It was August 2014 when then assistant defence minister, Stuart Robert, took a “private” trip to Beijing to oversee a mining deal involving a major Liberal donor and meet a Chinese vice-minister.
Robert had a shareholding in Metallum Holdings, which had an interest in Paul Marks’ Nimrod Resources. The Liberal Party declared Mr Marks donated $250,000 as an individual and $500,000 from his company Nimrod Resources in 2013-14.
Robert did not inform anyone in the government that he was going, later insisting he was there in a private capacity. Apparently, he didn’t tell that to the Chinese as detailed in the Guardian:
A media release issued by China MinMetals Corporation said Robert had extended his congratulations “on behalf of the Australian Department of Defence” and had presented “a medal bestowed to him by Australian prime minister in honour of remembrance and blessing”.
This was followed by a meeting with the Chinese vice-minister of land and resources in the reported presence of Nimrod Resources the next day.
This was far from Robert’s only dealing with influential Chinese.
In 2013 he hosted a dinner in his Parliament House office for Chinese businessman Li Ruipeng, Tony Abbott, Ian McFarlane and Paul Marks after which Li gave them all Rolex watches valued at about $250,000. After “advice from the clerk”, the watches were returned.
And Robert isn’t the only one with close links.
Two years after clinching a historic free trade deal with Beijing, in October 2016, it was announced that former trade minister Andrew Robb had joined the Landbridge Group, a Chinese company which had been granted a 99-year lease on Port Darwin in 2015, as a “high-level economic consultant”. It was reported that Robb had accepted the $73,000 per month position before leaving Parliament. Landbridge Group is chaired by Ye Cheng, a billionaire with links to the Communist Party of China.
ASIO warned the major parties about taking donations from two Chinese property developers because of links to the Chinese Communist Party. The warnings have been ignored. One of these men donated $50,000 to Andrew Robb’s campaign financing vehicle, the Bayside Forum, on the day the Free Trade Agreement was signed in 2014.
To underscore how ridiculous Peter Dutton’s baseless claims about the Chinese wanting to instal Anthony Albanese, and the whole reds under the bed scare campaign, Australia’s sovereign wealth fund, the Future Fund, has millions invested in a Chinese state-controlled weapons manufacturer. We also host survival training exercises for Chinese military personnel in Queensland and the NT.
I know you are auditioning for the top job, Peter, but this is weirder than your bikie joke and scarier than when you tried out smiling the last time you were undermining a leader.
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no wonder none of them want a federal ICAC
S Robber, a prominent conservative superstitious regressive thieving and wheedling dick, is a constant self persuader of righteousness, especially if money, pose, image and lying is involved. Why is he there, and not charged, jailed, removed permanently??
Thanks, Kaye.
The issue of political donations is terribly important. We need for ALL donations to be revealed, AND in a timely manner.
I can’t help wondering whether The Dutt is angling for a leadership spill, followed by his election as party leader and (temporary) PM – after which the LNP will be returned with a clear majority with Herr Dutt as PM – because Albie is a Red Under The Bed!!!!????
It’s hard to look under your own bed when you sleep in a coffin filled with dirt and your own faeces. Look at this way we may not see Thugly Disgusting, Monster Warmonger, and his polished turd of a head as often if, and that’s a big IF, they get removed (still not holding my breath) at the election.
Don’t forget the LNP mantra, “Do as we say, not as we do. Peasants!”
It’s truly sad, how low the barrel-scraping politicians of our government are willing to go. Sad for the people, sad for Australia as a whole. Our reputation now in tatters around the globe, after a decade of stupidity, corruption, lies and ignorance. So many of them seem to have had their maturity interupted about half way through their pampered, private school education.
Ah yes. The “Imitation fake gold rolex fiasco of olde pekinge towne” by the whack-job without a surname.
It made the $20G of executive bonuses for going above and beyond seem like paper- round money, but “She Can GO!”
Bloody msm. And thank heaven for the independent and free press.
@ PP. Wil you please write and publish a Thesaurus of Description. I think your words need a wider audience than just here.
Here is a short video.
How very bloody convenient!
This fucking wanker is even lower than Scummo!
Eight days ago Morrison was trying to scare us when he said that our national security would be at risk should Labor win the election. And yes, China was the national security risk.
