In an interview with ABC Illawarra on July 26 regarding his lobbying of Josh Frydenberg to change the endangered status of a species of grassland that his family was accused of illegally poisoning, Angus Taylor seemed to admit to using his position to push for changes to financially benefit himself and his family.
MELINDA JAMES: They do say – I mean, you said it has the potential to have a big impact on landholders, one of those landholders being a company that is-
ANGUS TAYLOR: One of the landholders is me. I’m a farmer, so are many, many people in my electorate and many people who’ll be listening to your broadcast right now. I mean, look-
MELINDA JAMES: But a big impact on a company that is, one of the directors of which is your brother.
ANGUS TAYLOR: Melinda, this discussion was about the technical aspects of a listing, which had the potential and still has the potential to have a very big impact on farming across the region. I make absolutely no apologies for standing up for farmers in my region. That includes me and other family members. I mean this is, you know, what my job is as a local Member of Parliament. It is my job to stand up for us. If I’m not standing up for my farmers in the Federal Parliament, then who is?
Well that might wash had Taylor not failed to declare his interest in Jam Land, the family company under investigation.
Scott Morrison’s Statement of the Ministerial Standards makes clear that ministers must declare any private interests that can give rise to the perception of a conflict of interests.
After media exposure, Taylor produced a letter, which he claimed was from a concerned farmer, to show he was acting in the interests of his constituents and not himself when he sought a meeting with Frydenberg.
Except it was actually from a lobby group, the NSW Farmers Association, and was written nearly six months after the meetings were held.
A national review of how conservation laws affect the agriculture industry was prompted by a complaint on the radio from Richard Taylor – the brother of Angus Taylor – according to Senator John Williams.
Let’s not forget that Angus kicked off his run for politics by opposing wind farms on properties near his family’s property, presumably because they would spoil their view.
And then there is his brother Duncan, husband of NSW Nationals MP Bronwyn Taylor, who was given a $16 million grant for the Country Universities Centres project despite a cost-benefit analysis showing the project would be unlikely to deliver a positive benefit to the state.
Taylor’s latest brain fart, giving a forged letter to a media outlet to attack a political opponent, just seems to stem from his climate change denial and political rather than financial gain – but will it be the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back?
If not, then it’s a fucking strong camel.
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ScoMo protects these idiots like Angus Taylor. Tells you something about his character.
Just the tip of the iceberg for this government Kaye.
I suspect that most characters in politics are deeply flawed. The need for public adulation alone must pervert the noblest of minds and characters.
But this current government has a PM who, amongst other things, is so enamoured with himself and his apparent genius and so convinced that he won the unwinnable election because of the love that quiet Australians hold for him (he is convinced they are enraptured by him), that he, like Trump, can do anything and get away with it. But when put under pressure, his character flaws surface, including, if not especially, that he can’t stand being placed under any form of scrutiny. This brought him undone in Tourism, has presumably brought him undone prior to that and, hopefully, will bring him undone at the next election. Like Trump, Morrison seems to become increasingly irrational when the spotlight is on him and he knows his actions have shown a little, if not a lot of what he is really like.
Then we have Taylor, a man of high intellect who is, in behavioural terms, an idiot. LIke Morrison, he thinks he is so stunningly gifted as an individual that he can do anything and talk his way out of it using his great gifts with language. Both are utterly convinced they are way smarter than us. And yet in both cases, they have been confronted with situations where their flawed characters led them to make impromptu and disastrous actions. Don’t look at what Morrison discussed with the Police Commissioner (it is relevant and important nonetheless) – look instead to what it says about him as a person and as a politician.
Crook as Rookwood.
I read once Sir William Hudson engaged a very competent industrial relations manager, which is one reason the Snowy Project had few problems in this regard.This highly thought of officer had the surname Taylor.Does anyone know if there is a link there with our highly incompetent Minister.
Just Google – “William Hudson and Angus Taylor” – and you will get the very close connection. Hudson was his maternal grandfather. Taylor lacks judgement and a moral compass not intelligence.
