Image from The ABC (Photo by AAP: Dave Hunt)

In breaking news, there is no decision on Novak Djokovic.

No, that’s it. That was the lead story in most news bulletins tonight.

They could have added that there’d been no decision about a range of things like the integrity commission, the religious discrimination bill, the election date, the purchase of water bombers for bushfires, the resignation of a minister…

But there’s only one story about nothing you can do per bulletin…





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About Rossleigh 1447 Articles
Rossleigh is a writer, director and teacher. As a writer, his plays include “The Charles Manson Variety Hour”, “Pastiche”, “Snap!”, “That’s Me In The Distance”, “48 Hours (without Eddie Murphy)”, and “A King of Infinite Space”. His acting credits include “Pinor Noir Noir” for “Short and Sweet” and carrying the coffin in “The Slap”. His ten minutes play, “Y” won the 2013 Crash Test Drama Final.


  1. Ken,
    Question: Which ‘incompetent mob’?

    A) Current manifestion of corrupt misgovernment & their appointed shadow minions.

    B) Mutualistically regurgitative scavenging (aka ‘pelican drinking) ‘news’ media outlets.

    C) Elements of electoral populace actively enabling afformentioned misbehaviors through selection processes.

    D) All of the above

  2. Max,
    When adjudicating on a legal stoush between two gold-card represented parties (djoko vs scomo & co), both of which are pleading proceedural incompetence against charges of deliberate dishonesty, some interpretive difficulties can be expected.

  3. It’s the chain of command thing, Max. Hawke’s waiting on Scummo to tell him what to do, but Scummo’s waiting on Jen and the girls to reach a decision, and therein lies the problem, because despite being told not to go there, Jen’s been on Twitter and has belatedly discovered what a total fuckhead and lying arsehole her husband is, and she’s having a bit of a hissy fit and is refusing to speak to him, and adding to the domestic is the drama of the kids who are now accusing their old man of preemptively ruining their lives. Scummo’s in denial, of course, and lacking even a 1% ranking on the EQ scale has retreated to the den where he’s fixating on the eagle pics and mumbling gibberish to his redeemer about needing the said god-person to speak to Jen and bring her to her senses so that he can get this damned Djokovic thing out of the way.

  4. David Tyler,
    Speaking as a pompously protracted pontificator to a convolutedly complex chronocler,
    Lovin’ the irony in your praise of brevity.

  5. GL,
    Eagle-photo-print-god said scomo needs must offer a new curry-fish-dish coz the old curry-fish-dish stinks like Barnaby after an extended fact-finding trip.

    Jen and the girls nodded silently in chorused assent (as is scripturally appropriate).

    Once the eagle-photo-print-god is appeased by a fresh(ish) fish-on-dish offering, scomo can aproach the next set against djoko with greater confidence in sureity of continued god-nod.

    Meanwhile, multiple-maybe-dad and default copilot BJ Joyce took opportunity to clumsily mount scomo’s bare-arsed excoriation of any public clamour for urgent investigation into federal political corruption (eg fed-ICAC, NACC, CIC etc) as the uncontrollable gateway drug to a ‘kangaroo court’, to ecshpand and ecshpound upon a theme that any transparent investigation into ethically/legally/intoxicatedly compromised dealings would put a ‘helluva crimpy franger’ on his usual methods of conducting governance.

    Strayan plitcal norms.

  6. Scummo has had almost a week using the Novaxx Joker ”news story” of deception and apparent criminal activity to distract Australian voters from the mismanagement, maladministration meanness of the fascist Liarbral Nazional$ ”leading” the fight against COVID, among all their other political and social policy disasters.

    Even my mate Blind Freddie can see that his ”drama” will be strung out until the first ball is hit in the Australia Open when service will return to normal …. the daily media serve of an incompetent, underwhelming prima donna & co.

    Meanwhile overnight ABC News 24 reports that 110 MEMBERS OF THE LIARBRAL WILLOUGHBY BRANCH pre-selected another right wing candidate to replace Gladbags. Yes, real political news still happens during January despite the wishes of the Hou$ton Hell$inger$ Choru$ youth indoctrination camp singing & dancing without masks contrary to Health regulations.

  7. Whilst breathlessly awaiting further developments, I have been reading about the Opus Dei take on women:

    Monsignor, the presence of women in social life is extending far beyond the sphere of the family, in which they have moved almost exclusively up to now. What do you think about this development? What, in your opinion, are the main characteristics that women have to develop if they are to fulfil their mission?

