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Labor will hire an additional 5,000 teachers

Media Release

NSW Labor Leader, Michael Daley, has announced that a Daley Labor Government, if elected this month, will hire an additional 5,000 teachers across NSW.

By 2036, it is estimated there will be one million students enrolled in NSW public schools. Only Labor will hire the additional teachers needed to keep up with demand and provide the best opportunities for our children.

Labor’s plan for an additional 5,065 teachers includes literary and numeracy teachers as well as specialised education teachers.

Mr Daley said: “This announcement is about more one-on-one time for students, to provide them their best chance. The current Liberal-National Government is denying them this fair chance.”

“If State Government is not about good quality education for our children then what is it about?”

This builds on the announcement that a Daley Labor Government will inject $2.7 billion over the life of the current State and Federal Gonski funding agreement to become the first state in Australia to deliver 100 per cent of the standard level of funding for every student.

Once implemented it will mean more than $1,500 extra every year for every student in NSW public high schools and more than $1,200 for every public primary school student.

Currently, the NSW Liberals and Nationals are providing just 70.8 per cent of the standard level of funding each student needs, short-changing every NSW public school student.

NSW Labor Candidate for Manly, Natasha Phillips-Mason said: “Labor has a strong history of supporting our schools and teachers. When last in office Labor increased the number of school teachers by 23 per cent.”

“But while NSW’s population has been growing over the last eight years, the Liberals and Nationals have only increased teacher numbers by just 11 per cent.”

This further builds on Labor’s previous education commitments, including to:

  • Replace 1,000 ageing demountables across the state
  • Make TAFE free for courses in skill shortage areas
  • Ensure every child can learn a second language
  • Allocate $5,000 to P&Cs
  • Give free glasses to disadvantaged school kids
  • Air condition every school in NSW.

“Only Labor is putting schools and hospitals before knocking down and rebuilding stadiums,” Ms Phillips-Mason said.


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1 comment

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  1. Andrew Smith

    Good policy, but it will be presented as and nobbled by mainstream media and LNP as an unacceptable public spend while blaming sub-optimal resourcing of schools on ‘high immigration’ and ‘population growth’, even in declining communities….

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