The question on Facebook was; “Do you know anyone with COVID-19?” And further reading gave every indication that the person behind the question was a conspiracy theorist.
I didn’t join in the conversation because, in my view, the initial response to any question should be good and thoughtful, and my mood wasn’t anywhere near considerate.
In any case there might be some theorists reading this and I couldn’t give a toss for any negative exchanges at the moment. I just want to tell you how I felt.
Why these people support theories (feelings) before facts is a process that I find unfathomable and it is very difficult to contend with those of inflexible opinion.
As I said, my mind at the time of reading this question was nowhere near calm and docile. It was more annoyance and frustration.
It’s rather like the death of a family member who has been ill for some time.
Even when the announcement of their death is made the suddenness envelops you and it still comes as a shock. So it was when l found out that my son had tested positive to the COVID-19 virus.
He immediately self-isolated. Having no idea where he might have picked it up his first thoughts were for his partner daughter and son who had visited a few days earlier. He was working from home and had, as he says, practices impeccable habits of hygiene.
We now had a wait over the weekend to find out if his partner and their talented and beautiful 10-year-old daughter were also infected.
The waiting itself is like a custodial, totality, excruciating sentence. Hour after hour ticks by as your thoughts imagine the worst. The tyranny of distance and a parental need to action is unbearable, overwhelming in its desire to help.
I hold hands with my wife as she too thinks the worst and I worry with unrelenting nervousness.
“Fuck you,” I think to myself, “you idiots of conspiracy theory.”
My son, at the time, is in hospital on oxygen.
I ring my own doctor and he has volumes of information. I tell him I have had the sniffles for a couple of days and he tells me to get tested. I do, and I’m negative. Results are taking too long though.
Then they came in for my grandchild and her mother. They are both positive and as parents and grandparents, we are isolated both in mind and body.
My son has returned home having escaped the pneumonia that besets he and I from time to time. It could have been fatal. I feel guilty for my powerlessness and my numerous worst thoughts of; “What if?”
A few more days pass and my son sends me a note containing words that make me think. They are short but long in thought. We are hopeful in time for a full recovery.
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My thoughts for the day
The knowledge that the one and only life we are living is but short should make it all the more precious.
Presenting facts to people who have reasoned by virtue of their feelings that they are right is totally fucked.
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Chuck in a few bucks and see just how far it goes!
All my best wishes are with you and your son and his family for a full recovery. This ghastly disease takes anyone it can, unfortunately not enough of the scum of society.
Those ignorant dangerous fools should be locked up for being a menace to the community. I swear if I meet one I shall not be responsible for my actions.
I hope all your family come through without any complications, John.
Same for everyone out there battling this virus.
Best wishes for you & your family in this difficult time.
. . . Unfortunately not enough of the scum of society. Yep, in complete agreement, Keitha, a culling of the wicked would suit me, even if I am one of them. The planet and decent humans have suffered enough at the hands of the ideologically driven, the braindead, the rotten fookers.
Good fortune to your family, John, a horrible situation particularly when distance compounds the pain of seeing family suffer. Hope all is well.
There are two epidemics we are fighting at the moment, the corona virus is one and the second epidemic is resolute, blind, ignorance. Each of these epidemics in their own distinctive ways are both resilient and adaptive, and require of us, deploying the best available knowledge to combat and to undermine them.
John, thank you for this article which deserves a wide reading.
I wish you and your family the best of health outcomes in the immediate future.
I know your fury against these theorists John; they are the scums of the earth. They seem to suggest Covid19 does not exist. But I happen to know someone who has contacted the disease although admittedly not quite the same unimaginable intensity as what hit you & your wife. My wife’s 89 year-old uncle survived the virus but not without all the ghastly untold pains he had to endure not to mention the astronomical expenses (yes he’s overseas) his family had to meet. So to all you theorists Covid19 is for real. When it hits you I’m not even hoping you will regret not believing as you cling to dear life you seem to be so careless about. To you John best of luck to you & your wife & to the rest of your family. You all deserve the best! Take care.🙏
Oh John, I cannot imagine how you must be feeling. When we most want to hug each other, we must stay apart.
“Ignorance is not the absence of knowledge; it’s the refusal to acquire it.”
(…. or words to the effect, heard on the ABC a couple of days ago)
That’s a hell of a lot to go through, John. Those bloody conspiracy theorists need a good dose of reality.
Carol and I are thinking of you.
Masks are about to become compulsory in Victoria.
A good move, and I’m glad we’ve got some.
Take care, lord and good luck for your son, his family and contacts.
As for the idiots objecting to safety measures:
I got a post with a list of a dozen little things like wearing glasses and seat belts and no phones whilst driving plus stop signs, speed limits dozens of edicts but wear a mask to save lives &&^#&& off this is an invasion of my civil liberties. what a crock of poop
An ex student from the barkly area sent this?
Just to let you know these phone calls are going round.
‘Good morning, According to our system, you are likely to have been in close proximity to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. This means that you now need to self-isolate for 7 days and take a COVID-19 test.’
‘OK. Can you tell me who that person was?’
‘I’m not able to tell you that. That is confidential information.’
‘Right. Um… so ….’
‘But you do need to be tested within the next 72 hours. So can I just get the best mailing address so that we can send a kit to you?’
‘Ok (gives address)’
‘Thank you – and I just need to take a payment card so that we can finalize this and send the kit to you.’
‘Sorry – a payment card? I thought this was all free?’
‘No – I’m afraid not. There is a one-off fee of $50 for the kit and test results. Could you read off the long card number for me, please, when you’re ready.’
‘No – that’s not right.
‘I’m afraid it is. Can you give me the card number please – this is very important, and there are penalties for not complying.’
Puts the phone down.
This is how scammers work. And vulnerable people will fall for it.”
Don’t fall for it…! COPY and PASTE
watch out.
Very sorry to hear about your situation Mr Lord. Hoping you and your son and the rest of the family make it through. If only there was some way to make those idiots out there, who don’t care about themselves and carry on like they are not vulnerable, pay for the damage and subsequent sorrow they are responsible for. Selfish bastards, just like Bolsonaro and that fuckwit Trump.
Mr Lord. My heartfelt sympathy for you and all of your family. May your recoveries be swift and 100% complete.
On the other hand, to ALL of those who doubt the science, or believe they know better, have some other wild and irrational theory about what is happening, or just don’t give a crap about anyone else or about the rules that have been put in place to protect US ALL, may you become infected, infect and lose some of your loved ones, but you live long and suffering lives due to this terrible affliction. You will have brought all of this upon yourselves, you deserve everything that you get, and more.
Many years ago at high school, my form 5 biology teacher Mr Karatzija was explaining evolution and hereditary traits etc.
One of his most memorable quotes, and there are many, is “There is no explanation or cure for STUPID”.
He was wrong. It’s called a stick.
Thank you all for your concern. As worrying as it is for us there are many in the same or similar situations. Regards JL.
John. Well I guess eventually the odds would tell you that you knew someone who had acquired the virus. So sorry it was your son, his wife and daughter.
I totally agree with all your post .
I just wish Trump would get it. We truly need something like that to happy for it to get through to him and his moronic followers.
Best wishes for his full recovery.
Best wishes for you and your family, John, and hopefully for a full recovery.