    The home — whatever its characteristics, because a single woman should also have a home — is a particularly suitable place for the growth of her personality. The attention she gives to her family will always be a woman’s greatest dignity. In the care she takes of her husband and children or, to put it in more general terms, in her work of creating a warm and formative atmosphere around her, a woman fulfils the most indispensable part of her mission. And so it follows that she can achieve her personal perfection there.

    What I have just said does not go against her participating in other aspects of social life including politics. In these spheres, too, women can offer a valuable personal contribution, without neglecting their special feminine qualities.

    Development, maturity, emancipation of women should not mean a pretence of equality, of uniformity with men, a servile imitation of a man’s way of doing things. That would not get us anywhere. Women would turn out losers, not because they are better than men or worse, but because they are different.

    Women are called to bring to the family, to society and to the Church, characteristics which are their own and which they alone can give: their gentle warmth and untiring generosity, their love for detail, their quick-wittedness and intuition, their simple and deep piety, their constancy… A woman’s femininity is genuine only if she is aware of the beauty of this contribution for which there is no substitute and if she incorporates it into her own life.

    To fulfil this mission, a woman has to develop her own personality and not let herself be carried away by a naive desire to imitate, which, as a rule, would tend to put her in an inferior position and leave her unique qualities unfulfilled. If she is a mature person, with a character and mind of her own, she will indeed accomplish the mission to which she feels called, whatever it may be. Her life and work will be really constructive, fruitful and full of meaning, whether she spends the day dedicated to her husband and children or whether, having given up the idea of marriage for a noble reason, she has given herself fully to other tasks.

    Each woman in her own sphere of life, if she is faithful to her divine and human vocation can and, in fact, does achieve the fullness of her feminine personality. Let us remember that Mary, Mother of God and Mother of men, is not only a model but also a proof of the transcendental value of an apparently unimportant life.

  8. Let us remember that Mary, Mother of God and Mother of men, is not only a model but also a proof of the transcendental value of an apparently unimportant life.


    She was a very naughty girl !

  9. In an update, there’s still no news!

    Whatever one’s views on Djokovic this is again an example of two things the Morrison government excels at: 1. Overriding a panel specifically chosen to make a decision and 2. Moving too slowly.

  10. ‘I have gathered you all here in order to announce that I have nothing of substance to report, and absolutely reject the premise of any questions arising’.

  11. corvusboreus,

    I was thinking more along the lines of, “I have gathered you here together in order to announce that…quick look over there, Albo is coming out of that shop with a fish under his arm and a packet of curry. Must dash, National Cabinet meeting to attend.”

  12. ‘Frankly, i am offended on behalf of straya that you would suggest my barramundi botulinus barbie might have been a salmonella spreader. Besides, if Labor was wearing the apron, barramundi would be banned and everyone would be forced to eat anthraxed abalone a’ la Albanese.
    Anyway, mate, i don’t exactly hold a pair of tongs, i more just pose with platters.’

  13. Canguro mentioned chain of command…..The arsehole at the top gives orders to the middle level dickhead who then takes his time to prolong the suspense and then issues orders to the goons in black shirts to carry out the eviction. That’s how the coalition works. Then there’s blustering barnyard rooter adding in some colour and movement to the process. Simple isn’t it ?

    Pack of arseholes.

  14. ‘Swinging Dicks, Bloaty Scrotes, and Piled-up Arseholes.’

    (Observations on Antipodean Parliamentary behaviors and trends occuring circa 202nd decade CE)

    WARNING: Contains nuts.

  15. it takes time for advisers to count the differences of voters between, make a decision and send him off, make a decision and let him play, or find a way to blame labor and not make a decision.
    Perhaps they could ask god to intervene?

  16. Michael,

    I didn’t mind the film when it first came out (jeez, it’s almost like saying, “I remember the Crimea.”) in ’73 but much preferred the Harry Harrison SF novel, Make Room! Make Room!, it was loosely based on.

  17. Such hilarity. What I find really amusing is that Spain and Serbia are also considering their positions as it appears Novax has been liberal with the truth regarding his travels when filling in forms. He might have to go home to a royal sh.t storm. If we send him back now it will be fresh in their minds.

