreign nationals who have had the same injustice perpetrated on them.
When he asks why, the reasons are :
1) You have a funny terrorist sounding name.
2) You are a DUMC1T
( PS Messrs pyne and dutton are fighting over DUMC1T for their personal number plates ) My vote goes to pyne, because he is more familiar with its usage in parliament, but its a close thing.
By the way, I thought that the immigration minister’s name is DUD-ONE, just to keep things clear and avoid confusion and embarrassment to any other people, real or imagined.
Rossleigh: I don’t comment here because there is nothing much to add. You do a fantastic job. Please keep it up.
As for the post by MalleeMan, I’m a bit confused. Is he taking the piss or is his family name really Mutton? If the latter is true, I would respectfully ask how this came to be. Not being from an Anglo-Celtic background, I can readily understand surnames like Smith and Baker, but Mutton?
Of course DUD-ONE is perfectly appropriate in the case of the said minister, but in his case many other names would be appropriate, but we will not go there.
Howard ‘Chops’ Mutton was a highly regarded educator in Adelaide 60 years ago.
As a student, I admired him.
The High Court has found in favour on most of Morrisons actions
The result was that the federal government has the power to detain people who come to our shores claiming to be a refugee. It also has the power to send those people to other countries without first determining whether their claims are correct.
This follows from the fact that Australian courts do not rule on what occurs within another sovereign state. This is true even if that state, as is the case with Nauru, is beholden to Australia, and has a dubious record of upholding the rule of law within its own borders. In such a case, asylum seekers can find themselves removed from Australia to what is in effect a legal black hole.
These findings of a majority of the High Court put beyond doubt the capacity of the Commonwealth to continue its offshore detention policies in Nauru.
The High Courts ruling, here
This man is out this morning claiming he is taking kids out of detention by sending them to Nauru. Saying they are free to leave the centre. Problem is, living in shacks out of sight, where they are being attacked isn’t freedom in their eyes.
If he lifted the veil of secrecy from Nauru, let people in to see for themselves, maybe we could believe him.
correction to my comment above
Morrison and Duttons actions .
My understanding was proceedings commenced when Morrison was Minister