The AIM Network

People Should Do Something To Improve Their Lives But Joining A Union Is Satanism!

Scott Morrison - "a tougher welfare cop on the beat" (image from

Of course it’s hard to stay consistent to the values of society because as Saint Margaret of Thatcher said slightly before she lost all reason – or slightly after depending on your politics – “There’s no such thing as society!”

And of course, even Maggie wasn’t prepared to tell people that they didn’t need to pay their taxes because of this…

But I’m not here to speak ill of the dead. I’m just trying to get my ideas straight before we head into the next federal election.

To be clear here – as I’ve pointed out many, many times – I fit into a particular category of older, white Australian male and as such I may come across as sounding privileged and not understanding the problems faced by certain people. So when I say that Andrew Bolt should have lost the accent by now, particularly as he was allegedly born in the country, I may sound like I’m less welcoming than I should be, but let me be clear: I’m sure that Bolt was born here and I’m more than happy to give him a “Welcome To Country” even if I’m not Indigenous, but he should have no problem with that because – according to one of his columns, he is…

Yes, yes, I know… never mention that university dropout because he thrives on controversy and it’s his way of making sure that people read him… even if his show on Sky has less viewers than a replay of the 1997 Mooroopna darts championship.

Anyway, this is all about how we’ve come to rely on welfare…

Mm, interesting that I called it welfare. That’s an American term, isn’t it? We used to call it something else but once upon a time in Australia it just referred to the mental and physical happiness of a person…

Moving on, given certain polls are giving Dutton a chance of being the PM, we need to take a look into the possible future…

Let me make it clear, this is not a prediction. I never make predictions and I never will, but notwithstanding that we need to stop and consider what Australia will be like when at long, long last we ask those who need help to help themselves…

Of course, when I say help themselves I don’t mean to help themselves to things they have no entitlement to because we decide who’s entitled to what and the circumstances in which they’re entitled to it. If certain people help themselves to money that they’re not entitled to then they better hope that they’re public servants who are trying to extort money via robodebt on behalf of ministers who are ambitious for the other guy. If they were someone else they’d be in serious trouble.

Take the unions. They’re always trying to get workers a bigger slice of the pie when they should be just happy that people have a job and can afford a roof over their head and to eat… And if the wages being paid don’t enable them to do that, how can they afford to be a member of the union? No, they should just be grateful because look what happened to Oliver Twist when he asked for more…

Actually, Oliver ended up pretty well but that was because it was written by that notorious lefty, Dickens, who should definitely be banned from schools for his anti-capitalist agenda, where he argued that five year olds didn’t have the mutual obligation of going down chimneys in order to thank the society that didn’t exist for the soot in their lungs… (On a side note, it’s rather perverse to think that a popular children’s puppet show in Britain during the 60s had two puppets named Sooty and Sweep!)

No, we should stop giving taxes to people in need and give the taxes back to the people who didn’t pay them in the first place.

If someone needs extra help then they should get off their spotty backsides and look after themselves. I mean, take that great series “Breaking Bad”! When Walter White got diagnosed with cancer he didn’t rely on the state to help – mainly because he was in the United States… Mm, can we still call it that any more?


Walter White didn’t expect any help from his health insurance so he started making crystal meth and he made a fortune and…

All right, maybe it’s the wrong example.

So the possible future under Dutton…

Now he’s proposing a nuclear future and he’s promising that they can be built even sooner than the time it took for his party to release the cost.

He’s also promising a student cap… no, not the student cap that Labor put forward, a much better cap.

And he’s going to cut immigration, but not by what he said he would, but he’s definitely going to cut it by something more than Labor and something less than going too far.


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