C’mon, we’re better than this

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton made his Budget Reply speech last Thursday night.…

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Opposition Budget in Reply: Peter Dutton has no…

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Understanding the risk

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It’s time we reckoned with what it means to become a corporatocracy.…

Plan B

By James Moore   Every time there is a release of a New York…


I’m Not A Racist Butt…

It’s interesting how quickly things change!

I mean wasn’t it just yesterday when Morrison and his fellow Liberals were telling us that people were innocent until proven guilty and, if anyone hadn’t been convicted, then they were innocent. Of course, this legal concept doesn’t apply to people who have been charged with a crime because we now keep hearing that criminals shouldn’t be out on bail while awaiting trial because we all know that they’re guilty.

And just last year, Anthony Albanese was being attacked for holding the Voice Referendum by the Coalition. Even though it was an election promise, he never should have proceeded with it unless he had bipartisan support. This year, he’s a liar for not keeping his promise on the Stage 3 tax cuts even though the changes have bipartisan support.

When it comes to the tax cuts the Liberal position is quite clear: “Albanese never should have changed them but now he has we’re voting for them because people need help but they need help now and the tax cuts that should have stayed the way he promised don’t come in until July and that’s far too late for something that we argue shouldn’t have happened at all!”

Anyway, if someone didn’t support the Voice that didn’t make them a racist. I know this because we were told over and over again that this it wasn’t fair to label someone a racist just because they didn’t want the Voice enshrined in the Constitution.

Of course, some people didn’t get the memo because they now argue that 70% of Australians voted against a Welcome to Country, having any sort of Indigenous body advising Parliament, changing the date, a Treaty, Closing The Gap, Linda Burney and truth telling.

Perhaps it’s just me but when someone gets outraged about truth telling, it does make me wonder exactly what they’re suggesting: “We don’t want any of that ‘truth telling’ round here! Lies were good enough for my parents and my grandparents and I’m sick of these people trying to wreck our traditions.”

Speaking of ‘lies’, it’s interesting that a broken election promise is somehow more worthy of examination than politicians lying on a daily basis. For example, when Dutton said that our interest rates were higher than all the G7 countries, this would be an easily verifiable fact were it not for the minor problem that it just isn’t one. Only Japan had lower interest rates at the time he made the statement, so either he was making it up, speaking off the top of his head or unable to read a simple table and work out that certain numbers were higher than others. All things that I would have thought worthy of examination by the media.

Similarly, the so-called tax on SUVs, utes and tanks has been a source of outrage from the Coalition of the Dulling. Inflation seems have grown worse here than our current rate of 4.1% because “Labor’s carbon tax” on new vehicles went from $10k one day to $15k a few days later to the $25k where it now sits until we learn that by the year 2087 it will cost over a million dollars to buy a jet thanks to Labor’s new tax.

Ok, some of you may be trying to defend the proposed emission standards by pointing out that it’s not a tax or by pointing out that we’re one of the only developed nations that doesn’t have one or by asking what’s wrong with emitting less noxious gases when we all know that the amendments to the American Constitution give all drivers the right to poison others by driving the vehicle emitting the most toxic fumes. However, you’re missing the logical flaw in the line of attack: Surely nobody can afford a new car under Labor!

It seems to me that there are a number of areas where Labor can be criticised, such as not increasing payments for the unemployed by more, inadequate support for the homeless, more urgent action on climate change and others. But when Angus Taylor attacked Labor for “spending too much” the other day, it sounds rather silly when they’ve produced the first surplus in fifteen years. It was even sillier when Gussie Taylor told us that Labor “spent an extra $209 MILLION dollars since they came to power. That’s $20,000 for every Australian household.” Mm, by my calculations that means there are only 2090 households in Australia… No wonder the Liberal Party couldn’t deliver a surplus!!

Ok, he clearly meant billion but it’s easy to get your billions mixed up with your millions when you have no idea what you’re talking about… Like when Josh got his sums out by a mere $66 billion but it was in our favour, so what’s carelessness matter?

While some criticisms of Labor by Dutton and his band of merry misfits are just not true, most of the others aren’t likely to make much of an impact on the swinging voter. For example, when the Coalition failed to support the motion on Julian Assange it argued that Australia shouldn’t be interfering in the legal processes of another country which is strange considering that I don’t remember that same argument being raised when China prosecutes our citizens. Whatever, I can’t see that being a position that’s liable to appeal to anyone who doesn’t already intend to vote for Voldemort…

Yes, I know people tell me that I shouldn’t call Dutton by that name. It has been pointed it’s upsetting and cheap and commenting on a physical resemblance that he can’t help is not fair. However, I simply reply by reminding people that Voldemort is a fictional character and therefore won’t actually be upset by the comparison…

If you look at the position Dutton takes on just about any issue, it’s worth asking who is actually going to be swayed into voting for him based on what he’s said.


