With the resignation of Dan Andrews, Victorians can once again go to coffee shops and cafe owners will undoubtedly be offering free coffee in celebration… Strangely the little bit of Sky News I watched didn’t even go to them, but chose to interview journalists about how they found the Premier combative and evasive as he stood there refusing to give them the answers that they were after, particularly during Covid lockdowns when he failed to acknowledge the fact that Gladys had been unfairly treated by the ABC when she was merely canonised when she should have been deified…
Of course, I have to admit that all those people who predicted that Dan Andrews would stand down were right, even if they got the timing wrong by something like two years. I know how frustrating it is when my wife won’t accept that when I say there’s no need to water the garden because it’s going to rain that I was right because it did rain… Ok, all the plants are dead because it’s three months after I predicted it, but I was basically correct, even if the timing was a little out.
All right, I should just stop and acknowledge that whatever else, Andrews did a lot right as Premier. Nobody’s perfect and during his time as leader, Victoria has done a whole range of things that I thought were too progressive for any government to risk. From assisted dying to safe injecting rooms to laws preventing protestors from harassing women seeking an abortion to attempting to improve public transport to… Well, there’s been a lot which is why he’s upset so many conservatives and pretend conservatives who like to feign outrage and complain about the fabric of society being destroyed while they demonstrate their commitment to family values by only having an affair and not breaking up the family.
Of course, there were a number of articles this morning about what a shocking job he’d done and how the voters were just idiots who didn’t know how oppressed they were. Phil Coorey who is best remembered for his article on how Gladys saved Australia wrote in this morning’s Financial Review that his government came “stone motherless last on every metric in terms of handling the pandemic”. Interesting that the paper he writes for was also critical of Mark McGowan for closing off his state and streeting the rest of Australia in every metric and lost very few people to Covid meaning that he can’t be accused of being stone motherless last. Surprisingly, Coorey was terribly impressed with Gladys in spite of the Ruby Princess, the untested chauffeur setting off a wave and various other things that one would have thought rivalled any alleged mistakes that Andrews made.
Credlin, Bolt and various other Murdoch commentators seemed to be genuinely aggrieved that Dan had managed to leave on his own terms, rather than being dragged out by the ugly mobs marching on the Victorian Parliament and strung up on the gallows that someone had erected.
Rachel Baxendale, journalist for The Australian, was on the ABC telling viewers that Andrews avoided scrutiny by ignoring the media. Strange that she should forget that, during the pandemic, Andrews fronted the cameras day after day, answering the questions that she managed to skillfully read from her phone without ever letting it slip that they were from a prominent Liberal.
How dare Andrews use social media and speak directly to the public, is the subtext of Baxendale’s complaint. It must be frustrating for these people who, in days gone by, would have been the gatekeepers of information and carefully filtered what we got to see and hear. Well, yes, they still try to do that but these days, you can also read what I have to say. And not just me, there are lots of other people who can blog, post, tweet… sorry X, or whatever takes their fancy. And, by and large, they’re unfiltered…
Which, of course, raises the obvious question: Does information filtered through a respected media that people just presume is telling the truth represent a bigger threat to democracy than unfiltered information from unverified sources that don’t follow any rules?
And, of course, that would be an interesting question to pursue were it not for the simple fact that thanks to the advent of the Murdoch media, there is no longer any concern with rules or the facts or fairness. “Fair and balanced” was only adopted by Fox News after it was realised that “Fair and Right” made them sound a little too much like the Nazis.
As Steve Bannon said: “The Democrats don’t matter. The real enemy is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit.”
Next time Peter Dutton announces on Sunday that he’ll hold another referendum if elected, only to say that he won’t on Thursday, or Dan Tehan tells us that Albanese should call off the referendum (which can’t happen without the approval of Parliament which won’t sit before the vote), then ask yourself if they haven’t decided to take Bannon’s advice.
P.S. I wonder if Dan Andrews thought about making a comment about how Rupert Murdoch quit before he did.
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I really appreciates your sense of humour Rossliegh.
My humour is over the left shoulder, turn right, through the lights, all the way around the next roundabout – because it should have turned left at the lights.
