Yes, I’m sure there’s a lot of people who can make a case against Kevin Rudd becoming the next Secretary-General of the United Nations, but that’s not why I think Malcolm Turnbull has made a mistake in not supporting his bid.
I’m not going to get carried away and call it one of his biggest mistakes, because, let’s face it, he’s made a truckload, even if you count his recent Double Dissolution election a success because they’re still the government.
No, I’m just looking at the possible scenarios and speculating that Turnbull picked the one that’s likely to play out worst for him.
Scenario 1: The Australia Government could have supported Kevin Rudd’s bid. The most likely outcome from this is would have been that it ceased to be news after today and, eventually, because of there being a better candidate or because of various backroom deals, someone else would have got the job. Kevin Rudd then thanks the government and there’s no problem for Turnbull.
Scenario 2: After the Australia Government support Kevin Rudd’s bid, by some fluke, he actually gets the job, Turnbull gets to bask in the glory of being a “key player” in an Australian getting such an important job. Gee, aren’t we swell, and doesn’t this just show what can happen when we all work together, etc. This ends up being a win for Turnbull, as well as Rudd.
Scenario 3: The Australian Government announce that it isn’t going to support Rudd because they don’t think he should get the job. For some reason, Turnbull thought that this was the best option. Now, I don’t know how Turnbull expects this one to play out. Perhaps he’s delusional like a number of others in the Liberal Party, who seem to think that nobody votes for the Labor Party, and that everyone believes that Rudd was an evil megalomaniac. While there may be some support for that view within Labor ranks, the fact remains that Rudd was still popular with a large section of the public, even when he lost the 2013 election. Many people – and importantly, including some who voted for Malcolm – will see the decision as petty and vindictive. of course, the added bonus in this scenario is that Turnbull’s stopped Rudd from going to New York and given him a lot of free time. Now, I’m not suggesting that Kevin would ever want to seek vengeance on someone who robbed him of a job he wanted. That doesn’t sound like the Kevin who happily served as Foreign Minister after Gillard became PM, and who was content to simply remain a backbencher after he was removed from the Cabinet. No, I can’t see Rudd wanting to cause Turnbull any problems. Although I am prepared to suggest that this may be the first time that Kevin has started considering possible ways that he could assist Shorten in his quest to become PM. If you’re ever going to hit him for a donation to the election fund, Bill, I suspect tonight might be a great time!
I’m trying to see any way in which Turnbull sees Scenario 3 as a winner, unless it’s the fact that it keeps Cory Bernardi happy. Which of course it did with Cory tweeting his media release:
Still, I guess when you only have a one seat majority in the lower house, then you are at the mercy of everyone, even if Bernardi is a senator and his leaving wouldn’t bring down the government. Whatever, those poor souls who thought that being elected in his own right would bring out the “real” Malcolm must surely realise that the one we’ve had for the past few years IS the real Malcolm: Happy to lend his support to popular causes like the environment and same sex marriage, just so long as it doesn’t involve actually doing anything about them. And if it involves the risk of some personal cost, well, let’s just change the subject. Let’s have a Royal Commission into that shocking Northern Terroritory thing and limit it to the NT, because, well, no other government is facing an election and needs to take the sting out of the story. Let’s empower some judge to find out how a situation arose where guards were using hoods and restraint chairs on young people in custody just because the current government had passed legislation to make such things legal. I mean, it’s going to be pretty hard for the judge to find how it all went so wrong.
Good luck, Malcolm. I suspect you’ll need it!
Petty and vindictive is typical of Liberal Party. How could they think Kevin Rudd unsuitable for the UN job when they chose to send Joe Hockey to USA as our Ambassador? Malcolm may need to work out that anything endorsed so enthusiastically by Corey Bernardi is an unwise choice. Bob Katter is none too pleased about this either.
From elsewhere:
Rudd is not suitable for the UN position (Malcolm following orders from the right of cabinet), yet Eleventy Hockey is fine for Australian ambassador to the US???? Based on what criteria????? ??
The PM may have not supported Mr. Rudd because of LNP factions but it was the right decision. It is very short sighted of the Labor Party
to carry on about it. After all it was Mr. Rudd who almost destroyed the Labor party by his backgrounding and negative leaks against Julia Gillard.
The Labor party needs to remember those days and not play politics.
