James McGrath’s crusade against the ABC

When Queensland Senator James McGrath gave his first speech in parliament, he made his intentions very clear – this culture warrior was on a mission to destroy the ABC.

“While the ABC continues to represent only inner-city leftist views, and funded by our taxes, it is in danger of losing its social licence to operate. I am calling for a review of the ABC’s charter. And if they fail to make inroads to restore balance, then the ABC should be sold and replaced by a regional and rural broadcasting service. In the meantime, Triple J, because of its demographic dominance and clear ability to stand on its own, should be immediately sold.”

Despite countless reviews which have all found no bias at the national broadcaster, over seven years later, James is still singing the same song though with a far more belligerent tone. Last night he went full crazy.

“What we’re seeing is a grotesque, left-wing, back-scratching orgy of flatulent arrogance from the ABC and those on the Left. This ABC who sneers at us is led by an arrogant chair who sees the ABC as a country apart from Australia.”

There’s nothing sillier than hearing ultra-conservatives using their favourite pejorative “woke” all the time and James gave it a real workout in expressing his obvious hatred for ABC chair, Ita Buttrose.

“The inevitable result of decades of free rein, of grossly excessive budgets and diminished accountability is that we’ve ended up with an inner-city hive of woke workers, hiring woke friends to do their woke work in their quest to wokify the world. But in conjunction with the first-night crowd, the chair of the ABC and her fellow first-nighters are at the opera, chinking their champagne glasses, sneering at middle Australia and at those who believe in a pluralistic, diverse media market. It is time for there to be reform of the ABC. It is time for their inner-city headquarters to be sold and for their staff to be shifted to regional Australia.”

James then seemed to get a bit confused, contradicting himself about media diversity in Australia.

He starts off telling us that the ABC model “is essentially an old wireless trundling along, yet we have a pluralistic, diverse media market…this taxpayer funded monolith is not fit for purpose in the 21st century.”

But it was the next rant that had me truly wondering what the hell this lunatic is on about.

“I will say, as someone who lives and spends a lot of their time in regional Queensland, there is a place for a taxpayer funded broadcaster in regional Queensland and regional Australia because there is not a diverse media market there. But in terms of the rest of our country, it is time for a royal commission into the future of public broadcasting in this country.

It is time that we stood up for the taxpayers of this country who are not getting value for money, and it is time that the board of the ABC – that most arrogant organisation – realise they are losing middle Australia because we have choice.

There is so much diversity in our media market and it would be sad if the ABC were to fail and fall over. I want the ABC to be saved. I want it to be reformed so it can be saved from itself.”

Colour me confused.

James McGrath has been gifted the top spot on the Queensland senate ticket assuring him of another 6 years in parliament.

I can only echo the words of Doug Cameron’s “gobsmacked” response to McGrath’s first speech back in 2014:

“These are the people that are supposed to be the high-calibre Liberals. If this is the high-calibre Liberals I’d hate to go to a Liberal party branch in Queensland and see the low-lifes in operation.”


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About Kaye Lee 1328 Articles
Kaye describes herself as a middle-aged woman in jammies. She knew Tony Abbott when they both attended Sydney University where she studied for a Bachelor of Science. After 20 years teaching mathematics, with the introduction of the GST in 2000, she became a ‘feral accountant’ for the small business that she and her husband own. Kaye uses her research skills “to pass on information, to join the dots, to remember what has been said and done and to remind others, and to do the maths.”


  1. I could observe that,- as a taxpayer funded indulgence,- Senators McGrath and Briggs offer far less value for money than the ABC any day of the week, month or year.

  2. Thanks, Kaye

    What a dangerous idiot that man is!

    When I started reading his remarks here, I thought I must be completely wrong in my understanding of the meaning of ‘woke’. So I consulted Professor Google, and the first definition that came up was ‘alert to injustice in society, especially racism’.

    So what’s his problem? I kept scrolling and came across The Urban Dictionary, where the first entry is, ‘The act of being very pretentious about how much you care about a social issue’.

    A bit like defining an apple as an insect with five legs. Obviously some people are talking about injustice, while other people are talking about something very ‘else’.

  3. Um, “…yet we have a pluralistic, diverse media market….” Rupert, Nine/Fairfax, Stokes…er… I have a headache now.

  4. While James bemoans “the chair of the ABC and her fellow first-nighters are at the opera, chinking their champagne glasses, sneering at middle Australia and at those who believe in a pluralistic, diverse media market”, he seems to be completely silent on the unaccountable Murdoch media monopoly and the government handouts they happily receive. Rupert, a man of the people? I think not.

