Comment from an AIMN Reader:
“I gather this is a green/ labor/ pc site due to the unpatriotic, slimy ,lying , vicious remarks on it.What a lot of traitors you are.LPickering is the only one in Oz to tell it like it is..apart from Andrew Bolt.You dhimmis will find that sharia law will not be to your liking, but you are making your beds…lie on them! and enjoy the discomfort! The ‘brain’? who wrote the main article here twists things to suit his own twisted thinking…shame on you…I am disgusted by the traitors in this country.Pity the laws we had in place during the last world war ,aren’t still in place…you would all be in gaol! If you don’t love Australia, go and live in a Muslim country.Oh no! you can’t do that…there is no welfare there! says it all! You make me ashamed and sick! What has our country come down to?”
This reader caused me to take a good hard look at myself. Lately there have been a few comments from people telling us that anyone who writes for this site is a “bloody moronic wanker” who is just repeating the guff from the ABC and the sooner that it’s shut down the better. Also, like the ABC, we don’t tolerate alternative points of view and inhibit their freedom of speech, because some have commented on their posts saying such oppressive things as you’re just repeating yourself or why don’t you back up your opinion with some facts.
Well, I’m nothing if I’m not fair and balanced, so I had a look at the sites of some of the people who tell it like it is and know what’s what with regard to Sharia Law and Halal, and I was going to write one of those things where we sort fact from fiction. You know the sort of ten myths about Halal, where I tell people that you can’t actually spread it on your toast, but it was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
However, as I looked into the food industry, I discovered a shocking, shocking thing. There is another group in this country that are trying to impose their un-Australian beliefs on us all. I’m talking about vegans. Or vegetarians, as they’re more commonly known.
Now some of you will be saying that not all vegetarians are vegans, but all vegans are vegetarians, and until they distance themselves from the actions of the vegan movement, then I think that it’s only reasonable to lump them all together.
I know at this point, some of you will be tempted to comment, reminding us all that Hitler was a vegetarian. Please don’t. We all know this, and it’ll just sidetrack this important discussion into arguments about Godwin’s Law.
What’s so bad about vegetarians, or even vegans? some of you will be asking. Yes, it can be annoying when you’re catering for a large group of people and you have to consider their “special” diets, while you remember that the diggers fought and died so we could all be the same and eat the same sausages and meat pies. There were no vegie burgers at Galllipolli.
But the truth is far more insidious. This group is trying to impose its will on all of us. Here’s a snippet from a teenager I interviewed at a popular fast food joint.
“Yeah, well, me mum doesn’t like me eating here too much, she’s always been on about the food not being… ah, nutritious, or something. I remember as a little kid, she was always on about me eating vegetables and shit, and I wasn’t alllowed to eat my meat sometimes until I’d finished my vegies… She used to do things when I was very young where she pretended that the vegies were planes… It was really disgusting the lengths she went to, but she’s not a vegetarian or anything. She didn’t realise how they were brainwashing her, and subtlety making all food nutritous!“
Not only is this fundamentalist movement trying to make food “nutritous”, but I discovered that a percentage of all money spent on vegetables helps support those farmers growing them. Admittedly, it’s only a small percentage, and thanks to action by our big supermarkets, it’s getting less all the time, but how do you feel knowing that your money is supporting the activities of people who’d consider a tomato a fruit?
Some of you will be thinking that you’ve had nutrious food, and it wasn’t so bad, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. If it caught on, we could have large numbers of fast food establishments put out of business, leading to the end of the only industry that still employs Australian youth.
No, we need to take a stand. We need patriotic Australians to band together this Australia Day – don’t let it be renamed Rum Rebellion Day# to appease the Left. Come on people, plonk the sauce on your pie and hold your sausages high. (Mm, that rhymes, perhaps an Australia Day anthem could be penned from that humble beginning.)
Unpatriotic, moi? C’est absurd.
#The Rum Rebellion, where an unpopular Governnor Bligh was overthrown – also occured on January 26th. Some have suggested that this would be an occasion that – unlike the landing of the First Fleet – we could all celebrate. Especially Julie Bishop.