Numerology, A Bot And Other Observations!

By now, most of you are probably aware of how ex-Minister Ley acquired the double “s” in her first name. Apparently, she “read about this numerology theory that if you add the numbers that match the letters in your name you can change your personality” So she altered the spelling so that her life would be “incredibly exciting” and “interesting”.

Mm, ok, she did do it in the 1980s, but she stuck with it. Now I’m no expert here and for all I know the only reason I’ve had such “exciting” and “interesting” life may be because of the double “s” in Rossleigh, but I do find it disconcerting that our former Health Minister placed so much faith in numerology that she changed her name. One would hope that she didn’t bring her beliefs about numbers into the health portfolio. Did she ever suggest to her department that maybe the odd change to a person’s name might eliminate the need for treatment altogether?

But it was possibly her influence that caused Malcolm to add that extra “s” into Medicare on election night. “Mediscare” was clearly a continuation of Sussan’s determination to add letters wherever possible.

Of course, numerology isn’t just about adding letters. Sometimes subtracting them can greatly help a person. When Madonna ditched her last name, I’m sure it was a great help to her career. If Donald were to ditch the “T” and the “P” from his surname, he could do wonders for his approval ratings.

So, with this in mind, I’m suggesting to Tony that maybe he should delete one of the “b”s in his surname and simply call himself: “Tony A bot”…

Well, it wouldn’t be the silliest thing he’s done. Like his tweet yesterday about the search for the missing plane being called off:



Now, again I’m no expert, but I suspect you don’t actually need to be an expert to suggest that if they haven’t found it in nearly three years of searching, there are CLEARLY better places to search. When Mr A Bot interrupted Question Time in 2014 to announce that they were very close to finding it, I wrote something suggesting that he was suffering from premature excitement. Somebody commented that shouldn’t be making fun of our PM when he was announcing such important news. I made the point at the time that he wasn’t announcing news; he was announcing that there would be news very, very soon and he looked forward to announcing it. Which I thought was rather silly but not as silly as his recent tweet. Even if we ignore his sudden conversion to the idea of listening to experts when he spent most of his time as PM ignoring all expert advice, it still seems rather strange that nobody involved in the search has bothered to take any notice of these “experts” and that they’ve persisted in searching in the wrong place when someone else knows exactly where they should be searching!

Ah well, A Bot clearly had to tweet something yesterday, otherwise people may have started writing about how there’s no way he’ll ever get a ministry under Turnbull. Reports that 2016 was the hottest year on record make hell freezing over just that little bit more unlikely. (Who wants to take bets on which of the Cuckoo Conservative Club will announce that breaking the record for the hottest year is no reason to blame climate change because we break heat records just about every year!)

While his irrelevance may irk him, at least it gives Toe-knee* the freedom to offer a running commentary on all that’s wrong with the current government. Of course, the main subtext of the commentary is: “There’s not much wrong, apart from the fact that I’m not leading it”! Apart from that, his only complaint is that Malcolm hasn’t accomplish all the things that he and Smoking Joe failed to do when they had the reins of power.

But enough about yesterday’s man. Tony Abbott is irrelevant, and we shouldn’t waste words talking about him. At least not until he launches his leadership challenge, which will pave the way for the Liberals to install somebody like Peter Dutton as PM.

Speaking of absurd, did you happen to catch this photo of the Clayton’s PM?



Now, perhaps it’s just me. But did anyone else find what Malcolm wrote above the image ironic? Good ole’ Turnbull spruiking his innovation agenda while hanging around a museum dedicated to an obsolete company. Pretty much sums up their approach to the NBN.

Actually, pretty much sums up the whole government!

*Hey, I’m not a numerology guru, but he might as well try it! Nothing else is likely to work…


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About Rossleigh 1447 Articles
Rossleigh is a writer, director and teacher. As a writer, his plays include “The Charles Manson Variety Hour”, “Pastiche”, “Snap!”, “That’s Me In The Distance”, “48 Hours (without Eddie Murphy)”, and “A King of Infinite Space”. His acting credits include “Pinor Noir Noir” for “Short and Sweet” and carrying the coffin in “The Slap”. His ten minutes play, “Y” won the 2013 Crash Test Drama Final.


  1. Rossleigh…Sorry to do this, but I have a request of you and other AIMN readers. I’m having a running dialogue with a friend who is a staunch LNP supporter. I’m the opposite. I recently posted a meme on Facebook ridiculing Turnbull’s plan for a tax-break to big business to stimulate the economy. My friend said this is what Keating did when he was PM so why is it right for him but wrong for Turnbull. Because I’m an economic dunce I couldn’t offer a riposte. Can anyone give me information, sources or articles which I could use to formulate a response, please. Sorry that this is not a response to your above article Rossleigh…I read and enjoyed it!

