Every day it seems there are new things to be aggravated about.
Take Peter Dutton.
If Australia is not responsible for the detainees on Manus and Nauru, then how come Peter Dutton gets to say they can’t go to New Zealand?
And why does his photographic image bother him more than our international reputation and the harm that is being done to people who came to us looking for help?
Then there is Scott Morrison’s claim that Labor always tax more.
From 1997 to 2013, tax averaged 21.4 per cent of GDP in the Labor years and 23.5 per cent in the Coalition years
The 2016 budget estimates that, including new policy, tax receipts are forecast to grow by 3.1 per cent in 2015‑16 and 5.0 per cent in 2016‑17. Total tax receipts as a share of GDP are expected to increase from 22.2 per cent in 2016‑17 to 23.5 per cent by 2019‑20, an increase of 1.3 percentage points.
As for his ‘enterprise tax plan’, over the forward estimates, it decreases tax receipts by $9.2 billion even while taxation as a percentage of GDP is going up. That would indicate that individuals will be bearing a greater burden.
Despite Morrison’s claim to have created 300,000 jobs last year, wages are growing so slowly that the projections of individuals tax has been reduced by $12 billion over the four years to 2018‑19. It seems Scott is not confident that cutting company tax is going to lead to more jobs and higher wages any time soon so his reliance on ‘household consumption’ to drive growth may be optimistic.
On the subject of house prices, Morrison is arguing that an increase of 5% instead of 7% means your house price is going down, but that won’t help housing affordability. He gets very grumpy if you question this piece of pretzel logic, as shown on Insiders last Sunday.
Another issue is the growing stench of corruption surrounding the decision to award our submarine contract to a company that is being investigated in France for bribery of Malaysian officials in a previous submarine deal.
As reported by Kangaroo Court:
The French company DCNS employed former Liberal staffer Sean Costello as its CEO for the bid. Mr Costello was chief-of-staff for former Defence Minister David Johnston who was sacked from his position in 2014. Could this have been the source of the leaks about submarines? And surely it is wrong for someone who is privy to defence department deliberations to then work for arms manufacturers who are bidding for Australian contracts?
The Australian Senate are already investigating corrupt conduct by French arms firm Thales who are the parent company of DCNS regarding the rorting and rigging of a $1.5 billion contract with Airservices Australia who are a government body responsible for airspace management in Australia which includes the management of airport control towers etc.
Airservices Australia hired a consulting organisation called International Centre for Complex Project Management (ICCPM) to negotiate a $1.5 billion contract with Thales to upgrade Australia’s air traffic control program. The former chairman and still a director of ICCPM is Thales CEO Chris Jenkins so you have an organisation overseen by Chris Jenkins in his role as chairman/director (ICCPM) negotiating with Chris Jenkins in his role as CEO (Thales) to get the best deal for Airservices Australia.
I could go on… and on and on… but that is enough aggravation for one day.
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I own a product made by Thales, I’ll have to check it for bugs……..
It is a real shame that Labor has so much political ammo (pun intended) on these Lying Nasty Party lunatics and so little money available to expose them to the docile, nonpolitical mob.
On and on it goes Turnbull waffling, Morrison, Brandis, Hunt, Dutton, Abetz, Sinodinos lying through their teeth and really, no one has the money to hold them to account. A bloody disgrace!
I feel your pain.
Yes it is a shame, however I believe that many more people will see advertising on social media than TV. If we can spread the Labor policies via social media we will reach many more people and its free. A federal CCC is a must to be established in the next parliament.
Did you have to give more reasons to be aggravated by these creeps? Just their seeing their faces is enough aggravation!
Denmark for two consecutive years topped the ‘Happy Planet Index’ list, its development model, public, energy and welfare policies and so on, it is also useful more countries.
Denmark, since the mid-1990s from a continued economic prosperity of the Nordic countries, and now has been largely achieved a ‘high quality + civilians’ featuring model of economic development. This success has made the Danish unemployment rate is far lower than the United States, has a higher social mobility, lower budget deficits, not only long-term per capita GDP among the highest in the world, and the ‘global happiness index released last year at the United Nations survey report ‘for two consecutive years in the top squat proud.
You know, even in Europe, Denmark is a very high tax countries worldwide (half the tax to GDP), even so, it is still able to rely on a sound social welfare and effective public sector, in the international market competition.
