We can do so much better than this

This government seems to think I should feel grateful for their stewardship.

Yeah… nah.

Ten reasons why we MUST have a change of government:

  1. We have Ministers wandering around wearing coal miners’ outfits and a government who thinks the greatest threat to the Reef is plastic and the best way forward is an economic recovery based on fossil fuels.
  2. Secrecy has become the norm and people who tell the truth are prosecuted.
  3. Bettina Arndt was awarded an Order of Australia for “significant service to the community as a social commentator and to gender equity through advocacy for men”. Two of her supporters, Amanda Stoker and Lorraine Finlay, have been elevated to high position, one as an unelected Senator and anti-abortion Assistant Minister for Women, and the other as an IPA-chosen appointed-without-advertising-or-interview Human Rights Commissioner.
  4. There is a mentality that people should be grateful to businesses for providing them with a job. Unions have been systematically demonised and undermined as the worker’s representative. Company profits have soared whilst wages have flatlined and work entitlements and job security have gone backwards.
  5. Social security is seen as a burden rather than an investment in the education, health and well-being of the populace.
  6. Public education has been sacrificed to fund wealthy private and faith-based schools. And before anyone brings up those poor struggling Catholic schools, the church’s wealth in Australia was estimated at $30 billion some years ago. And they pay NO tax.
  7. Public money has become a slush fund to be used for political advantage and positions are gifted as reward for party loyalty. The arrogance of long incumbency has fostered a culture of unaccountability. And no Federal ICAC in sight.
  8. They cannot shake the colonial mentality that they know best how to Close the Gap on Indigenous disadvantage. As in everything else, they refuse to acknowledge any culpability, any blame, any criticism or any advice. We can’t tell the truth or we are teaching our children to hate us said the Education Minister. We might get sued squeaks John Howard. We really care but… law and order… truancy… addiction… laziness… cries the Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison cohort.
  9. According to this government, the NDIS is unsustainable. Yet Josh Frydenberg’s nearly-‘balanced’ budget was built on a $4.6 billion underspend on the NDIS in 2018-19. And. as at June 30 this year, the DisabilityCare Australia Fund is valued at $15.5bn, delivering a return of 0.4% over the last 12 months. Why is Peter Costello sitting on this fund and why did it get such a crap return?
  10. The 46th Parliament Current Ministry List.

But wait… there’s more…

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About Kaye Lee 1328 Articles
Kaye describes herself as a middle-aged woman in jammies. She knew Tony Abbott when they both attended Sydney University where she studied for a Bachelor of Science. After 20 years teaching mathematics, with the introduction of the GST in 2000, she became a ‘feral accountant’ for the small business that she and her husband own. Kaye uses her research skills “to pass on information, to join the dots, to remember what has been said and done and to remind others, and to do the maths.”


  1. Excellent article, Kaye. Thank you.
    We can certainly -most certainly!- do better than this, and i don’t mean, as also you don’t if i read you accurately, not only these numbers but these attitudes.
    The greed, the disdain, the hatred even for the common population, the vindictive manner by which they steal and exploit, the disgusting social engineering they are conducting, everything they stand for is egregiously inhumane, unfettered hatred and criminality.

    One would have to search Orwell’s dictionary, where good is bad and ugly is beautiful to describe what is going on here these days.

    This is the dystopia he described!

    Thank you!

  2. we so need a federal ICAC…
    a federal ICAC will decimate these contemptuous conniving corrupt crooks and their wealthy mates,
    and might even frighten those remaining into actually governing for all Australians, not just their mates

  3. Morrison is right that he had more then 2 jobs. There were these jobs;
    1. Fit for purpose quarantine facilities. FAILED.
    2. A speedy vaccine rollout. FAILED.
    3. An efficient and cohesive vaccine procurement policy. FAILED.
    4. Prioritise vaccine for vulnerable first nation people. FAILED.
    5. Prioritise vaccination for vulnerable NDIS recipients. FAILED.
    6. Prioritise vaccination for aged care workers. FAILED.
    7. Prioritise vaccination for NDIS workers. FAILED.
    8. Bringing home stranded Australians overseas home by Christmas 2020. FAILED.
    9. Produce an efficient and effective energy policy. FAILED.
    10.Protect and safely bring home all Australians from Afghanistan and protect and remove from harm those Afghanis who put theirs and their families safety in jeopardy by standing with the ADF. FAILED.
    11. Create a collaborative, cooperative and cohesive National Cabinet. FAILED.
    Benjamin Franklin famously said “by failing to prepare you are preparing to fail”.