  5. Queensland has produced an endless queue of bowelbrained bonko blatherers, so many on the public teat in politics. This low level louty larynx, Mc Grath, is another worthless, useless brown shirt bullshitter, consumed in mysterious hatred for honesty, detached factuality and a sense of reality. Who pays for the expected future prosperity of this intrusive maggoty man of the “people?” Merde Dog, the shittyhound?

  6. This turd McGrath is a staking horse for the crinkled scroat, who won’t be satisfied until he destroys the free media, at least as much as they can be, so that the scroat and his maggots get to finally rule Australia as they were ‘destined’ to, as much as they think they do. The coalition are political whores who live off the droppings of the scroat and his maggots.

    The constant degrading and denigrating of the ABC started with the lying rodent, continued with jugears and has been brought to a pitch with scummo and his gang of arseholes. Turdball was as much a victim as a convenient example of what happens when a coalition leader tries to buck the trend. Every Labor leader from Gough onwards, knows what they’re up against.

  7. What a smug, insufferable right-wing hypocrite this disreputable, one-eyed fool, McGrath, is! My God, NO MENTION about the relentlessly deplorable, ongoing character-assassinating right-wing bias spewed out by EVERY form of LNP/MURDOCH/IPA-manipulated media in the country! Not ONE mention about the appalling lies, venomous attacks and blatant far-right prejudice displayed in the Daily Terrorgraph and other forms of media owned by the internationally discredited, lying, self-serving sociopath, Rupert Murdoch and his up-close-and-undemocratic relationship with the worst, most corrupt, inhumane and arrogant governments (the Abbott/Morrison regimes) this nation has EVER seen in our history (with exception of the despicable little war criminal, John Howard)! Not a word how this awful fascist regime are now parachuting right-wing sycophants (like Ita Buttrose and David Speers) into influential seats on the Board and into panel shows on OUR ABC in order to manipulate everything Australians hear and see on OUR taxpayer-owned media.

    Let me point out to McGrath that the ABC DOES NOT – AND WILL NEVER – BELONG TO HIM NOR ANY OTHER POMPOUS, SELF-SERVING ARROGANT POLITICAL PARASITE IN THE LNP !!!! The ABC belongs to US, the Australian taxpayer, and is has every reason to justifiably express anger and contempt against the self-righteous deplorable fascists in the LNP who are now using OUR taxes to threaten to defund OUR taxpayer-funded station UNLESS, of course, they “toe the LNP line”. The LNP have a long, deplorable history of trying to muzzle free speech and to control and manipulate media and to prevent disclosure of their increasing level of corruption, misogyny and callous inhumanity!

    The ABC is doing nothing but expressing the justifiable rage, disillusionment and concern 99.9% of Australians have for the way the despicable, self-serving grubs in the LNP are mismanaging our nation, tearing apart our democracy, vilifying the most vulnerable people in our society, the ongoing waste of millions of taxpayer dollars in failed schemes, the non-stop rorting of funds resulting in some of their members becoming multi-millionaires (like Peter Dutton with a dodgy personal fortune of more than $300 million) and character-assassinating anyone and everyone who understandably speak out against them! The LNP is overflowing with skirt-lifting misogynists (like the notorious not-so-Christian Porter), cowardly non-achieving political parasites, relentlessly unapologetic pathological LIARS (like Abbott, Morrison and just about every member of the nauseating LNP) and totally corrupt, callously inhumane stone-cold xenophobic psychopaths (like Dutton).

    There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING good one can find to say about the LNP – they truly are the BOTTOM OF A VERY DEEP BARREL; sinking like a stone in their own depravity! The ONLY thing that motivates the stone cold sociopaths in the LNP is GREED and their relentless thirst for a level of autocratic power that borders on fascism! This pompous, insufferably arrogant, non-achieving political parasite, James McGrath, is no exception spewing out just the type of toxic, deplorable threats we have grown to expect from the WORST regime in our history!

  8. Oh dear, I find myself agreeing with all of the above comments. But wait!! Is there a sensible reply to this Murdoch mouthpiece?

    ““While the COALition continues to represent only foreign owned multinationalists’ views, and funded by our taxes, it is in danger of losing its political licence to operate. I am calling for a review of the Liarbral Party’s charter. And if they fail to make inroads to restore balance, then the Liarbral Party should be de-registered and replaced by regional and rural Independent politicians.. In the meantime, Macquarie Radio, because of its demographic dominance and clear ability to stand on its own, should be immediately sold.”