Now Rossleigh ….. I take huge Umbridge with your description of Creditless, Croney, Blot & Backslidere as ”journalists” when in fact IMHO they are mere scribblers who completely lost their ”relevance” when Dan the Man bypassed the unsympathetic MSM and did an FDR ….. talked directly to the voters. No chance to use yellow journalism there, just straight facts down the line from the Boss at the Top.
Just think how those scribbler egos were damaged by realising that they continued to be totally irrelevant to the only about 3% of Australian voters attracted to their brand of racist propaganda. Moreover, experience shows that unfiltered information, free from pollution by Rupert puppets tends to be more accurate and a better description of events and analysis of the news.
Rabid raving rats, itchy ignorant insects, poxbearing parasites, Murdoch scribblers, Poxfox pontificating peanuts, what an effing menagerie of FILTH we carry in Australia’s benighted world of misinformation. Some dreadful defectives will be foaming, leaking, itching, squirming, fidgetting (YES) , oscillating at the thought the disgusting betrayal, the aware parachuting of ANDREWS, the man who saved his state. Old Rupert Scumskull, ready to pay out huge sums in the USA for heading this scrum of LIARS, Distorters, Propagandists, Uncivilised huns of whoring entertainment posing as information, must be quivering as another focus of pustular prickery has eased off into his chosen exit. The Cretins of Pox newsless rubbish is reported as shattered, as easy gossip and untruthful rubbishing opportunities go away, rapidly receeding from headline zones for suckers and imbecile conservatives. During the Covid problems, only leadership by Andrews and Mc Gowan saved the nation in the face of dereliction of duty by Mangey Morrison, Hunt the orifice and forgettable Colbeck, traitors to the lost lives and shattered security of a nation. If the filthy world of Murdochery is standard, honest, relevant, then sugar is shit and sleaze is sacred. (What is the difference between a Credlin and a brimming bedpan. Is it just the actual bedpan?)
He timed it so he pipped Dick Hamer as our 4th longest serving premier. By my reckoning, he served about a week longer. I predicted it about a month ago.
I wonder if any calling dictator Dan are old enough to remember Bolte and his treasurer Renshaw , I saw Renshaw in full flight in 1969 at a drinks night . Bolte arranged for Ronald Ryan to be executed to bolster his re election
Just watched some passing bits on a youtube, and there was a Sty Newsless headline saying Dan Andrews was a really bad premier for Victoria, all THIS from a bunch of ignorant paid sluts for money, scribbling for one of the worst, lying, gutless, untrustworthy hun harlots of media ever in the world. Murdochs are bowel reffos and lying filth, phone tappers, government renters, Trump jockeys.
The latest from The Shovel: “Mass Lay-Offs as Herald Sun Disbands Its Dan Andrews Department”
[ https://theshovel.com.au/2023/09/26/mass-lay-offs-as-herald-sun-disbands-its-dan-andrews-department/ ]
It’s worth a look.
Julian P, I Tweeted that one for some offshore laughs over Murdoch; Koch linked Toby Young of the Daily Sceptic, FSU Free Speech Union & past eugenics events at UCL, is according to QLD Koch linked AIP going to launch a local FSU……
Seriously, Andrews and the treatment he was given by the media, was just another symptom of what’s wrong with our media.
Our media is unfit for purpose i.e. informing society, while similar culturally and too close to MPs, Ministers, grifters & insiders, that do not reflect Australian society, but more about the pliable above median age vote by flooding the zone with talking points, tropes, opinions and commentary leading to old nativist authoritarian ideology, but avoiding neutral grounded analysis, experts and the authority of governments elected via liberal democracy.
Covid was an eye opener globally on links between fossil fuels, RW nativists, ageing electorates, conspiracy theories, climate and Covid science denial. Offshore did not take long to join the dots on Covid science denial, ‘freedom rallies’, ‘convoys’ and anti-mandate headlines promoted by RW media and influencers i.e. to discourage science, analysis and sensible regulation by the state or government.
Excellent DeSmog (UK this case) had an article, and the headline distils the strategy taking advantage of Covid
‘How the UK’s Climate Science Deniers Turned Their Attention to COVID-19. The coronavirus crisis quickly divided the population between those putting their trust in public health experts and others quick to question the science.’
