I have a brief statement:
It has been brought to my attention that my evidence to the investigation into teacher corruption was incorrect. Yesterday I stated that I had no recollection of being given a bottle of Latour Rothschild 1949. It has since come to my attention that there is film of me taking it, thanking the father of the student who handed it to me, as well as an email to my wife telling her that we had a bottle of wine that we needed to drink before it went off. In light of this, I wish to clarify my earlier statement. While I still have no recollection of the bottle of wine, I am satisfied that yesterday’s evidence may have been misleading. As such I have decided to tender my resignation, not because I did anything wrong, but because I always do what’s right. As my principal pointed out, I spoke honestly while giving a totally false impression. I should also like to thank him for his kind remarks where he said that teachers who have decency to resign when they haven’t done anything wrong were truly highly honourable.
I should also like to say to the unkind people who are suggesting that surely I’d remember such a gift, that this was given to me shortly before I started assessing the exams and writing student reports and I was being showered with gifts of wine, free accommodation and jewellery. There is nothing wrong or corrupt about this. These are just to congratulate me on my success. But if you expect me to remember every ten thousand dollar gift I receive or what I did with it, then you’re expecting far too much.
Thank you.
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