We could all do what Labor asks

(AAP Image/David Crosling)

If you don’t vote Labor or advocate for change in Labor, then don’t bother reading any further. A large number of our readers have indicated they are for one or the other, so it’s worth publishing this for them.

From Labor came this email today:

“I’m writing to you from Canberra where – if the next two days in the parliament play out as we suspect – we are about to have confirmed that Australia is headed to a double dissolution election on July 2.

If that’s the case, then over the next ten weeks, we need to get Labor’s message to voters about our plans to put people first – things like our commitment to fund our schools so that every child in every school gets the education they deserve. And the fact we will fight tooth and nail against Mr Turnbull’s plan to privatise Medicare.

But if we want to make sure people understand what’s at stake this election, we need to tell real stories from everyday Australians about why these issues matter. That’s where we need your help.

We want to know what the most important issue will be for you this election and why. Can you tell us what issue matters to you and why you’ll be supporting Labor in just a few sentences?

During an election, it’s easy for politicians and journalists to get caught up on ‘gotcha’ moments and endless debate about the nitty gritty. Sometimes we miss what really matters – the real stories about how policies affect real people.

If you tell us your story in just a few words, you could help us show voters all around the country that electing a Labor government is the best way forward for a fairer and more prosperous Australia.”

I’ve been one of the first (among many) of being critical of a few of Labor’s policies – or lack thereof. They are now asking for our input so instead of complaining I’m instead going to click on the link provided and tell them what I will be advocating for and voting for. Perhaps if we could all do this – and get as many people to do so – we might actually have a powerful voice. I hope they will listen. I’m counting on them to.


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About Michael Taylor 227 Articles
Michael recently retired from the Public Service and is studying law in his retirement. His interests are politics, media, history, and astronomy. Michael holds a BA in Aboriginal Affairs Administration, a BA (Honours) in Aboriginal Studies, and a Diploma of Government. Michael rarely writes articles for The AIMN these days, but is heavily involved with the admin team.


  1. already have done, and many of the things they have been talking about already are on my list. Education, health, climate change – not much is more important than those.

  2. Be seen explaining your objections to these frauds. Use as many methods of highlighting their trickery and countering their slogans from the window of your offices to the morning shows and every blog in between.
    For each troll answer with an incontrovertible point and troll their website with questions.
    Remember no liberal government can be elected without the votes of workers and their women. Therefore a major aim must be to allay their fears. Especially on the economy. Certainly. a daunting and difficult task because a slogan needs no understanding but a rebuttal does and 60% of Aust workers are below average.
    The prize is winnable but take care to KISS wherever possible and give us the words to answer the learned slogans?????

  3. ALP are well aware of my concerns and my positive reaction to many of the policies released so far. I make good use of their web site comments facility regularly

  4. 9 years ago and 6 years ago Australia seemed to be being guided in the right direction
    In a few, or perhaps some months time Australians have to vote again to decide which people will make up our Government.
    At this exact point in time there is no definite reason to vote FOR labor.
    Over the last 3 years, Australians have had any number of reasons to NOT VOTE LIB / NAT.
    Education equality
    Welfare spending
    Foreign Ownership
    Foreign workers
    The TPP
    National Transport requirements
    Etc etc etc

    Pick one.
    Its not that hard

  5. I too have been emailing Labor nearly every week about issues that I think should be addressed. I am not so sure that they are actually listening. We will have to see what they put up as election commitments. I personally think our whole system is broken and has been hijacked by large corporations. Our monitory system is set up so that it privileges the top 1% or so at our expense. I personally like Bill Mitchell’s Modern Monetary Theory: http://www.billmitchell.org/

    I also am a big fan of Jeremy Corbyn’s and Bernie Sander’s policies.

  6. We want truth, transparency, a fair go for all and that means that rich end of town pay their fair share of tax, our food bowls and drinking water are not mined, we want our rights that have been taken away restored, and we want to halt the sell off of our lands and ports.

  7. Educarion is our most vital investment! Climate change and most urgent is the fat cats paying their share of tax to relieve the burden from the real workers in Oz. must vote LNP out ASAP CG

  8. Medicare. My husband, aged 42, not a sick day in his life died in 1997 of Leukaemia. We did not have private health insurance. He was quickly admitted to hospital, had an oncologist and a registrar and a team of nurses who worked tremendously hard to keep him alive. Being so desperately ill he needed and received a private room and was given the best treatment and care then available. He passed away 9 weeks later. I am forever grateful for the excellent public health system we had then. What would happen now? And if the LNP kill Medicare what will the future be for desperately sick people with no private health insurance? Please save Medicare.