The Taylors helped established Growth Farms Australia in 1999, initially as a farm-leasing business. Richard continues as executive director and group manager, helping oversee 35 properties in Victoria, NSW and Queensland totalling 109,000ha.
The properties produce 47,000 bales of cotton, 58,000 tonnes of sugarcane, 25,000ha of winter crops, 157,000 sheep and 15,000 cattle.
Angus is a silent shareholder in the business, but does his bit to ensure agriculture remains near the top of the Federal Government’s agenda as the Liberal MP for Hume.
Government of the people, for the Taylors, by the Taylors.
Not to mention (in case I get sued)….
“Before the federal election social media drove a lot of the reporting on the Angus Taylor – Barnaby Joyce $80 million #Watergate fraud which involved a company associated with Angus Taylor, based in the Cayman Islands, receiving an $80 million windfall for selling water, that did not exist, to the federal government. Taylor refused to answer questions and even threatened defamation action against two journalists. ”
Taylor will probably survive because (a) the government is riddled with corruption and conflicts of interest; and (b) its small majority means that it cannot afford the risk of a by-election. We will therefore have to suffer corrupt incompetence for another two and a half years.
Taylor wouldn’t be kicked out of parliament but he should be sitting in the naughty boys chairs up the back with Barnaby Joyce and Craig Kelly. And so should Stuart Robert – he is another guy with more shade than a skyscraper, but he was Morrison’s numbers man and is a fellow Pentacostal.
Morrison and his Ministers…. Psychos For Christ…….
In case anyone was wondering I am not related to Angus Taylor.
Now is not the time to abandon a distant, poor relation in his hour of need. Lol.
Albo currently moving a censure of sorts in the House. Interesting tactic re the extended length of the motion. A speech within itself.
Self-interest and nepotism was frowned upon and considered dishonest when discovered. As a result many politicians and employers assiduously avoided such conflicts of interest.
In my memory the catalyst for the dishonesty and corruption of politicians was Johannes but who could forget nifty and burke.
It got so bad chipp reacted with a short lived trial of honesty.
Now conflict of interest is accepted until its dishonesty is akin to considering corruption only at the level of the the cash in the brown paper bag.
Go for scummo Albo
ps what ^&%$&#^& joke was the rabbott today head shakingly ridiculous
The ineptitude and disfunctionality of this mis-government know no bounds,
when will we finally get a federal ICAC with teeth?
No surprises that this mob do not want one, there would be precious few survive any sort of inquiry into their actions.
IftL: “Then we have Taylor, a man of high intellect ..”
Ha,ha! Rhodes Scholar, of as high an intellect as Mr Rhodes himself!
Do you even know how Rhodes Scholars are chosen? How do you think Tony Abbott got a Rhodes Scholarship?
That “scholarship” has little to do with real scholarship but unfortunately the word is the same, in English at least. I’m sure other European languages would delineate the difference clearly. I leave it to the cognoscenti.
My one realistic desired outcome of all of this is that any Prime Ministerial aspiration that Taylor likely harboured should be duly annihilated – he is one crook that we should not have to endure – there’s just so many of them in the LNP
Glen Barry: Don’t you worry about that! The number of crooks and their crooked deeds is legion. He may be one of the less crooked ones!
Dear oh dear. Once you could run and hide when the heat was on, now they won’t even let Angus have a run.
Right now he’s probably out and about looking for a dead cat to throw on the table.
Clover might tweet about the saved emissions?
Frankly, you’re all wasting your breath. Nothing will happen to crooked politicians, bankers, “businessmen”, and the rest.
To be taken into custody you have to be an aboriginal child handling a stolen Freddo Frog.
The truly sad reality margcal.
And where is Kathy Jackson?
Yes where is Kathy Jackson. Serial thief and compassionate shagger.
The latest I heard about Kathy, she and Michael Lawler have supposedly “separated” so she can get legal aid and so her house that she gave him won’t be considered an asset. Of course, being separated you can still live in the same house, you can still have sex, you just have to have two different bedrooms you call your own. If that’s the case, then most women married to snorers are separated. She now has a new lawyer who needs time to look through all the evidence…..again. Great ploy that, Kathy.