Of course it’s hard to stay consistent to the values of society because as Saint Margaret of Thatcher said slightly before she lost all reason – or slightly after depending on your politics – “There’s no such thing as society!”
And of course, even Maggie wasn’t prepared to tell people that they didn’t need to pay their taxes because of this…
But I’m not here to speak ill of the dead. I’m just trying to get my ideas straight before we head into the next federal election.
To be clear here – as I’ve pointed out many, many times – I fit into a particular category of older, white Australian male and as such I may come across as sounding privileged and not understanding the problems faced by certain people. So when I say that Andrew Bolt should have lost the accent by now, particularly as he was allegedly born in the country, I may sound like I’m less welcoming than I should be, but let me be clear: I’m sure that Bolt was born here and I’m more than happy to give him a “Welcome To Country” even if I’m not Indigenous, but he should have no problem with that because – according to one of his columns, he is…
Yes, yes, I know… never mention that university dropout because he thrives on controversy and it’s his way of making sure that people read him… even if his show on Sky has less viewers than a replay of the 1997 Mooroopna darts championship.
Anyway, this is all about how we’ve come to rely on welfare…
Mm, interesting that I called it welfare. That’s an American term, isn’t it? We used to call it something else but once upon a time in Australia it just referred to the mental and physical happiness of a person…
Moving on, given certain polls are giving Dutton a chance of being the PM, we need to take a look into the possible future…
Let me make it clear, this is not a prediction. I never make predictions and I never will, but notwithstanding that we need to stop and consider what Australia will be like when at long, long last we ask those who need help to help themselves…
Of course, when I say help themselves I don’t mean to help themselves to things they have no entitlement to because we decide who’s entitled to what and the circumstances in which they’re entitled to it. If certain people help themselves to money that they’re not entitled to then they better hope that they’re public servants who are trying to extort money via robodebt on behalf of ministers who are ambitious for the other guy. If they were someone else they’d be in serious trouble.
Take the unions. They’re always trying to get workers a bigger slice of the pie when they should be just happy that people have a job and can afford a roof over their head and to eat… And if the wages being paid don’t enable them to do that, how can they afford to be a member of the union? No, they should just be grateful because look what happened to Oliver Twist when he asked for more…
Actually, Oliver ended up pretty well but that was because it was written by that notorious lefty, Dickens, who should definitely be banned from schools for his anti-capitalist agenda, where he argued that five year olds didn’t have the mutual obligation of going down chimneys in order to thank the society that didn’t exist for the soot in their lungs… (On a side note, it’s rather perverse to think that a popular children’s puppet show in Britain during the 60s had two puppets named Sooty and Sweep!)
No, we should stop giving taxes to people in need and give the taxes back to the people who didn’t pay them in the first place.
If someone needs extra help then they should get off their spotty backsides and look after themselves. I mean, take that great series “Breaking Bad”! When Walter White got diagnosed with cancer he didn’t rely on the state to help – mainly because he was in the United States… Mm, can we still call it that any more?
Walter White didn’t expect any help from his health insurance so he started making crystal meth and he made a fortune and…
All right, maybe it’s the wrong example.
So the possible future under Dutton…
Now he’s proposing a nuclear future and he’s promising that they can be built even sooner than the time it took for his party to release the cost.
He’s also promising a student cap… no, not the student cap that Labor put forward, a much better cap.
And he’s going to cut immigration, but not by what he said he would, but he’s definitely going to cut it by something more than Labor and something less than going too far.
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A word. The 1979 Mooroopna pub darts Championship was, of course, the main lead in to the famous (or noorious, depending on viewpoint) Wangaratta Classic of that year.
A word. The 1979 Mooroopna pub darts Championship was, of course, the main lead in to the famous (or notorious, depending on viewpoint) Wangaratta Classic of that year.
