(You may have read a lot about Rupert Murdoch recently, but read on.)
Hatred is a terrible word. It is a word that carries the most terrible intents, from murder to warmongering. In the name of hatred, terrible atrocities are committed. People butchered. Words weep at the existence of such an expression. However, it serves a purpose as a word of last emotion. In its name, a woman is murdered every week in Australia. In its name, hate is used for many purposes, including the desire for power and wealth.
Hatred is particularly offensive when it is used by the wealthy for their own enrichment. Rupert Murdoch, in the course of accumulating his wealth, has never shied away from using it.
Most of us have little desire to ruin people’s lives in the totality of an expected human lifespan. We all can inflict stress, trauma, hatred, violence and lies on others to satisfy hatred when it seeks an outlet for expression.
An innate part of being human is the capacity to inflict hatefulness on others. It is used by the rich and powerful to subjugate others.
The recently retired 92-year-old head of News Corp, Rupert Murdoch, is a significant player in this methodology.
News Corp is best described as a conservative social engineering project disguised as a news media company.
For over 70 years, Murdoch has inflicted his particular brand of indecency on a singularly energetic cohort of individuals responsive to his refined and perfected methods of inflicting misery. He has successfully dulled the minds of millions throughout the Western world.
From this shrivelled-up body of a man came an affinity for social engineering in the name of money. It included the infliction of stress, trauma, hatred, violence, lies and the destruction of people’s lives.
The American columnist Mike Royko said of Rupert Murdoch’s newspapers that they are trash: “No self-respecting fish would want to be wrapped up in one of them.”
On his retirement as executive chairman of News Corporation, it would be easy to concentrate on his achievements. He has indeed broken his share of legitimate news stories, even if he has used smut, innuendo and lies to do so. He has employed many people and shaken the hands of the most important.
Heaping praise on him would cast a shadow over his heinous actions. He found that journalistic opinions sold more than facts. That tits on page three did the same. That controversy and lies sold papers when journalists omitted the truth.
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Finding the truth and reporting it is more important than creating a narrative where controversy matters more.
Murdoch has control of so much media: newspapers, radio stations, websites and TV networks. If he is to leave a legacy, it must undoubtedly be that he was one of the greatest influencers of his time.
He persuaded people that life is about perception. Not what it is but what we perceive it to be.
The truth is that no other person has had a more disastrous influence on Western democracy than the departing head of News Corporation. No other single individual newspaper proprietor has so “poisoned” our collective minds to the point where our ability to reason has been taken from us.
No public figure (except Trump, maybe) has done more to erase any understanding of the climate crisis facing all of us.
No media tycoon has used every methodology available to erode endorsed social safety nets to advantage capitalism.
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“Where the truth goes to die,” is my quotation describing the quality of his mastheads.
The Herald Sun, The Australian, Fox News, The Sun, the New York Post, and many other soiled publications carry the weight of his propaganda.
He assassinated any editorial goodness and replaced it with a coating of news hatred that took his mastheads to new depths.
The Murdoch media have titled democratic elections by elevating baseless fake opinions to the front pages and then disguising them as news.
He has tilted a bias in favour of one party over another, with disastrous leaders with disastrous consequences who have endeavoured to destroy their own democracies. In the eyes of many, Murdoch is a monster.
Donald Trump, Scott Morrison, Boris Johnson, Tony Blair, Liz Truss, David Cameron, Tony Abbott, and John Howard – were all endorsed by Murdoch and given the required publicity.
They were all willing to do his favours in return because that’s what building wealth requires. “Political power is temporary“, as Murdoch’s is dynastical and lasting.
This sullen man allegedly disseminated anti-vaccine nonsense during a global pandemic while quietly receiving one of the first available injections.
But that’s his style, as noted by Dave Milner in The Shot:
Indicators of the wretchedness beneath his carapace were apparent early on, long before he mass disseminated anti-vaccine tripe during a global pandemic while quietly receiving one of the first available jabs; long before Fox News lost a $787 million lawsuit against an electronic voting company, Dominion, for knowingly spreading baseless lies and conspiracy theories about the US election being stolen, directly leading to the violent and deadly insurrection on the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021.
When Murdoch left Australia, he left behind a dysfunctional fourth estate. Still, his career took off in the UK. He helped Thatcher rout the unions, and a cruel temperance descended on Britain’s political reality.
Milner continues:
In 1989, when 96 football fans of Liverpool FC died in a crowd crush at Hillsborough stadium, a tragedy caused by the actions of overzealous local police, his newspaper The Sun punched down at grieving families, blaming the victims for the tragedy. He caused immense hurt among the survivors for no reason beyond wanting to sell more newspapers than a balanced, accurate account would – a pattern that has remained true throughout his entire career. Following the tragedy, The Sun was driven out of Liverpool. To this day it is not welcome within the city limits. Having a newspaper driven out of town with pitchforks for its wretchedness is an achievement few in media have ever pulled off.
Or how in 2011, when his largest UK masthead, the News of the World, was closed down after it emerged his employees were illegally hacking the phones of celebrities, politicians, and the grieving parents of a missing child.
That Murdoch’s journalism is held in such low regard by so many is plain to see. It would help if you look at the culture in which they thrive. It is one in which profit is placed before any other consideration.