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  1. Phil Pryor

    The conservatives here, thankfully out of office for nearly two years, are and have been liars. I’ve observed them, heard them, have records of what they say and think and their ranks include disgusting chronic liars, mass liars, drunken liars, teasing liars, ignorant liars and a few fringe liars. Lying in politics is hardly new. Jack Howard, an old classmate, learned that debating allowed one to lie, exaggerate, twist, as long as you kept yabbering and won more points than the others, That was his life training, adolfian. the succession to Howard was plummeting downward, and touched a trench in Mad Morrison, surely insane. It STINKS.

  2. Steve Davis

    “debating allowed one to lie, exaggerate, twist,…”

    Phil, thanks for pointing that out, the penny had not dropped for me.

    I was never in a debating team, but I watched one debate after school hours, and you are correct. The team that told the biggest lies, exaggerations and twists won the debate.

    We were being taught to lie. That liars are winners.

  3. leefe

    “We don’t want any of that ‘truth telling’ round here! Lies were good enough for my parents and my grandparents and I’m sick of these people trying to wreck our traditions.”

    That is exactly what they mean. They want to rest on their comfortable lies rather than to confront the ugly truth and all its consequences.

    We were being taught to lie. That liars are winners.

    Speechless. Just utterly gobsmacked and speechless. Irony doesn’t get any more ironical than that.

  4. Steve Davis

    Moderator ?



  5. Roswell

    That’d be me.

    Where can I join in? 😁

  6. GL

    I’m a racist: car races, bike races, foot races and any other sport related races, can’t stand ’em.

  7. Steve Davis

    Nice one Roswell, thanks a million ! 🙂

  8. corvusboreus

    Who will vote for the Dutton creature based on sounds emitted from it’s maw?

    Probably not ‘crazy lefties’ like what lurk at the ABC & Guardian, they draw mean cartoons and, as far as the federal opposition leader is concerned, can be counted amongst the already dead.

    Not looking to reimplement a White Australia Policy here, but perhaps our fisheyed LOTO could import a some people of relative pallor to help bring some extra numbers to his cause?


  9. corvusboreus

    You’ve actually been an AIMN moderator all this time?
    Well unholy excrement, blow me down with a feather, I hadn’t realised, there must be serious flaws in my situational awareness 🤪

    I recall that on some other thread (https://theaimn.com/state-logging-agency-vicforests-deregistered/amp/) you specifically asked for me to post more content from some US yewchoob 🤡 (possibly because of expat nostalgia) and I declined on account of lack of direct subject relevance.

    Less so here.

    Here’s Beau of the Fifth Column’s take on whether or not he reckons the US suffers from any issues of systemic racism;

  10. Roswell

    I’ve been here from Day 1, cb. Have always enjoyed your commentary. I like your wit.

  11. corvusboreus

    Cheers, compliment genuinely appreciated, and I return copious thanks for your long-term commitment supporting and moderating M & C Taylor’s forum.
    (I think I first visited here in 2013)

    My attempts at ‘wit’ aside, I also sometimes try to add some extra informational content and context through the inclusion of reasonably vetted links (a’la KL).

    As for you “always enjoying my commentary”, to be completely honest you should probably add “except for the times when cb is actively indulging in being an over-reactive turdling” (sorry again, wam).

    Either way, love your work.

  12. Roswell

    You make my job easier, cb.

  13. Jack sprat

    Where are those smiles that Dutton promised us.

  14. Terence Mills


    He got confused, he meant smirks

    smirk : to smile in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly way.

  15. GL


    “smirk : to smile in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly way.”

    Smirk: see Scott Morrison.

  16. Teiresias

    About what happens to “illegals”, read the two books by Behrouz Boochani, the Kurdish-Iranian writer and journalist who spent more than 6 years in off-shore detention: :No Friend But the Mountains” “Freedom, Only Freedom” For information written well before the Referendum last year by Chris Kenny (5/8/2023) “…under Morrison they compiled a 275 page report on extensive national consultation, about what the legislation would look like (I was in that process) They know more than they pretend.”

  17. B Sullivan

    ‘ Anyway, if someone didn’t support the Voice that didn’t make them a racist. I know this because we were told over and over again that this it wasn’t fair to label someone a racist just because they didn’t want the Voice enshrined in the Constitution’

    Racists are people who promote the falsehood that humanity is divided into different races. It is not. There is only one race of human beings still existent on Earth. This is a scientific fact. Something we now know, unlike our ancestors who could indulge themselves in prejudice against their fellow humans because they were ignorant of this now revealed scientific fact. Get used to it racists, you have nobody to be racist with. Maybe you can take up sexism or ageism as a substitute if that will keep you happy.

    Not everybody who voted yes in the Recognition of First Peoples of Australia referendum were racists, but a yes vote promoted the belief that people are only entitled to have a voice to parliament if they are constitutionally recognised as being different from everybody else. It is like there is some imperative that compels racists to believe that we are not all entitled to be treated equally, instead we must be judged by the nature of our birth and ancestry.

  18. Teiresias

    B. Sullivan

    You missed the point of my post. That is, the Opposition which voted NO, when in Government had been writing about the Voice and what it was. Then they hid it out of sight because for them following the Voice treated Indigenous people specially. Chris Kenny and other politicians in the Morrison government had been writing 275 pages explaining what the voice was about, then they pretended they did not know. And if voters did not know, they should vote NO. A big fib.

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