  9. If this bloke is so keen on taxpayers getting value for money, then he should do the right thing and resign – along with sir scotty fucksupalot, et al.

  10. Kaye, long time reader – first post.

    JJJ would fail dismally if commercialized for the following reasons…


    At the moment they play far more alternative and local music than anyone else. A commercial operator would use successful songs which already have an audience. Byebye all those up and comers. A huge loss for everyone and also a listener walkout.(eg. I first heard the song Rock Lobster by The B52’s live on JJJ, which was their first ever radio broadcast).

    ABC is a cross hanging around the MurdockIPALibNat neck. They expose their bullshit, which as everyone knows is just about everything they do. Imagine an ABC completely knobbled. Whatever commercial media says wouldn’t be challenged except by yourselves, Michael West, Crikey, The Guardian and a few others who haven’t the market share of the big boys.

    Thankfully Ita must have read the ABC charter and is taking her job seriously. But the continual placement of IPA felchers in ABC management will undermine whatever good is being done.

  11. Look, this is just another inflammatory diversion to ramp up emotions and anger, to suit Morrison with the election campaigning due to start.

    Needs irrationality to get by or people will see through these diversions in the clearer glean of objective daylight

  12. Because they won’t grovel, bow and scrape to the Born to Rule Party. Yet. Plus the board and higher management hasn’t been loaded enough with LNP maatteess and Murdoch scum.

  13. Murdoch, who is the actual dictator, wants the ABC either shut down or/and ownership turned over to him.

    He is fed up with the remnants of broad sheet journalism at the ABC finding the obvious flaws in most of Morrison and co’s lies.

    Perfect example: the Drum absolutely dismembering Karen Andrews’ idiot level proscription of Hezbollah and its attempt to link the Australian right wing crank org The Base with Al Qaeda.

    A stumble under pressure the panel felt, ridiculous, more or less, one panelist proposed, but clearly another attempt at dog-whistling to ramp up the anxiety with more gullible voters. Fanning was baffled at it.

  14. LambsFry,

    I do know that he’s been busting his boiler trying to get the rights to each new series of Doctor Who for some years and put it on Farcetel, but the BBC is quite happy with the ABC.

  15. One only has to note the Royal Commissions to justify having our ABC. Without Aunty we would still have child sexual abuse, banks robbing customers, money laundering at casinos and many more examples of corruption. Thank you ABC for the s light you have shone on the dark dirty deeds of government and society.

  16. Carole,

    A relative of mine works for Four Corners. I keep telling her she has cost the country a fortune because four of her stories have led to Royal Commissions. The really aggravating part is the government then requires the ABC to hand over all the evidence they have collected – which is ok – except it takes them forever to collate it all and organise it into the form required for evidence at a RC. They do a damn sight better job at investigating than any other body including the police.

  17. It’s hardly surprising and simply replicating strategy for radical right libertarian ideology i.e. included in the IPA wish list, as witnessed elsewhere in the increasingly authoritarian Anglosphere, and reinforced by cooperative media PR aka NewsCorp etc. for rusted on legacy media audiences (ironically complemented by and dependent upon strong social media presence on BigTech’s platforms….).

    It’s hardly a coincidence the BBC has also been copping it, while though Canada has no Murdoch presence (?), the same agitprop is promoted against the Canadian public broadcaster; similarly the equivalents in Poland, Hungary or Turkey are now managed directly by the ruling conservative parties and produce agitprop on their behalf.

    What is or why the strategy against public and independent media or broadcasters? For radical right libertarians to stop, not just dissenting voices, but grounded reporting, (climate) science and analysis, holding power to account, by demanding the presence of PR sock puppets to disrupt debate aka The Drum, Q&A etc. The objective would be to turn the ABC into something like a PBS in the US surviving on grants, corporate foundation donations and stacking their board, for anodyne content (not always, some good stuff sneaks under the wire).

    In addition to ‘information management’ it’s deep seated anti-government ideology of the libertarians demanding freedom from constraints e.g. regulation, taxes, government and the existential threat of informed electorates….

  18. I think it is underlyingly a personality aberration within this collection of misfits, unable to control their aggression thus cognitively identify their location within reality, civilisation and community and the comfort deriving of that.

    This is demonstrably true, given the evidence of their behaviours.

