Who on earth writes Tony Abbott’s speeches? Whoever it is, says Anne Byam, they provide us with some gems of wisdom.
Relaxing at 5 pm, with a nice red wine and my current book, before preparing dinner. An hour is not long and suddenly it’s 6 pm and the TV absolutely MUST be turned on . . .
It’s News Time.
The one hour that I dread above all others, especially these days.
Headlines are broadcast, and then it starts … a murder or two, traffic accidents, what someone said outside a court room, flooding in the city, and occasionally a delightful story (only one a night mind you – can’t have too much of a good thing) … about animal antics … zoo cuties, the latest baby elephant capers, dog bravery etc. Always a welcome diversion from the misery that is ‘news’.
And somewhere in the middle of all this it happens. The Abbott appears.
Displaying the oft-used ‘ready for a punch-up’ position, hands already outstretched, and fingers pointing in all the wrong directions (someone is really going to punch him in the beak one day for giving them the victory sign backwards) he is ready. The first word is sometimes OK – followed by the inevitable ahs and ums, which is maybe a nervous trait, or else he’s waiting for his next cue.
I look away, use the microwave which is noisy, and hope I don’t actually hear anything.
But I do. Heaven help me, I do. Because I am inextricably drawn to watch whatever gaffe he might deliver next. And I am rarely, if ever, disappointed. It can become a bit of an addiction, this ‘Abbott watching’.
Hope springs eternal, that the bloke might say something that is somewhere near the mark of sense, compassion … and a smidgen of understanding – not only of Australia and Australians, but any other subject he’s speaking on or chest beating about.
I’m still waiting.
Oh – I beg your pardon. There was a genuine comment or two about the tragedy that was MH17 being shot down on 17th July … and the grief it had caused all Australians – and their families. He began contacting families of the deceased, on July 21st.
A few days later (July 24th) he announces to the Australian public that the ‘bodies must be retrieved very quickly, as they are now at the mercy of the heat, the weather and animals’ (not verbatim. but very very close).
Just how great is that for a statement? How delightful. Even if the close families of the victims did not see the telecast, I’m willing to bet the extended family and friends did. If it made me feel ill, what on earth did it do to those who knew the victims?
And so it rolls on … the gaffes galore grubber … staggering his way through speeches in a monotonous drone while enjoying every moment of his time in front of the cameras, centre stage – yet again!
I keep thinking – “well that’s the worst he could possibly come up with” – or words to that effect, after I have considered the cost it might incur if I actually did throw a hefty vase at the TV screen. I am usually by this time, purple with rage. And my language is very, very purple.
Now he’s outdone himself – yet again. Claiming that the day Captain Arthur Phillip arrived and set foot on Australian soil, was the defining moment in the history of our land.
Apparently, the reference to ‘white’ settlement was mentioned by Warren Truss, Deputy Prime Minister; someone who perhaps has been listening too long to the way Tony Abbott uses the English language. The word ‘white’ need never have been uttered … not because of political correctness or lack thereof, but simply because it’s wrong on most accounts. The land was simply land – new land – on which there were a number of odd, never before seen animals, and some naked people with skin that appeared to be black. It also probably didn’t look too hopeful for agriculture at the time either.
On August 21st Tony Abbott proudly unveiled a bust of Captain Arthur Phillip, the first Governor of New South Wales, at the Museum of Sydney. It was reported that Dame Marie Bashir – who has collected all of Phillips journals, mentioned that he (Phillip) had an “underlying ambition to treat aborigines and convicts with respect.” Got to wonder about that one! Over 50% of the First Fleet passengers were convicts sent. The first ship of the first fleet arrived in January 1788. (read here: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-08-30/pm-comment-on-defining-moment-angers-indigenous-groups/5707926).
If one were to be totally pedantic about the whole thing, Van Diemen would have to get at least half a guernsey – just for sending a navigator under his command – Abel Tasman, to chart the island of Van Diemen’s Land in 1642. It was renamed Tasmania, obviously after Abel Tasman.
As for Captain Cook, he was commissioned to search the South Pacific to look for the rich southern continent of Terra Australis. He charted the north eastern coastline then shot through to New Zealand, which he charted in its entirety. So surely his arrival date at Terra Australis should rate a mention. He also managed to get into “Stingray Bay“ and re-named Botany Bay … after the unique specimens retrieved by botanists on board the “Endeavour”. It was also at Botany Bay that James Cook made first contact with the Indigenous Gweagal people.
The real Australia! The true Australia! All because of a few white, bewigged and powdered fops that arrived on boats along with convicts, animals and bags of seeds among other things!
Now there is something to be proud of!
There actually were people here; human beings, homo sapiens already here, and they had a vast knowledge of the land that the likes of Abbott (and Truss) couldn’t even begin to fathom, even if they began reading about it all now, because it’s London to a Brick they’ve never read anything about it before. They could not possibly refer to the ‘beginnings’ of Australia in such a fashion, if they had read and referenced it.
