Dan Andrews, Mark Knight and Rossleigh All On Holidays

Currently, I’m sitting in the Adelaide Hills having been driven out of Melbourne by gangs… ok, not really, but that’s a much more sensational story than I’m having a few relaxing days staring at the view and not checking my phone every few minutes to see if any Australian politician has managed to outdo Trump’s “my button is bigger than your button” comment.

Of course, it’d be hard for any politician to beat the wonderful absurdity of “The Herald-Sun” last week. Splashed across the front page we had a story about Dan Andrews being on holidays – which the article acknowledged was something he was entitled to have, even if the state was in chaos because of African gangs running rampant – while on the letters page we had a cartoon from Roy. The regular cartoonist, Mark Knight was also on holidays. Roy’s take on the situation was two panels: One labeled “Country” where the fire danger warning was low, and another labeled “City”, where the African gang situation was “extreme danger”. I don’t know whether he was commenting on the hyperbole of the Federal politicians. I hope so. Otherwise, I’d suggest that he checks the weather forecast before ranking the fire danger as low. However, there was no apology from the paper about their main cartoonist deserting his post at such a time.

While it seems that cartoonists are entitled to their break, the inference I drew from the front page was that Dan Andrews should have rushed back from his holidays and dealt with the situation. Although exactly what he was meant to do remains unclear. Parliament isn’t sitting so we can’t pass laws requiring judges to hand down tougher sentences on people for possession of darker skin. Perhaps Mr Andrews should be ringing Malcolm to ask exactly what he had in mind when he suggested that the Federal government might take over if something wasn’t done. Or perhaps the Dutton approach would work: Attack Labor until you’re in charge, then deny that there’s a problem and it’s only because Save the Children/refugee advocates/the UNHCR/greenies/health professionals/anybody with first hand knowledge are lying, that this is even being talked about.

Apparently, there are a number of “no go” areas in Melbourne, and not just the Melbourne Club. There are areas where gangs have taken over and people don’t feel safe. Recently one Melbourne city councilor resigned because she no longer felt safe in the Lord Mayor’s car. And Matthew Guy was so concerned about the growing lawlessness that he went to a lobster dinner with someone who could offer protection and return the city to sort of family values that the good fellas of the city so enjoy.

Of course, given how the Murdoch press do everything possible to suggest that Andrews is incompetent, it’s hard to see why they’d want him back from holiday to deal with the situation. Lately, we’ve been treated to stories about how work to widen roads and remove levels crossings was going to lead to traffic chaos over January. (Yes, you can argue that making things easier for cars doesn’t actually solve traffic problems; for this though, I’m more intrigued by the idea that January is a bad time to do road work.)

One wonders whether they can keep the African gang’s rhetoric going all the way to the election in November or whether they’ll go back to their old favourites like renewables are causing your power bill to rise. It’ll be interesting to see if they run with the Apple store in Fed square story, or whether Apple are untouchable because they advertise.

Whatever, it’ll be interesting to see how many times Turnbull and co try to start discussions about state issues in the hope that it distracts journalists from asking any questions about what they’re doing!


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About Rossleigh 1447 Articles
Rossleigh is a writer, director and teacher. As a writer, his plays include “The Charles Manson Variety Hour”, “Pastiche”, “Snap!”, “That’s Me In The Distance”, “48 Hours (without Eddie Murphy)”, and “A King of Infinite Space”. His acting credits include “Pinor Noir Noir” for “Short and Sweet” and carrying the coffin in “The Slap”. His ten minutes play, “Y” won the 2013 Crash Test Drama Final.


  1. Rossleigh…as you must be aware, being in “cool” south aussie, we have our own Murdoch shit-sheet working its shift against the Wetherill Labor govt’ here…it has to be a full-time job, but it must be taxing on their integrity when all their copy is just so much piss-in-the-wind bullshit!..The MSM is like having a group of people bailing out the boat one end while another group is busy tipping water INTO the boat at the other…

  2. Rossleigh, your wonderful post reminds me of the time the council sealed a road near the small country town in NSW where my oldest brother lives …

    A young guy hooning was killed on the road shortly thereafter. The local paper said he would still be alive today if the council hadn’t sealed the road.

    That’s true, of course, but I would hardly suggest that the council was the main culprit.

    But that’s the way liberals think.

  3. Excellent piece. All Turnbull, Dutton & Co can do is pour shit on the Victorian and South Australian Labor governments. All they’ve got is exaggeration and lies and just being plain nasty. I hate Liberals more than ever.

  4. Yes…warmish here today, nudging 42 coming up to one in the arvo but a change through in a couple of hours.

  5. Andrews and Weatherill have been their main targets. SA has been deceived and outflanked by the fraudulent Xylophone/ Marshall hidden alliance and after 16 years an “its time” factor is kicking in. God help us if Marshall and Xylophone get in.

