Prior to last week’s political implosion, Labor MP Emma Husar was under such intense pressure about claims of workplace harassment that she folded, saying she would leave politics altogether.
Yet, from what we hear, the bullying that went on during Dutton’s failed coup makes any allegations against Husar pale into insignificance.
Channel 7 political editor Mark Riley said Peter Dutton’s camp was using “thuggish” behaviour to lift its numbers on Wednesday night.
“I saw two female Liberal MPs in tears along the corridors,” Mr Riley wrote in The West.
“I wrongly assumed they were lamenting the imminent assassination of yet another prime minister. It wasn’t until I spoke with them on Thursday that I understood what had really happened.
“They’d been sobbing in shock and disgust at the threats and intimidation they’d been subjected to by the goons and knuckledraggers trying to gather the signatures on Dutton’s behalf.
“One of them purports to be a conservative family man of traditional Christian values. To those women now, he is just a pig.”
Dumped Minister for Small and Family Business, Craig Laundy, also spoke of the intimidation used by Dutton’s camp in an interview with 2GB.
“Some of the behaviour this week… I’ve had one female senator and two female members of the house, when it came to the letter – the petition, that were physically stood over to sign it, and they refused. That sort of intimidation and bullying is something you can actually file a claim against.”
Former Liberal MP Fiona Scott said on Sky News that Liberal MPs had their preselections threatened unless they switched to the Dutton camp.
“I’ve had a couple of people having their preselections challenged against them. In relation to comments even [Queensland Liberal MP] Gary Hargrave made not too long ago, where he’s saying well if Peter Dutton doesn’t get up, the civil war will continue, we will just keep marching through, that’s not uniting the party.”
West Australian senator Linda Reynolds also spoke out.
“Some of the behaviour is behaviour that I simply do not recognise and I think has no place in my party or in this chamber, so whatever happens over the next 24 hours, I cannot condone or support what has happened to some of my colleagues on this side in this chamber in this place,” she told the Senate.
“I think the tragedy of what has been happening, I think the madness of what has taken hold of a number of my colleagues. I do not recognise the values. I do not recognise the bullying and intimidation that has gone on and I hope that whatever happens tomorrow after midday that we can find a way to get back together again.”
This is not a discussion about whether a staffer should be asked to walk the dog. This is substantiated very nasty workplace bullying and intimidation.
Yet from what I can gather, our new PM thinks we will all just move on in sweetness and light with the “new generation” of the Liberal Party which will have the architect of the bullying sitting there practising his new smile in his old position on the front bench.
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This is just a band-aid fix until the next general election, which, should take place – the sooner the better. The electorate did not vote for this new prime minister, who in my humble opinion is just a wolf in sheep’s clothing and basically still no real visions/policies for the future of Australians and Australia-remember, he is the architect of so many failed policies and we know who’s side is really on.
Tomorrow I will be ringing the new Minister for Women, Minister for Jobs and Industrial Relations, the hapless Kelly O’Dwyer, to ask her what she intends to do about the very public accusations of workplace intimidation against her female colleagues.
Asked to take the dog across the road to do its business while she was in a meeting. Not exactly dog walking. No mention of how many times?
We need an election right now. How else are we going to get justice?
There are many on all sides of politics, using position & power to bully people into submission.
This isn’t something we walk past.
Admittedly the federal LNP are very thin on the ground when it comes to new talent – when you look at the line-up during Question Time it is quite depressing to have so many seat warmers – but for Morrison to retain Dutton in Home Affairs is a mistake, it is rewarding disloyalty and telling Dutton that all is forgiven and that he is untouchable.
Having said that, Dutton has had the immigration responsibilities removed from his control which is overdue recognition that you cannot have a man who uses race-baiting as a political tool to also be responsible for the well being of new Australians.
Bullying by the Dutton thugs is the way they do business.
Where is Buzzfeed’s Alice Workman when she’s really needed?
Or hasn’t she been fed this news by her LNP ‘sources’ ?
The new generation of Libs seem to be set to serve the agenda of the old generation.
Just another spin of the rat’s exercise wheel that ends up in the same place.
Kaye, let us know what O’Dwyer has to say, please.
The news of Dutton, and Dutton’s supporters applying stand-over tactics to get the signatures on the paper is no surprise at all. He should be made to answer for his behaviour, but I guess he won’t.
Indeed, he has already been rewarded – back to the Front Bench and his old portfolio Home Affairs. No doubt the strong arm/stand-over tactics have been used on the hapless/useless Scott Morrison, something along the lines ‘put me back on the front bench or I will keep up the insurgency and make your life hell.’ He and his mates will not be stopped, they will continue the destabilisation regardless of where Peter Dutton sits.
I had to pinch myself that I was pleased that Morrison was chosen over Dutton (on the ‘anyone but Dutton’ thought.) On reflection, Morrison is a poor choice on every level and his human rights attitude is VERY similar to Dutton’s.
