“Divisions have emerged within the Labor Party over the Safe Schools program, with one senator calling for the program to be suspended amid a Government review.”
ABC News. 25th February, 2016
I guess we’re meant to infer that every single Liberal must agree with Bernardi then. After all, if one senator suggesting that he doesn’t like the Safe Schools program is a division, or an example of “cracks in the Labor Party” as the lead for the story suggested, then it must be assumed that nobody in the Liberal Party has a problem with Turnbull’s decision to launch an inquiry.
Yep, there’s no suggestion that there are cracks in the Liberal Party. They’re all firmly behind their new leader, Cory Bernardi. George Christensen even went as far as to suggest that the Safe Schools program sounded “a lot like grooming work that a sexual predator might undertake”!
Ok, Bernardi’s in the Upper House so he isn’t PM, but he seems to be their new spiritual leader! Bernardi calls for an inquiry in the Safer Schools program, and hey presto! Turnbull decides that maybe a program that’s only attracted criticism from a vocal minority needs to be investigated.
And then this morning we have Bernardi being interviewed on the ABC this morning telling us that he doesn’t think that the government should touch negative gearing. Actually he said,”The universal view from those I’ve had a chat with is ‘we’d be mad to mess with it’,” which certainly doesn’t rule it out. In fact, considering most of the things they’ve done, when it comes to messing with things, their madness has been proven.
I notice though that the Cory Bernardi story wasn’t prefaced with cracks appearing in the Coalition. It’s only when one Labor senator, Joe Bullock, disagrees with the rest of the party that it’s a crack. I guess that Marxist ABC must just consider that all those capitalists in the Liberal Party are hostile to the Left’s attempts to break up families and introduce godless communism through making homosexuality compulsory so the odd difference on negative gearing isn’t really wide enough to be considered a crack!
Although when I say difference, I guess one has to actually have a policy before members of your party can disagree with it. And they’ll do what the promised in 2013: they’ll have a policy before the election. Of course in 2013, we all thought that by that they meant the 2013 election, so this time I’m not 100% certain that they mean the 2016 election. I’m just expecting them to announce some policy closer to some election at some point when Cory tells Malcolm what it’s going to be. Although maybe they’ll just stop all the pretence by then and admit that the crackpots are actually running the party.
Yep – can’t wait till Cory actually announces the next Liberal policy…
Or the election date!