  9. My contribution;
    “I strongly desire the formation of a national body to investigate and prevent corruption in and around federal politics.
    Nothing prevents or distorts the formation and implementation of sound and honesat public policy quite like a climate of opacity and non-accountability for potentially perverting influences (eg donors and ‘sponsored’ lobbyists).
    A ‘Shorten Labor’ who supported such a body, namely a ‘Federal Integrity Commission’ (aka ICAC), by both clear public statements of support and enshrinement in official party policy, would be a ‘Shorten Labor’ I could much more actively endorse.”

    On the local front, Labor has a new candidate for my local electorate, a Mr ‘staunch emergency sparky’, who replaces Mr ‘beefy hospitality union-rep’ (who liked my hard-hat but disliked my ‘ICAC’ sign).
    I do not know much about him yet, but have the opportunity to meet both he and Jenny McAllister (NSW senator and national president of the ALP) in a few weeks time. I hope for a brief but meaningful conversation.

  10. Nice for voters to be asked what they want/need instead of being told what the adults think is best because it is in the best interest of a (rich) minority.

  11. Both major parties spend too much time telling us what their opponents think and will do and a gullible public
    lap it up – or not, as the case may be. Time for a fact checker in Parliament!

  12. I want the gulags closed and their tormented occupants swiftly processed onshore
    Tax reform
    Federal ICAC
    RC into banks
    Tax evaders hunted down & made to pay

  13. I could ask no more than Jane Rayner

    I want the gulags closed and their tormented occupants swiftly processed onshore
    Tax reform
    Federal ICAC
    RC into banks
    Tax evaders hunted down & made to pay

  14. Thanks Michael. I replied too. Here is what I sent:

    Since Labor sided with the LNP to target refugees with racism I’ve switched to voting Greens, but would be delighted to be a Labor voter again if you returned to being Australia’s progressive, social justice party.

    The most important elements in this election are:

    – corruption and lack of transparency. We need an inquiry into the criminal behaviour of Banks and also their influence and the influence of other wealthy corporations over our politics. Such distortion is toxic and has the very real risk of killing our democracy off.

    – preservation and extension of free Medicare for all, along with improvements to hospitals. As climate change alters the spread of disease we will need to eliminate the potential for devastating new epidemics.

    – renewable energy is already cheaper than polluting alternatives. It only remains now for government to level the playing field by withdrawing subsidies for fossil fuels and strategically boost renewable technologies. Australia was once a world leader in renewable energy research, but we threw that away. We might still regain a place at the forefront, while protecting the climate and preserving our environment.

    – the CSIRO must be restored to its previous place of high international standing. Funding must be restored and increased beyond former levels. We may yet be able to attract back some of our scientists so tragically lost by the anti-science nitwits in the LNP. Other scientific bodies must also have funding restored, such as independent climate research, and research into the river systems.

    – public education should be improved and re-extended to tertiary education. Now is not the time to be making Australia a country of uneducated people. Also, private education, if wealthy parents should choose that path, should be entirely funded by them, not by the poor. The Gonski recommendations should be fully implemented

    – the immoral concentration camps for refugees must be closed and they should be settled in Australia. New refugees should be processed in a timely fashion in Australia under humane conditions. We have had enough of politicians making Australians into horrible monsters

    – NDIS is important for fairness and for the sake of better utilising our resources. Imagine if Professor Stephen Hawking has been unable to ever be heard. There are countless other brilliant minds unable to be utilised for Australia’s benefit.

    – Pensions should be fair. People who have worked all their lives for the benefit of Australia should not be simply discarded.

    – Tax reform. The poor pay tax; so should the rich. There are far too many ways for the rich to weasel out of paying their fair share of tax. If they paid their share all the above reforms, and more, would be easy to implement.

    – tear up the TPP. This was never an agreement that would benefit Australia. It was always a means to unfairly exploit Australia… and the devil take the people who live here.

    Again, I plead with you. Become, once again, a party for social good and justice. You would easily win and hold power in Australia if you actually stood for the people who want to elect you. I would love to vote Labor again, but until Labor develop a social conscience, the Greens are Australia’s only socially responsible, progressive party that actually stands for the workers, and accordingly have my vote.

    There are a number of things I forgot to include, most particularly marriage equality (doh!), but oh well…

    Thanks for posting the link, Michael, and giving us all the opportunity to make our voices heard.

  15. Hey always done, Had to rootg laughing at Murdochs ch 9 interview with Bill, a very bare room of 4 brick walls and a fan (moving but stationary) very easy to cut edit so they cherry pick even edit Bills interview this is pure bullshit and where is ch7 leanings ? .A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”

  16. I attended the inaugural meeting that established the NDIS. I managed services for people with disability for many years and was very impressed with Bill’s quick grasp of the barriers they face and his creation of the NDIS. I think that he’s a hard worker and I am sick of the ABC’s childish zingers

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