The First Fleet arrived with bags of seeds for sowing and growing vegetables, flowers, farm implements, sheep, cattle, horses, pigs for breeding and slaughter to feed the few, and many other goodies that befit a form of nobility, to begin with, and included dogs, cats and plenty of rats. Plus a whole lot of people who were rejects by the British establishment of the time, because they’d run out of room in their own jails.
Convicts were no longer accepted by the United States. Among the convicts who were in fact mainly British, there were people of other nationalities – including African, American and French on board. These nationalities were sent here, most likely because of pre-history with the British, and were no doubt eagerly chucked aboard the ships for deportment to the Antipodes. African? Perhaps because they were black. American? Because they had routed the British in the War of Independence proclaiming their independence in July 1776. French? Probably because of all the previous wars in history … the English didn’t like ‘em much.
It was tough getting started. The farm implements were not up to scratch – too lightweight for the heavy heat hardened soil of Australia.
But what a bonus it all was to be able to send men, women and children convicts to the furthest and remotest place on earth (at the time) to slave – yes, slave – on farms in order to earn a pardon of one degree or another. There were 3 tiers to pardons, and each had to be worked through diligently and with exemplary behaviour. The convicts used on farms and (later) buildings of a grander scale – rather similar to the US South, were ‘fed and watered’ by their colonial masters. They worked from morning to night, without pay. They were in fact used as slaves. Finally, if good enough, they were granted free pardon to make of their lives what they could. Many succeeded, many failed and fell back into lives of crime, partly to survive, and partly to rail against their oppressors.
Here endeth the history lesson.
And what a wonderfully defining ‘moment’ it all was.
Tony Abbott said:
“The arrival of the First Fleet was the defining moment in the history of this continent. Let me repeat that, (a la Parliamentary mode) it was the defining moment in the history of this continent”.
“It was the moment this continent became part of the modern world.”
Pardon? Digest that one very slowly, paying particularly attention to ‘moment’ and ‘modern’.
Headlines said:
“Tony Abbott names white settlement as Australia’s ‘defining moment’, remark draws Indigenous ire”.
White settlement, huh?
Abbott also said:
“I hope that the defining moments of 1964, for instance, might include the launch of the Australian newspaper as well as the publication of The Lucky Country.”
The Australian newspaper! Well there’s no surprise … it’s owned and run by his master and he just had to single it out – maybe he’d read some of the distinctly coolish comments the Australian had published recently about this Government, so he did a little sucking up.
And I doubt he’s ever read “The Lucky Country” written by Donald Horne. If he had, he might never have added that pearl of wisdom to his speech. Then again – who knows what to expect from this bloke?
The Lucky Country became a catch phrase to describe Australia. But that was not the writers’ intention. His intention was more an indictment.
The title of Horne’s The Lucky Country comes from the opening words of the book’s last chapter:
Australia is a lucky country, run by second-rate people who share its luck.
Horne’s statement was an indictment of 1960s Australia. His intent was to comment that, while other industrialized nations created wealth using “clever” means such as technology and other innovations, Australia did not. Rather, Australia’s economic prosperity was largely derived from its rich natural resources. Horne observed that Australia “showed less enterprise than almost any other prosperous industrial society.”
In his 1976 follow-up book, Death of the Lucky Country, Horne clarified what he had meant when he first coined the term:
When I invented the phrase in 1964 to describe Australia, I said: ‘Australia is a lucky country run by second rate people who share its luck.’ I didn’t mean that it had a lot of material resources … I had in mind the idea of Australia as a [British] derived society whose prosperity in the great age of manufacturing came from the luck of its historical origins … In the lucky style we have never ‘earned’ our democracy. We simply went along with some British habits.
In the decades following his book’s publication, Horne became critical of the “lucky country” phrase being used as a term of endearment for Australia. He commented, “I have had to sit through the most appalling rubbish as successive generations misapplied this phrase.” (From Wikipedia).
Underscored to some degree, without the full detail, is the Australian Government’s own website which gives similar, but not all comments, but does include the ‘second rate people’ comment:
http://australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/lucky-country. This link is actually interesting – for many reasons, and a chuckle or two.
It also quotes this utter diamond of a comment:
“Professor Ian Lowe, an eminent social commentator, says in his paper The Clever Country? that Australia has two options. Either ‘we could continue our current economic strategies; this could be called the ‘steady as she sinks’ approach’, or, he says, ‘we could try seriously to become ‘the clever country’ by investing in our own future”.
Maybe Tony Abbott did read about it – on Wikipedia: “a [ British ] derived society “ … “We simply went along with some British habits“ … “second rate people “ (our illustrious Prime Minister sees many of us this way) … “luck of its historical origins“ (nope – not that one, not if taken from the real truth of its origins, unknown to us, even to this day).
Before jumping all over the writer … I am NOT anti-British, in fact I love the old country very dearly. I do not necessarily agree with Donald Horne’s thoughts, but what I most certainly am against is racism. And Abbott is full of racist innuendo. His latest gem being his worst effort – in that category. I am not going to list categories of insult and foolhardy comments he has made over the past 12 months. Way too long.