    There is no concept of what a society is and communities are with them, no sense of personal identification, recognition, gratification and “vision”, just a terrible urge to smash, dominate and destroy.

    Must be honest.

    The 730 report on Victorian logging (yet again, this), the same mentality seemed present within another political party we would have hoped could offer a roadmap back to reality based on an apperception of what comprised the issue.

    Capitalist politics and politicians just sadden this writer so grievously, where is a real consciousness instead of just pathology?.


  19. Sadly, all lnp politicians believe that no labor ideals should be presented to the public. Their supporters believe the ABC is ‘left-wing without any understanding of the term nor listening to the local station. If you heard trevaskis, the other day, talking about gove instead of nhulunbuy and yirrkala. Thereby following the redneck style of avoiding Aboriginal names. If you look for Uluru. even when the name change was mooted in 1965 and actioned in 1995, you will get the english as well. Why??? To top it off liz said if you don’t like the chief ministers announcement (or words??) ring me on 1300… Definitely neither fair nor left wing!!!!
    Remember the thai cave? Rupert stole ABC footage and played it as his own.
    ps Leefe, There were 5 radio ‘produncers’ whose background was from murdoch papers in qld. nsw and the nt and it showed.

  20. Fat George the Monstrous Manila masturbator, has been raving in the news about attitude, fascist aberration, distortion, deception. He is a gross, uneducated liar from the bent world, (for some only), of media, where an inside rails rigged run is sought for deficient fatheads and juvenile misfits. Loudmouthed liars get a big go lately, as they are received and echoed by nobodies who want their own inadequate lives, education, records, artificially enhanced, as the nobody wants to be a somebody and today’s electronic online rubbish permits that. SICK. It’s a world where confused folk are deluged by keen liars who like the distortions, myths, exaggerations. And.., Merde Dog the Huge media Shithound allows this for purely selfish, egotistical, warped profiteering reasons. This sickening unreality must cease…for gutless bastards dream of perverting thousands in a one way rave of lies, for egofixated and perverted dreams of glory and relevance.

  21. OK, so earlier I raised an issue concerning ALP attitudes to environment again, because I felt I had detected a singularity in outlook to Morrison’s political processes.

    Little doubt there is something massively wrong with the LNP, but I remain disturbed that this mentality has, Covid like, spread to the ALP, concerning certain issues.


    Now, if exactly the same mentality exists in the ALP as the other lot, whither hope?

    What point pointing out the LNP profound problems with denialism when the alternative is flawed?

    If the project, a massive one, McGowan is referencing, is flawed, why change the law to facilitate rather than prevent an abuse of science and rationality (and ultimately, economics thru downstream costs inevitably born by taxpayers later.

    I realise that some won’t appreciate the questionings , but it comes down to this;

    If I am forced to choose cyanide over arsenic, (no truly valid choice) am I not still headed for the same pine box?

  22. Welcome to the fray ShortTermMemory. I agree about Triple J and think that same reasoning applies to the ABC and SBS more broadly. Because they don’t have to chase advertising dollars they can appeal to niche audiences or give new talent a run. The belligerence of the LNP is because they HATE scrutiny.

    I wish someone would make woke an unparliamentary term. They sound so bloody ridiculous carrying on about wokifying. It seems anything that is not to do with greed or war is to be ridiculed.

  23. You can tell that the Religious Discrimination Bill is a dog’s breakfast : not only have they refused to release the legislation in advance as is the democratic convention in this country to allow citizens the opportunity to scrutinise it (I still can’t find the draft Bill) but Michaelia Cash who has carriage of this legislation has so far avoided being interviewed on the ABC – it’s as though she is ashamed of the legislation and doesn’t want to be associated with it.

    This morning Amanda Stoker who acts as assistant Minister to the Attorney-General fronted on ABC RN Breakfast but it didn’t go well.

    From that interview I believe that among the problems with this rushed and unnecessary legislation is that it will allow and protect Statements of Beliefs to go unchallenged (a Statement of Belief is a religious belief that the person genuinely considers to be in accordance with the doctrines, tenets, beliefs or teachings of their religion) this could include comments from a boss to a female employee that “women should not hold leadership positions” or comments from a doctor to a patient that their “disability is a punishment from God”.

    This opens a new door for all sorts of discrimination against reasonable people.

    I’m old enough to remember when the ‘pill ‘ came out in the 1960’s and some pharmacists and doctors refused to prescribe it (as well as other forms of contraception) because it was against their religious principles. I fear that we are going backwards with this legislation.