Mr. Rudd during the Gillard years showed parts of his character which is not becoming to the position he seeks.
Whatever nightmare comes Turnbull’s way, it couldn’t happen to a “nicer” fella.
It isn’t up to the Australian Liberal government to decide whether or not a former PM who just so happens to be from the opposite political party is or isn’t suitable – that is up to the UN to decide. This should be above party politics – Australia supporting an Australian. I cannot help compare the vindictiveness of the LNP and the weakness of Turnbull kowtowing even against the support of his own Foreign Minister with the generousity of Rudd’s nomination of Tim Fischer as the first resident Ambassador to the Holy See and Brendan Nelson to the Australian War Memorial.
I wonder why Turnbull even bothers to turn up given that he has Cory Bernardi making all the decisions for him.
Personally, I don’t think either of the flipflops come out looking that good in Rudd’s failed bid.
Rudd and the henchmen were the final reasons for me turning away from what I believed Labor to be. More interested in their egos and careers than saving us from Rabid Abbott’s austerity!
Now we’re got Malcolm Muck being manipulated by the ultra right wingers. I don’t even want to call them neoliberals coz that’s too kind!
It seems that Turnbull initially gave Rudd his written support, but this was before the election, Turnbull expecting that he might have some authority over his party. Clearly this was not to be the case.
But tB said it wasn’t a partisan decision, yea right mal.he’d rather the witch who takes free Helicopter rides or big ears the knight mrabbit.
How could anybody support a man whose own party hated him?
STEPHEN CONROY, COMMUNICATIONS MINISTER: Kevin Rudd had contempt for the cabinet, contempt for the cabinet members, contempt for the caucus, contempt for the Parliament. And ultimately what brought him down a year or two ago was the Australian public worked out that he had contempt for them as well
Rudd’s full letter in response. It infers Turnbull supported Rudd’s bid in the recent past along with Bishop.
Latest polling has Labor 52 L-NP 48.
Labor outvoted the L-NP 2PP according to the AEC.
Just goes to show that the dinosaur duopoly are out to get each other withIN the party first, and each other OUTside of the party second, with absolutely NO care for us the other most important part of the equation.
Time for parliamentary change based on the electoral system and fair conditions for littler parties/candidates and consequences for fraudsters like Hokey over in Washington at the moment still sucking on the public teat.
Malcolm is as weak as a jelly fish.
There’s an old email doing the rounds from Rudd to Turnbull cc Bishop thanking him for supporting his bid.
Bronwyn Bishop is the last person to throw stones. In fact, she better keep her trap shut, or the proletariat will come for her hair!
But then Julie Bishop has played the safe game so she doesn’t look like Mal’s assassin.
I just want to know what qualifies Turdball to make any assessment of a former PM. Run a comparison of both and, regardless of what you think of him, Rudd is like 100 times better on all counts. Turdball is at worst equal and at best 2nd worst PM in our history and he sits there bagging the shit out of Rudd??? At least Rudd was his own man and not just a figurehead, a powerless puppet at the mercy of a complete and utter bunch of incompetents and wankers.
despite my spite @ Rudd, I see your reasoning.
@Neil of Sydney who said: “How could anybody support a man whose own party hated him?”
I dunno. You explain why you’ve supported Turnbull then!
A FOI request proves L-NP cabinet were discussing privatising the Medicare payment system. No link at the moment.
So it was Turnbull and the Liberals who lied in the campaign, not Shorten and Labor.
Or Abbott.
Also, remember that the point I’m making in what I wrote is NOT that Rudd would be a great candidate.
I’m just working through what’s likely to be the best outcome for Turnbull.
In reality, it’s wouldn’t matter if we’d supported Rudd or not, I suspect that he wouldn’t have got the job. But I certainly wouldn’t have written about it and nobody much would be talking about it.
However, Turnbull has once again caved and shown that he has all the leadership qualities of a jellyfish who doesn’t even know where it wants to go…
“Look at me, I’m swimming, I’m in charge and I’m going to lead everyone over… oh, wait, the tide has… oh wait, I’m meant to ignore the tide… oh, but someone told me to follow the tide… oh wait, I need to think about it… can somebody write about what a brilliant strategy this is and how I’ve caught my enemies off guard…oh wait, can someone write about how we all need to pull together… oh wait…”
Rudd is like 100 times better on all counts.