But … listening to Abbott speak his mind, and make appeals to the public is becoming like something from a Bela Lugosi movie made into a series.
I do think he’d best cast about for a better speech writer. Of course he may well write his own speeches, which might explain a lot.
I don’t particularly desire to see him make such a smash hit of his speeches that we fall for the spiel again – just employ someone whose writing won’t insult or confront most of us here, and half the rest of the world.
And maybe I’d best just cast about for the remote and switch off the TV.
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According to Abbott, if I have it right, a penal colony was set up by the British because of their over flowing jails. A ever growing criminal class that may have had its roots, in the expanding industrial revolution within that land.
Australians since, were ashamed of this fact, and up to the middle of last century were keeping any connection to convict past well and truly hidden.,
I suspect the first time Arthur Phillip was given any recognition, was when Queen Elisabeth visit for the first time. There was a rerun of the First Fleet landing.
Most of the convicts remained, with the guards and military returning home.
I have read somewhere that for the first few years, re offending was small. Due I believe to most, for the first time, finding that their labour could bring them independence. Something they would never had back in Britain.
My heavens I am a white immigrant Australian of several generations and I find this fools insults towards my Aboriginal brothers and sisters unconscionable so how the hell must they feel. Speech writer smeech writer this fool lets the words right out of his mouth and is fully responsible for the vile drivel he spews like so much odious flatulence. Talk about subconscious subliminal truths while the surface fool bleats on about justice and equality. His hypocrisy and latent cruelty shines out in his policies and apparent Freudian slips of the tongue. He is such a ignoramus that he avoids connecting his nasty subconscious drives with the his anti Christian behaviour. Half of the people in this country have no idea how easily conned they are by a totally devious hypocritical compulsive liar.
The truth is out there.
Does no one l listen.
It is amazing that this wonderful country was built on the efforts of the dregs of Britain, that were bought here in prison ships.
The refugees, especially those that come after WWW2 built on the previous efforts.
Our most defining moment is to co9me. That is when we sever ties with the British monarchy, and fly our own flag. That day is to come.
Since 1900, we have slo0wly been cutting the links to Britain.
It’s demoralising Phony Tonys speeches are demoralising to our first Australians
I feel demoralised by what this gov does and says and I’m a white woman
so I cannot even imagine how our first peoples feel, it’s very sad though and my tears are real, my heart is breaking for my once happy country, I miss it 🙁
After today’s effort and the attack on super which will mainly adversely affect women is just the last straw for me
I am demoralised and depressed, the pounding from this feral pack of men on people has to be taking a toll, it’s not good to be on alert and ready for the next fatal blow inflicted by this feral gov on society, and it’s most vulnerable.
They show no mercy and delight in screwing the little people, they really are a pack of very sick men and one woman, what drives people like this and why do they delight in acts of pure evil…I don’t understand and probably never will…
A defining moment for me will be when Tony Abbott leaves office… that will be one of the happiest days of my life. Everything that he says and does is a farce. Every action he takes is a step back. Religion over science, what an idiot. Today I can’t decide whether I am angry or depressed… mining tax repealed, uranium to the Indians…. can’t watch the news….. I wish he would just piss off!
Oh, you say it so well. You said it for me. Very rarely do I hear words that so “get” it. Thank you! Sometimes I think I’m alone in my loathing of Tony Abbott and for all those reasons. You confirmed I am not imagining it!
I agree with the comment about throwing something at the TV everytime Sir Positary comes on. Surely it’s time for someone to market foam bricks for viewers to throw at the TV whenever The Village Idiot comes on,this could release anger and not damage the T V set.Thinking about it the bricks could be market as a set, Kydney Pain and Let the poor walk Hockey would be popular. I remember when I was in Rhodesia toilet paper with Harold Wilsons face on it was a best seller
having chemo yesterday and the man next to me was asked by the nurse “have you felt nauseous and he replied only when I see tony abbot speak on tv” worse than having chemo ….all the nurses laughed …..this is how this despicable person abbot affects a great amount of people…..how come he was voted in I only wish he really knew what decent human beings think of him…he would not be so smug….
Two out of two flo spot on! the former ‘re offending’ is perhaps a moot point, in view of the state without criminals has a vicious history of murder and atrocities that were rife years before in the follow up ‘defining moments’ whenever the British spread out and possessed.
The latter tongue in cheek! Arguably, the poms have been slowly cutting ties with us. (Alien lines at airport immigration) The conservative party treatment of the rabbott may indicate he has the ability to hasten the removal of the ‘shaky’ Union Jack from our flag.
Phoney is like a bad smell. He never seems to go. Now he is playing the war card hoping it does for him what it did for Howard.
It won’t. Phoney is a pretender, a man promoted well beyond his capabilities.
Australia will pay a heavy price for Phoney!
I had an Abbott speech blog a while back. The conclusion, voters gave Abbott the Prime Ministership based on a series of one liners.
Kath Malcolm, you have been inside my head and put into words how I am feeling right now – not only with regards to Abbot’s seemingly total ignorance of both the history of the original inhabitants of this land but also the inhumane, cruel and vengeful history of the English middle class and their efforts to protect their unhindered ‘rights’ to wealth and property.
