By Stephen Fitz
Who knows what evil lurks within the hearts of men? It was in comic books and Marvel movies and there was mention of it in early editions of the Bible – so it’s been around for a while – dare I say it … “The battle between good and evil.” That’s being a bit bold so, let’s call it the battle between human qualities and animal behaviour. It strikes me that in a civilised society we would be promoting human qualities like empathy and sharing and trust and compassion and a fair go for everyone. I’m not seeing much of that in Australian federal politics right now. I’m seeing a Liberal Party blinded by power and greed at the expense of a society struggling to survive.
Maybe, there are some among us who haven’t evolved human qualities yet and are still struggling with deep rooted animal instinct … still driven by greed and a “all for me and nothing for you” mentality. If we wish to progress as a species and become more human, the animals among us need to be rounded up and, so they don’t feel rejected, perhaps shipped off to a military dictatorship where they will feel right at home. Hun Sen has already shared champaign and rolled out the red carpet for the Liberal government. A privileged life is waiting if you don’t mind walking in blood.
O.K., Malcolm Turnbull, Peter Dutton, Michaelia Cash and in fact the entire Liberal Party are the product of a corrupted system and manipulated democracy. In the words of Noam Chomsky; “Corporates lobby politicians for legislation that favours corporates and corporates donate to election funds in return for favours and corporates are experiencing record profits at our expense.” It’s called the money/power loop and that is how western capitalist democratic society is run. It runs on lies, deceit and corruption hidden from the people by mainstream media.
I had no idea what was happening, and like the majority, I was kept in the dark for so long. I’d heard about corporate and political collusion and corruption but, I have faith in human nature and, I needed proof. There are two things: “the facts” which are the truth, and then you have “I reckon” which, in academic circles, is considered to be the hallmark of an idiot. Well I’m no idiot and I reckon something really sucks. Something’s fundamentally wrong within western society and it’s being exposed by social and independent media as we speak. Yeah, shock horror to the boys and girls at the top!
Well, I heard about it, so I went looking for evidence on the court record to prove it, and here it is. The Turnbull government is corrupt and has been pandering to corporates at the expense of the Australian workforce. It boils down to the Liberal government believing they have a mandate to give corporates whatever they want and screw the rest of us. Something essential to the human condition are our hopes, our ideals, our aspirations and our dreams and when I found out what was going on well, they faded, along with innocence … You Bastards! Look what you have taken.
As an example of what corporates will do with government sponsorship look at what they did in America with the ensuing global financial crisis and the unimaginable suffering by the masses to make a few people filthy rich. You see they don’t care and, this is what corporates will do when they are off the leash. The first battle line, if you wish to protect society from the ravages of corporate greed, would be accountability, harsh penalties and well-informed voters. We can’t let these animals hold us back, we can’t let them stifle our humanity, and there are steps we need to take.
[1] Corruption can only be contained if exposed to investigation and a legal process. Something lacking at a federal level. I couldn’t believe it either – there is no federal corruption watchdog in Australia. With hard evidence of corruption and with the prompting of Transparency International and some prominent QCs, Bill Shorten has promised the establishment of a national independent commission against corruption (ICAC) if he wins the next election. So that’s a starting point.
[2] It’s our ABC, not theirs … “Turnbull government hits ABC with $84m funding freeze” (Sydney Morning Herald). Because they didn’t like the editorials – first of all the Liberal government makes Pauline Hanson a political prisoner and then they impose censorship – so much for democracy. Second step is to reinstate the ABC’s finances and promote editorial independence. Have a section on the ABC that runs through what’s happening on Australian Independent Media so that all Australians can be well-informed.
[3] Human rights equate to freedom. Take away human rights and you take away freedom. Australia is a co-founder and signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and yet, there is no provision for human rights protection in Australian Law. When it comes to corruption, someone always suffers so there is always an element of human rights abuse woven into it. The UDHR needs to be written into the Australian Constitution and a Human Rights Court set up, accessible to all Australians. We, the people of Australia, can tackle corruption head on.