  18. GL,
    I was surprised upon reading to realise that Harrison’s novel didn’t include the movie’s climactic revelation regarding product providence.

    Ps Do you recall ‘Silent Running’?

  19. Silent Running (1972) is one those movies that I hope Hollywood in it’s continuing pursuit of greed and now sad habit of remaking (destroying) the originals never touches. It’s still as good now as it was way back when. I was astonished when I found out how they did the sequences with Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Brilliant piece of movie making.

    The Andomeda Strain (1971) is still, to me at least, probably the best of the virus disaster genre films ever made. Because it was made in the style of a documentary rather than a straightforward movie. I know people who still won’t watch it because it’s boring and too much talking and not enough action…pfaah.

    The mini-series of the latter was a steaming pile of what comes out of Scotty’s mouth and that’s all I’m going to say about it.

  20. @Kaye Lee: The role of women in Opus Dei society appears to be providing a continuous supply of children for the too many priestly paedophiles discovered in the Roman & other Churches.

    How can Australians trust a Treasurer, now Prima Donna, when they refuse to count 9 to 19 and abstain …. Oops!! Silly me!! See previous comment. @World population pressures are irrelevant by comparison.

  21. I am glued to Rossleigh’s live feed. It’s the only place to go for the latest on the Morrison government’s newest charm offensive…or should that be defensive? Where will the ball land? Can they get a suppression order and make it illegal to even say Pell, Witness K or Djoko?

  22. broke the live story at 6:14PM.

    At 6:16PM they had a story; “World reacts to Australia’s Novak Djokovic visa decision”.

    Gee, that was quick. 😳

    (I took screenshots but they were too large to upload).

  23. Alex Hawke lives up to Liberal Party skulduggery and announces his decision late on a Friday : taking out the garbage !

    This makes it difficult, but not impossible, for Djokovic’s lawyers who must now seek an injunction to prevent deportation and prepare an appeal to the Full Federal Court of three or more judges – many of whom are on annual leave.

    So the court will have to be convened, hear the appeal and make a determination.

    The Australian Open starts on 17th and finishes on 30th January.

    I’ll take a punt that the decision of the court will not come down before Djokovic leaves the country after the Open.

  24. Michael,

    I’m guessing the Rupert media had at least one hours notice before the mouthpiece…haawwkk, that always feels better when you can cough up and spit out a thoroughly unpleasant glob in your throat…now, where was I? Oh yes, before the little sycophant and Morriscum mouthpiece Alex Hawk made the public announcement. Gives the Murdoch Mudsucking Media enough time to cobble together a shock, horror spewscrap article.

    Adriano Del Monte – Fox Sports.
    Latika M Bourke – Nine/Costello journo.
    Ashley Argoon – Rupert journo.
    Leigh Sales – Gads, a non-Rupert or Nine/Costello journo, but writes regularly for both.

    Strange how the “World reacts” seems to centre around Rupert and Nine/Costello. What a tiny, wee, world it must be.

  25. GL, in Adelaide in the late 1990s my office had the radio on, and being the 11th of November on this particular day the 11AM news was delayed because a minute’s silence had first to be observed.

    The news followed immediately.

    The first story was that “thousands of businesses and offices around Australia had paused to observe one minute’s silence…etc etc.”

    I had to chuckle.

  26. And in breaking news, a directions hearing will be conducted tonight at 8:45pm before Judge Anthony Kelly in the Federal Circuit Court.

  27. Farewell, novax jokker, deported will get a 3 year ban and good show, hawke will he be known as the killer of the australian open??
    dear Kaye,
    opus dei was ignored when the rabbott was opposition.
    I remember vehemently trying warn the atheist, and here, of the need to be aware of its power and wary of letting the rabbott off the hook for his intransigent religious beliefs and his hypocrisy. Scummo’s hillsong and domo’s opus need some addressing of their extremist views. Any ideas labor?
    ps Who remembers the rainbow vote, with 40% no? We hope that you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago. ON THIS DAY Wam Moir · Shared with Public You can enslave a canadian if she or he is is indigenous, black, brown, slope-eyed or french Michael Luscombe 1p7h lNovem9lb5se3rr te2047114 · In her radio show, Dr Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following response is an open letter to Dr. Laura, penned by a US resident, which was posted on the Internet. It’s funny, as well as informative: Dear Dr. Laura: Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God’s Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination … End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some other elements of God’s Laws and how to follow them. 1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can’t I own Canadians? 2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her? 3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of Menstrual uncleanliness – Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offence. 4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odour for the Lord – Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbours. They claim the odour is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them? 5. I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it? 6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination, Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don’t agree. Can you settle this? Are there ‘degrees’ of abomination? 7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here? 8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die? 9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves? 10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn’t we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14) I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I’m confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God’s word is eternal and unchanging. Your adoring fan. James M. Kauffman, Ed.D. Professor Emeritus, Dept. Of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education University of Virginia (It would be a damn shame if we couldn’t own a Canadian)
    Any use labor?
    the clappers are not to be fined. Why???

