The AIM Network

Halal Certified Wine … And Vegan Approved Cheese!

Image from shutterstock

Perhaps one of the more ridiculous accusations in the whole Halal certification debate was the suggestion that Jacob’s Creek was seeking Halal certification for their wine. Given that consuming alcohol is contrary to the Islamic religion, it’s hardly likely to gain them extra sales.

But logic isn’t the strong point of many of the anti-Islamic groups that have sprung up. Abuse, idiocy and hypocricy, yes, but clear thinking, no.

Like the photo I saw of some Reclaim Australia marchers with their faces masked by Australian flags… given their strong objections to the burqa, because – in this country – we don’t cover our faces, it seemed a little strange!

Ok, ok, I guess the stupid have a right to vote and express themselves. Bigots have rights too, you know, including the right to complain about other people putting forward ideas that they don’t like. Once we start trying to ban people’s right to express an incorrect opinion, we’re on the slippery slope to fascism, aren’t we? Wasn’t that the argument for why Andrew Bolt should be given free reign on the front page to complain about his inability to write factual inaccuracies in the cause of making a point? And isn’t his silence on the Joe Hockey case proof of how he’s been stifled and can’t come to the defence of Fairfax to write whatever they like?

Still perhaps my favourite moment was the “great Australian patriot” who told us that Reclaim Australia had now “gone global”…

Which sort of strikes me as rather ironic. If Reclaim Australia is now global who is being reclaimed by or for?? Given the racist diatribes against our indigenous people, it’s certainly not them. So if Reclaim Australia is now including people from overseas, does that mean it’s being reclaimed by foreigners. I’m not sure that I like that, because… well… foreigners are foreign… And I’d like to decide who reclaims Australia and the circumstances under which they claim it!

But whatever, it now seems that it’s not Reclaim Australia. but “reclaim the world”.

First Austria, then the world… Oh, I really should proofread, it seems I’ve missed a couple of letters there. I mean, who’d try to start with Austria? Australia is clearly the place to start with a reclaim. Because well, once we have Australia we can reclaim the world, which clearly we must have once owned if we’re “reclaiming it”.

Yes, you’re right. I shouldn’t be raising the profile of such people.

After all, we have people who are threatening our lifestyle and trying to stop us slaughtering animals to slap on the barbie – Vegetarians, who don’t even want us to eat dairy foods. Ok, I know some of you are saying that many vegetarians are a “live and let live” sort of people, but if that’s true, why aren’t they coming out and condemning Vegans for their extremism?

I’ve heard that some of the funds from veggie burgers even go toward supporting PETA, and ever since she got off that drink driving charge without even a slap on the wrist, I think that she should support herself.

Ah, like I said, even the stupid have the right to an opinion.


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