The AIM Network

Ellen DeGeneres Tries To Impose Marxist Agenda!

Ok, first we had those people trying to impose Safe Schools on our children. If God had meant schools to be safe, he wouldn’t have invented bullies. While that was bad enough, today I read a story about an overseas celebrity trying to impose a radical Marxist philosophy on all of us.

Apparently, Ellen DeGeneres was speaking out, urging us to “save” the Great Barrier Reef. And we all know what that’s about. The Great Barrier Reef is a veritable rainbow of colour. And we all know that rainbows have been appropriated as a symbol by the gay movement. Bleaching is clearly God’s way of showing us that we shouldn’t follow the Marxist agenda and we should insist that every child has the right to a mother and father. Obviously, Malcolm Turnbull’s republican tendencies stem from the fact that he was raised by his father, and if he can control himself and ignore his desires, why can’t so-called gay people…

Mm, nup, my friend was right: There’s just no way that I can satirise the Christian Lobby. After Lyle Shelton’s suggestion that the Safe Schools program was just the sort of tolerance that allowed Hitler to kill six million Jews – not to mention the gays, gypsies and dissidents – I realise that there’s no way that I won’t be mistaken for a more articulate version of the man himself.

Maybe I should have concentrated on whether Malcolm agrees with the members of his own party who’ve suggested that kids have the right to a mother AND a father so that they don’t grow up with a warped set of values. Which, of course, he doesn’t. Why he’s even got an ad out telling us how well he was raised in spite of being raised by a single dad. Why he feels that this is of any concern of ours, I don’t know, but apparently he felt the need to explain how his father wasn’t well off and how Malcolm understands the struggle we all have to live within our means. Of course, it must have been a struggle for the poor man to send him to Sydney Grammar. These days Sydney Grammar’s fees are $32,644, so it’s lucky that Malcolm went when a struggling single father could afford them. And it’s lucky that they lived in Vaucluse and not a more expensive suburb.

Ah, yes, politics of envy and all that…

Still it’s good that the Liberals plan for jobs and growth is working so well. I suppose most of you saw the article about the Chinese workers being flown in with little oversight and suggestions that they’re being paid less than the award rates as well as there being various other dodgy aspects of their employment. It’s all part of the free trade agreement with China and the thousands of opportunities (19,000 according to the Liberals) being created under the various trade agreements. Yep, it certainly looks like there’ll be plenty of opportunities to introduce a form of Work Choices, just not for Australians who rather ungratefully showed that they weren’t as ripe for exploitation as people from overseas countries. Thank God we’ve got strong borders… Oh wait, that’s just when it comes to people fleeing persecution. Ok, not all those arriving by boat are fleeing persecution; some of them are just trying to come here for economic reasons and if they’re going to do that, then they should do it properly and be exploited by someone, rather than trying to take our jobs and go on the dole, as Peter Dutton warns.

Yep, the Liberals have promised jobs and growth. They never promised that they’d be jobs for Australians.

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