The AIM Network

“I’ve Always Believed In Miracles,” Scottie tells us, which makes me wonder why nobody pointed out the obvious…

Let’s be clear here. I don’t expect that I’ll win Wimbledon next year. It would take a miracle. Given that he’s retired, I don’t expect that Lleyton will either. That would be a major shock… But it surely falls short of the miracle criteria for sainthood.

However, if I get an extension of my current teaching contract, one would have to seriously wonder what I’d been doing if I were to do a Scott Morrison and stand up in front of the school community and announce that I’ve been given another teaching job and isn’t that great and well, most people thought that I wouldn’t be given more time but well, miracles happen don’t they and…

I’m not suggesting that I should be named teacher of the year here. I would totally understand if the school chose to embrace the younger generation instead of me. Ok, it’s true that I haven’t been going around spreading lies about them… Whatever, I wouldn’t regard it as a miracle were I re-employed because, well, I have a lot to offer and I’ve offered it.

Mm, so if I did happen to win “Teacher of The Year”, I actually don’t think I’d tell everyone that it was a miracle… that tends to suggest more than false modesty… that suggests that somehow I don’t believe that I deserved it… Ok, I don’t. There are far more deserving recipients but I’d like to accept the award on their behalf and I’d like to thank my mother who always wanted to be a teacher… Aw shit, I hope the Murdoch muckrakers don’t find out that she actually did teach when she was thirteen and really, really enjoyed it.

So Scomomo wants us to think that his election victory was a miracle.

Yep, well, I agree. After three separate Prime Ministers, the NBN, their robodebt fiasco, the lack of any plan for what to do with the remainiing refugees on Manus and Nauru, the inability to develop an energy policy and all the other things I could add to the list, how else can it be explained?

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