By Shane Crocker
The Australian Christian Lobby is holding their 2016 National Conference in Sydney next weekend. Miranda Devine is the special guest speaker for the dinner on Friday night, April 22.
The main conference is being held on Saturday April 23.
Australian Treasurer Scott Morrison is a guest speaker and will more than likely be promoting the ‘no’ case for the national plebiscite on same sex marriage.
Scott Morrison will be sharing the stage with the American far-Right anti-LGBT extremist Eric Metaxas, and another American, Jeffery Ventrella, of Alliance Defending Freedom, another American far-Right organisation which ‘specialises’ in taking legal action against the LGBT community, African Americans, Muslims, and civil rights in general.
There are a couple of problems with this. Firstly, Scott Morrison is happy to share a stage with political extremists. He has a legal right to do this, but this should be remembered at the next federal election, which will be this year.
Secondly, and more seriously, as a Cabinet Minister, Scott Morrison should not be advocating for an upcoming plebiscite on this issue.
As I see it, these two problems make Scott Morrison unfit to be a government minister.
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The more I see & hear it seems that this inept, lying bunch of obscenely over-paid so-called conservatives are taking us down the “religious right path”, comparable to the “best” of America’s political “system”–the right wing, tea party, flat earth conservative Republican party. I hope for the people of Australia that this liberal mob do not get elected at the next election! It is looking so much better for the embattled Labor mob & for Bill Shorten, as well, to win. I am not sure whether Bill has the “bottle” to lead Australia, but really anyone would be preferable to ANY of the libs!
It is well over time that these religious ‘nutters’ were weeded out of mainstream politics in Australia. After all they (the members of the assembly of god) have their own political party called Family First which regularly scores c1.5% of the popular vote in federal and state elections. The infestation of the Liberal Party by these psalm singing happy clappers is a cancer on Australian politics, as it would seems as if they have decided that if they can’t win with their own party, that they are quite prepared to infiltrate the Liberal Party to achieve any success. This LNP government is the nastiest meanest ultra right wing government Australia has even seen, and we don’t like what we see with their ‘austerity’ policies. We need to oust them on 2nd of July. Then we must remember the lesson that we have learnt.
It should be part of the electoral process that parliamentary candidates should have to reveal their religious beliefs, particularly when they manifest them in their voting patterns in parliament.
A lot of the comment above is very totalitarian. Civility please!
Marcus hows this for civility then, so as not to upset your hand clapping style. If Morrison ever, by means fair or foul, cant equate fair with that…person, however if it ever gets hold of the reigns of total power in this country, you may live to regret being sympathetic to his totally hypocritical stance on Christianity.
He is no more a follower of the teachings of Christ than the likes of a certain deceased German gent.
How is it, that people still haven’t woken up to the fact that Morrison is a deranged, dangerous crank?
It’s the million dollar question, Paul. I’m guessing it’s because he’s the man who stopped the boats and made the rednecks happy.
Scott Morrison is a megalomaniacal psychopath! It was under his watch as the worst Immigration Minister in living memory, that TWO LEGAL asylum seekers died: one murdered and the other died from a treatable infection that deteriorated into critical septicaemia due to the callous indifference of the unconscionable attack dogs that were under his delegation! Morrison is a pure sociopath whose savagery and staggering inhumanity has brought worldwide scorn and condemnation to our shores! Morrison is a soulless, heartless and hollow tyrant who wears his frothing-at-the-mouth hatred, homophobia and xenophobic racism like a banner. He is, beyond doubt, the most internationally hated and despised individual in a morally bankrupt LNP cabinet that is overflowing with misanthropic sociopaths who rule by division, ramped up terror campaigns that foster hatred and instil fear. Morrison is a bible thumping hypocrite and an unspeakable red neck who is the Poster Boy for racist BOGANS who revel in xenophobic hatred and shameless bigotry. Morrison is Australia’s answer to the KKK’s Grand Wizard – overflowing with irrational loathing for anyone or anything that doesn’t fit his very narrow view of the world!
Watching Morrison’s toxic rants and barely controlled rage, there are justifiable fears as to Morrison’s sanity (even among his own peers) as we watch Morrison sinking into a vortex of hysterical paranoia and indefensible justification of his shocking depravity and barbaric inhumanity. Worldwide attention was drawn to what can only be described as Morrison’s off-shore fascist concentration camps where an “out of sight, out of mind” callous indifference, torture and brutal lack of care was, and still is, shown to vulnerable, defenceless asylum seekers and their innocent children! It is unspeakable! What is even WORSE, is that Morrison desperately tries to justify his malignant, soul destroying inhumanity under a thin veil of bible bashing, sanctimonious hypocrisy that is absolutely nauseating to watch!
Hatred, terror and brutality is what motivates Morrison and pervades the ranks of the LNP! Scott Morrison is a LUNATIC and the LNP are the most internationally reviled and condemned government in Australia’s history … for good reason! Morrison doesn’t mind sharing the stage with the homophobic nutters from the USA because Morrison has been laying down in the gutter with dogs for decades! Morrison and these types of screaming, hysterical, mad, bad and dangerous lunatics are like peas and carrots!
We MUST, absolutely MUST remove them at the next election. The LNP have achieved NOTHING except the destruction of our environment, the ruination of our international reputation as a once kind, welcoming and progressive country. They are dismantling our democracy, muzzling our free speech and are determined to bring in the neoliberal Oligarchical agenda of Murdoch’s IPA … selling off all our assets, penny pinching from the poor to feed the endless rapacity of the super rich, tearing apart our world renowned health system and turning our education system into the FAILED elitist US model that ensures only the children of the rich are educated and the children of the poor are NOT! Abbott is STILL in the background, griping and whining – a British born elitist who, like the repugnant Menzies, despises everything about Australia especially our sense of fair play and egalitarianism! There is a real chance that the ultra right wing lunatic fringe of the LNP, that includes some of the worst MPs in our history, eg Corey Bernardi, Eric Abetz, Kevin Andrews, George Christensen and the rest of the loonies, may back Abbott, once again, to become leader when Turnbull gets tossed to the kerb.
This country cannot afford another term with the Grip Reapers in charge. Their scandalous corruption, profligate wastage of taxpayers’ funds of war and weapons of war, their constant defunding of our children’s education, Medicare and important social programs like the NDIS is intolerable! The damage, environmental vandalism and destruction to our national pride and international reputation will take DECADES to repair and/or undo!
Salstarat, words of wisdom. Morrison may profess to be a Christian and attend supposed Christian gatherings, but his actions proclaim in volumes his deep rooted hypocrisy and evil. Any so called Christian organisation that sets him up as a headlining attendee as in the happy clappy outfit he attends Sundays and now the Christian lobby are as profoundly unChristian as he is.
David; totally agree. Jesus was pretty scathing about wealth, but didn’t like judgemental types one bit.