  28. This could be developing into a showdown between the Morrison government and the judiciary.

    Clearly the government, principally Morrison and Dutton , were affronted when the court overturned the ABF decision to cancel Djokovic’s visa. I think you will find that Morrison and Dutton – you can forget Hawke he’s just a sock puppet in this – saw this as a challenge to their authority. They don’t believe in the independence of the judiciary or the separation of powers. To them the Executive is all powerful. Under normal circumstances you would expect that the government would appeal a decision that went against them in the courts, but what we saw was the use of the ministerial discretion, also known as the God Power to overrule the judiciary.

    One of the safeguards of our democratic system has been the ability of an independent judiciary to keep in check a rogue, all powerful Executive : the fact that a government minister was able to override a decision of the Federal Court of Australia is something that makes me uneasy.

    This will now be fought out on legal principles but with a prime minister who insists on getting his own way : Djokovic is now just a pawn in this and as some overseas commentators have noted, it’s all about domestic Australian politics from now on.

  29. Hawke’s decision was based on the premise that letting Djokovic stay would energise the anti-vaxxers. What do they think cancelling his visa at the last minute has done? And how can they make that claim when George Christensen, one of their own, does the same thing with impunity?

    Speaking of energising the anti-vaxxers, here is Craig Kelly at a Reclaim the Line protest in Sydney today….who is that woman holding onto his arm?

  30. This is now a stand up fight between the government who consider themselves all powerful and the judicial system which seeks to constrain unlimited power based on legal principles.

    The government have already cancelled the Djokovic visa twice, they cannot afford to lose this case and see his visa reinstated by the court for a second time : the optics of another loss and the political fallout for the government would be appalling.

    I have a strong belief in the integrity of our judicial system and in the doctrine of the separation of powers and like many others I am uncomfortable that the Executive have a legislated power to overturn determinations of our judiciary based on the vibe.

    The nature of the ministerial discretionary power gains its unusual god-like power from the fact that this discretion (under sections 351 and 417 of the Immigration Act) are not subject to judicial or tribunal review within our domestic law, which means an important mechanism of external oversight that applies in other areas of executive decision making does not apply to the discretionary powers.

    This being the case it would seem that the full court of the Federal Court cannot exercise their judicial oversight without being trumped by the minister’s unlimited discretionary power : the government wins !

    The ruling in this case will potentially have implications for the whole of our system of laws and the power of Executive government.

    Watch this space !

  31. On a lighter note, it has been suggested that Djokovic will appear before the federal court in a “pinny”, carrying a feather duster and perhaps a touch of lippy to emphasize that he is actually an au pair who likes to play tennis in his spare time : he will ask for the au pair discretion in his favour and will call Spudley P Dutton as a character reference.

  32. It’s before the full court…three judges…they can’t appeal the decision.

    Having listened to this morning’s hearing, I think it will go the government’s way but the question remains, why did they not foresee and forestall this problem in the first place. Same old problem from a government who always waits for a crisis to occur before they act.

  33. Kaye Lee, Ta for that bit of information. The main sleaze media I expect will drag the whole ridiculous saga out for as long as possible like the leeches they are.

    Just for the heck of it: This is a Tickles. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

  34. If exercised correctly (i.e. in the public interest) the minister’s decisions are, in effect, unable to be reviewed by the courts.

    This means, it will be very difficult for Djokovic’s lawyers to review Hawke’s decision unless they can establish that Hawke acted otherwise than in the public interest.

    As the government have twice cancelled his visa they would not be contesting this case unless they were absolutely sure of a result in their favour.

    I’d like to be proven wrong but I don’t think Djokovic can win : that’s why they call the ministers discretion God-like-powers.