[4] Gee, no human rights protection and no federal ICAC in the land of OZ! We are getting screwed! The public demand transparency in government – no more corrupted decisions behind closed doors. If a federal minister or senator is asked a question they don’t like, the strategy is to ignore you and stick their head in the sand. We want answers and no more lies and deceit by omission. If politicians are held to account and the decision-making process is open to scrutiny, we have more chance of a better outcome for the bulk of Australians.
If you are an elected representative engaged by corporates and the top end of town, you will try to block these steps like you have in the past. If you do that, you will be telegraphing to your constituents and the people of Australia that you are in it for yourself and you don’t care about the rest of us. You don’t care about crippling inequality and poverty. You are telling us you are full of lies and you are laughing at us behind our backs.
If you are a Liberal politician reading this right now – you will be telling us what a total wanker you truly are and, we don’t want you and your smug look. In which case, do us all a favour and get out of politics – never to be seen or heard of again. It’s time for the good people to make a move for humanity and put a leash on the evil bastards who are driven purely by animal greed.
We now have our first refugee from Australia, getting political asylum in Canada. His only crime was to be whistle blower for the criminal prosecution of an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang (OMG!), reported on our ABC this morning…
I just checked the corruption index and Australia is 13/180 with a score of 77%. Seems something is on the nose here!
If we are to continue with the theme of “Original Sin” one wonders if we also need to change the old slogan from – “Come the Revolution” to “Come the Reformation”. From the discussion above of greed in secrecy, to the continual ‘Shock Horror’ of the recent Royal Commissions. So we cannot trust our public institutions. Like wise the issue of child abuse being hidden as otherwise, the Church(s) may need to acknowledge that they are also not unaccountable to society.
That is to say nothing of the systematic demeaning of half or more of the human population as they are Female by some of the Churches, the image distortions imposed by the ‘Beauty Industry’ et al to separate people from their monies, as well as the “Me Too” revelations.
A good start would be “All are equal” so there must be an equality of opportunity for all. Eg equal access to education. That may reduce the system encouraged by some to ensure that their offspring will mate with the correct class (eg Private Schools serious fees for Uni etc). The Squattocracy did make allot of monies out of stud breeding so they know how.
Stephen, I have no problem with your argument that there is corruption in politcs, nor that the conservative side of politics favours the corporate sector and often will engage in, to say the least, dubious actions in order to benefit them.
I can’t, however, accept your simplistic and seriously flawed notion that the inequity in our society is the result of ‘human qualities v animal behaviour’. I also find it ludicrously naive to base your statements on a comic book or biblical notion of ‘good’ and ‘evil’.
Human beings are animals. The difference between us and other animals, leaving aside physical form and its limitations or benefits, such as the opposed thumb, is largely one of intelligence. It appears that human beings have a greater sense of self and a far more developed ability to reason and a much more refined process of communication.
Animals other than humans are largely bound by instinct and environment whereas human beings appear to be far more adaptable and able to control their environment as opposed to being controlled by it.
Non-human animals are not, as you suggest in the quoted paragraph below, driven by greed and acquisitiveness either for power or material wealth.
“Maybe, there are some among us who haven’t evolved human qualities yet and are still struggling with deep rooted animal instinct … still driven by greed and a “all for me and nothing for you” mentality. If we wish to progress as a species and become more human, the animals among us need to be rounded up and, so they don’t feel rejected, perhaps shipped off to a military dictatorship where they will feel right at home.”
On the contrary, non-human animals show a profound tendency not only to care for their own species but often for others, as well. This is even true of animals that live and hunt singly, rather than in groups.
What you term the ‘instinct for greed and an all for you, nothing for me mentality” is not a ‘deep rooted instinct of the animal community’. It is a peculiarly human trait that has nothing to with our animal instincts but everything to do with human constructs originating from our greater ability to manipulate by reason of our ‘superior’ intellectual capacity.
