“We’ve been experiencing horrific parties,” says a neighbour, with the most disturbing thing being “screeching karaoke … You never hear a peep from anyone in our street.”
Throwing Karaoke surprise party marathons with stacks of mystery guests arriving at all hours, shrieking, slamming car doors, vaping, snorting lines of coke and parking all over the neighbours’ nature strips, can test the best of friendships, but you are guaranteed to get someone’s attention. Keeps your spirits up. Professional litigant, Bruce Lehrmann, is not letting a bum rap or two get him down. June’s committal hearing in a Queensland court on two counts of rape? All in the baggie. Sweet as, bro.
In the meantime he’s said not a word to contest the recent, damning indictment of Taylor Auerbach who testifies to Seven’s open chequebook journalism giving Lehrmann free-rent-sex and drugs and rock roll – and even a round of golf in Tasmania.
Waiting for the other shoe to drop can cast a shadow over even the most self-indulgent, morally defective, feckless, sexual predator’s attention. But suing Ten and Lisa Wilkinson for defamation is a bad miscalculation, a madly irrational form of risk-taking. The impending judgement of Justice Michael Bryan Joshua Lee in the federal court in Sydney, today, Monday 15 April at 10:15 am can’t miss his habitual lies and deceptions.
More reason to party like there’s no tomorrow. Besides, it’s Toowoomba. Lehrmann may be just an itinerant, millennial, narcissistic sociopath, but he acts as if he’s got the key to the Emerald City. What better way to repay your mate’s friendship in letting you doss down at his place than acting The Great Gatsby while he’s away from home?
It’s not that Bruce hasn’t read the neighbourhood. He never could. Like his mentor and protector, Scott John Morrison, who quietly blows half a billion on a bad AWM revamp, celebrating killing, he doesn’t give a toss for anyone else. But – imagine living with Dirty Dancing’s Time of My Life turned up to hearing loss level -all hours of the day and night.
Or try “If I should stay, I would only be in your way,” from young Dolly Parton’s, later Whitney Houston’s hit cover, I Will Always Love You. “Listen to Dolly when your heart is breaking; Whitney when it’s time to move on,” says a YouTuber. Bruce Lehrmann, party animal, ex-senior adviser and archetypal Liberal party rising star turned loser must move on.
“The noise has been going on for more than a month,” furious locals tell SMH’s Kate McClymont and Perry Duffin. “Shrieking the lyrics of Tina Turner” songs … But What’s Love Gotta Do With it? Lehrmann has just arrived. Easter.
Taking the high moral astroturf, putting the nay in neighbour, with Nine Entertainment’s selfless help, is a Woody Allen Greek Chorus of anonymous neighbours, straight off the set of “Tampa” Howard’s mean and tricky, “troubled by multiculturalism” fortress Australia. Bigotry? It’s a hot mess of curtain-twitching, back-stabbing, character assassination. You know you are in trouble when you get these neighbours offside.
Seven’s cokehead canary, professional blatteroon, Lehrmann, now a couch-surfing karaoke cuckoo, is quickly evicted from his North Sydney, “blue chip” address perch. At least he’s been amazingly upbeat since Seven dropped him like a sack of spuds.
Yet Bruce reckons he’s a type of celebrity who can trade on his notoriety. Anyone who expects repentance, contrition, or shame from Lehrmann for lives he ruined, will always be disappointed. That would presuppose principles and a sense of responsibility. In this and in his raging, all conquering narcissism, he is Scott Morrison’s mini-me.
His partying did it, says a “ropeable” Paul Farrell of Vaucluse, who identified Lehrmann in February 2023, from Ten’s The Project Lisa Wilkinson interview with Ms Brittany Higgins. Farrell returns to find his pal in full swing. “Hey, Big Bender”, Bruce, finds himself out the door at the three-storey pile in Edward St, a steal at $4.1m in 2021.
The annual rent would be more than an average worker could earn in a year. A homeless Bruce also helps the MSM myth that the former Liberal staffer is a destitute victim, instead of an alleged serial rapist and fabulist who can’t tell the truth to save himself. He’s pocketed half a million dollars in defamation settlements. He can’t have blown the lot on Bolivian marching power. That was all on Seven’s tab.
Was it a honey-trap? The editor of the Saturday Paper sees the duchessing of Lehrmann, where every carnal appetite was sated. as a type of glue trap, banned in many places but still deployed in NSW as a cruel way of exterminating rodents. Rats simply get stuck in it.
Some chew their feet off just to walk on their stumps into more glue.
A widow of a federal court judge, who is said to be incensed at the way the Lehrmann has been treated in the press, immediately steps in to offer the victim accommodation. Bruce is the type of man who has friends with houses with swimming pools in the best suburbs; and he is also a character people with wealth and status are keen to look after.
Lehrmann is not on the lam for long. He’s up before the beak in the federal court in Sydney, Monday at 10:15 am, to hear Lee’s adjudication in his defamation case V Network Ten. Then it’s back to his unnamed benefactor and her ample estate. If she’ll have him back. On the balance of probabilities, the civil standard of proof for rape, Lee finds that Lehrmann did rape Ms Brittany Higgins.
