The AIM Network

We must work, save, invest … work, save, invest …

Well that was interesting. Scott Morrison has unveiled his new three word slogan.


I can hear the 457 visa workers chanting it as they march off to the mines.

Scott has promised that all tax reform will have that goal in mind. Which suggests that those who cannot, work, save or invest will bear the brunt of any reform. A GST increase, for example, would hit them the hardest so that will get them off their elderly, disabled arses to go and get that multitude of jobs that will flow from rewarding those with the most.

Scott has smilingly promised that he will bring the Australian people along in understanding they must work, save and invest. He will explain why we need tax reform. But when asked anything specific, smiling Scott refused to be drawn by those pesky journalists.

Work, save, invest I tell you.

I won’t be answering your questions about those things that Labor wants to play scare tactics about.

He couldn’t even bring himself to say superannuation, capital gains and negative gearing. He will not be commenting on procedural matters.

Work, save, invest.

Having a Treasurer who flatly refuses to discuss specific measures is going to make for interesting times. I foolishly thought when he called a press conference he may have something to announce but I should have learned from his weekly Stop The Boats non-briefings that Scott revels in telling journalists that he won’t be saying anything which is exactly what he did today.

He and Matthias assured us they were very good friends.

Scott said we “don’t have a revenue problem we have a spending problem”. They will be further reducing government spending in pursuit of a small government ideal.

Telling us how famous he is for his unwavering focus on achieving a slogan, Scott left us with his parting advice to



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