As for how I feel today, and have been heading this way for some time – I am becoming depressed about the direction into which this country is being taken. Having left England partly because I felt the working people were becoming further disenfranchised (I felt I was being disenfranchised) I now feel very strongly that we are going down the same path here. I am feeling helpless to affect any change even by voting.
I have always been a labor supporter if not member and could never be induced to vote for any other political party but the ALP are letting us all down right now. Why are they not shouting from the rooftops re their achievements whilst in government. Why sit meekly back and allow themselves to be pilloried and let all the good work be destroyed without a fight or even protest and now we have Bill Shorten ticking off the one lone voice on that side that came out with the truth about this latest interference in Iraq in order to protect American interests or have I got it wrong?
I am politically adrift for the first time in my adult life and it is a very destabilising feeling.
Hi Vicki at this point of time would’nt it be nice to have Juila back as leader of the opposition, if ever ALP needed an aggressive articulate opp leader it is now
Vicki My grandfather came here when he was 17yrs old by himself from pommy land for a better life that was in 1929 the UK was farked back then, and it ain’t got no better that’s for sure, I am even ashamed to have that bit of English in me now because of Phony Tony, I am counting on selling my house ASAP and getting my younger kids out of this stuffed up country, there is no future in this patriarch country, I am going to a matriarch country, women run the joint better that’s for sure…I am ashamed to even be an Ausssie now, some ex judge on abc last week said we are being looked at by other countries now as a a rogue state, I watch the overseas news and we are on there often now cos of Phony Tony and his murderous policies, yea we are getting attention but for all the wrong reasons,
PopsieJ agreed 100%. I have friends (male – goes without saying when you read the following) who disliked Julia Gillard because SHE DID NOT HAVE A FRINGE so that made her ‘not feminine’! I went through them like a dose of salts and told them that if that was their only complaint they had nothing to worry about. They’re still friends but I long ago stopped taking any nonsense like that from them.
Vicki, further thought, watching the LNP play war games is like kids playing with razor blades.Iraq and Ukraine are different proposition to previous Australian engagements.Isis and Ukraine have sophisticated anti aircraft plus missiles, one flash and aC17 Globemaster gone
I too feel outrage every time I see his smug face and hear umm ahh umm. I was furious yesterday after hearing about the mining tax. This is not a government for the people. How do we get them out. And why is conflict of interest not an issue. I could smash somthing right now.
Tony should at least ham-it-up a bit, and give us some comedy.
Consider Rik Mayall, as Conservative leader Alan B’stard.
Yep switch your TV sets OFF. We are being feed crap. Talk to people, every one that you meet. Check the ABC just-in site and AIMN etc thats enough.
@Kath Malcom, What country would you go to? I have also gone from being an extremely proud Aussie to being ashamed of this country. I have traveled the world many times and am so glad that I am over travel now. I would hate to face the world with my “ABBOTT is an IDIOT” t-shirt on. The T-shirt was made in China.
Don I going to build a small ark with help of my son who is In his 3 rd year doing bio medical engineering, because he wants to help humanity especially disabled people that need prosthesis etc for a better quality of life this dream is now looking smashed with this fake gov, with this ark I will find a small desert island and start my own fair, compassionate and stable matriarch community,
I was watching Asia today or whatever it’s called the other night and Aussie business/ working women are flocking there for many reasons, mainly because it’s easier than here to work and live, I am going to the hardware store today to get wood for my ark, I have been driving boats since I was 10 yrs old, navigating an ark should be easy peasy…..I got to get out of this place if it’s the last thing I ever do…
Don Everything is made in China now except for the worst PM in history Captain Cockhead, he was made in the UK, god save the queen, you watch that will be next, back to the old mother country anthem, we got dames and knights so that would be a natural progression or digression take your pick for Captain Cockhead 🙂
@ Stephentardrew. Oh yes – another category —- I forgot about the Freudian slips. And there are plenty of those. !! It seriously makes me wonder about the alleged intelligence and intellect of this ‘leader’ …. and how he managed a Rhodes scholarship, is beyond me. Then again he may well have been slightly different back then ( although I doubt it ). Something has certainly happened in the interim … I think it might be called ‘power hunger’. And Abbott is ravenous.
Hockey and Cormann very offensive. Telling us we will have more of our own money to spend. Another lie, as they well know. If depends on whether boss will pay extra .5%, which is unlikely. If the worker gets th money, it will be taxed as more than 15% it would going into super. Mr Hockey6 will get more of any unlikely rise. The worker will not like losing the rebate of $500 to low income earners is a big loss.
They have given miners a gift, most of which goes overseas.
It appears miner as a re launching an attack against Swan,. Rewriting the history books it seems.e
There is a Change.org Petition half way through this Article :
Link : http://www.sunshinecoastdaily.com.au/news/pms-office-denies-claims-tony-abbott-british-citiz/2374139/
Be nice if everyone signed it.