Now Dutton says that China would back an Albanese government.
Our government is truly fractured.
Does this ugly misshapen headed goon have any suspicions about that chinese member of his party ? I refer to the very fierce looking Gladys Liu MP for seat in.Victoria. Why is she not in his sights as a Chinese government agent.? She does fit the part very well.
Well it’s hard to make any sense when you’ve got water sloshing around your head, ey dutton? What a freakin’ lunatic, Desperate, and will say and do anything at this stage. Just what the country needs as a “defence minister”…..Ey jen?
I heard Dutton this morning trying to sow the seeds of a conspiracy theory based on the Chinese perhaps suggesting that Labor would make a more effective government than the current coalition of fools : for once I agree if that is the Chinese assessment.
I note that ASIO are concerned about external influences penetrating our political parties. They haven’t been specific but you can bet your boots they are watching Palmer’s United Australia Party and Hanson’s One Nation. Both of these entities have no proper internal assessment of their candidates or their membership : you can join Clive’s party today and be a candidate tomorrow.
Dutton exemplifies the ‘Peter Principle’ of a man who has been promoted beyond his intellectual capacity and is wallowing : he doesn’t seem to have a very good grasp of the English language either going on the interview this morning.
The question is, when will Dutton come clean and admit that it was he who texted Gladys Berejiklian white anting Scott Morrison by calling him a fraud and ‘a complete psycho.
Perhaps Dutton is a plant (of the potato variety).
As soon as Dutto mentioned human rights on the ABC this morning, all I could think of is Australia’s treatment of Aborigines and refugees
I think the next few months before the election are going to be the most vile, sleazy, and just plain revolting cesspit level garbage from the LNP we will have seen in many a year. With, of course, assistance from Rupert/9/Fairfax and the two horrible creatures named Clive and Craig.
It’s hard to decide whether Dutton is a demented oaf, or just throwing as much shit around as he can to disrupt the cretin who derailed his tilt at the top job,knowing full well that they’re rooted anyway.He’ll be able to retire and count his ill gotten wealth whilst gnashing his teeth.Or is that tooth?Ideally,he’d get the arse from his own seat,but you can never underestimate the stupidty of some banana benders.As for being a saviour of the rotting LNP…bring it on.In the election wash up,most of them will be pretending they were never really part of the worst government in our history.Not a shred of shame or integrity in any of them.
And, a final insult to the former Minister for Gucci,a eulogy from Morrison,whom Peacock would have detested.
I think the only current conspiracy at Cricket Australia where the MCC have managed to install a Pommie CEO apparently with the instructions to undermine Australian cricket until the MCC can win a game. Poor little Australia First XI were ”upset” that the coach expected and demanded a top performance every match!! So unfair, when there is beer to be drunk and yarns to be told in the relaxed atmosphere of the Long Room.
When did Dutton last say anything truthful or sensible ? His comments are all (and always) aimed at his ambition to lose an election for his party.
Jeez, what a bunch of backstabbing,nasty, spiteful and horrible children the LNP has become lately. “YOU MUST TOW THE PARTY LINE OR ELSE!” even if that party line is a blight and disgusting thing.
Gee, I wonder which bald headed thug, oaf, moron, and warmongering cretin most likely “leaked” it to the Costello meedja. The lies are now out there and will be enhanced as the election looms ever closer.
The hypocrisy and lies of Dutton and the Liberals when it comes to Chinese relations. Remember the Port of Darwin? That was an under table deal orchestrated by the Liberals.
Besides, there is nothing wrong with securing friendly diplomatic relations with China to build a better, friendlier and safe world, but this is not what Dutton does. Dutton lobs grenades at the Chinese, at Africans, at refugees from almost every nation except ones with nuclear powered submarines, and that does not create a better, friendlier or safer world. Haven’t heard him say anything about Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Israel, North Korea or Russia, now why is that?
No this is about hypocrisy, hiding the Liberal corruption and deals done under the table compromising Australian sovereignty and then projecting his lies, guilt and blame on the Opposition for electoral gain – Now isn’t that exactly what Putin and Trump do in their grabs to hold onto power then lie to and abuse all of us.
And one day he will come after the rest of us, all decent Australians who just want justice, fair trade, friendly relations, respect, genuine democracy and choice in our lives for all.
It is Dutton under our beds, not China.