    As for Victoria, the LNP strategists know that for Turnbull to win much later this year, Andrews must be discredited. Andrews is not perfect but every/anything even remotely questionable is under the microscope.

    Crap is slung and a little must stick, even if the Vic Premier is wearing oilskins.

  6. 🙂 Thank you Rossleigh, a breath of fresh air as always. Michaelya Cash et al have a lot of explaining to do when Federal Parliament returns . Our dictatorial media mogul and his right wing lick spittle media, will no doubt ignore the obvious and focus their energies on whats bad for Australians and good for their Australia.

  7. Rossleigh, after the Herald-Sun comes the Weekend Australian. They work in gangs in Rupertland.

    So we have “African gang’s reign of fear” in a headline – and subheadings: “Four brutal attacks; Victims traumatised; Thugs escape after car rash; Premier still on holidays”.

    Grace Collier joins the fray. “Melbourne is trouble-free, for gangs or union thugs. Victoria is failing to protect its citizens and no one in authority seems interested.” A take out emphasises one thought bubble: “Perhaps the African gang members should subcontract their services to the criminal elements of the union movement. Sitting in the middle of the road is pretty easy work.”

    The Editorial attacks a Judge’s comment on Dutton’s comment about citizens being too scared to go out, even though the Editor describes Dutton’s comment as “hyperbolic”. “One of the worst aspects of the judge’s tweet from Mansfield, an alpine town 200km northeast of Melbourne, is that has reinforced community perceptions that police, the justice system and the Andrews government, mired in politically correct culture, has failed to put public safety first.”

    Of course, what that means is that what is pragmatically “correct” is to shove all miscreants into gaol.

    In the echo chamber Letters to the Editor we get the comment that Mansfield is a town where most of the residents are “Australian-born” and the judge would feel much safer there than in “suburbs overrun by crime”.

    It is interesting that in an interview during the week, the question was asked about the number of African offenders compared with non-African offenders in Victoria. It is clear that the number of African offenders is quite small in comparison.

    Then, over in the corner we have Gerard Henderson grizzling in his misery that: “Facts give way to mockery in media”. Subtitled: “Journalists increasingly take on a high moral tone when reporting on politics”.

    The irony is delicious.

  8. Ohhhh, the L/NP panic!

    Perhaps not so much because they’re very likely to lose at the next election, but because they’re waking up to the possibility that they might not be as personally unaccountable as they thought they were … incompetence and other “cover our tracks” stuffups coming to bite them once they don’t hold the reins … ?

  9. Brilliant sarcasm, Ross. The pathetic, good-for-nothing Neoliberal-Conservatives are quickly running out of ideas…. and time. A repeat in Vic of the LNP recent bashing in Qld would settle the issue…. I guess that in response the Libs will find that Turnbull is a foreign citizen and will call a by-election in Wentworth, to cheer themselves up once he is returned by the voters in such Conservative seat…. and so on and so forth until the end of this farcical government at the Federal election….

  10. Turnbull’s hapless conservative scare machine is surrounded by Labor administrations. No one to call, no back up support. The broken wagons are in a circle and this year is their last stand. They deserve to be politically slaughtered and the Liberal party itself deregistered.

  11. Michael Taylor 018 at 11:12 am

    On a road I frequently drive, the end of an overtaking lane curves so that in Summer for a few weeks you face directly into the sun. A couple of years ago a man had a serious accident when blinded by the sun as he went around the curve.

    His response to the police was that it was the government’s fault as they designed roads that aligned with sunrises and sunsets. I don’t think explaining solstices and equinoxes would have changed his opinion that all roads can be constructed so they never faced the sun.

  12. As state and federal elections hang over the Turnbull-Abbott clown posse like a plummeting meteorite, one thing is certain: the LNP/IPA/News Corpse Hydra will be hopping up and down hurling shit like a demented chimp, pissing its pants and blowing dog whistles until it is blue in the face. The LNP septic tank is about to blow!

  13. I had an argument with a lawyer once, because he thought i was nitpicking when I said the sun only rose in due East a few days a year . Ignorant of school level science. No, typical lawyer

  14. I thought Daniel Andrews was doing well enough, unlike the LNP, I understand that improving traffic flow involves some inconvenience until work is completed,


    I really don’t get the Apple Functional Universe (or whatever it is supposed to be) in Federation Square. Nor do I get the claim that Fed Square is unsuccessful – anyone check it out on New Year’s Eve, the placing was rocking out and all year round it is rarely without an event of some kind.

    Of course “unsuccessful” in neo-con speak means not making a profit for private enterprise, which Labor is into just as much as the LNP – sad to say.

    What irony, if Andrews lost election due to capitalist project and not all the lies that have been thrown at him.

  15. Yeah, dianaart, the world certainly throws up some ironies. As well as absurdities like Tony Abbott and Donald Trump!

  16. Did Turdball stand up and say “our federal police will arrest these low life scum animals”? nope kick the labor party while they’re down WAFn tosser turdbull is.

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