Writing this article was somewhat cathartic for me. It allowed me to get rid of some of the frustration I was feeling. I did NOT however, write it for that reason. I wrote it in an attempt to remind readers of the reality of our origins … some of it’s history etc., and to what exactly this rogue leader stands for.
Have noted that some commenters here have expressed depression, a feeling of futility and being demoralised. I have felt the same at times, and at one stage earlier this year, my daily rants at my poor husband which often included some nasty language … was what I had been reduced to. REDUCED. I woke up and realised WHAT I had been doing and WHY. Felt I was under the thumb … and made bullets to fire at the person closest to me, because of it. He is not even a Liberal supporter in any way, but I let him have it because of one person who repeats over and over again, his messages of tyranny – often couched in seemingly soothing terms ( between ahs and ums ).
Abbott is a true despot.
And we must not allow this despot to get the better of us. To reduce us to feeling bad, sad and down. We have handed a child a hand grenade to play with, and we must find a way to prise that out of his hands, safely. How ?
We have to LIVE well, is how. That is NOT what this madman would want, even though he may attempt to make political hay out of it. We have to remember the history we have made for ourselves, our origins – which is in fact of huge and wide multi-cultural dimensions. But the Abbott would try and turn our thinking back to Britain in whatever era… if he could. I didn’t agree with some of Donald Horne’s comments, and still don’t – but Horne was having a crack at Australia in the 1960’s … during which time we had 4 Prime Ministers – all of them, the Coalition. And I am NOT in any way anti-British, but if Abbott has a say in it – we very well could end up being that way.
Which would be just another divisive manouvre – promoted by this tyrant.
We have to be inventive … and I believe we should all get our message across to others – that this situation MUST stop. No yelling or argument is needed. A quiet sentence has far more impact than words that are screamed at others. And those quiet words have to be repeated over and over again.
We could start doing some research on how to live a little more frugally … put time into vegetable gardens, MAKE time to do it. Every little helps. He may think he has won initially, but he won’t have won at all … in fact our self-sufficiency even in the smallest of ways, could well tip him over the edge. . Think renewable energy – find some way to implement that, if possible.
We need to apply slow but relentless pressure … until we can vote him out forever. The swing is against him, and we must try to re-inforce that as much as possible.
We have a proud heritage, of our OWN making … let’s keep it that way, and not succumb to his threats, his fear-mongering and his insincere speech.
Peta and George W. Bush write them,or um,eh,um,eh,um out of a book of slogans,um.
Further to my 2 posts, todays latest, an embassy in Kiev and military support for the poor Ukraine govt. Seriously I now think he is insane but whats even worse all his fellow LNP stand by and watch him destroy this country
I feel better having realised that Abbot thinks he is a roman emperor and in true Monty Python style he shall henceforth be known as Auris Maximus aka big ears
John I signed one earlier on Facebook, I then rang the idiots office and said where is the proof he renounced his British citizenship, he hasn’t got any has he, she hung up on me, I then rang and asked what fatal blow is he going to inflict on us today, just so we are ready to roll with the punches, shock and awe is the way he works but………..she bloody hung up lol
Not being a subscriber I can’t read the full article though I would love to know what it contains.
From the gist it seems yet another Liberal invoked get Labor witch hunt that is going to badly back fire on the Liberals. I mentioned in the old blog that Abbott’s attack on Labor over these deaths will lead to nobbling him as every government program he runs in which someone is injured or killed, like potentially his Green Army, will be levied against him in law suits and compensation claims. Because of this commissions findings, which found nothing new to the eight previous ones, Abbott must now ensure there are no deaths or injuries in any government program, and severely relaxing WHS requirements as he has done for the Green Army, won’t matter to the courts.
On another tact this commission was an abomination with the commissioner launching into a scathing personal attack against Rudd in a complete disregard for the independence he was supposed to be undertaking.
The speech writers are sometimes good at their job, but increasingly the same words or phrases repeated over and over again, are tedious, it is as if the speeches are from a 1940s50s, headmaster, of a secondary modern school in London, having to impress on the brain of those who are juvenile and may not have got the message, this may be apt for the general Australian public, whom respond I understand to increasingly oppressive rules and negative impact upon the population, in terms of increased punitive punishment for various schemes such as loss of income through super, and increase taxation, and strangely his popularity seems unaffected by these measures?
I have heard some who are subjected to torturers, actually feel some degree of love for them, myself all of those who have tortured me, I have no feeling of love for them, on the contrary, I never forgive any whom have wronged me, my belief is Jesus, was immature to think forgiveness is the way, what this in fact is doing is aiding and abetting these people who are basically evil.
Don’t blame the script writer. I suspect most of Abbott gaffes are of his own making. I still can’t fathom how this man managed to achieve a Rhodes Scholarship, let alone become the leader of our nation. Cringe-worthy is the only term I can use – he is an utter embarrassment and unworthy to represent us and our nation on the world stage. I always though Dubya was bad, but he stands as a shining beacon of rational thought when compared to Abbott!
The phrase that irks me the most is the one that starts with “Let’s be absolutely clear…”. he always says that immediately before he obfuscates and fumbles his way through every statement.