    Today Morrison will announce the legislation in the House of Reps. He is doing this not so much because he believes strongly in the legislation – which he probably does – but more so because he is the best Bullshitter they have available.

    Legislation concerning religious issues is always fraught in democratic societies as it inevitably runs into constitutional problems and infringes on the doctrine of separation between the Church and the State. Morrison has said on numerous occasions in the past few weeks that Australians are fed up with having government in our faces and in our lives : well I’ve got news for Scottie, this is the biggest affront to our secular society since federation and puts government right in your face.

    This legislation should not see the light of day !

  24. Oh Dear !

    Michaelia Cash has just made a statement on the issue of Statements of Belief

    “All the statement of belief clause does is provide that the making of a statement of belief in and of itself, if it is made in good faith, the statement itself would not be discrimination under any Australian anti-discrimination law”.

    Best you say no more. Michaelia !

  25. spot on waltz, It should be open so that religious beliefs are published. Then we would know the ‘flat earthers’, ‘the godmadeeverthingers’ and the ‘womenarenotequalers’?
    It may be a two edged sword? Their belief cannot be questioned but it may be possible to publicise it?
    Where to publish becomes the real question??
    Are we all going to be restricted to the area of PHON’s cartoons???

  26. ABC bashing has been a popular fall back for those many on the righteous side of politics for whom truth and facts are kryptonite,never more so than the latest crop of nincompoops and thin skinned incompetents.One can’t help but suspect that this,along with the ‘religious discrimination boondoggle ,is nothing more than a desperate attempt at diversion,what with the backlog of Scooter’s lies threatening to crush them out of existence.Political annihilation is at the door, and they are very clearly panicked.

  27. Terence Mills, I admire your courage quoting anything that the unspeakable harridan, Michaelia Cash (best known as McFailure Trash), spews out! Like most of her regressive, incoherent, bible-thumping hypocritical colleagues in the LNP, McFailure’s irrational utterances could NEVER be described as “pearls of wisdom” – Hmmmmm, the inane, self-serving lies and verbal diarrhoea that is constantly churned out by just about every corrupt, mean-spirited member of the worst government in living memory, are more like affirmations of selfish entitlement and short-sighted idiocy!!

    The fact that the LNP, the notorious international predator, Rupert Murdoch and the unelected neoliberal swill in the IPA are SO DESPERATE to tear down the ABC says SO MUCH about the undemocratic LNP/Murdoch/IPA Alliance – none of it good! The Alliance is peeved because they are unable to control the taxpayer-funded ABC nor are they able to shut it down which is what they REALLY want to do in order that Australians hear and see NOTHING but the obscene, blatant right-wing biased BS on just about every other Murdoch-controlled free-to-air form of media! The LNP/Murdoch/IPA Alliance are constantly intimidating the ABC with vile threats to defund the ABC into oblivion UNLESS the ABC kowtows to every demand made by the LNP – in other words, the LNP want to MUZZLE and control what Australians hear and see on our own taxpayer-funded station!

    The LNP despise being called out, exposed and challenged for their increasing level of corruption, non-stop lies, skirt-lifting misogyny, inhumanity and pompous, bible-thumping hypocrisy! The fact that the ABC is one of the few forms of media in this nation that is prepared to do so, says SO MUCH about the ABC = ALL OF IT GOOD, ALL of it positive and ALL of it integral to our democratic right to be informed of the corruption and inadequacies of any current government (of any political persuasion). The ABC has a long history of providing a fair and critical exposé of those politicians who try (and fail) to stay “under the radar” for their appalling bad behaviour (such as the appalling behaviour of Christian Porter, George Christensen et al). The irony is that the LNP, in the past, have UTILISED and given 100% support to the ABC when the ABC focused on any OTHER politician who was not a member of the LNP – clearly, the LNP don’t mind the ABC exposing the incompetence or dodgy behaviour of others but start agitating, challenging and threatening to undemocratically shut down the ABC when they, THEMSELVES, are place in the spot light! WOW, just the sort of mind-numbing hypocrisy that we have come to expect from the Morrison regime who, like Abbott and Howard before him, are up to their red-necks in scandal!

