The AIM Network

When will humanity, compassion, honesty and basic decency regain their places in our lives?

Dear Scott Morrison

You took no policies to the 2019 election, and none have been revealed since.

Yet the present situation in Australia is looking pretty grim – particularly for the current residents of NSW.

For a land of drought and floods, we are surely catching up at present on the floods.

And they, in turn, are showing how easy it is to quite literally move house!

You are keen on knowing the costs of any action before committing to embark on a venture.

So how much will the current floods cost – both directly, in terms of putting things to rights and in terms of increased insurance premiums?

Incidentally, how much will the repairs and renovations after the 2019/2020 bush fires cost the Coalition government – assuming, that is that the promises made are still to be followed through?

We have been told, over and over again, that it is an increasingly urgent matter that we cease to use fossil fuels – along with all the connected changes required, including electric transport.

Yet it seems that the Coalition is still clinging on to the hope of moving from coal to gas.

Last time I did any research, they were both classified as fossil fuels.

To give credit where credit is due, you are an ace when it comes to obfuscation and distraction.

You seldom answer any questions which require real knowledge, you keep in place, or briefly sequester, Ministers who have committed exceptionally awful sins, you protect people who do not need – more correctly, do not deserve – protection, and you are doing little to help any citizens other than those who actually are only too good at looking after their own interests.

You are very good at scathing backhand comments which are designed to put people at a disadvantage, but when it comes to a vision for the future, it is all a smokescreen.

You clearly scorn women to an extent that raises questions about who wears the trousers in your own household. Your attitude to the Women’s March showed you up as a total coward.

You are actually a scam and a fraud and buy power from those who have benefitted from every rort they have been able to get away with.

And you are a scammer par excellence – which is not a compliment.

Australia used to have a good reputation, particularly when it comes to corruption.

No more is that true.

Since the Coalition won government in 2013, everything remaining that was good and worthwhile in this country has been trashed by the idiots who are theoretically in charge of running the country.

All they are actually achieving is running us and our standards down to the level of the convicts and their keepers who first invaded this land.

I am no Labor supporter, either, but I do want a government which shows a capacity to understand and cater for people’s needs. And, most importantly, recognises that equality of opportunity is a universal right!

Instead we have a national government which has dragged a country, which once had enormous potential, into a ramshackle mess.

To have as leader of our country someone who cannot develop policy, who fails to punish genuine crime, tries to silence the press, denies transparency, treats refugees more poorly than it does criminals, carries out Court actions in secret, and generally behaves as though the country is a criminal colony, is the last thing wanted by a majority of its citizens.

Clearly, putting profit before people totally ignores the fact most people are not fools. There is a limit to the extent to which working people can be held in thrall by stagnant wage levels, while those who worship money are building their bank balances, to ridiculous levels.

I just revisited an article which I published a few days ago. A comment by Canguro struck chords in my psyche and really brought home a deep awareness of how we invaders have totally failed our job as caretakers of the country.

Unless we immediately change track, we will not have a world to support us. And until we start showing an ability to care for others, we will not deserve to be supported!

In my worst moments, I can only hope that climate change will accelerate and wipe us all off the face of the Earth.

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