Lee finds Lehrmann was “hell-bent on having sex” with Ms Higgins, had encouraged her to drink (to excess), and did “not care one way or another whether Ms Higgins understood or agreed to what was going on”.
Ten’s silk describes the result as “an unmitigated disaster” for Lehrmann and a triumph for the truth, glossing over bits of Wilkinson’s case that mean that- even given legal advice-she chose to insert defamatory material into her Logie acceptance speech.
“Having escaped the lion’s den, Mr Lehrmann made the mistake of going back for his hat,” Lee quips in one of his typically off-the-wall, yet pithy, colourful flourishes.
In a nice distinction, in a judgement of fine distinctions, Lee rejects Ten’s case that Lehrmann is a “compulsive liar” because the bulk of his testimony was deliberately false. It’s a category hotly contested by Tony Abbott (whom you could believe- only if he put in writing) – to Morrison who took deception, duplicity and inveterate lying to Olympic level. Lee says he would not accept any of Lehrmann’s evidence provided to the court.
If Lehrmann’s not out house hunting, while dodging his creditors, he’ll discover the hard way that his life isn’t meant to be easy. But it doesn’t always have to be so unfair. At least we have the rule of law – and judges, like Justice Michael Bryan Joshua Lee who have a fine and independent cast of mind and the wit and the wisdom to apply it.
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As expected,this fucking moron has gone down like the proverbial bag of shit…which he is.The next rape trial is likely to cement him in the pantheon of pathetic losers.Maybe there’s a cliff face somewhere, where he will have his regrettable dial chiselled into the rock…next to,say, the Trumpster.
Or will he back up and challenge the decision? I can hear the silks skidding out of the carpark.
Harry. Could be a big market for that pantheon. So. Many. Candidates.
As for those skids – they are well and truly under Bruce, I imagine that smell of burning rubber comes from a mass exodus of his party guests and the rest of his loyal network of mates. Getting as far away as they can.
Will Bettina Arndt and Margaret Cunneen still affirm their support and $100 a ticket stumpfest on Lehrmann’s behalf, or will better sense prevail and they drop him like the malodorous turd that he has been shown to be?
And will the benevolent eastern suburbs widow of a deceased Supreme Court judge still welcome the now-designated rapist as a guest under her roof?
Or will this narcissistic millennial fabulist, now sunk deeper than the Mariana Trench in terms of scorched and irretrievably lost reputation, find himself so on the nose that he’s forced to sleep under a tree, or on a bench, or in a car?
Canguro, a quartet of excellent questions. Yes/no. Yes/no.
Little Kerry Stokes could always find something up shit creek at the colossal loss-making Seven West Media. Worked for BRS. Until it didn’t. And we all know Stokes is not running his media empire because he needs the money. BH could even have his own off-your-face variety show. “Party Animal.”
I loved Justice Lee’s “lion’s den” quip! One for the quotable collections.
Will Justice Lee be next on Lehrmann’s litigation register or will the idiot realise he is not actually a dung beetle after all?
The Shovel did a brilliant piece on Lehrmann remembering that it was he who started the litigation and compared him to BRS and Lachy M, but I think Reynold’s needs a-bit of exposing as well, though her suits seem to be more productive and I cannot imagine the settlements going up in a puff of white smoke in her case.
Also Bruce (+BRS &LM) reminds me of a kid I once taught.
6 feet tall. 16 yo. Not the sharpest tool.
Was being chased by the local gang of thugs when he turned a corner and jumped into an accommodating bush.
The gang ran past.
So pleased with himself he jumped out and taunted them for being so stupid as to not see him.
You can guess the rest.
The year level co-ordinator was explaining why he would be absent for the next week.
Kerri, love your story. As for Lehrmann, suing Lee, I’d love to see him try.
Venturing into the Libel (now defamation) courts has always been fraught – just ask Oscar Wilde.
You certainly need deep pockets as Ben Roberts-Smith and Kerry Stokes have been finding with combined legal costs estimated at $30million – BRS had to cough up $970,000 recently as security for costs when he decided to appeal his loss but fortunately for him Kerry Stokes has deep pockets.
But who has been backing Bruce Lehrmann ? The orders for costs will be made shortly and they could be in the multi millions and where will Bruce get the money from ? Simply entering into bankruptcy is an easy way out and I imagine that Channel Ten would have been awake to this possibility and would have sought security for costs before committing themselves to this expensive defence.
It is hard to imagine that anybody would now front up for the costs of an appeal should Lehrmann decide on this course of action and were he to do so you can be assured that an application for security for costs would be sought by the respondent (Channel Ten).
At the end of the day these issues always come down to money and big swags of it – who now pays the piper.
Lehrmann, aka Liarman, has been justifiably exposed as a malignant, totally depraved, misogynistic, narcissistic predator without one iota of moral fibre. As such, his wild parties displaying a total lack of respect for his long-suffering neighbours, comes as no surprise!