    The LNP need to know this: The ABC was NEVER meant to represent ANY government! Indeed, the ABC is fully subsidised by the TAXPAYERS of Australia and, as such, the ABC represents the taxpayers of Australia – always did and always will! The ABC is meant to be impartial, educational and informative. The LNP need to know that Australia is a democracy and OUR ABC is the AUSTRALIAN Broadcasting Commission NOT the Liberal Party Broadcasting Commission! The ABC is meant to educate and inform Australians on a wide, diverse range of issues which INCLUDES the positives – and NEGATIVES – of the government that presumes to represent us! Sadly for our democracy, the LNP (ever since the rise of the appalling little war criminal, John Howard) are getting more corrupt, more confrontational and more secretive with each consecutive right-wing government. The LNP does NOT like having their increasing level of self-serving corruption, lies and depravity EXPOSED and, as a result, is doing everything they can to justify the complete manipulation and control of everything we hear and see – and that INCLUDES the increasing exposés of LNP lies and corruption on OUR ABC.

    It goes without saying, if the LNP/Murdoch/IPA Alliance are unable to CONTROL the content of the ABC then they will do everything in their power to shut it down which, not coincidentally, is high on the Agenda of Murdoch’s notorious IPA (Institute of Public Affairs). So far, the ABC and, indeed, SBS (unlike Channels 7, 9 and 10) have – as yet – fought off every attempt to be influenced by the LNP. However, the LNP keep threatening the ABC (and SBS) with defundment if OUR taxpayer-owned media stations fail to “tow the LNP line” – it is a horrific example of just how ruthless and undemocratic the LNP really are!

    Needless to say a vote for either the ALP or The Greens will PROTECT our ABC and prevent it from being manipulated and controlled by the LNP, truly the worst, most corrupt and undemocratic regime in Australia’s history! The ALP are not perfect but, at least, they have a high regard for our democracy, freedom of speech and are against governmental interference in our media. Australians should shun the LNP which is a dangerously undemocratic, ultra-conservative regime that STILL allows Murdoch – who is now a 100% AMERICAN citizen – to manipulate what Australians hear and see in our own country! The malignant Murdoch, thankfully, is NO LONGER an Australian citizen but STILL manages to control, manipulate and influence the LNP and the IPA from afar. Also, as long as the LNP is in power, the self-obsessed Murdoch dynasty will grow larger and stronger! Right now, the “heir apparent”, Lachlan Murdoch, is the executive chairman of Nova Entertainment, co-chairman of News Corp, executive chairman and CEO of the Fox Corporation, and the founder of Australian investment company Illyria Pty Ltd.

    The LNP/Murdoch/IPA Alliance is a mutually-benefiting amalgamation of self-serving, neoliberal, capitalistic megalomaniacs who don’t give a damn about ANYONE or ANYTHING except ONE thing: to enrich and empower themselves at the expense of others! The undemocratic alliance between the LNP/Murdoch/IPA has proven to be an elitist collaboration of ego-driven, power-obsessed sociopaths who will stoop to any level to provide benefit to themselves and their billionaire cronies in the Top 1% at the expense of ordinary Australians. Australians MUST reject this collaboration between ruthless capitalists within the LNP and their greedy donors/supporters in the high echelons of business which openly favours the lowering of taxes for the Top 1% whilst the REST of us carry the burden! There is NO PLACE for this elitist Alliance in our egalitarian society!

  28. Kathryn

    I am thinking of doing an item on the Morrison government ministers titled DOOFERS.

    In the sense that when one resigns or is replaced usually the replacement has the characteristics of a DOOFER as in DOOFER NOW.

    When Scottie looks around he has such a shallow talent pool that he appoints the first person to fart and says, “that was a profound observation, “you’ll do for now”.

  29. ABC employees and premises are being targeted by protestors because of turkeys like McGrath.

    “The minister representing communications minister Paul Fletcher at estimates, Jane Hume, said the government was not responsible for derogatory comments made by senators about the ABC managing director and chair.

    Hume was asked if the government agreed with comments made by Liberal senator Ben Small to the Australian newspaper on Monday, which included him accusing Anderson of failing in his job.

    A fish rots from the head, so the managing director needs to account for his leadership when the organisation is falling so short of any reasonable expectation.

    Hume said Small was in the government but was “not in the executive” and his views “did not represent the views of the government”.

    Hume also distanced herself from a speech by Queensland senator James McGrath’s last week in which he called for the ABC to be broken up and Triple J to be sold off.”

  30. A motion at this weekend’s Vic Liberal State Council calls for the ABC in metro areas to become an opt-in subscription service… but leave ABC in the regions. ⁦

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