So much for Rupert Murdoch’s claim that “there are no climate change denialists in News Corporation. “ This mob are full of lies. Yet they control 70% of Australian print media. Time for #MurdochRoyalCommissionhttps://t.co/xXTg6k0Lid
— Office of Kevin Rudd, 26th PM of Australia (@MrKRudd) January 14, 2020
A final word fom Milner:
In 2001, Murdoch’s Fox News poured fossil fuel on the US invasion of the Middle East and ramped up anti-Muslim sentiment post 9/11. He pressed those same fear, racism and xenophobia buttons in the British populace as they jumped over the Brexit cliff in 2016; and is pushing them again in Australia today, as we face a referendum on whether we should listen to Indigenous people before we tell them what to do. His language is fear and hatred, suspicion of difference, deference to money and scorn for the weak and powerless, and far too much of the world has adopted this as its native tongue.
And on top of all this, he uses his media in all its forms to ‘assassinate’ those of opposing views (generally political).
Now, he has chosen to hand over the reins to his son, Kendall Roy Lachlan Murdoch (better known as ‘Lachlan’). He is the chosen one to take over from the master of misery.
Few will mourn the departure of Rupert Murdoch, of whom I have only sparsely written. He may be gone (though he will be lurking in the background as “chairman emeritus“), but the edifice of his evil remains, and NewsCorp will now continue with an heir who might be worse than Rupert. Lachlan is, after all, “His father’s pawn“. That is a worrisome thought.
One of his first moves was to nominate former PM Tony Abbott to the Board of News Corp. Abbott would have little to offer in terms of leadership. He was a failure at that. He did, however, have expertise in the delivery of gutter politics. Therefore, he will be well suited to a seat on the right of Lachlan.
To say l hate the man Rupert Murdoch and others of his ilk would be a bridge too far. The capacity for hate is not within me, and to do so would only suggest like-mindedness.
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My thought for the day
We live in a time where horrible things are being perpetrated on us. The shame is that we have normalised them and adjusted accordingly.
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I have known that Murdoch’s legacy will be that of the one man that has done more destruction to the planet than any other person. History books will not be kind to his memory
Excellent article
To say that the thoroughly toxic purveyor of intolerance, misogyny, xenophobic racism and hatred: that lying, conniving and absolutely malignant fascist: Rupert Murdoch, and his ghastly dynasty, is widely despised and internationally condemned would be an understatement! The day that wrinkled, totally depraved, callously inhumane and demonic old psychopath finally does the world a HUGE favour and carks it, will be widely celebrated right around the world! There are very few people in the world that one can describe as totally loathsome, so evil and terrifyingly power-obsessed that they will stoop to any low gutter level to get what they want, who are so depraved that they don’t think twice about ruining lives, character-assassinating the innocent and sacrificing others on the altar of greed and power, and so unconscionable that they delight in spreading hatred, paranoia and fear in order to satiate their own level of megalomaniacal narcissism but Murdoch is right up there with Hitler, Pol Pot and Stalin in his ability to so completely destroy lives for his own amusement and for no other reason than: “because he can do so”! Murdoch has proven himself to be an abomination; a hateful, bitter and twisted old man who – even in the sunset of his poisonous, destructive and despicable life – has given no sign that his perverted hatred and condescending contempt for mankind will abate! The only creature who will “mourn” Murdoch’s eagerly awaited passing is Satan himself who, no doubt, fears that his replacement on the devil’s throne in hell may be usurped by someone every bit as demonic and misanthropic!
JL, albeit I’m in complete agreement with your essay on the toxic malignancy of the Murdochs, I’d like to comment on your TFTD: “We live in a time where horrible things are being perpetrated on us. The shame is that we have normalised them and adjusted accordingly.”
Well, yes, we do, and yes, it’s true, but it’s not a new phenomenon… I’d argue it’s been a default condition for humanity throughout its relatively recent history and going back millennia. Both modern & ancient history are awash with examples of people doing awful things to other people. And given that there is always a contextualised movement towards equilibrium after perturbation, societies have always endeavoured to normalise and adjust to the conditions within which they find themselves, and there’s certainly no shame in that; to the contrary, it’s a positive feature of human psychology that we can accommodate the reality of awfulness when the reality is that we can do nothing to alter the circumstances.
Murdochs. One brown stinking dropping after the other, and the younger one is a defective airhead in his contrived positions, prepared to do anything stupid to assert himself or to be recognised. Abbott should be stretched on a board and dealt with terminally, not seated at one to stuff up decency, humanity, truth. The Merde Dog pox is evil, and must be opposed, beaten down, confronted.
Canguro. Yes that is true. We must keep up the good fight.
To paraphrase (badly) a couple of lines from Bowie:
Merdedoch to Merdedoch
We know Lachlan is dad’s little monkey.
Uhm ….. some background to the success of Rupert broadcast by the Oz ABC about 2011 in a seldom, if ever, repeated interview.
Murdoch & then ”Australian” editor Zel Rabin interviewed President JFK without any others present during the early days of the Cuban missile crisis. JFK disclosed that he was unwilling to go to war because he had personally experienced the horrors of WWII and believed that no other person should be subjected to them. Murdoch & Rabin left Washington with a world scoop.
At the Washington Airport, then again at the San Francisco Airport, then again in Hawaii, an increasingly large and increasingly senior delegation ”requested” that Murdoch NOT publish the JFK interview. Finally Murdoch agreed when the US Ambassador to Australia made the request at Sydney Airport.
The consequences of this decision laid the foundation for Murdoch’s rise to notoriety by giving him access to almost unlimited funding from American sources as he gathered together the biggest media empire in the world.
For JFK it meant assassination likely by an FBI operative in Dallas Texas with the collusion of J Edgar Hoover (who personally hated both the Kennedy brothers).
Article well said.
Murdoch is proof in reality of the foreboding of Orwell’s 1984
and later Ben Elton’s Blind Faith, amongst innumerable others.