As someone who spent over a decade practising the art of public speaking, I cannot believe the number of “umms”, “arrs”, “errs” and brainless noise words that infect every part of his language. It’s evident his mind works at glacial speed and can’t keep up with his flapping mouth. He is totally incapable of delivering a message in a professional manner as befitting his office.
Thanks to Abbott I no longer watch television at all. I reached a point where every time the news came on I would swear and scream at his stupidity and inanity and the very sight of his insipid face raises my blood pressure and drives me into fits of rage. For my own sanity I chose to turn the TV off completely. I now find myself swearing obscenities at the radio on the way to and from work every day.
I read somewhere that our Tony likes to write his own speeches.
Old saying “fool me once shame on you, but fool me twice shame on me”
I never forgive arseholes I just forget about them 🙂
Yea I am saving on my electricity bill, the TV is now toxic because of Phony Tony and his henchmen,
Many over look this
I turned my TV off as soon as it was erected..I cannot bare listening or looking at it…I cannot believe it is PM..I cannot fathom why people voted for it…It proves our media machine is totally controlling the minds of the most vulnerable, racist, misogynistic loons in the country. My only consolation is these loons who voted for it will be hit hardest in the back pocket…umm aar eerr well it’s like this..turn off the idiot box and grow a humane brain! I’m so ashamed of my country. 🙁
@PopsieJ …. I believe what commenters say here … but when I read your post I thought my eyes had truly deceived me. Embassy in Kiev, and military ( non-lethal says the little grub ) … assistance in the Ukraine.
He sure is going after Putin, isn’t he ? And he sure is making himself known in his fetish for war or at least confrontation. He thrives on it.
So – this is todays’ offering. Which ensures he again appears on TV tonight.
@ Mobius … I have read the article and your comments are spot on. The Commission has launched a scathing attack on Abbott’s “staff” … which was more of a ‘ shellacking’ than that handed out to Peter Garratt . Furthermore, the article reports on the culpability of the previous Coalition Government ( to do with it’s housing industry growth and insulation required ).
Wonder how he will get out of THIS one.
There are 4 distinct ‘smouldering issues’ from the Commissioner ( Ian Hanger ) …. for this Government to contemplate. hmmmm.
@ John …. I have signed the change.org petition. They do pretty well with their petitions and have had many subjects successfully investigated and / or concluded.
@ donwreford …. there IS such a phenomenon – called the “Stockholm” Syndrome, where people kidnapped or treated brutally in some way, in fact ‘fall in love with – or love’ their captors. Patty Hearst is a very famous example of exactly this.
It’s a repulsive thought ….. but it does happen. ……
For your comment ” negative impact upon the population ” – – – that’s exactly what tyrants aim for … a weakening of resolve of the people, through draconian measures introduced.
@ Anomander …. “Let’s be absolutely clear ” … I too loathe the way he introduces his main subject thrusts in this way.
It’s the kind of expression used by someone laying down the law to others. It’s an introduction warning – that whatever comes next must be taken notice of ,,, or else.
At worst, It’s a dictatorial statement if we think about it – – – – – from a dictator.
Anne: Putin would be killing himself laughing at the big scary Australian PM withe the um, er, you know stuttery thingy.
Australia waves a big stick: well actually a minuscule tooth pick, with a blunt point and very short handle.
Obama must be wondering what the hell this moron is on about or maybe Abbott is trying to undermine Obama’s diplomacy by crawling to his Tea Party Mates just so he can have a super duper fun war.
I can imagine Tony Baloney and John McCain embraced in a war monger love fest.
He is just a failed priest, unfortunately he is the only person that has not excepted that he is a failure.
I sincerly thank every one who has posted here it restores my hope that there is hope for Australia, I have never used the f word on any of my postings but here goes’ Abbot is an inarticulate, brain dead, warmongering,racist,ignorant,selfopinionated Murdock owned, halfwit.
I am sure that Obama, along with others, are willing to use this idiot.
I suspect there will be no crisis in the Ukraine when he gets off that plane.
As for the ISIS, I am sure they are loving the emotional reaction from Abbott and his talk of evil, is what they were aiming for.
There is still one policy that has not seen the light of day. That of childcare.
Whoa everybody. Breaking news ? Most likley all have seen it – in it’s various forms. Channel 9 reported it as more or less a done deal and the ABC said it was a ‘possible’ deal —- they were cautious in their reporting.
Remains to be seen of course, if it comes to pass, peacefully and absolutely.
I rather think the Abbott will be having some form of conniption at this information. Committing more $$$ to establishing a ‘temporary’ embassy in Kiev, and being keen to commit ‘ (non-lethal) military support’ to the Ukraine’.
But …. it puts a spanner in the works for Abbott – who is happily meddling in international affairs – AGAIN. Like anybody NEEDS his intervention. ?
Wot a twit he is. I think he should have another go at becoming a priest or minister or something along those lines. Cos he sure ain’t fit to lead a country, in any way, shape or form.