Bolt is a spray of humanoid diarrhoea, and of Dutch descent, perhaps with fascist collaboration culture there, according to some, but, who would know? Does he have the intermediate cert. to justify learned slagging? He dropped out, not only from Uni but from a Disneyish orifice of nonholy status. Thatcher was mentioned, the U K’s own Attila the HEN. A failed female impersonator, she managed to drive the Great out of the name “Britain.” We could go on, with Blair the dud lair, Cameron the vacuum, Boris the Bulging Bedpan, Truss the Trivia omission and some other regrettable forgettable blobs, smears, stains and clots. Let us finalise with Trump and Morrison, two ejections an arsehole would cheer about, and loudly.
“Bolt is a spray of humanoid diarrhoea…”
Blot, I mean Bolt, is more like 187 centimetres of foul smelling diarrhoea stuffed into a human shaped sausage skin with a mouth that acts like a pressure release valve to allow the rotten egg odour to escape before the possibility of a catastrophic faecal explosion.
GL, PP, (and other fine contributors), while it is invariably entertaining, amusing, as well as being cruelly descriptive, to read, (and participate), in these frankest of the frank analyses of people who populate the asymptotic wastelands of journalism & politics, I sometimes wonder whether, given the breadth of potential within this country’s defamation laws, the subjects being described could argue for compensation on the basis that they’re not actually, to quote an example, a 187cm sausage-shaped skin stuffed with foul-smelling diarrhoea, or a shrivelled formaldehyde soaked wart, or a mutant beetroot.
It would be challenging, I think, to argue that they were, should it come to a legal wrangle over descriptors.
A quick squiz at some of the websites dealing with defamation in this country suggests that what some of us post here at The AIMN could fall within the definition of defamation.
Interested to hear from others on this vexing question, perhaps AIMN admin might like to chip in their two bob’s worth as well.
Can it be defamation when the tongue is firmly planted in the cheek?
Although the description cited could be seen to be quite accurate….
and under the scrutiny of the legal system, statements made by the Bolt may well surpass the defamation test well before the tongue in cheek comment has left the starting blocks.
Bert, defamation law doesn’t discriminate whether the authors’ intention is tongue in cheek or not. It simply deals with the facts of the matter being that material (in this case) that appears in social media that falls within the ambit of being arguably defamatory and that is able to be widely read may be subject to legal challenge.
You can hold private opinions. You can directly communicate those to Bolt, Dutton, Murdoch etc., but once you put those opinions into a wider domain it gets iffy.
Recall Newscorp’s attempts to sue Crikey.
Canguru is correct, probably, and I and others must reform; however, on the undoubted road to finality makes one angry at not having been loud, honest, accurate, even if foul, or “witty”.
Hm, I wonder how far we could go using “honest opinion”? Maybe Michael and/or one of the admins could help in clearing up the issue.
It would be horrible having to say how wonderful, insightful, and terrific people like Bolt and other of his ilk are. Imagine having to be..gag…choke…nice when talking about Dutton or Hanson or even Trump all the time.
Ah, the Oz Unions. Many thanks owed to them for setting proper and decent the relationship between labour and capital and the rich tapestry that life can have on offer.
All was going quite well, until they started adulating Trotsky some 40 or so years after his death. In quick time the Oz home grown capitalist bourgeois and their corporations (incl multi-nationals) launched against them. And the young aspirants did not take up membership in droves
It has taken 40 more years for the Unions to repair their narrative back to fundamental equity and wellbeing. Yet the capitalist captains, their corporations and flunkies doubled down along with politicians moving right to save their sinecures. With the bourgois and aspirants smashed and insecure, and the disenfranchised rendered to abject poverty, the Unions have a lot to reckon with and much to do.
Likely, it’s the only tangible way to repair society. But in Oz with the mainstream media concentration saturating the folk with suicide capitalist neo-liberal / neo-conservative dogma, Labor and the Unions have an uphill battle, and need to lift their messaging game.
Great news today that Rupert and Lachlan’s attempt to change the Murdoch trust so that Lachlan alone would control the businesses, failed. The Nevada Commissioner finding that they acted in “Bad Faith”. Well how about that? Seems like their bid was a continuation of their standard m.o. It’ll be interesting to be a fly on the wall at NewsCorpse.
I know Canguro.