Desired outcomes? Citizens having a basic education, no skills of science &/or analysis, low/no taxes, smaller government and low/no regulation, especially of fossil fuels, carbon and big business.
The most repulsive attack on Dan Andrews came from the disgusting and vile Rob Schneider on Shitter…I mean Xcrement…that’s it, Twitter (who now lives in Robert Kennedy Jr and right wing anti-vax loony land – https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/rob-schneider-politics-conservative-anti-vaxxer-1234779419/)
Daniel Andrews was a great, foresightful and compassionate leader! So sickened by the non-stop criticism of Dan Andrews who, by wisely placing a temporary restriction on the movement of people in the State of Victoria during the horrific and dangerously contagious Covid pandemic, no doubt saved the lives of countless people. Evidence has PROVEN that in NOT doing so, thousands of people would have died as they did in America where, due to their inane lax rules in allowing people to wander around at will, had the end-result of spreading Covid into the wider community which had fatal results, especially for the elderly and vulnerable!
So nauseated by the lying, conniving, disreputable, totally biased Murdoch press that goes on and on disparaging Daniel Andrews and the ALP whilst singing the praises of callously inhumane, totally corrupt and absolutely inept LNP “leaders” like those repugnant misogynistic, bible-thumping hypocrites and intellectual midgets: Phony Abbott and the grotesque pathological liar, Scott Morrison who’s born-to-rule arrogance and megalomaniacal delusions of grandeur caused him to attempt to undemocratically and surreptitiously try to take-over at least FIVE political portfolios so that he could rule over us like some pathetic third world fascist!
Now we have that inhumane, racist political psychopath, Peter Dutton, at the helm of the worst, most corrupt and undemocratic political regime in our history, things can only get worse – a LOT worse! Make no mistake about it, if these unconscionable, malignant sociopaths in the LNP are allowed to rise to power federally or, indeed, at State level, everything Australians value (like Medicare, State education et al) will be destroyed and/or defunded into oblivion. The inhumane elitists in the LNP have only ONE agenda and that is enrich and empower themselves and their self-serving supporters in the Top 1% at the expense of working- and middle-class Australians!
FFS, wake up and STOP reading and believing all the disreputable, character-assassinating lies and reprehensible right-wing propaganda pushed out in the Z-rated Murdoch rags! EVERYTHING pushed out in the repugnant, internationally-condemned Murdoch press via the talentless, Z-rated hacks in his employ, is a disparaging lie against the LNP, a heartlessly callous attack on the poorest most vulnerable people in Australia and/or a conniving, lying piece of devious right-wing propaganda served up to benefit the self entitlement of the avaricious Top 1% !!
Daniel Andrews was an intelligent and compassionate leader who will be sadly missed! Best wishes for the future, Daniel Andrews!
Daniel Andrews has already proven himself to be a great leader! Victoria was once the most conservative and regressive State in Australia until Daniel Andrews dragged it – kicking and screaming – to become the most admired, progressive and leading State in the nation! These pig-ignorant, jealous, bitter and twisted right-wing extremists and xenophobic racists who hide in every corner of the LNP, and their discredited collaborators in the thoroughly malignant Murdoch press, have zero credibility, not one iota of compassion and an appalling, undeserved sense of entitlement! There is nothing good – absolutely NOTHING kind or admirable – one can find to say about Dutton or the LNP. The LNP/Murdoch/IPA Alliance have proven themselves to be dangerously undemocratic and overflowing with pathological liars, rusted-on misogynists, revolting bible-thumping hypocrites and callously inhumane psychopaths who continually lie, cheat and stoop to any level of nefariousness – even stabbing each other in the back – in order to rise to autocratic power no matter the consequences! It is absolutely IMPERATIVE we keep these horrendous political psychopaths in the Lying Nasty Party (aka the LNP) in Opposition for as long as possible – at State AND Federal levels!
Oooops! Want to correct a mistake I made in the fourth paragraph of my comment above! Of course, EVERYTHING pushed out in the repugnant, internationally-condemned Murdoch press via the talentless, Z-rated hacks in his employ, is a disparaging lie against the ALP and/or The Greens and NOT their vile, lying collaborators in the LNP!