  4. So hard not to believe that anything on that list would have brought down a Labor government. Or if not the government, then certainly the Minister involved.

    Even that nasty piece of work, John Howard – who himself was far, far from squeaky clean – had the courage to boot somebody into the wilderness of the back bench. But Morrison just gives them a pat on the back.

  5. I met with dear 4 friends today , all of whom are Liberal supporters. They all believe Scummo is a nice man, itls not Gladys’ fault that people in NSW don’t do as they’re asked and Albanese makes them feel ill.

    What hope do we have ?

    (They will remain dear friends for a host of other reasons)

  6. Keitha, it’s worse when it’s a family member.

    I have a Liberal voting brother here in Vic who reckons Morrison’s doing a great job, so it gave me goose bumps the other day when he phoned (from Queensland where he’s been stuck for over a month) to say he’s sick to death of hearing “Dictator Dan”.

    He didn’t vote for Daniel Andrews, but to hear him say that he’s doing a great job for Victoria makes Neil Armstrong’s “That’s one small step for man… “ seem trivial.

  7. Welcome back Kaye

    Regarding Item 10 the current ministerial lineup of the coalition. Contrast this with the shadow ALP lineup and the comparison is stark.

    Most of the coalition lineup are either non-performers or have been engaged in crooked and/or corrupt activities and rather than being sacked and permanently consigned to the back benches, they have weaseled their way back into Cabinet : Barnaby Joyce, Bridget McKenzie, Sussan Ley, Michaelia Cash , Linda Reynolds, Stuart Andrew, Christian Porter and that’s just the ones who have been caught out.

    This is the coalition’s Achilles heel and one that Labor need to exploit relentlessly.

    The ALP shadow Cabinet : https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/Parliamentary_Handbook/Shadow

  8. Thanks Kaye.

    The most monstrous attitude in my opinion exhibited by the LNP was when in the Court case of 8 young people and a Nun versus the “Environment Minister” in relation to further development of a coal mine; it was argued the “government” had no duty of care for young people or those yet to be born. Absolutely disgusting.

    Letting down Afghans whom had worked to help Australian forces has also been a moral low point. The Federal government had been petitioned months before the The Australian Embassy in Afghanistan was closed.

  9. Well said Kaye. Although your list barely scrapes the sides of reality!
    Unless people stop denigrating Labor, just highlighting all their faults, bagging them, and deflecting criticism that needs to go to the L/NP, rather than espousing the good Labor attempts under extremely difficult circumstances, the skulduggery that Kaye barely touches on with her 10 points, then it will be a simple question of Kaye’s list being rinsed and repeated, a continuation of all the bullshit by the L/NP and welcome to a 4th term of the L/NP nightmare, one that will get exponentially worse & worse!

    In a choice question between “wish they were better” and “shockingly terrible”, the choice should be obvious! Please wake up!

  10. Australians too often willingly fall for any political and/or media trick to avoid substantive action on fossil fuels and/or environmental constraints.

    These are often the same strategies as elsewhere so it should not be a surprise e.g. UK/globally wheeling out David Attenborough patron of Population Matters, identifying plastics as an issue but not offering any solutions let alone constraints on fossil fuel sector (which had identified plastics as a source of income growth)?

    Always deflections and blaming others e.g. ‘immigrants’ and ‘population growth’, although borders are closed, some media outlets are already sounding the alarm about a return of ‘immigrants’……

    The way this LNP government is performing, or not, one guess they will be throwing everything but the kitchen sink at the next election through compliant legacy media, including much dog whistling….

  11. Well remember the celebrations when Turnbull replaced Abbott and again when Turnbull himself was punted in favor of Morrison. Now it seems that all our political problems will disappear if Morrison is given the flick. Lol.