Despite Lehrmann’s repugnant performance trying to convince an unbelieving, sceptical public that HE was (somehow) the victim in the Brittany Higgins’ scenario, Lehrmann – at last – has been proven to be nothing more than a cowardly and thoroughly entitled misogynistic predator who not only chose to ply Ms Higgins with alcohol in order to use and abuse her by having non-consensual sex but then had the absolute GALL to attempt to make a profit from the ongoing scandal!
It’s not at all surprising that this revolting megalomaniacal psychopath is a signed-up staff member of the deplorable LNP! This is a thoroughly disgraced political party that not only protects and elevates rusted-on misogynists, pathological liars and diabolical predators but maintains a congo line of callously inhumane sociopaths, xenophobic racists, arrogant “swinging dicks” (as their own colleague, Julie Bishop, so aptly described them) and avaricious, self-serving elitists within their ranks – most of whom have become “instant” multi-millionaires at OUR expense! This type of depraved individual seems to be attracted into the fold of the LNP like a magnet! You only have to look at the dark history of LNP MPs (past and present) like the war criminal, John Howard; the misogynistic Tony Abbott; the bullying predators like Christian Porter and Allan Tudge and the pathological liar and ex-signed-up member of the paedophile-protecting CULT of Hillsong, the nauseating bible-thumping hypocrite: Scott Morrison – to see just how truly depraved the LNP “swinging dicks” really are! Now, just watch them all scream, shout and whine about the inevitable result in this Lehrmann case!
If there is any REAL justice here – considering that this sexual predator doesn’t look like he will face any justifiable jail time – is that Lerhrmann will now face WHOPPING legal costs that will hit him where it REALLY hurts these avaricious ultra-conservative hypocrites and that is right in the pocket! Bankruptcy for this creature is the very LEAST the deplorable Lehrmann should endure!
I wonder how much time will it take for Little Brucie to wear out his welcome (not long I expect) at his latest digs and how will he pay for the certain substances he seems so fond of shoving up his nose? No more wild parties and other shenanigans, he won’t survive (metaphorically speaking). And to top it off Toowoomba is looming ever closer like a bottomless chasm.
I couldn’t be bothered checking out the inevitable until mid-arvo yesterday. I read all the key points from Lee’s summation, and found myself muttering “Good. About time.”
No surprises, but everyone rightly copped a sting. Lee parsed it beautifully.
I suspect Lehrmann will be rendered to a living hell of his worst nightmare.
Needless to say, I won’t be holding my breath for news of the keel-hauling of all the other brigands, craven toads and miscreants glued to this sordid menagerie.
SusieQ: Thankyou, my thoughts exactly.
There is nothing to stop the Crown Prosecutor from re-opening the criminal case against Lehrmann which, as you will recall,was abandoned following misbehaviour by a juror and was not then pursued into a second trial to save Higgins from further distress.
Lehrmann has never been found guilty or established his innocence to the demanding criminal standard.
Perhaps the course of justice is best served by giving Lerhrmann his day in court to allow the prosecutor to test the evidence to the criminal standard of ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’. In many respects we owe this to Lehrmann.
We owe it to the system and to ourselves; rights – including that of a fair trial – must belong to all or they are no longer rights but privileges for the chosen few.
As for Lehrmann, he can rot in the hell he has constructed for himself, as far as I’m concerned. We owe him nothing. Nor does Higgins, and if she feels unable to endure another trial – and no-one could blame her after the treatment dished out to her over the first – she also has the right to say no and at least this time it would be heeded.
I find AIMN readers very generous and objective in their comments but really could we possibly have some accurate comments on this spineless scum-bag?
I look forward to the awarding of costs for this expensive ”hat” and the subsequent Queensland legal matters of alleged rape on three (3)? occasions. Perhaps the Queensland police inquired about the use of ”date rape” drugs in those matters, but we shall discover when the matter comes before the Court.
I see brave Sir Brucie has run away.
Any comments on the state of the home after Lehrmann exited?
Florence, as you’re probably aware, he was kicked out of a home in north Sydney where a so-called friend had taken pity on him and offered him a room after his junket accommodation paid for by Seven Media expired; this was abruptly terminated after the media reported on the karaoke sessions etc., whereupon he managed to finagle a roof over his head in the residence of the widow of a former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and Lieutenant-Governor of New South Wales, Sir Laurence Street – goodness knows how she would have seen him as a man in distress needing assistance, but there you go – and he promptly decamped after his humiliating denouement in last Monday’s handing down of the defamation decision by Justice Michael Lee, perhaps encouraged by the fact that a rat pack of press photographers were likely camped outside her residence. As to the question of the states of these brief homestays… who knows?. Unsnorted leftovers on smooth surfaces, used and discarded french letters perhaps, soiled sets of underwear?
If he’s still in hiding at an ‘unknown location’ on the Central Coast, I’d imagine his state of mind would be pretty fraught.