Really? First thing Rudd did was abolish the Pacific Solution.That resulted in 50,000 boat arrivals costing is I estimate at least $15B so far. The NBN Rudd took to the 2007 election was a failure. The NBN Mark 2 was thought up on the back of a drinks coaster on some plane trip. Apparently Rudd was so disfunctional his ministers had trouble getting him to deal with issues. Hence Conroy had to speak to him on some plane flight as he had trouble getting Rudd to talk to him.
I will agree there are some similarities between Turnbull and Rudd but i have never seen a politician who so many people from the same side of politics say so many bad things like Rudd.
I dunno. You explain why you’ve supported Turnbull then!
For the first time in my life i did not put my local Liberal candidate No 1. I voted for Conservative candidates in the lower house and voted below the line in the Senate for Nats and other Conservatives. Only voted for 2 Liberals in the Senate
Re Carol Taylor and an early question re Bernardi, I’d say when folk are embarked on a criminal enterprise, it is natural that someone gets power drunk and blackmails the rest.
There must be some thing in it for Turnbull and I have my suspicions, which are to do with the slavish implementation of the IPA agenda, which is a grim recipe for authoritarianism and institutionalised and internationalised corruption.
True Rossleigh,
so why didn’t Jellyfish show those hard, cold Goldman Sachs malevolent talents?
Maybe Malcolm Muck thinks he can hang on for the very last chance of feeling relevant even within the cesspool of an ultra neoliberal glassbowl with predator fish like Snotty bloating about and Cori biting at his heels?
And yet, Neil, you’re supporting Turnbull’s decision, so clearly you’re supporting Turnbull.
Don’t try and twist things the way you usually do,
Malcolm should be thanking his lucky stars that parliament has not yet reconvened, otherwise he might have a vote of no confidence on his hands.
I want to thank you for opening that door. I believe in repaying good deeds, so let me know.
Turnbull was right to reject Rudd’s bid. After all, he knows from the Utegate affair just how corrupt Rudd is. Oh wait…
It is too important a position for the likes of Rudd. The world should have an adult, not a child.
Rudd’s leaking after being deposed is an absolutely clear indication of unsuitability.
I found this commentary interesting. re Clark’s bid.
Mr Turnbull, when I see you I see a weak, insecure man; I’m ashamed that I thought you’d be a better PM than Abbott; you make me miss him, well, almost….
And yet, Neil, you’re supporting Turnbull’s decision
Was it Turnbulls decision? I wonder what he really wanted to do? Turnbull is intelligent but like many intelligent people he may not have much wisdom. And that is what you need in politics.
Turnbull is in the wrong party. He is too divisive for the Coalition and is John Howards worst mistake. Turnbull hung around like a bad smell just to become PM. He is a little bit like the dog who chased the car but having caught the car does not know what to do next.
For crissakes, NoS, what is this idea that humanity must remain in thrall to the whims and paddies of rightist fantasists?
btw, JMS, thanks for kind words.
So, Neil, just to be clear, what you’re saying is that you didn’t support the Liberal Party in the election because you don’t support Turnbull but you think that he’s not in control of the party he leads, but you want to blame John Howard for having him there, because he’s too divisive even though it’s you who are telling us that you think Howard made a mistake and you think that the elected PM isn’t calling the shots! Why are you attacking Howard like that? Next you’ll be telling me that Hewson was wrong to try and introduce the GST and get rid of Medicare. It’s people like you that have lead to the Liberals losing votes at elections!
Please explain, your position.
Honestly, Neil if you can’t be loyal when your party needs you most, perhaps you should join another party. Pauline did quite will once she decided to leave the Liberals. Perhaps you could join Cory Bernardi when he eventually jumps ship. Or Bob Katter, there’s a man with the same grip on reality that you seem to have. All part of the coalition… All right, Pauline never actually made it past endorsement. But if you can be fast and loose with the facts then I suggest that we all can.I suppose you support them all, or is Turnbull the only divisive one?
Perhaps a little bit of history. Turnbull challenged Nelson when his arithmetic ‘numbers’ in the Liberal Party were down. It all seemed all too easy. Malcolm was the Messiah, albeit a temporary one. Then Abbott deposed Turnbull when his arithmetic ‘numbers’ in the Liberal Party were down. Turnbull then deposed Abbott when his arithmetic ‘numbers’ in the Liberal Party were down.