    Perhaps we are sucked in by a metaphorical lipstick makeover and can’t see the ideological pig which lives on beneath?

    Real political change involves much more than replacing certain individuals. Real political change involves a complete paradigmatic shift.

    But the possibility of that isn’t even on the horizon.

  12. All I can say to that is, “IPA”.

    Australia as we know it is under sustained attack from a virtual alien power. It is not a shopfront nation state but some thing akin to the Huns advancing on Late Rome. It is across borders and across layers of government and business,fascistic, has no constructive, reflexive mentality and its ultimate aim is always that of the spoilt brat breaking toys or pulling the legs off its pet Guinea Pig.

  13. Until and unless Australia gets to reform the media landscape where no one point of view and blind support of one party is allowed to dominate, resulting in the free spread of political, social, and economic ideas and ideology, people will never be able to discern what’s really in their interests as opposed to the interest of the politicians.

    How can it be acceptable that in a city like Sydney with a population of more than 3.5m, we can only choose between 3 newspapers and 5 TV channels which more often than not, represent one side of political discourse and nothing else. Even the supposedly independent broadcaster SBS is running station promos showing scummo at his desk and then immediately screens the words ‘truth’. Scummo and truth in quick succession

    That bastion of honesty and accuracy The Australian, running ads urging people to read it to gain a true picture of the world (according to Murdoch). The Telegraph home delivered for $1 a week that is, Murdoch bullshit for $1 a week. A bargain or what ? The Sydney Morning Herald headed by Costello the arsewipe, very supportive of the disaster that is Premier Berejiklian, Philip Coorey of the Fin review who thinks the sun shines out of Berejiklian’s arse ?

  14. @ NEC, Kaye… and all others who are awake


    I HOPE enough people wake up and realise Australians are being treated as MUGS & FOOLS by a bunch of hollow thugs!

    LABOR is the only viable alternative we have, at this time. Put the ALP FIRST and put the L/NP LAST on the ballot paper!

  15. You are most welcome, Kaye, to fire us up with your words. Did you notice the morning shows lining up over little controversies like ordering jabs and giving LNPs hunt and Scummo and glad a hard time. Indeed the ‘auto cue journalists caused glad wrapping information to avoid questions. A fear driven avoidance is the cornerstone of conservatives and the religious who assiduously avoid anything that may challenge ‘faith’. Keith’s and Michael know that there are millions of people who are politically fixed to view things differently. Friends, relatives and the indoctrinated idiots do not think about the current situation and will rarely talk about politics and even more rarely listen to or read anything ‘Left’ (the ABC is not left to me, indeed my radio is definitely anti-labor) These are all but immutable voters and, except in extreme conditions, will not change governments. Logic suggests as there are more workers than bosses, there are workers whose vote varies. Logic suggests losers should concentrate on these workers to secure their votes to win government. Nah Scummo will continue to cock up and eventually will lose. So labor will be patient till it is time or a charismatic leader pops up. Ps Keitha and Michael have you tried out bring up extremists with your LNPers? PHON and Lxxxxxs make interesting conversations.
    Rosemary elections are lost not won. Unless there is a champion or saviour??

  16. GL,

    In 2015 I wrote an article about the Coalition’s wasteful spending……little did I know how bad it would get. Reading it now, the hypocrisy is gobsmacking. Even thinking about compiling a list of their eight years’ worth of waste, mismanagement, pork-barrelling and downright theft of public funds sends my head spinning. There are TOOOOOOOO many examples.

    But not enough people seem to care.

    The sequel to the Little Book of Big Labor Waste

  17. RosemaryJ36

    I agree, Labor is not looking electable at this stage and after seeing Tanya Plibersek on Insiders yesterday I think that she needs to move into leadership as she has the presence, the intelligence and experience to take the ALP into office.

    The election is six months away , is it too late for a change in leadership, should Albo stand down, what do you think ?

  18. Not a good idea to change Labor Leaders at this stage. Another wedge that you can be sure the L/NP will jump on with glee!
    The real problem is that too many folks, sadly many supposedly Labor supporters, are being sucked in by the L/NPs modus operandi of denigrating Labor leaders and Labor ministers and trying to catch Labor out in as many tight wedges as they can, confected propaganda is what it is, lies lies and more lies! Ditch the Witch… Kill Bill… Invisible Albo… etc, etc, and on it goes.