You can always rely on Pestilentus Cruddiness to spew her usual merde loaded rantings against anyone who is not LNP and rabid right wing to her tiny amount of viewers in the Sky bubble –
Imagine the fun conversations around the dinner table with Peta ‘The Wicked Witch’ Credlin and her hapless partner Brian Loughnane; each spewing hateful observations on the impending implosions of Australian social and political structures as a function of the misguided electorate’s insistence on the irrelevance and malfeasance of LNP members, nationally, as being the best choices to represent them in office and their preference, instead, to elect wall to wall Labor governments.
It’d also be somewhat fascinating in the similar sense of visiting an abattoir to watch the slaughter of animals designated to become meat for humans consumption to be a fly on the wall at a Saturday barby of the Sky News crew; all those mugworts and knuckfuckles standing around with beers in their hands flubbing their lips and rabbiting on about how awful anyone not on their team, viewpoint-wise, is, and how it’d be good to have someone of Trump’s ilk leading this country, and how they’re looking forward to young Lachy taking News Corpse even further into right-wing la la land; and how much they enjoy flooding the zone with shit just for the, you know, the lolz.
We need to stop according the term ‘journalist’ to these low-life rabble rousers and call them for what they are; shit-stirring destroyers of the good that can be found when people are given the opportunity to make the best of their lives.
The right-wing media has attacked Dan Andrews from the start as they display their ignorance about everything.
Greg Craven has had things to say; remember how he said the Voice would have a lot to say about anything from parking fines to submarines. He now regrets having said that because what he said now appears in the NO campaign in the Referendum Booklet when he intends to vote Yes.
In The Australian. (8/8/2023) he wrote “Victoria? I’ve done my time, warden,” and mentions Dan specifically: “Despite a crazed Covid response that includes curfews, Victorians are happy …The wages of self-conscious progressivism are eternal self-righteousness.” So incredibly clever.
But “The Financial Review” (16/11/2021) , “Why Sydney Covid numbers are lower than Melbourne’s,” tells us It is all a matter of Geography: Latitude, Humidity, Temperature.
Shane Dowling in his website “Kangaroo Court of Australia” tells us about the doings of the Murdoch Empire:
“Global elite Rupert Murdoch fakes ‘resignation’ from Fox and News Corp boards to avoid financial liability for his crimes.”
And about the Voice here in Australia:
“The Voice ‘No Campaign’ is driven by the lies of spineless News Corp CEO Lachlan Murdoch.”
Yay team.
Dan the Man – on his own terms. Gotta luv his grit and style. Absolutely annihilated the Murdoch sty, and the faux ABC Melb Murdochery. Two days of revealing their pathetic cowardly venal underbellies …. ha ha ha haaaar, caught fiddling with their pants down as usual ….. no revenge for them. Fancy having to dredge up that irrelevant flake Ted Baillieu for utterly irrelevant commentary.
If ever facing the ‘people’s republic’ I need to hone my benevolent totalitarianism, I give Dan a call.
I wish him well, and look forward to see the take of the eminently skilled and connected Jacinta Allen.
Good read, Rossleigh,
Dan has been the first vic leader I have admired and I expect a few journalists and commentators to go blind shortly.
Torpid Tanya and little Billy were poor leaders and overuled the rank and file’s choice in 2013 giving us 3 crap PMs.
Arguably Albo could have won 2016 and the drover’s dog or even little billy could have won 2019.
Sadly, Labor is hopeless at serving meals preferring to let the media, the LNP and the loonies make a meal out of them. eg Tanya and canavan sunrise monday
KISS pitting dutton against mundine/price will destroy the no people
Dan would have to be the first dictator duly elected, increasing his majority each time. Maybe his power came from facing the media, answering question until they had no more, but refusing to be so-called interviewed by shock jocks.
WAKE UP EVERYBODY IT’S GRAND FINAL DAY! I hope everyone had a splendid day off yesterday,at least in Victoria….courtesy of Dan the Man. Was that a purely populist political decision?
What the fuck am I doing up at 3.30 am?…gotta take some people to the shuttlebus,,they’re off to Bali for some R&R.