There’s possibly a pattern there; a lesson to be learned. ?
Turnbull can count. He knows that his arithmetic ‘numbers’ in the Liberal Party look shaky. He now decides it’s best not to go against the numbers in the Liberal Party.
Malcolm decided some time ago ‘politics’ was all about the Arithmetic.? ? ? ?
It had nothing to do with ‘philosophy’, ‘policies’ and the like. That pursuit was for serious people.
Agree with Rossleigh.
Turnbull was caught in a lose/lose choice. The best of these crappy choices would’ve been to support Rudd, who would go on to lose to Helen Clark. Nothing more needs saying.
Instead we have a very pissed-off Rudd (not good) and a decision that will continue to stagger on in some sort of quid pro quo half life. Like we don’t have enough nonsense to fight about.
Typical of the Liarbrils to tear down anyone who might do something useful like saving the country from recession….Rudd, Swann and Co did that in spite of Eleventy Hockey and the rest of the rabble advising for what would have been a depression… but they now have their chance…..2017 we’d all better duck.
Vindictive, narrow minded mediocrities. Truffles is a hope;ess politician and the rest of his ruling rabble incompetent!
Most stuff done in spite backfires. Others can easily recognise spitefullness in the actions of others and think less of them as a result.
Not that I can think much less of the LNP in general. Especially Cory – he’s so childish I sometimes wonder if he is even toilet trained.
Turnbull should, when first approached by Rudd, have made it clear that he would not be supporting Rudd’s nomination. This could have been done over twelve months ago and done behind closed doors to avoid the situation that has now arisen.
Turnbull chose not to do this or he dithered giving Rudd the impression that his nomination would be supported. Julie Bishop was the ‘honest broker’ in this supporting Rudd and advising the PM, she must be as surprised as anybody that the nomination has taken this turn with maximum embarrassment to Rudd and the perception of a Prime Minister who is beholden to the right wing of his party.
Whichever way you look at it, Turnbull comes out of this looking bad.
The Rudd decision made immediate international news, all slanted negatively for the Australian government.
But when the very right winged biased Australian media cans it, and the current government only weeks in, then we know this government is a rotter.
For stuff’s sake Greg Sheridan has heavily canned Turnbull’s decision.
I think we spend far too much time working ourselves into a lather about “Malcolm”, “thinking” and “the right-wing ideologues” also called “RWNJ” of the conservative side of Australian politics.
First, the Bernardy Faction” actually don’t think. They don’t have the skills required.
Second, the “Malcolm” factor. Far too much money to give a stiff about those dumb enough to vote for them.
Thirdly the “voter” factor. Too stupid to have a vote in my opinion.
We got what we deserved at the last election and if people are too dumb to care how their trust is used, well too bad.
I would think the same, SMS, if those same dumbarses’ decisions didn’t impact on me and all the people I care about also!
Greg Sheridan is likely to keep sniping away until they reinstate his bosom buddy Tone.
Things have changed in the last 30 years. Modern life is like we are all back to the school yard.In some ways we are smarter and dumber. Though our sense of good will and fair play has gone.This is what we have become in 2016.
Yes Kaye Lee. The Murdoch RWNJ’s like Sheridan and Bolt are pining for Abbott and are attempting to undermine Turnbull at every turn. Interesting to see the right wing turn on itself like this. Shows everything NoS says about Labor is worse in the Liberals.
One factor that has not gained much traction; yet, is that Turnbull had stated he would provide support to Rudd months before the debate in the LNP. Rudd had begun to seek International support as a result of undertakings provided.
The promises of Turnbull now appears worthless unless endorsed by the extreme right.
Mobius, the one and only time that Sheridan has made any worthwhile comments in..living memory? As far as Murdoch undermining Turnbull, exactly the same trick as was done firstly on Rudd vs Gillard then Gillard vs Rudd. I note with some dismay that there are still members of the pro-Gillard camp spouting the same Liberal Party/Murdoch talking points when making a character assessment of Rudd. Had they never thought that it was a Murdoch setup? Divide and conquer and it worked a treat.
Funnily enough they never did anything similar to Abbott whose personal habits cast Rudd’s occasional tantie into insignificance. Clearly the Murdoch media has decided to put Turnbull in his place at the outset.
Dutton wins again. How you would put Dutton in charge of anything is beyond belief. He was once asked what he thought of Roe v Wade. He pontificated that decision making was always difficult and he sympathised with Julius Caesar who had to make that decision before he crossed the Rubicon. ? ? ?
