The AIM Network

Why is our government holding us back?

Cartoon by Alan Moir (

So far as I can see, most of those who claim to be ‘Christian’ are actually adhering to a cult.

I grew up in a Christian (Presbyterian) household, I studied the Old and New Testaments at a C of E school, (as well as Comparative Religion) and am now sufficiently uncertain as to the existence of a loving God as to regard myself as an agnostic.

I am, however, totally certain that no one can truly regard themselves as being Christian unless they clearly follow the teachings of Christ. Selflessness and honesty are two virtues which I fail to detect in many, like our PM, who falsely and misguidedly claim to be guided by a Christian God.

The whole world is finally waking up to the fact that Earth is under threat from climate change – but not yet sufficiently awake to realise how massively – and hastily – we need to act if our descendants – ie the grandchildren of the latest generation of parents – are  to be able to enjoy a life which is not being destroyed by fires, floods and famine.

Selfishness seems destined to destroy mankind, and it is certainly accelerating species loss and biodiversity.

Many of us have already installed solar power, and will – when we can afford to – purchase a battery. But these are luxuries for most of the world’s populations. And it is totally wrong – morally and really – for the wealthy to be able to survive in comfort, while the poor are pushed aside and ignored. It is absolutely NOT Christian behaviour!

I am denied access to an electric car because of a government which refuses to accept the desperate need to reduce emissions.

Australia is both one of the wealthiest and – in too many ways – one of the most backward countries in the world.

We have manufacturing facilities which could be revived to build EVs and the knowledge to ensure that re-charging is readily available.

We also have a Coalition government which appears to lack any ability to plan for a viable future.

Today, schoolchildren are demanding that governments take action as a matter of urgency, as their whole future is at stake.

In the very near future the existing government will draw on the selfish instincts of the electorate to seek a further term in office.

I am deeply unenamoured with the alternative government, but would still rather vote them in, than risk seeing the future for my grandchildren and their children destroyed by the selfishness of those currently at the helm.

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