The site has been down. I think it’s time we looked for a new server. I’m very disappointed in the Australian company we use.
It’s back up again Michael, as you know. The only trouble I had on this one, was from the link posted on Facebook under “Tony Abbott and the Coalition – Exposed”. Could have been the link there. Although looking at another article, an error occurred on that too … but not for long.
Finding a new server is a pain in the backside. So much garbage often happens on the Net … have had enough torn out hair to underscore that often encountered situation, especially when updating my website – which I have neglected sorely recently !!! 🙂
@ stephentardrew … How right you are. The major leaders of the world might well be feeling highly embarrassed on our behalf, at our current PM’s behaviour, ignorance and utter ineptitude.
There is no way the Abbott could come close to undermining Obama’s diplomacy. Abbott would have to first have an inkling of what diplomacy ‘really means’. Obama would wipe the floor with him ( if he hasn’t done so already !!! ).
Nearly failed Rhodes Scholar. Failed priest. Failed Journalist. Not sure why he left the concrete manages job.
Hewson did not have much faith in him, as political staffer. Failed health and other ministries..
Only proven talent is head kicker, and hounding opponents to prison.
Good at setting up slush funds and dirt files.
Loves role playing, but not good enough to join the acting profession.
Does not apply oneself., Poor at reading and staying focus. Suspect has no comprehension skills.
Relies on two, three word slogans and motherhood statements.
Why would one except him to succeed as PM.
Poppsie, I will give you a few other F words you can use on here to describe the idiot
Fool, fake, failure, freak,flakey…… But yes f-wit is so describes the idiot Abbott 🙂
I never used to swear much until Phoney became PM, now I make up swear words that have never been heard before, cos I got 2 kids still at home so they have no idea what I am saying but I have got to say something, or I just scream into a pillow, regularly throw light weight things at TV when the idiots are on pumping the deadly propaganda,
It’s liberating so swear as much as you want Poppsie it’s cathartic as well 🙂
Be assured I won’t lie down and die, I ring one of the idiots on a daily basis now, smoking joe my fav cos he such a cigar chomping foghorn leghorn and can’t count, and is just another failure in the biggest failure of a gov we have ever seen….
“Offensive’ is a relative term. Nothing, even Abbott, is intrinsically ‘offensive’. Abbott offends me and he seems to offend lots of other people.
I think it’s better for us all to focus on exactly what it is that Abbott is doing that offends us rather than to to say, lazily, that he is merely ‘offensive’. It’s a kinda logical point that I’m trying to make here. Same goes for saying that he is ‘disgusting’, etc.
What is it that he is doing that offends or disgusts us? Plenty I would suggest. Let’s be a bit specific rather than to merely fall back on ‘easy/lazy/unthinking’ terminology’.
we, the voters, should find the addresses of those elected members of parliament , and stand outside their houses…quietly , for about an half hour each , just to remind them that we put them where they are and they better NOT forget it .
Rob13: People post facts and rational comment as well as venting their pain, frustration and hurt. There is nothing wrong with emotional reactions if they are based upon observable facts. We do not need to continually prattle on about facts because we also share our anger at the harm being done to other human beings. Humor and satire are legitimate forms of protest so lets be tolerant of peoples need to vent their frustrations. We progressives are a broad school of diverse attitudes and opinions bound together by a sense of justice equity and distributive ethics.
There are many technical, psychosocial, empirical and psychosocial considerations that tend towards complex narratives and polemics however the problem is to build upon shared insights in simple an direct language without the weight of too much complexity. That is the job of academics. If I would outline my meta-theoretical model of foundational principles it would take many pages of scientific, philosophical and empirical facts to support the underlying evolutionary theory of justice, equity and utility as well as metaphysical questions rising out of science physics, cosmology and perforce philosophy.
The one thing we can all share is a sense of communitarian consideration for those who do not choose lives of hardship and poverty. With loving kindness we can point our society in the direction of tolerance and love. In fact it is important to embrace goodness, kindness and love before attacking the dilemmas at hand rationally. We need to hone our emotional feelings so that our facts make sense from within a framework of shared compassion and empathy.
So lets all share out thoughts, good and bad, and discuss both emotional distress and the observable facts. I learn heaps for posters and bloggers on this site and am truly thankful for the opportunity to share feelings and ideas.
I don’t know why anyone finds Abbott watching addictive. I’d rather poke myself in the eye with a fork than listen to him. It’s just too much effort to try to process anything he says – and the same goes for several members of this government. His voice rates up there with the sound of fingernails dragging down a blackboard. The content is usually either nonsensical, blatant lies, ignorant, insensitive or insulting and then there’s the continual ums and ahs to prolong the agony. If Oxford University isn’t embarrassed by this example of their Rhodes scholarship program they damned well should be.
Abbott may be stupid, inarticulate, amoral and offensive… but you cannot help but be awestruck at the seamless transformation of this opportunist empty vessel.
In just a few weeks he has gone from being the dishonest, uncaring oppressor of the lower classes to being our valiant, daring, khaki-clad commander-in-chief. In a puff of cordite smoke, according to the mainstream media, Abbott is now the square-jawed protector of this wide brown land… and Western civilisation in general. A wartime leader and statesman.
