The AIM Network

Perhaps Conscription Will Be The Way To Go…



Sometime in The Future…

“This unemployment is a real problem.”

“I think the only problem is that they just don’t want to work!”

“I don’t think you can say that.”

“Look, there’s plenty of jobs out there if you want them. I’ve never had a problem finding one.”

“Yes, but you’re articulate and have a solid employment record. Not to mention your education.”

“Still I think they’re being a bit fussy. They’re not prepared to get their hands dirty.”

“A lot of the manufacturing and manual jobs have dried up. Here, in Victoria…”

“Well, they need to move.”

“But they may want to be near their families.”

“When they’re bleeding the public dry by being on welfare. They shouldn’t have that choice.”

“A lot of employers won’t take on people who’ve been long term unemployed.”

“Ok, I don’t blame them. Maybe it’s time to introduce conscription. Get ’em used to a bit of routine instead of sitting around watching TV. I mean a lot of them take bucketloads of drugs. How much does that cost us?”

“They need the drugs.”

“A stint in the army. Or they could pick up rubbish. Give something back to society instead of just sucking the public teat.”

“I really don’t think that it’ll work. I know a lot of people approved when Abbott conscripted all the unemployed under 25, but trying to apply this to the unemployed in their 60’s seems a little extreme to me.”

“That’s your trouble. You’re just a bleeding heart lefty.”

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