By Tony Andrews
Words often spoken by those who, when countered with factual information, refuse to concede or even acknowledge the others person’s point of view.
The Prime Minister blamed the opposition leader Bill Shorten for cuts to penalty rates. He’s the opposition leader, not the government. They allowed workers penalty rates to be cut, not Bill Shorten.
The old “Labor set up the Fair Work Commission, it’s their fault,” has had its day. In the more than five years they’ve had government, they’ve well and truly stacked the Fair Work Commission with their own nodding heads
What annoys me about Bill, and seems to annoy everyone else as well, if I’m to believe the newspapers and TV, is that he’s not “charismatic” enough …
Actually, it doesn’t annoy me about Bill, it annoys me that we elect people to government based on their looks or ability to instantly bullshit to you while looking you in the eye and keeping a straight face. I want intelligent and respectful. I want someone that has a proven record of putting other people before themselves.
Charisma … you can have it.
What annoys the government and big business about Bill is another story. He knows who they are …
Apart from the fact that he has a proven record of brokering deals that satisfied the employer and the employees, what they don’t like about him, is that he knows them. His single mother sent him to the best school she could afford, with people like John Roskam, head of the IPA, a Liberal party influencing “think tank” and, you don’t need to be a punter to win money betting that some of those rich kids would’ve given Bill a pretty hard time …
Do you know how I know they would’ve treated him like he wasn’t fit to wipe their boots?
Because the Australian Prime Minister speaks loudly about Labor and the unions promoting “class warfare”, yet, spent twenty minutes of parliament question time, with the voting public watching, telling us all loudly and clearly, that he is a snob.
How Bill Shorten loved to put his feet under the tables of billionaires. How he actually thought that he was a human being of equal value to them.
How they, like Malcom Turnbull, must’ve laughed after he’d left the billionaire’s house he’d been invited to, probably to try and get him to make some sort of deal and when he didn’t behave subservient enough or agree, he became useless to them. So they would’ve laughed over their brandy and cigars, inwardly fuming to themselves “how dare he not recognise our superiority”.
You don’t believe me?
It’s all recorded in HANSARD, the printed record of what gets discussed by our elected employees in parliament.
Also, do you notice how the media have “neutralised” Anthony Albanese? How, virtually since Bill Shorten became the leader of the Labor opposition, poor old Albo’ can’t add to the public debate or speak about anything without the following weeks headlines and TV news bars being filled with speculation of a leadership challenge.
For the collective good of the Labor Party he is forced to say nothing.
Unfortunately, people seem to think that a Prime Minister knows everything. That they completely run the show and can enforce their will. That when he or she speaks it is an independent voice.
It isn’t.
It’s the collective voice of the party.
Yet, we use our vote like we’re watching “Australian Idol” or “farmer wants a backpacker”. That once the “charismatic personality” has left the island, all the policies we don’t like go with them. They don’t.
The snobs are still in charge.
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