Sometimes I could cry!!
The relationship between Commander Cockhead and the mainstream media is a case of
“The blind leading the blind”
@Rob031 …. sure the word “offensive” is a relative term. But I used it in a TITLE …. every article or book has a title.
And a word used in a title is not just ‘easy / lazy / unthinking’ … terminology. I am looking at a book right now called “Plain Truth” by Judi Picoult. That’s just a title … the book has not much to do about ‘plain truth’ in the exact meaning of those two words. It is simply – a title to a book. ( in fact the book is about an unmarried Amish girl who gives birth to a baby, she is accused of murder … and about the clash of cultures that ensues – both psychologically and in a courtroom drama ).
Would appreciate it if you could see the heading of this article – exactly as it is – a ‘title’ – nothing more, nothing less.
As a citizen of this country, Australia, whose constitution boasts that “the People are Sovereign”. I demand that I have my say in our sovereign decision to go to war. To ensure that all those our dead in past wars are honoured by, ‘we the people’, guaranteeing their decedents are not thrown into the cauldron of war, as they were without due consideration by the voting population.
At this moment custom and practice has developed to where Prime minister Abbott has powers greater than United States President Barak Obama.
Prior to the exercising executive authority, Prime Minister Abbott may elect to have parliament (that is the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Queen combined) debate the issue or arrange for a popular vote.
Alternatively, he need not consult parliament or the people prior to exercising this authority and in that case the full Cabinet or the National Security Committee of Cabinet may ultimately make the decision under his direction.
This is not Saddam Hussein’s Iraq or president Assad’s Syria, we demand better.
We elect people to govern on our behalf in normal times. In dangerous times such as the lead up to the East Timor confrontation. You will remember the public pressured the Howard Government to act on our behalf.
This is such a time and the people now seek to express their opinion. Starting with me john Ward.
Who will join me?
John Ward
I’ll join you John Ward and I agree.
It’s so bloody easy to manufacture consent these days. Don’t you remember the hysteria over Saddam and the WMD? Better safe than sorry. Besides, with an all-volunteer military and vastly superior weapons and communications, the mortal danger to our troops is minimal… at least compare to 20th Century wars. So why wouldn’t a distracted, frightened and misinformed electorate opt for military action… just in case?
Sorry, but have little or no faith in an ignorant population making an informed decision on the merits of going to war.
Ya know – – – Mars08 … I think that the population is so bloody busy these days, keeping up with the Joneses, doing 2 days work in a day, dipping their fingers in more projects than their hands can cope with … that it has become easier to just say ” ah to hell with it – let ’em do what they want”. I do NOT think it’s manufactured. I believe it is a result of the pace of life today, and the resultant lack of ability to actually sit back and consider what consequences really might be. There doesn’t seem to be any time any more, to ‘sit back’. And the current Government will make full use of that opportunity … to exploit.
Don’t quite agree with ‘vastly superior weapons’ comment as it might apply to us … but the communicatons is probably right. We have ordered JSF’s – the Lockheed Martin F-35, – 58 of the bloody things, which currently sit awaiting the ok from the U.S. that they are in perfect working order, and ready to go.
And just when might THAT happen ???
I may be seen to be somewhat paranoid at this point, but I have to question whether the U.S. would actually allow the alleged ‘best weapon in the skies’ to go to ANYONE else, [ other than be kept for themselves ? ] …. no matter whether to ally or foe ( and they have sold to both in the past ). May have been a blunder on the part of the manufacturer of these planes, that has countries scrambling for them on more or less a form of open market, but superior power in the skies, would seem to me to be paramaount to the U.S. to hold on to . — in the scheme of things.
If we are an ‘ignorant population’ then it’s because we have not been privy to what we SHOULD have been allowed to assess for ourselves. This Government wishes only to keep our population in the dark, and under collectively heavy, psychological constraints. That ultimately tells on the mindset of the population – sometimes much sooner than might normally be expected.
Obviously there is much military strategy that cannot be given out … for obvious reasons, including specifically ( now-a-days ) security.
But to treat the Australian people like dolts, with lack of real information on so MANY issues, including some clues as to our involvement in potential conflict ( as this Government does ), is vile. Abbott and his mates, rely on spin and vague at best, rhetoric, in an endeavour to hoodwink the Australian public.
Perhaps we should ‘profile’ this lot !!! Discover how they do it, why they do it, and why they have been successful with lies and deceit – all the way through from mid 2013.
Know thine enemy – comes to mind.
I have just watched our Illustrious leader giving new conferences in India and Malaysia our new Best friends yeh know. Both of these second Language speakers of the English language sounded far more Articulate than arrh and umm man , He really is a total knob, he is good for a laugh always, he is so bad he would have been Gonged on “Red Faces” , He was commenting about ISIS and called it ISES such a worldly grip is to be admired , This time 2 years ago Malaysia could not be trusted to treat Boat people Humanely Are’nt we now in the same Club ?