Jobs And Grr… Sorry, I meant to say Jobs and Gr…

Sorry, that was meant to be “growth” in the title but for some reason “growth” just stopped, and I think we all know the reason why it’s so hard to have any sort of gr…



Oh dear, it just won’t appear.

Anyway, I think we know the reason. It’s because of you.

Well, you all complained. You all ridiculed them about “Jobs And Growth”, so it’s your fault that the last quarter didn’t have any growth. It ran away because it didn’t like have to appear after “jobs” all the time. It couldn’t put up with the humiliation any more.

After all, it can’t be Scott Morrison’s fault that we don’t have “jobs and growth”. Couldn’t be. Ok, ok, maybe it’s not totally your fault. Actually when I think about it, like everything else, it’s Labor’s fault for blocking those company tax cuts. Now, I know Tony said that they were going to be a “no excuses” government, but this isn’t an excuse, it’s a reason. Besides, Tony’s not the Prime Minister any more…

Well, not at the time of writing, anyway, but if that changes before I hit publish then the rumours about him not launching a challenge until Malcolm’s approval rating goes so low that installing Ivan Milat as leader would give the Liberals a boost were wrong.

So, after giving the matter consideration, I think that we can safely say that the lack of growth can be put down to Labor’s decision to block the company tax cuts because reducing the government revenue from profitable companies would encourage all those unprofitable companies who pay little or no tax and the economy would get a boost somehow. I mean, remember the boost cutting the mining tax gave to the miners! Look at how cutting the carbon tax has the economy growing in a way not seen since the GFC!

And speaking of the carbon tax, thank goodness the Minister for Saving And Wrecking The Environment, Mr Frydenberg was able to clear up the confusion about an emissions scheme. Apparently when he said:”We know that there’s been a large number of bodies that have recommended an emissions intensity scheme, which is effectively a baseline and credit scheme, we’ll look at that,” he meant that they’ll view it, shake their heads, before announcing that they can’t consider it because not only is it the most cheap and effective way of reducing emissions but they can’t consider it because it was never on the table, unlike so many of the things that were on the table earlier in the year like the GST or the states having their own income tax. By “look at it”, many of those institutions peddling fake news like the ABC and Fairfax tried to imply that “look at” means the same thing as “consider”, in much the same way that they tried to imply that when Abbott said that he and Labor were identical on Gonski that it meant that they would both implement it, when Abbott merely meant that they had the same election policy. Really! Next they’ll be trying to ask us to believe that the jobs from the “jobs and gr…” slogan were meant to be jobs for people already living in Australia, which is the sort of xenophonic, racist nonsense that Labor and their union mates try to push…

Of course, if One Nation say exactly the same thing we should listen to them because they received nearly five percent of the vote in some states and you can’t ignore with people scoring that many votes in a democracy. In fact, you’re even allowed to disagree with them… but only after acknowledging that they have a point and maybe it is time that we replaced the High Court with the judges from “Masterchef”.

Anyway, it’s good to know that young Josh has come out and explained that on Monday he was misquoting himself when he talked about an energy intensity scheme and as our fearless leader, Malcolm Turnbull pointed out, there was nothing about an emissions intensity scheme in the review and that Josh Frydenberg was clearly being confused with someone who speaks on behalf of the Liberal Party when only Cory Bernardi is authorised to announce policy without checking with anybody on planet Earth.


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About Rossleigh 1447 Articles
Rossleigh is a writer, director and teacher. As a writer, his plays include “The Charles Manson Variety Hour”, “Pastiche”, “Snap!”, “That’s Me In The Distance”, “48 Hours (without Eddie Murphy)”, and “A King of Infinite Space”. His acting credits include “Pinor Noir Noir” for “Short and Sweet” and carrying the coffin in “The Slap”. His ten minutes play, “Y” won the 2013 Crash Test Drama Final.


  1. A Leader.
    A leader.
    Our Country for a Leader.

    Has to be one somewhere?
    Wishing for a nice End of Year Present,
    Mark Needham

  2. They haven’t even introduced the legislation for the company tax cuts. They are waiting for a focus group other than the business lobbyists and the Murdoch hacks to think it’s a good idea.

    So far this year 90,000 full time jobs have disappeared, we’ve got record underemployment and record low wages growth.

    Jobson Groethe is underemployed.