  35. Terry, I’d be interested to know if a PIC (Public Interest Certificate) was issued. Such things aren’t drawn up and approved overnight (I should know – I used to prepare them in my department).

    A PIC would have needed to be issued over Djokovic by the Dept of Health, determining that it was in the public’s interest to keep clear of the bloke.

    I’m guessing one wasn’t prepared.

  36. Michael

    Rebecca Maddern Channel Seven News reader was caught in a hot-mike incident, on air saying of Djokovic : “Whatever way you look at it, Novak Djokovic is a lying, sneaky, arsehole”.

    At this stage it is not known the extent to which these comments influenced the three federal court judges.

  37. I expect the Rupert and Costello meeja will continue to bleed the Djokovic stone for all it’s worth until they realise that people are getting sick and bloody tired of the whole affair and then move onto something else.

  38. The whole ludicrous Djokovic affair was nothing more than a ramped-up DISTRACTION in order to try to divert public attention away from the LNP’s appalling incompetence, inept mishandling of the fair and rapid distribution of Covid vaccinations, climate-change-denying idiocy and Morrison’s appalling short-sightedness and total lack of leadership!

    Anyone with an IQ >10 KNOWS that the smug, smirking, stratospherically arrogant and non-achieving Morrison couldn’t manage a free shout in a country pub, is about as popular as a pork chop in a Jewish synagogue and has the foresight of Mr Magoo sans spectacles! The fact that the bone-idle Sloth Morrison was cast as a lonely, pathetic and totally ostracised figure at the recent G20 climate change summit in Rome and, not surprisingly, outed as a pathological liar by the French President, Emmanuel Macron, PROVES that our nation’s government – right now – is internationally regarded as being on-the-nose and our people being thoroughly misled and mismanaged by a totally disingenuous, pathetic, spineless environmental vandal who embarrassingly, and very publicly, used the international stage to sing the praises of the filthy, polluting coal-mining and gas fracking industries!

    If Australia wishes to redeem our flagging international reputation – now in freefall as a regressive haven ruled by a pack of political psychopaths who are up to their “red necks” in right-wing-extremism, government-approved racism and inherent skirt-lifting misogyny – then we need to get rid of the LNP, a dangerously undemocratic and totally corrupt regime that is destroying and defunding EVERYTHING Australians value! If this nation wants to redeem what little is remaining of the respect our nation once held under the leadership and progressive foresight of the ALP, then it is imperative that we KICK the smirking Neanderthal, Morrison out of government! Morrison only has ONE focus and that is to further enrich and empower himself and his billionaire donors in the Top 1%.

    When you look back over the last NINE LONG YEARS of devastation, environmental vandalism, depravity, staggering incompetence and escalating self-serving corruption by a smug, callously inhumane and profit-obsessed regime who have NO plans, NO vision and absolutely NO clue, it gives a terrifying insight into just how far our nation has fallen under the malevolent mismanagement of an undisciplined, arrogant pack of non-achieving political psychopaths in the LNP. The Jerk with the Smirk aka The Liar from the Shire, the bible-thumping hypocrite, Morrison – and his pompous predecessor, the swaggering, inarticulate misogynist, Tony Abbott, have dragged Australia back to the middle ages as a nation struggling under the jackboot of the absolute WORST, most regressive, dangerously undemocratic and corrupt regime in our history!

    History has PROVEN – going back decades – that the LNP are a pack of arrogant, self-appointed megalomaniacal narcissists who absolutely THRIVE on hate, division, conflict, fear and war! The LNP have dragged Australia back to the middle ages as a nation struggling under the jackboot of the absolute WORST, most regressive, dangerously undemocratic and corrupt regime in our history! The Howard, Abbott and Morrison regimes have proven themselves to be nothing more than despicable, self-serving elitists who have not achieved a SINGLE thing that provides any benefit whatsoever to the lives of ordinary working- and middle-class Australians; a government who’s ONLY “talent” is their ability to lie, lie and attempt to deceive anyone and everyone – even lying about their lies – in order to maintain their bloodstained grip on autocratic power.

    FFS, kick the LNP to the GUTTER at the next Federal and State elections because, believe me, THAT is where they REALLY belong!

  39. BREAKING! I just heard on the ABC News that Djokovic’s plane has landed in Dubai… Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention and now I’ve missed the very important news that the plane landed after taking off.

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