Your first paragraph sets the scene for you flawed argument by speaking of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ and referencing your sources as comic books and the Bible. These are all works of fiction based on false representations of human behaviour and both socialised and indocrinated manipulation by those who were first in positions seen as having special power or connection with all that humans didn’t understand about their world and other species in it.
Those people, naturally, were turned to because they appeared to have special knowledge and therefore it was easy to claim some special conduit to greater and more powerful beings. Inevitably, particularly if their prophecies or insight led to some accuracies of prediction, those who ruled by might made them allies and gave them special privileges. In that we had the beginning of the churches and organised religion and the worship of over 4000 gods throughout human history. That combination of church & state has continued to a greater or lesser degree to the present day and still wields enormous influence. It’s major give-away is that it does promote the notion of ‘good’ and ‘evil’, neither of which exist.
Human behaviour exists on a continuum and for any particularly behaviour its place on that continuum is further modified according to cultural mores and traits and dominant moral and ethical attitudes in any particular context or society. In differing contexts and differing communities there will be differing opinions, both individually and collectively, as to where a particular behaviour lies along that continuum. What some may find perfectly acceptable or even normal, other may find as horrific.
If we really “wish to progress as a species and become more human” is, I believe, a syllogism and therefore adds no credibility to your argument. “Corruption can only be contained if exposed to investigation and a legal process.” is similar. I agree that many readers will accept these common flawed language compositions but that doesn’t validate them.
You suggest or state many factors about our government that contain some validity but unfortunately severely damage your own argument by its excess and false argument. You then destroy it altogether by suggesting such behaviours as that: “the animals among us need to be rounded up and, so they don’t feel rejected, perhaps shipped off to a military dictatorship where they will feel right at home.” Your final paragraph descends even further into pointless abuse that will win you no converts beyond those who hold views and attitudes that your very piece indicates are ones that you believe do not and should not be countenanced in a caring and compassionate society where equity exists for all.
Whilst I empathise with what appears to be, to me, your genuine well-meaning and concern for a just society, I would strongly urge that you take some steps towards developing a more measured and rational case for your feelings if, indeed, you want to be taken seriously and have your words hold a veracity that is extremely resistant to termite attack.
Thank you nonsibicunctis and, in your own words:
“I’m a bleeder. I bleed for those in poverty, for the homeless, the tortured, the displaced, the tormented, the abused – whether young or old, whether human or animal – I am saddened by what humans do to one another, to animals, to nature, to the planet. No, I am not a downer or a pessimist – I am a realist. It is not I who is negative – it is the REAL injustices that concern me”.
It appears we may have a lot more in common than your post suggests…
Yes, I agree with you. I’m sure that we have much the same view of the political and commercial landscape and the inequities and injustice that spring from it.
That is why I took the time to write. It is not your point of view that concerns me so much as the way you expressed it, because in writing the way you did you give ammunition to those who don’t share our views. Also, I admire and respect all animal life and do not consider their anthropomorphism reasonable, particularly when it reflects particularly negative characteristics of human beings.
I did try to convey that commonality of viewpoint in my first and last paragraphs. Perhaps I didn’t do it well enough so I apologise if you feel I’ve misrepresented you. I assure you that was not my intention and in mitigation can only point out that I’m human, too. 🙂
Your thoughts resonate with me Steve.
As for nonsitbicunctis: spare us please – that was agonising.
Thanks for that and I see your point… What I can do is apologise to all Gods beautiful creatures for insulting them by suggesting they are anything like politicians driven by money, power and greed.
All the best – SteveFitz
Phil, I’m sorry that you find my [nonsibicunctis] concerns agonising and I wonder why that is.
Perhaps you’d care to tell me what it is about or within what I wrote that so disturbs you, rather than simply slight me with no explanation and, in my opinion, no justification.
Two words just, Stephen – ‘Well said!’
Except Jon, that it was not “well said”, in fact, quite the contrary. By all means praise the point of view and perspective but let’s not suggest that something is ‘well said’ or ‘well written’, when it isn’t. Such praise is an insult to other readers as well as to the writer.