Interesting point: Turnbull was not in the slightest bit interested in Dutton’s s44 problem while Dutton was holding the majority in the House. However, once his (Turnbull’s) position was in jeopardy, suddenly Dutton’s constitutional position was a good delaying tactic!!! Hypocrisy, much?
Further: Can we all stop referring to him as ScoMo? All nicknames are affectionate, there should be no affection for this creature.
Libs New Gen “treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen” Action Plan to attract more women into the warm embrace of neo-con politics.
It had been that only Tony had been relieved of his toys, now we add Dutton . I believe it will only get worse for the ‘coalition ‘.
(Coalition:a temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties)
Can we please call them the “Coagulation” ?
The big question is whether the cross bench in the House of Representatives will support the Morrison “government”. Already choice of cabinet provides no sense of optimism. Bullying and intimidation have no place in any workplace; Parliamentarians are meant to set an example.
We need an ICAC and Parliamentarians need a Code of Ethics. Had a Code of Ethics been in place most likely we would not have witnessed the thuggery and lies of the last week.
“[T]he “new generation” of the Liberal Party” are using the same tactics the were used in the fall of German democracy during the 1930s before the suspicious Reichstag fire was misrepresented by the Nazis and their industry supporters.
We should remember that the Nazis were democratically elected and condoned by “the Establishment” during the “Terrors” and anti- Jewish campaigns.
Today in Australia, we have the News Ltd media, about 70% of the Australian mastheads owned by a US citizen interested in anything except Australian best interests, influencing political misreporting and misrepresenting events. This is “fake news” on a grand scale. But then, with inexperienced copy kids masquerading as journalists, who further distribute political press releases without analysis, thinking is discouraged.
The chaos will continue because that is what happened in the 1930s in Germany.
Thank goodness for the objective analytical news articles at AIMN.
Comprimise compremise must do this to keep this lot happy and this for the far right Give Dutton a job Barnsy something to get the nats off his back.. so many groups to keep happy within the party and asscociates now that thats sorted I will just need to appease The former party members costello and lose my own seat howard and their mates ?.oh The IPA and Murdoch will take some convincing.. Oh dam is that Trumpet calling me out ..yes sir yes sir oh this high sir .. xping yes we will Oh no Julie not with us now perhaps you have a job for her with Andy rob us blind.. No what was I doing again oh ruinning a country as I am the elected cough PM …. Who do I need to keep happy again .? The public didnt make me PM it was my mates with the used knives.. Yes I know we are on the way out so we can do what ever we like it wont make one iota difference to our election and my name will be in the history books regardless….!
So will #reefgate now be forgotten? What about referring Dutton to the High Court as the Solicitor Generals’ advice on his eligibility was very ambiguous? And how can Michaelia Cash get rewarded when she is under investigation by the DPP?
…yes but ,no but, Emma’s misdemeanours might not be major, but you have to be so careful with the folk with those weird foreign sounding names…(Husar, Dastyari….)
How I wish New England Cocky was not warning us for good reason. The camps remind me of the labour camps the Nazis sent inmates to. A relative imprisoned in one for dissidence was overheard complaining about the food. He was sent off to Auschwitz . Not quite that here, but moving in that direction.
Threatening female politicians ? The women should describe the bullying and threats in the media, knowing that if they are then sacked sacked that will expose the men concerned for what they are. Perhaps take them to court as well, as Senator Hanson Young is doing.
Will Labor put an ICAC in place? Will it if it wins power eliminate the cruel practices and ethos in the detention camps, and either pay the inmates off to return home if safe to do so (unlikely prospect in most cases), or accept NZ’s offer plus take in others, once proven to be of good character? The longer lifelong detention for refugees is not overturned the more most of them will be mentally ill.
Thank heaven Dutton does not have Immigration any longer; but who is now responsible for refugees, Kaye?
amethyst3009, I agree. Anything but Scomo, I suggest Scrotum.
Our new energy Minister, Angus Taylor said previously “Religious belief is based on faith not facts. The new climate religion, recruiting disciples every day, has little basis on fact and everything to do with blind faith”
He spoke at Alan Jones rally against wind power.
Gee this looks like going well.
David Coleman, the former assistance minister for finance, is now Immigration Minister
Dutton is back in charge. With the arrival of another boatload of asylum seekers landing in Nth. Queensland, his cohorts are refusing to answer any questions put to them by the media. (On water matters ).
No doubt he will sat that the 40 odd people on board the leaky boat , including women and children were only part of a fishing trip the boys organised for the family and somehow took the wrong turn and ended up in Queensland . Sorry about that.