    The MSM and such like, are controlled by RW forces, Murdoch &co, who have severely limited any air time and media exposure for Labor and Albo, then they push the “Dirt Files” syndrome, and before you know it, we are where we are now, with everyone thinking that Labor are useless, and should we have a change of leaders… bla bla bla bla.. Another revolving leaders door!

    At this rate we will end up with the L/NP in a 4th term of government! Is that what you want? Is that what Australia needs?

    Labor is quite electable, so wake up please folks, don’t be fooled by confected propaganda, L/NP wedges imposed on Labor.
    Many L/NP draconian laws that have come into being lately can easily be abolished by the ALP, but only if they win the election!

  19. But whoever the leader is, I’m sure that the government and the Murdoch media are compiling a dirt file on them.

    Prior to the 2007 election we were instructed to put together a dirt file on Kevin Rudd’s wife. Our department flatly refused.

    Btw, Joe Hockey was our Minister.

  20. Albanese was injured in a side collision while driving in Marrickville, on 8 January 2021. He underwent treatment at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and was reportedly “injured externally and internally and had suffered considerable shock in the immediate aftermath of the impact”. The other driver was a 17-year-old teen who was charged with negligent driving. Emergency workers have told Albanese that if the teen’s car had hit just 30 centimetres either side of where it did, Albanese “would almost certainly have been killed.”

    Reason enough to stand aside you would think.

  21. Car accident. Reason enough for us all to stand behind Albo and show him our support.
    Overtones IMO of kick a dog when they are down… That’s not going to win the election!

    Michael, Joe Hockey is still a disgusting person.. needs 11 fingers to count up to 10!
    Of course the L/NP are compelling dirt files, more than likely already have done so!

    Maybe there is someone more able than Albo, who really can say, but that is not the point.
    We need to show solidarity and even talking about a change of leader is POISON in the making.
    And ammo for the L/NP, who are gleefully stirring the shit pot as much and as fast as they can.

    There has been a concerted effort by the L/NP government to keep Albo and the ALP out of the news.
    or to make sure any news is bad news, and to cast aspersions on Albo’s abilities as a leader.
    Morrison even left him out of his ridiculous Notional Cabinet.. Which whole purpose is to hide skulduggery.
    The L/NP have thrown the kitchen sink at a concerted effort to limit any exposure for the ALP..

    Seems to have worked eh..
    Fool me once, shame on you… Fool me twice, shame on me, (us)!!!

  22. So the latest Morgan poll has Labor with an election winning lead of 54.5-45.5 on two-party preferred, out from 54-46 last time, from primary votes of Coalition 37.5% (steady), Labor 38.5% (up one), Greens 11.5% (down one) and One Nation 3% (down half) and yet some people are calling for a leadership change. Laughable! Talk about a political death wish.

    Yes the current leader is trailing in the preferred PM stakes but that matters little in a system where the PM is NOT elected by the punters but by MPs.

    Albo seems to have recognised at the outset he was unlikely to win but Morrison was perfectly capable of over-reaching and thereby bringing about his own downfall. And that seems a realistic analysis as well as a current trajectory.

    Albo’s been around politics for a very long time and he knows he gets but one chance – and this is it. Thus he’s unlikely to resign. And he can’t be easily dethroned. Rudd made sure of that.

    Tanya Plibersek’s been in the Education portfolio for some time (and her husband was DG of education in NSW) but she remains a very pale shadow (in all senses) of what a good education minister should look like. And this is at a time when funding for private schools has grown exponentially and disproportionately. Thanks to Section 96 of the Constitution. (Yes there’s good politically reasons for that funding travesty – which will continue even if Labor wins – but it would be helpful if she spoke up now and then.)

    Don’t expect too much from a future Labor government, (except they’ll be devoted to winning the following election via keeping their heads down – again), but they can’t, and won’t, be worse.

    The next charismatic Leader of the Labor Party isn’t even in the Parliament yet. Possibly still in school. But probably not in a public one.