Speaking of Roe v Wade, (the U.S. Supreme Court ruled abortion constitutional in 1973 thanks to the constitution’s 14th amendment, a provision designed to protect the privacy of U.S. citizens), this from Trump’s running mate Mike Pence…
“I’m pro-life and I don’t apologize for it. We’ll see Roe vs. Wade consigned to the ash heap of history where it belongs. While we’re choosing a president for the next four years, this next president will make decisions that will impact our Supreme Court for the next 40. Go tell your neighbors and your friends, for the sake of the rule of law, for the sake of sanctity of life, for the sake of our 2nd Amendment, for the sake of all our other God-given liberties, we must insure the next president appointing justices to the Supreme Court is Donald Trump.”
Look at me. Look at me. I am PM.
I actually wish you were PM, Florence. You certainly have heaps more decency, compassion, and policy nous than the last two we’ve had at the helm.
And if you were, I’d like to see John Kelly as the Treasurer and Kaye Lee as Finance Minister.
Michael and Carol can share the Communications Minister’s portfolio and I’ll be Inter-party Liaison Minister between the Greens, left Labor and all other reformist progressive parties. 🙂
Honestly, Neil if you can’t be loyal when your party needs you most, perhaps you should join another party
I am not a member of any party but i do support the Coalition and i could never vote Labor because of the damage the ALP does to the lives of people.
But a lot of Coalition voters do not like Turnbull. He has some similarities to Rudd. I think Turnbull may have made a good Treasurer but his ego is too big for me.
It may have been better for Australia if the ALP won the last election. We will lose our AAA rating soon and it would be nice if that happened under the ALP. It is amazing how quickly things change. Debt was 18% of GDP in 1996 and exploding. Howard/Costello reduced debt to zero by 2006 and less than zero in 2007. Now we are back to debt being at 18% of GDP and exploding. What is the point of fixing Labors mess when all they do is make another mess when they get back in?
I’ll be the Minister for Immigration…
Thank you Jennifer, I think that I’d rather have Recreation 😉 Oh yes, and the NBN..the Libs have sent us back a decade on any portfolio you might care to mention..it’s going to be a big job!!
It seems that the $2 million Turnbull spent on buying himself the Prime Ministership might have been somewhat wasted.
MN, on Dutton. There is a substantial rumour around that Dutton is positioning himself for J. Bishop’s job, the Rudd matter being just as much about undermining Bishop as it was anti-Rudd.
I reckon I have the qualifications to take on Aboriginal Affairs. I certainly couldn’t do any worse than the buffoon we’ve got now. Ministers in Liberal governments think that all they have to do is phone Warren Mundine for advice and their job’s done.
And Matters Not can be the Minister for Spelling. ???
“The damage the ALP does to the lives of people”.
As a policy adviser under the Howard, Rudd and Gillard government’s I can refute that claim. Every piece of legislation that Rudd introduced to help the less well-off in our society was opposed by the Abbott opposition.
Can I go janitor? Out of a job, the money would help…
NEIL I am not a member of any party but i do support the Coalition and i could never vote Labor because of the damage the ALP does to the lives of people
Neil; You are sick in the head, Your beyond help:
Michael, Shorten out among the people, making the right noises, Joyce sent out to defend the government. Shorten suggested that PM get himself to NT, talk to the people face to face.
Rudd didn’t dismantle Pacific Solution. Howard was already bringing people to Australia. Was unwinding under Howard, as it was unsustainable as are Dutton’s efforts today.
Dutton now offering $20K with no takers to go home.
Many in government are against UN, not only Rudd’s nomination. Some say 2 1/3rds.
It was Labor under Rudd that got AAA. It was Gillard that had the deficit trending downwards, albeit very slow.
Thanks Michael but no to being PM. I was having a go at Turnbull telling us he is PM at every PC.
Why are there no outcry against parliament not sitting until 30/8. Then only sitting 6 days including Christmas New Year period. 29/12 to 3/1.
Lower house to sit 6 weeks, Upper house 7.
Seems that Dutton is now going after Bishops job as deputy.
The UN Gen Sec nomination decision together with the narrow terms of reference/judicial appointment for the royal commission into youth detention demonstrate beyond doubt that we are in for a possible three-year stretch of prime ministerial timorousness and oh-so-earnest superficiality.