There is legislation to protect us from unlawful bullying and harassment woven into the Fair Work Act 2009 – Set up by former Labour leader Kevin Rudd. This includes protection from: –
Aggressive or intimidating conduct
Belittling or humiliating comments
Spreading malicious rumours
Pressure to behave in an inappropriate manner
It appears that our illustrious liberal politicians have a total disregard for the law and they have no qualms about displaying that in public. Clearly, they believe that they are above the law and it doesn’t apply to them.
As a social scientist and historian, I think the Weimar-like stench has been hanging around for a decade or so. It’s hard to pick the starting point but watching John Hewson, now passing himself off on ABC-TV as a left/liberal politician and oh-so-liberal reminded me of the triumph of the neo-cons in the 1990s. I suppose there are a few exceptions but no politician knows what living on or around the mythic cost of living does to people. Keeping people as poor as possible, swingeing cuts to public services, extra state and local imposts and so forth makes people angry. Once a charismatic figure with seemingly all the answers emerges, that will be the SHTF time for this country. We are lagging behind most Western countries owing to the temporary check immigration. We are told that we should help the farmers during drought – fair enough but it’s mainly about exports, not feeding the population. They have Libs and the Nats sustaining them and playing on goodwill. The average city dweller should have a choice also but nothing will convince me the ALP will be any better. Looking across their serried ranks in Parliament, the backgrounds of both sides appear similar (cf Turnbull wanting to be an ALP Senator). I regard myself as unrepresented in Parliament and I don’t think that will change in the foreseeable future. However, I share some of the apprehension of New England Cocky and Josephus. A phrase that has haunted me for quite a time lingers: “Cometh the hour, cometh the man.” I think there is one who fits that description but time will tell: I won’t.
Scummy. And that fits rather a lot of them!!
Just a pig?
They ALL are..
Is Angus Taylor the new Energy Minister…… I thought he was the Minister for Lower Energy Prices…
This is getting so confusing….
Who is the Minister for the Under Water Matters, what about On the Water….?
Is Coleman happy with only a half of Dutton’s previous portfolio…
Is Barnaby now only a quarter of a Minister, or just a minor office helper…
One thing I have noticed, over the years, is that when the pressure is on a particular minister, they just swap ministers. The 32,000 letters to Peter Dutton, in relation to immigration, can now be thrown in the bin and we need to start all over again with David Coleman. At least he may be civil enough to respond but, time will tell on that one. I’ll send him the registered letter Peter Dutton ignored, from 4 months ago, and we shall see.
Good luck with Shadduppa-ya-face O’dwyer, KL… I wasn’t aware she spoke English.
May the Ruling Rabble eat themselves in an orgy of vindictiveness.
Pigs are cute and smart. Slowmo is a mean bully.
‘spoken, johno.
Just the same, you could turn it into a beaut syllogistic exercise.
Morrison has shown his true colours early. He did a press conference wearing his baseball cap “out on the farm”. When asked by a reporter about the effect of climate change, a very pushy farmer said he would take the question (seriously). This man said that he had records going back 100 years and this was nothing unusual. He stopped just short of saying climate change is crap but he may as well have. Scott then stepped up and said they weren’t interested in talking about climate change because that wouldn’t help Bessie and Bob or whoever these farmers were.
My question is, if this is nothing unusual, then why the hell are we gifting them billions of dollars? Farmers infuriate me. They demand help but refuse to accept that their practices are adding to the problem. This guy wants to be able to clear MORE trees. Littleproud did a later interview and he also pooh poohed taking any action on climate change.
Emissions reduction is “dead, buried and cremated.”
But drought now has Ministers, a Major General co-ordinator, and Barnaby, our Special Envoy.
Bring on an election!
Looking like the Tone’s will be happy with all this anti-science rhetoric coming from true blue moron lnp polies.
What a fiasco , if that had been Labor they would have gone by now , so why are these thugs still in power?
I believe Malcolm Turnbull had a chat to Morrison and Julie Bishop, to put their names forward as candidates so Dutton wouldn’t get his job as PM
I reckon that what happened and Dutton was so annoyed that two more were in the running, well it worked Malcolm, Dutton didn’t win , the idea was Morrison and Bishops supporters would vote for them and taking the Duttons votes away from him.
Well it worked. At least Turnbull did us a favour and eliminated Dutton the most hated MP ever,
But on the other hand,he could have done us all a favour and go to an Election. You failed badly Malcolm .
“Emissions reduction is’dead, buried and cremated’ “- Kaye Lee.
Yes, that hit me like a baseball last night also, especially after watching (parts of ) Qand A.
The selfish cluster of interests surrounding the likes of the IPA, Murdoch, Adani, Rinehart and others won, at great cost to others as usual.
Julia Banks has added her voice to the allegations of bullying but no-one is naming names.
Well I’ll have a go.
Mark Riley wrote about this in The West.
He said “One of them purports to be a conservative family man of traditional Christian values. To those women now, he is just a pig.”
The first signature on the petition was WA MP and former SAS soldier Andrew Hastie.