  23. Polling for who is the preferred PM’ is a pointless exercise when Albonese has not yet performed that role.Comparison cannot be logically made..
    What we do know is that Morrison has buggered up almost everything he has been involved in and has proven to be the master of too many promises and delivered too little too late.
    History shows that it is Labor that delivers policies that best serve the people of this country and I for one believe it will do so again,
    Give Albonese and his team the opportunity to rid us of the worst Government I have seen in 56 years of observing federal politics.
    Vote Labor

  24. By all means, be compassionate and supportive of someone who had an accident and suffering because of it. That compassion should be afforded to any human being and Albo being of this species, deserves it.

    So would Morrison, Dutton and your every other political enemy, since all of them are also of the same species.


  25. Aye Barry.
    Lol, Albonese is fine, he won’t mind, but I’ll just stick with Albo, it suits him better.

    Indeed, Labor is born of the union movement, (although some folks are cynical about such), and Labor has always been of the left, for the workers of the land, and indeed do best serve the people of this land.. But they got conned by the neo cons.

    It’s Time folks stop bickering of whether Albo is a leader, and if Labor can win. It’s Time to start believing again.

    I thoroughly agree with you that the preferred PM poll is total bullshit and is an oxymoron. There is only one PM.. BAH!!
    A pseudo “poll” invented by those who are disingenuous, obfuscate truth, it is only a false equivalence. Meaningless!

    The Liberals, the L/NP are for the bosses, they seek only to impoverish the people and transfer the Common wealth to the already wealthy claiming the now totally discredited bullshit of “trickle down wealth”.. (trickle down poverty is what they mean).
    The RW practice their mantra of “privatise the profits and socialise the losses” or to put it another way in essence selling the people something they already own. The Liberals are crooks and thieves and would sell their grandmother for a dollar profit.

    Put LABOR FIRST on your ballot paper and put the L/NP LAST on your ballot paper at the next Federal elections.
    Greens 2nd, and be careful about Independents as many are Liberal RW wolves in sheep’s clothing… Vote wisely!
    Of course if you prefer the Greens then put them 1st and Labor 2nd…

    Whichever way you vote just, make sure for our kids future, the planet, for Australia, you put the crooked L/NP LAST

    I will be repeating this simple message all the way till the next elections, so get used to it and please take it seriously! 😎

  26. Not sure, in what order, I will cast my preferential vote, largely because I can’t be sure who will be on the ballot paper(s). With respect to the House of Representatives (HoR), probably my first preference will go to The Greens ahead of Labor because The Greens articulate crucial, long-term, macro considerations. Would be very sad if The Greens ceased to be a political force because they are the conscience the electorate needs.

    In my electorate, it’s quite probable the Labor candidate will win (albeit via Green preferences) but who knows for sure. The downside in my preference allocation is that Labor will receive less funding than they might otherwise – but that can’t be helped. What I do know is that I will be effectively voting Labor while still sending deeper and more significant message(s)

    The LNP won’t be placed last on my HoR ballot. No the ‘last’ place(s) will be reserved for the PHON candidate and/or other nutters who are perhaps funded by Clive or other undesirables and/or degenerates.

    Want to see PHON potentially increase its HoR representation? The put the LNP last in Joel’s former seat.

    Citizens should think before they fill in their ballot. What might ‘work’ in one electorate might prove to be disastrous in another.

  27. The way I see it, Albo is a politician rather than a leader but he has a way better team.

    All Albo wants to do is get them elected and that has led to policy rumblings that I am uncomfortable with. I understand the argument that you can’t affect change from opposition so getting elected is paramount BUT if you go too far down the road of trying to appease all then you are in danger of forgetting what the country actually needs.

    Having said that, another term of an emboldened Morrison government would be a disaster. It would reinforce that they can get away with anything – no transparency, no accountability, no consequences. The workers will be condemned to begging for crumbs from the obscenely rich. Millions will languish in poverty, unable to provide food and shelter for their children. Our common wealth will continue to be sold off and services will be outsourced/privatised. Jobs for the boys will continue apace as they stack every organisation with their yes men. And our Ministers will continue to trash our international reputation and relationships.