Perfect balance Recently, the Danish Minister for Business & Economic Growth Larson in an interview, said: ‘Social justice is the secret of Denmark’s economic success.’ Indeed, the key to success lies in the Danish model, set the maximum national system consider the extent and solve the balance of constraints between the public and private rights, the market and the government, and other efficiency and fairness between. One of the most innovative Danish Government to the number of ‘flexicurity’, namely taking into account the social welfare and market competition economic vitality between public rights and private rights to seek perfect balance.
Although last year’s ‘New York Times’ has published ‘Denmark may need to rethink their welfare society ‘point of view, but the Danish Minister for European Affairs and Trade Haikelupu interview made some refute this September. He said: Denmark does need reform, but ‘flexicurity’ brought considerable effect is still significant. Denmark’s ‘flexible employment policy’ as an example, it encouraged employers to ensure that employees are not punished (if employees who choose to leave) under the premise of hiring employees, largely to protect the interests of workers. Meanwhile, the government will fully bear other expenses such as health insurance and provides free skills training for the Danish people, so that they improve their employability, creating a win-win for businesses and individuals.
Denmark in energy saving and environmental protection aspects of the ‘green concept’ is also worth learning from each country. Early in 1973, the fourth Middle East war broke out, OPEC to punish supporters of Israel, crude oil prices rose many times, so many western countries by surprise, that the oil crisis has brought calamity was heavily dependent on foreign oil Denmark. Coupled with decades of industrial development, indeed devastating for the Danish domestic environment.
Thus, the Danish government made the decision to ‘energy independence’ in just 40 years, through the development of green energy (especially wind-based) realized without using nuclear energy under the premise of the total amount of the national economy and energy ‘green development model’ consumption and carbon emissions completely decoupled. Wind power accounts for 20% of Denmark’s total generating capacity, the highest proportion of all countries in the world, but also the people of Denmark’s most proud of. And all this, thanks to government policy support for wind energy development in the first lot (in order to encourage self Danes windmill, country heavily subsidized).
Danish government has repeatedly informed decisions for energy transformation 40 years ago, thankful to see the Danish side now successfully grow GDP, while cuts carbon dioxide emissions, not only for many to excessive energy consumption in exchange for economic growth in developing countries (such as China) envy, but also attracted a superpower such as the United States eyebrows (Danish energy consumption per capita is less than half of the United States, per capita GDP has surpassed the United States to refrain advantage).
Of course, this does not mean that Denmark is already in a perfect state, Haikelupu Denmark also endorsed the current version is still upside in the ability to innovate, but it also said that the government will be committed to the future acquisition policy to solve issues new programs. In addition, he adds: ‘Denmark, like the United States without the burden of a huge military spending, the current defense funding, may only be a considerable expenditure Pentagon and Air Conditioning’ Joking aside, it is easy to see words between Denmark ‘ambitions ‘and now have strong capital, enough to let it take a step further. As this ‘fairy tale world’ general happiness overflowing Nordic small country, but also how the world will bring the surprise? May wish to wait and see.
our nation should refer to Denmark economic management system catch up with them to build real lucky and sustainable country. 10 years plan to cut corporate tax may not a plan we need.
Peter Dutton, in his maiden speech, said his preselection “brought to a climax a lifetime of hard work and a focus on achieving the goal of standing proudly in this place today.” He was 30 at the time.
Social justice is the secret of Denmark’s economic success.’ Indeed, the key to success lies in the Danish model, but in this country, it seem to me, are trying to develop inequality gap with taxation
“If Australia is not responsible for the detainees on Manus and Nauru, then how come Peter Dutton gets to say they can’t go to New Zealand?”
Good point, Kaye. The MOU between Australia and PNG states :
20. The Government of Papua New Guinea assures the Government of Australia that it will:
c. not send a Transferee to another country where there is a real risk that the Transferee will be subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, arbitrary deprivation of life or the imposition of the death penalty.
So, by implication, PNG has the right to send transferees/refugees to New Zealand by agreement with the NZ government and P. Dutton should stay out of it.
What is it about politics that excuses blatant lying? In no other profession would we accept these types of lies.
Imagine if your doctor told you you were in perfect health, knowing full well your body was riddled with cancer.
Imagine if you hired a builder and they told you it would cost $20,000 to build you a brand new house, only to be later presented with a bill for $200,000.
Yet, when it comes to politicians, we blithely accpt they will always tell us lies and we readily forgive them. It is a standard that is simply not acceptable in any other profession. Well… except for economists, whose practice is more akin to Tarot card reading.
Kaye Lee… the hardest grind potato head Dutton has done in his life, is to punch a key on a phone and order more kids to Nauru. And when I say hardest I mean physical not of the heart.