I’ve just heard Barnaby Joyce mouthing off about the Rudd decision . He confirms that it was a majority decision of Cabinet not to support Rudd. So, as it seems that at least Turnbull and Bishop were at least initially supporting Rudd, does that mean that they were rolled by their colleagues ?
He also say that they came to the conclusion that Rudd was not adequately qualified for the position of SG of the UN. The nagging question that I have : is Barnaby Joyce adequately qualified to be our Deputy Prime Minister ?
Sooo, wait a minute. We are supposed to think Australia has any chance of a position, such as Secretary-General of the United Nations, when Australia has been the source of so many policies that defile human rights, rather than define them?
Give me a break. Thankfully, rudd and talcum are insignificant.
We have corgi to represent us.
“The senator has previously described the UN as an “unelected and unaccountable body” and a “fiscal black hole of bureaucracy”, but he said this trip would be an opportunity to inform himself about the organisation’s processes and procedures.”
What could go wrong?
Thank you, Mr Brisbane. I’m with paulwalter. The only prospect of employment is that of janitor. There is a lot of shite to remove. Take care
Terry, Barnarby Joyce is a useless piece of tripe. I don’t know why anybody would bother asking for his opinion.
Rudd didn’t dismantle Pacific Solution.
Yes he did. It was one of the first things the ALP did. Who can forget Chris Evans boasting how much more humane we are as a country by dismantling the Pacific Solution.
It was Labor under Rudd that got AAA.
We got our AAA back in 2003 under Costello. To claim otherwise is dishonest.
Neil; You are sick in the head, Your beyond help:
Name me one Labor govt in our lifetime which has reduced unemployment? Answer = none
“We got our AAA back in 2003 under Costello. To claim otherwise is dishonest.”
Neil, there are three credit agencies that choose to rate us. Could you tell me when we got the AAA rating from all three for the first time?
It looks like Neil is the one who is being dishonest.
As for unemployment….
Again it looks like Neil is the one who is being dishonest.
There’s a bit of a pattern here.
I have always said, Neil makes a great straight man. 😉
What a hopeless mess we are in: it started in earnest with Tampa.
Neil, there are three credit agencies that choose to rate us. Could you tell me when we got the AAA rating from all three for the first time?
Kaye my statement that we got our AAA back in 2003 is correct. You get AAA when the 2 major ratings agencies give it to you and that happened in Feb 2003 when S&P gave us AAA. as your Table shows. Fitch also gave us AAA in Nov 2011 almost 8 years latter. Why did they wait so long? Who knows. Why didn’t Fitch give us AAA in 2006 when govt debt was zero? I suspect they just forgot about us because we are an insignificant country.
All i know is that you have used Fitch’s AAA for propaganda purposes but the fact is we got our AAA back in 2003. It was in 2003 that we could start borrowing money at the lowest interest rates. Fitch is irrelevant.
Cory Bernardi, isn’t he that odd-fellow who seems to have a fascination with bestiality? He seems to be overtly focused on almost anything leading to weirdo kinky stuff.
Morrison and Bernardi, are, I suspect, sharpening their knives for Malcolm. Morrison so wants to become PM so he can impose his stamp on Australia (nightmarish thought).
Julie Bishop, is now in an interesting space. Will she move to grasp the opportunity as PM, or wait to be knifed by Morrison…
I hope Kevin Rudd sees the opportunity in Malcolm’s renege on his word.
Malcolm had to say no to Kev, because could you imagine if he supported Kevin for the UN, and then Kev waded into the torture of kids in detention in the NT and elsewhere. Malcolm was damned regardless of what he did.
Now, Kevin Rudd has no reason not to speak his mind about the treatment of kids the 4 Corners aired. Lets face it, when Kevin Rudd speaks, people listen. He has an international audience.
Go get em Rudd. 🙂
There was only 1 I believe left on Christmas Island as Howard quietly bought them to Australia. #auspoll
Who cares about Standard and Poor’s poxy AAA credit rating?Australia doesn’t need it coz we have a SOVEREIGN CURRENCY!!!
Neil, PM & his cabinet are now saying Shorten did right to depose Rudd. Ignore the fact it was Gillard they blamed in the past. Fact that caucus did.
Pacific Solution was imploding, same as Border Farce is now.