  28. Yes if Morrison remains PM, then a large measure of austerity is in the offering. And this time there will be the numbers to justify such drastic policy measures. In times of austerity, it’s those in the ‘working’ classes who bear the brunt.

    So the inequality gap will be exacerbated. More and more our future economic, demographic map will resemble that of the USA.

    Worth pointing out again that Morrison himself isn’t the real problem. No he’s easily replaced by someone similar.

    No the real problem is the dominant ideology. But most can’t see that – preferring to personalise rather than analyse.

    The LNP has any number of candidates ready to replace Morrison. For the powers that be, Morrison is expendable. What must be preserved (at all costs) is the ideology.

    So we would do well to focus on that and … But we won’t!

  29. I’m not saying I dislike Albo, as I don’t. He’s just not my favourite, yet I desperately want him to be the PM after the next federal election.

    “Preferred prime minister” polls mean nothing. I seem to recall John Howard being saddled with the title “Mr 17 per cent” (or was it 14 per cent?), as a reflection of his 17% approval rating. Mr 17 per cent went on to form the next government.

    Though I’m traditionally a Labor voter, I reside in an electorate where a vote for Labor is a waste of lead in the pencil when casting your ballot. Given that our local member is the brilliant Helen Haines, you can see why.

  30. The LNP has any number of candidates ready to replace Morrison. For the powers that be, Morrison is expendable. What must be preserved (at all costs) is the ideology.

    Mark, well said and spot on.

  31. Drivel, mark, 7.06 talk is cheap and the bandit’s talk is cheaper and pragmatic subterfuge. The most sincere candidate gets my cash and the extremists like phons and the greens are last.
    Spot on mark 7.42 a good read aimed at 2025 election. Sadly we need 2022 strategies for Albo and torpid Tanya does anyone remember switcher kernot and Dickson

  32. Was Porter’s Blind Trust set up, with the express purpose of attacking the ABC, by contributors to this Trust who didn’t want to be identified publicly ?

    Very dodgy !

  33. Terence,

    And does anyone here believe that Porter has absolutely no idea where the money came from?
    “Gosh,” thought Christian, “isn’t it wonderful that someone was nice enough to give me money out of kindness and did not want their name known.”

  34. GL

    I thought that unsolicited gifts to politicians particularly anonymous gifts was illegal – isn’t that why Sam Dastyari fell on his sword ?

  35. Terence,

    There is one big difference and that is that Sam Dastyari wasn’t one of the blessed by Dog Libristocracy like Christian.

  36. So, let me get this right. If a crook is apprehended by the police with a suitcase full of money in the boot of his car, he can just say ‘it came from a ‘blind trust’ officer and more than that I cannot say.’

    And the policeman will say, ‘right-ho sir, hop back into your ministerial car and we’ll say no more’

    On your bike Mr P !

  37. Terence Mills, former PM Turnbull was quite clear on RN this morning. The former Attorney-General cannot accept this money from an undisclosed source. If he can’t understand that, then the PM must intervene. And for a whole host of reasons.

    Think of the optics. Would the Chinese have an insider in Cabinet? Or maybe the Russians? Certainly the US doesn’t need any more than the double digit contingent they already have. Maybe the dollars came from the ALP? Perhaps the Unions? The CFMEU? Sally? Donald Tr … Twiggy? Gina?

    Yes – C Porter was the AG. As hilarious as that may seem. Brandis would be speechless.

    Of interest now is the amount. Suspect it might have been the total sum. Which would make it even worse.

    The over-reach is upon us. And at so many levels.

  38. He was given the job of formulating legislation for a federal integrity commission and you can imagine why unchristian resisted and delayed (1) actually setting up something with broad reach and teeth, that would as a first priority investigate the “brown paper bag”/”blind trust” style of “donations”. If a minister even considers for more than a microsecond the concept of, leave alone actually, accepting supposedly anonymous money, they should resign. From a security standpoint, by accepting it CP leaves himself open to be manipulated. I wonder what dirt the “blind trust” has and when they would “collect the interest”.

    1) https://australiainstitute.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Commonwealth-Integrity-Commission-timeline-Web.pdf

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