  3. Jobs – a deluge of 457s intended to degrade local wage conditions;
    Growth – high immigration sucking in imports quicker than any balancing by exports.
    Incapable of providing an appropriate amount of infrastructure to service the rapid population growth, the cities slowly grind to a halt and the basics such as shelter become collateral damage. Welcome to neo-liberalism and the great global rebalancing where prosperity is by design reserved for the few.

    The ABC news site has a List of Leaners not paying tax:
    And the LNP’s solution?
    Give them a tax break.
    Sack the lot.

  4. What happened to poor old Jobson Groethe? Turnbull sought out the most elegant of venues, promised “innovation” and “flexibility”, promised every two year old an upmarket investment property in a salubrious location but Jobson Groethe just never showed up. Poor Malcolm, he’s tried every selfie he could think of, but Jobson Groethe just isn’t happening for him.

  5. One little word missing (twice) from their slogan – the word “NO”. No jobs, no growth”. Now it makes sense! As Kaye says they havent yet introduced their big tax cut legislation, yet Morrison is already bleating that Labor isnt cooperating in getting them through! Blaming in advance !! And Turnbull electioneering already, by warning us that “if you vote for Labor, you are voting for higher electricity prices” -but, um, Malcolm, the Chief Scientist report released to us this week, that youve been sitting on for months, actually says the opposite !

  6. Jaquix, economists have said that Australia cannot afford these tax cuts, that what modelling that has been done (none done by the government) indicates that tax cuts will not necessarily translate into one single additional job being created. Over and over economists have stated that Australia cannot rely on the private sector but that there must be immediate investment by the government – and still Morrison bleats on and on about tax cuts…ones like Trump, ones that are predicted to send America broke.

  7. Can we suggest they and their supporters take their jobs and growth to Mars on Tesla’s one-way ticket. Not much clean air there, but then, it’s not a concern for them, is it? “Stupid” idea!

    Perhaps then we mere earthlings will be free from the obsession for ‘growth’ and we can focus on full-time permanency in sustainable jobs for all who need them… and a few other important things which aren’t driven by deeply flawed economic theory.

  8. You know we could have full employment, a well planned and rapid transition to clean energy and environmental sustainability, affordable housing, a comprehensive social safety net, world beating education and healthcare, excellent public transport and other infrastructure, rising incomes, the world’s best standard of living, optimism and happiness but instead we have this lot blocking everything of value, promoting everything that is vile.

    Sharpen the guillotines and storm the Bastille.

  9. Where is this Jobson Grothe? Coming shortly to you courtesy of our Gina who has bought the Kidman properties keeping them in Australian hands thanks to Scott Morrison.

    What is not mentioned is Gina is in partnership with a Chinese company who own one third of the company enabling them to employ 100% overseas labour paid at minimum rates, I wonder where these people will come from.

    Gina already employs around 300 South Koreans on visas and minimum wages.

    The way this Country is going everyone will be working for ten bucks an hour, if you have a job that is.

  10. Bowen has said they say there will only be 1% improvement sometime far off into the future. Morrison hasn’t denied Bowen’s figures. In fact when asked, said every little bit helps.

  11. Good morning, yea “our” PM on 7.30, was the only one to say very little at all as usual, however he did attack the SA Labors “power security” well power security has been debated for years,and even the experts cannot point to one factor for power failure,there’s gas which has been blamed and peoples usage and then there’s the horrific storms that went through SA knocking over very study power lines, this is my bet for the “power failure”. yea in order to push a lie you Must use exotic reasoning don’t you mal,just as the LNP are doing….. Good morning.

    When you are consumed by superstitious beliefs, deny science and logic, how can one be a rational human being?……

  12. Andreas waste of time with sharpening because the turmbrul builder has gone to korea and they are needed for their president et al. Whose jobs and growth
    subs $50 billion to france whose jobs and growth
    sell the census whose jobs and growth
    centrelink whose jobs and growth?
    Alright Andreas we will use wheelbarrows

  13. The statute of limitations must run out soon for blaming Labor. I must say that a scary number of commentators really truly appear to believe that if corporations pay almost no tax (if they’re already not avoiding it completely through an oversight) they’ll shower money on the workers. Just how many times does the populace have to be told this (only to be disappointed) before they begin to become dimly aware that they’ve been sold a pup?

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