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It’s Abbott Time We Got Some Perspective!

“While some sections of the media continue to show their political bias by accentuating what they think is a negative, Mr Abbott and Mr Obama, although from different sides of politics, have found they get on together.” Herald-Sun Editorial 16th June, 2014

Ok, I suppose most of you have read about Frances Abbott breaking her lease. If not you can read about it by Googling it or just reading the clearly biased post from Jennifer Wilson.

Personally, I find this just typical of the lack of rights of Landlords. Now, I’m a landlord. I own a rental property. But this is not a conflict of interest. This just shows that I’m one of those people who can view this clearly. And clearly VCAT is weighted in favour of tenants. But having read details of this particular case, I can understand how it’s not typical. After all, the landlord was a single mum recovering from cancer. And, as one Herald-Sun reader put it, “How can a single mum afford a rental property, something doesn’t add up here!” Single mums should be relying on welfare. Not trying to rip off the PM’s daughter who clearly doesn’t know what she’s doing when she signs a lease. As she said at VCAT, “I”m the Prime Minister’s daughter!” And we do understand the role of genetics in people’s inability to fulfil a promise.

No, this is a clear example of why poor people shouldn’t be allowed to own property. They can’t manage it. This single mum apparently defaulted on her mortgage after not receiving the rent. I mean, the age of entitlement is over. Didn’t this silly woman understand that – by renting out her property to someone under 30 – she was taking a big risk?

No, this is what caused the GFC. Poor people being given mortgages.

No, it’s not fair that landlords should have such a hard time at VCAT. But what do you expect when everything is weighted in favour of the tenant. As it should be, when it’s the PM’s daughter, but…

Hang on, I’m confused. I seem to be arguing one thing at one moment and another thing two minutes later. But at least I started three paragraphs with “No” so I should be still ok to stand for the Liberals and to provide a right wing perspective. And I didn’t show any bias because I agreed with myself. Oh wait. I didn’t. But at least I didn’t break any promises.There was nothing in writing. Well, nothing I read….


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