  2. @James Cook. Keating did, in fact, reduce company tax while Treasurer after raising it early in his term. However, as you can see from this the information in the link below, company tax was a lot higher in the 1980s. However, the main point is that it’s a specious argument because one can’t really compare different eras. It’s like saying Labor sent our troops to fight the Japanese and Germans in the 1940s, so why are you objecting to the war in Iraq? But I think people like John Kelly would be far better at explaining Keating’s reasoning than I would.

    P.S. It’s also worth pointing out that Keating did introduce the Fringe Benefits Tax. Prior to this, there were numerous things – like a “business” lunch at an expensive restaurant – that companies used to write off without paying any tax at all.

  3. Cooky, Keating was the best Liberal Party PM we have ever had beside Hawke, as Rossleigh has said Keating did cut tax for business, however if this relates to the Trump approach, I do remember in the campaign that DT said he would reduce the tax rate to 15% and abolish ‘all’ the business taxation deductions so as to make sure that the businesses actually did pay 15% income tax. If it is in the context that MT wants to give the 0.1% of global multibillionaires a $50 Billion tax cut, I am at a loss to know how MT would give them a $50 Billion tax cut because we saw in Dec’ 2015 that at least 579 corporations (owned by the 0.1% of the global population) have not paid a cent in income tax since at least 2013?

  4. Don’t worry rossleigh 9 is terriffic universal love susan represents dynamic life whilst susson is motherly according to the net if you need a smile research numerology. Avoid 4????

  5. Many thanks to correspondents and the link Rossleigh. I knew you people would send me in the right direction. Cheers all!

  6. Toe Knee Abot… What would that do to Tonys numerology. Maybe it could help him find the plane, wouldn’t that be exciting.

  7. A good read as usual Rossleigh – with a bit of vinegar thrown in.

    What spectacular news though – that TA has finally passed his geography exams Grade 5 primary – and is suggesting ‘other areas’ of the world might be worth looking at, even if the experts say so ?? He usually ignores all that. !!

    Outside of Warringah and Canberra, perhaps nothing else existed ? Except that wonderful place in Tasmania where he could eat an onion – skin and all.

    Ah well – he lives, he learns. WOW !! What an extraordinary amount of knowledge and intellect this TA bloke has !! As for Susan ( Sussan ) Ley …. she is best forgotten, if possible, double S or not.

    ‘SS’ – I seem to remember somewhere that harks back to another nasty era in the worlds history. ??

    Does she want to be a ‘protective echelon’ ?? ( German word Schutzstaffel – means just that ).

    ( needless to say, I can’t stand him — — or her !! – sorry ).

  8. “Donald Trump was born exactly 700 days before Israel became a nation.”
    “Israel was 77 days old exactly 777 days after Donald Trump was born.”
    “Israel’s 70th birthday will come exactly 700 days after Trump’s 70th birthday.”
    “Donald Trump won the election on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s 7th year, 7th month and 7th day in office.”
    “Donald Trump will be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old on his first full day in the White House.”

  9. “Donald Trump was born exactly 700 days before Israel became a nation.”
    “Israel was 77 days old exactly 777 days after Donald Trump was born.”
    “Israel’s 70th birthday will come exactly 700 days after Trump’s 70th birthday.”

    lol…these first 3 are exactly the same.

  10. We pay Abbott an enormous amount.
    What do we get ?
    Utterances either banal, obvious, trite, content-lite, wafer-thin or puddle-deep.
    With no more mental nourishment than horse manure.

  11. Some years back … a family ‘do’.

    Discussion arose on ‘will there be an anti-christ, and when ?’ ( fortunately after the dinner had finished ). Many suggestions put forward ( and no-one there, was super religious – no born agains etc. btw ). Donald Trump was a political unknown at the time.

    One person ( older ) offered the thought ” the Internet”. ?

    ” Waddya mean ?” …

    ” this information highway that Americans call it” – “gotta be the anti-christ.”

    “But hang on – the anti-christ, will be a person” – all chorused ( more or less ).

    “Who said it has to be a person” … ?? said older chum.

    Silence …… !!

    Subject dropped, when all hell broke loose as one of the kids had fallen over and screamed the place down. A cuddle and a bandaid fixed that problem.

    I quietly considered the comment – and came half way to thinking it possible. !! After all, who indeed categorically said it would be a person – a recognisable human form ? “Revelations” comes close ” Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 13:17-18. Most writings in Revelations are about beasts with horns and other nasty looking creatures – the stuff of nightmares.

    Is Trump hiding a triple 6 under all that goldy-orangy hair ?

    True story, but abbreviated.

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