I have never read or heard one member of the Queensland police force who worked with the sewer wipe, say a decent word in praise of him as a cop or in his defense as Health and Immigration Ministers.
That says it all in my book
On another point while I have the axe out, the SMH’s Tory flower on Parliament Buildings corridor walls Hartcher P, this day accused Bill Shorten of being ” a leader with a charisma deficit, a former union leader emphasising not growth but redistribution. A faceless man” while Turnbull is “a leader who still wields some charisma, seeking to maintain his persona as an uplifting man of the future: But Turnbull carries a big advantage in personal appeal, making the Coalition the clear favourite in the betting markets.”
Then follows the contradictions from the SMH
Today’s Fairfax Ipsos poll shows that in the past seven months, Turnbull has lost a stunning 43 percentage points on the measure of net personal approval while Shorten has gained 13.
The budget has done nothing to arrest the prime minister’s long slide nor Shorten’s slow ascent.
If they were to remain on these same trajectories all the way to election day on July 2, Shorten easily would eclipse Turnbull as the more popular leader.
“Turnbull is seen as more visionary and trustworthy,” points out the Fairfax pollster, Jess Elgood of Ipsos, “but it’s going to be a long campaign.”
If that is an example of the standard of journalism we can expect from one of the countries largest circulation dailies, thank the Lord for Social Media who are filling some of the void
Seems to me there’s some sort of weird arrangement, like a tag team thing, within the Coalition for the position of the biggest arsehole in Australian politics. I wonder whose turn it will be after Peter Dutton.
I started to write an article based on Barrie Cassidy’s question to Tony Windsor in 2013 “Who will you miss the least?”
I extended it to who would you most like to see the back of and why?
It brought back so many bad memories, for my own sanity, I stopped.
Funny, I got a similar feeling last night when I started watching Flat Earther videos on Youtube. At first I thought it would be an instructive and interesting thing to do. Nope. I was way wrong. I couldn’t even find any humour in how batshit they were because they were utterly serious. I can actually see certain of the Coalition mob doing Flat Earth videos and meaning it.
If one was to enforce Rule 303 on the offending parties mentioned in Kay Lee’s article above, with an implement of destruction and the requisite projectiles manufactured by the french munitions manufacturer involved in the whole dirty little mega-dollar deal, could it be declared ‘Assisted Suicide’ ?
And no, Michael, I haven’t suggested shooting anyone. I just need some legal clarification first. (I think messers moronscum and dud-one would most likely be called collateral dammage.)
You know that dream where you’re trying to run flat out through molasses to escape the looming demons that are pursuing you…
ByB – you have stolen my thoughts and now I have nothing left to say.
@ByB and Dianna.
The current ‘caretaker’ prime minister.
I was goping to nominate our beloved treasurer to be next in line. After all, ‘he started it’ is going to be dud-one’s final defense.
But then I realised that malcolm the BS (Bright and Shiny, and if you believe that have I got a deal for you) decided that both of them should retain portfolios rather than be sent to the farthest reaches of the back benches to learn about being nice in dud-one’s case, and what money is for and numbers do for moronscum.
Cory Bernardi, George Christensen, Eric Abetz, George Brandis, Greg Hunt, Michaelia Cash, Andrew Nikolic, Andrew Laming, Barnaby Joyce, Christopher Pyne, the doo wop girls who say shame a lot when on camera, the nodders, the financial brains trust who sound like dolls – pull the string to get pre-recorded answers regardless of what you ask and in spite of all evidence ….AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH
Day 1 – every time I looked at tv there was Malcolm in his hi viz vest, doing a Tony Abbott at the market – minus the onions. But I suspect that people will get sick of hearing about the “national economic plan”, as they did in Qld with Campbell Newman. But surely swinging voters are best engaged on their home turf, talking issues, not looking at glossy ads of Malcolm on tv. Love the Labor Party bus! Someone wrote today that with such a long campaign, the risk for “slipping up” was great, esp.for Turnbull who will get sick of the script and his tongue will run away with him.
Thank you Kaye. I have been following your articles and appreciate your work. I have been sharing them where I can. I feel aggravated too by what this government is doing, the blatant lies. This is not a democracy surely when we are being conned and lied to? What bothers me is people can’t see it.
Fantastic article Kaye. And great responses from your readers. I can only say that I am so happy to be going overseas for 5 weeks to visit my daughter in Sweden. I’ll not miss the election bullshit one bit. My daughter has said she is not coming back to Australia while Abbott is leader. She now will not return as long as the Lieberals are in charge. God…we can’t vote them back in, can we? Could we be that dumb??!!