My tongue was firmly planted in my cheek as I wrote those words.
On a Queensland note: Crisafulli sinks ever lower into the rabid right wing swamp.
As you have noted, the Crisafulli regime has banned the parliament from debate or discussion on abortion for four years (the term of this government) after an ambush motion by the premier, David Crisafulli.
This move has been labelled as “unprecedented” and points to this LNP government with no Upper House merely banning democratic processes on anything they don’t want to discuss.
There was no notice of the move before Crisafulli introduced the motion into the parliament after question time. Just half an hour was set aside for debate before he used the Liberal National party’s majority to ram it through.
Welcome to Queensland and make sure you bring your white shoes – dodgy developers are welcome once again.
Good night all, I’m off to continue reading my Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers collection.
I’m not familiar with that, GL.
On my last quick check through a few sites I happened to see your comment just before I was about to turn my computer off for the night. Here you go:
The animated version called The Freak Brothers (I managed to get through three episodes then gave up) was a steaming pile of P. Dutt…er, crap.
Meanwhile back in the Queensland parliament the Premier, David Crisafulli moved a motion yesterday to quash all future discussion on matters pertaining to abortion. No matter what your feelings on the subject you must, like me , be worried about the unprecedented move to stamp out democratic dialogue in our state parliament : the motion was as expected carried by the LNP majority and with no Upper House it will not be subject to review or scrutiny.
1. That, notwithstanding anything in standing or sessional orders, this House orders that:
2 (a) no bill or amendment seeking to amend the Termination of Pregnancy Act 2018 is allowed to be introduced.
(b)no motion or amendment seeking to have this House express its views on the Termination of Pregnancy Act
2018 is allowed to be moved.
The Speaker is to rule out of order any bill, motion or amendment that offends the order in 1.
Queenslanders may well be looking at what they did at the last election with some amazement or perhaps not.
The rise of Trumpism in our own country is rather concerning. We must continue to fight against it at every opportunity.
Thanks for your usual dose of taking the piss Rossleigh, along with the hint of what we could be letting ourselves in for if we go down that road.
Canguru remains probably correct in his comments about slander and libel, but, in the interests of truth and my perspective on that, I write under my name, no fear of consequences great or small. “We” in Australia commonly refer to people as being a flea, or mullet or goose or even arsehole, and with a smile it gets “copped”, usually. No-one really thinks, say, Bolt is a b——, do they? (grins)
A bit sad, Rossleigh that you cannot use the context for your Maggie quote she was spot on in suggesting people care about themselves and don’t give a fig for society. Remember the children, till the lying rodent’s decree, could leave school at 14(15NSW) now a year 12 certificate is pretty well compulsory.
Dance of the cuckoos the QLD laws seem to be a woman’s choice till 22 weeks and 2 doctors after?? I would have thought Crisafulli would have followed the septics??
Cangaru: to publish material that may harm someone’s reputation is defamation.
Do we publish or Michael???
Phil, just to be clear, I am in no way suggesting anyone should rein in on the strength of their expression. With the minimal amount of consideration afforded this question, I’m fairly confident that [the usual suspects] don’t spend any of their time reading this august website; instead, they’re all preoccupied in their preferred use of time available – kicking the downtrodden, setting fires for no good reason, indulging in the amateur theatrics of hyperbole and offence and so on. I think we’re on fairly safe grounds. 🙂
wam, a quick search suggests probably the publisher, viz, The AIMN.
I just thought of a compliment for the Spud: He has a shiny scalp and in cold weather it would make a great skating rink for fleas and other small insects.
We have moved into a post-fact democratic cycle. The neo cons won the economic war but are seeing it crumble too. To maintain control, they need a look over there campaign. What did they choose? A cultural war that has become a mantra no educatiuon system we have can overcome.
As somebody wrote in a melbourne rag, Albo came in with promise but has been gutless. Like a stupid dog chasing a wheel…….then what.
I am too dumb to understand it but
“As Facebook posts are indexed by google, we do consider it publishing”
Seems to suggest we are publishing? This could just be just duck shoving in case their protection from section 230 disappears